352 research outputs found

    Soft Photons from Off-shell Particles in a Hot Plasma

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    Considering the propagation of off-shell particles in the framework of thermal field theory, we present the general formalism for the calculation of the production rate of soft photons and dileptons from a hot plasma. This approach is illustrated with an electrodynamic plasma. The photon production rate from strongly interacting quarks in the quark-gluon plasma, which might be formed in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, is calculated in the previously unaccessible regime of photon energies of the order of the plasma temperature within an effective field theory incorporating dynamical chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 8 pages in RevTeX format, 3 figures uuencoded postscript added. Also available by anonymous ftp at ftp://tpri6c.gsi.de/pub/phenning/qh95ga

    Two regularizations - two different models of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio

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    Two variants of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model -- the model with 4-dimensional cutoff and the model with dimensionally-analytical regularization -- are systematically compared. It is shown that they are, in essence, two different models of light-quark interaction. In the mean-field approximation the distinction becomes apparent in a behavior of scalar amplitude near the threshold. For 4-dimensional cutoff the pole term can be extracted, which corresponds to sigma-meson. For dimensionally-analytical regularization the singularity of the scalar amplitude is not pole, and this singularity is quite disappeared at some value of the regularization parameter. Still more essential distinction of these models exists in the next-to-leading order of mean-field expansion. The calculations of meson contributions in the quark chiral condensate and in the dynamical quark mass demonstrate, that these contributions though their relatively smallness can destabilize the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with 4-dimensional cutoff. On the contrary, the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with dimensionally-analytical regularization is stabilized with the next-to-leading order, i.e. the value of the regularization parameter shifts to the stability region, where these contributions decrease.Comment: 14 pages; Journal version; parameter fixing procedure is modifie

    Effects of mesonic correlations in the QCD phase transition

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    The finite temperature phase transition of strongly interacting matter is studied within a nonlocal chiral quark model of the NJL type coupled to a Polyakov loop. In contrast to previous investigations which were restricted to the mean-field approximation, mesonic correlations are included by evaluating the quark-antiquark ring sum. For physical pion masses, we find that the pions dominate the pressure below the phase transition, whereas above T_c the pressure is well described by the mean-field approximation result. For large pion masses, as realized in lattice simulations, the meson effects are suppressed.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; version accepted for publication in Yad. Fiz., text extended, 1 figure adde

    Epitaxial Lead Chalcogenides on Si for Mid-IR Detectors and Emitters Including Cavities

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    Lead chalcogenide (IV-VI narrow-gap semiconductor) layers on Si or BaF2(111) substrates are employed to realize two mid-infrared optoelectronic devices for the first time. A tunable resonant cavity enhanced detector is realized by employing a movable mirror. Tuning is across the 4μm to 5.5μm wavelength range, and linewidth is <0.1μm. Due to the thin (0.3μm) PbTe photodiode inside the cavity, a higher sensitivity at higher operating temperatures was achieved as compared to conventional thick photodiodes. The second device is an optically pumped vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser with PbTe-based gain layers. It emits at ∼5μm wavelength and with output power up to 50mW pulsed, or 3mW continuous wave at 100

    Chiral symmetry breaking in hot matter

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    This series of three lectures covers (a) a basic introduction to symmetry breaking in general and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD, (b) an overview of the present status of lattice data and the knowlegde that we have at finite temperature from chiral perturbation theory. (c) Results obtained from the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model describing static mesonic properties are discussed as well as the bulk thermodynamic quantities. Divergences that are observed in the elastic quark-antiquark scattering cross-section, reminiscent of the phenomenon of critical opalescence in light scattering, is also discussed. (d) Finally, we deal with the realm of systems out of equilibrium, and examine the effects of a medium dependent condensate in a system of interacting quarks.Comment: 62 LaTex pages, incorporating 23 figures. Lectures given at the eleventh Chris-Engelbrecht Summer School in Theoretical Physics, 4-13 February, 1998, to be published by Springer Verla

    Photon Production from a Quark--Gluon Plasma

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    In-medium interactions of a particle in a hot plasma are considered in the framework of thermal field theory. The formalism to calculate gauge invariant rates for photon and dilepton production from the medium is given. In the application to a QED plasma, astrophysical consequences are pointed out. The photon production rate from strongly interacting quarks in the quark--gluon plasma, which might be formed in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, is calculated in the previously unaccessible regime of photon energies of the order of the plasma temperature. For temperatures below the chiral phase transition, an effective field theory incorporating dynamical chiral symmetry breaking is employed, and perturbative QCD at higher temperatures. A smooth transition between both regions is obtained. The relevance to the soft photon problem and to high energy heavy ion experiments is discussed.Comment: Paper in ReVTeX. Figures and complete paper available via anonymous ftp, ftp://tpri6c.gsi.de/pub/phenning/hq95ga

    π\pi-KK scattering lengths at finite temperature in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    The transition amplitude for πK\pi K scattering is evaluated within the SU(3) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. Ordering terms according to the expansion in 1/Nc1/N_c leads to a box-like diagram, tt channel diagrams that admit scalar isoscalar (σ,σ)(\sigma,\sigma') exchanges, and a uu channel exchange of a scalar isodoublet σK\sigma_K that has quantum numbers corresponding to the K0(1430)K_0^*(1430). Both the Pauli-Villars and O(3) regularization procedures are used to evaluate the T=0 values of the l=0l=0 scattering lengths a03/2a_0^{3/2} and a01/2a_0^{1/2}. The finite temperature dependence is studied. We find that the variation in the tt channel in the calculation of a03/2a_0^{3/2} leads to a change in a03/2a_0^{3/2} of a factor of about two over the temperature range of T=150 MeV

    From Monodisciplinary via Multidisciplinary to an Interdisciplinary Approach Investigating Air-Sea Interactions – a SOLAS Initiative

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    Understanding the physical and biogeochemical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere is a vital component of environmental and Earth system research. The ability to predict and respond to future environmental change relies on a detailed understanding of these processes. The Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) is an international research platform that focuses on the study of ocean-atmosphere interactions, for which Future Earth is a sponsor. SOLAS instigated a collaborative initiative process to connect efforts in the natural and social sciences related to these processes, as a contribution to the emerging Future Earth Ocean Knowledge-Action Network (Ocean KAN). This is imperative because many of the recent changes in the Earth system are anthropogenic. An understanding of adaptation and counteracting measures requires an alliance of scientists from both domains to bridge the gap between science and policy. To this end, three SOLAS research areas were targeted for a case study to determine a more effective method of interdisciplinary research: valuing carbon and the ocean’s role; air-sea interactions, policy and stewardship; and, air-sea interactions and the shipping industry

    Meson loop effects in the NJL model at zero and non-zero temperature

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    We compare two different possibilities to include meson-loop corrections in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model: a strict 1/N_c-expansion in next-to-leading order and a non-perturbative scheme corresponding to a one-meson-loop approximation to the effective action. Both schemes are consistent with chiral symmetry, in particular with the Goldstone theorem and the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation. The numerical part at zero temperature focuses on the pion and the rho-meson sector. For the latter the meson-loop-corrections are crucial in order to include the dominant rho -> pipi-decay channel, while the standard Hartree + RPA approximation only contains unphysical qqbar-decay channels. We find that m_\pi, f_\pi, and quantities related to the rho-meson self-energy can be described reasonably with one parameter set in the 1/N_c-expansion scheme, whereas we did not succeed to obtain such a fit in the non-perturbative scheme. We also investigate the temperature dependence of the quark condensate. Here we find consistency with chiral perturbation theory to lowest order. Similarities and differences of both schemes are discussed.Comment: 51 pages, 18 figures, to be published in Physics of Atomic Nuclei, the volume dedicated to the 90th birthday of A.B. Migdal, error in Eq. 4.22 correcte