242 research outputs found

    An Iconographic Study of Sultan Mohammad Naqash's Painting Called "Masti Lahouti - Nasuti "

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    The painting called “Lahouti (divine) and Nassotti (worldly) Intoxication”, has been drawn on a page in Divan Hafez by Sam Mirza, whose painter was Sultan Mohammad Naqash, a Tabriz Safavid School painter, who is regarded as one of the shining examples of pictorial icons for the creation of a mystical, symbolic, and theatrical atmosphere as well as visual attractions. The present study is a theoretical one and has been conducted through a descriptive-analytical method, analyzing the iconography used in the above-mentioned painting by collecting images and information using the library method. By utilizing a historical and semantic approach to Hafiz's poetry as well as the artistic style of Sultan Mohammad, this study aims at decrypting the mystical and narrative concepts in this painting. The main research question raised here is: "What are the philosophical, mystical, lyrical and mythological concepts behind the relationship between icons and the visual atmosphere dominating the image?" Review of literature was conducted on Hafez's life as well as semantics and stylistics used in his odes as well as the history of the Turkmen and Tabriz Safavid Painting Schools and the style of Sultan Mohammad Naqash, recorded in articles and books by Iranian and foreign authors. The above-mentioned resources were studied, and it was concluded that Sultan Mohammad’s exaggerated, and humorous style matches Hafiz's quick-witted outlook and it is appropriate to divide the painting into three distinctive parts from top to bottom and consider the appropriate icons for each of the sections through a mystical and separating perspective as Nassott, Malakut and Lahout. Kajian Ikonografi Lukisan Sultan Muhammad Naqash Berjudul "Masti Lahouti - Nasuti" Abstrak Lukisan yang berjudul “Lahouti (divine) and Nassotti (worldly) Intoxication”, digambar pada sebuah halaman di Divan Hafez oleh Sam Mirza, di mana pelukisnya adalah Sultan Mohammad Naqash, seorang pelukis Sekolah Tabriz Safawi, yang dianggap sebagai salah satu contoh cemerlang ikon bergambar untuk penciptaan suasana mistis, simbolis dan teatrikal serta atraksi visual. Penelitian ini bersifat teoretis dan dilakukan melalui metode deskriptif-analitik, menganalisis ikonografi yang digunakan dalam lukisan tersebut dengan mengumpulkan gambar dan informasi menggunakan metode kepustakaan. Dengan memanfaatkan pendekatan historis dan semantik pada puisi-puisi Hafez serta gaya artistik Sultan Mohammad, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendekripsi konsep mistik dan naratif pada lukisan. Pertanyaan penelitian utama yang diangkat yaitu: "Apa konsep filosofis, mistis, liris, dan mitologis dibalik hubungan antara ikon dan suasana visual yang mendominasi gambar?" Tinjauan literatur dilakukan pada kehidupan Hafez serta semantik dan gaya yang digunakan dalam syairnya serta sejarah Sekolah Lukisan Safawi Turkmenistan dan Tabriz dan gaya Sultan Mohammad Naqash, yang dicatat dalam artikel dan buku oleh penulis Iran dan asing. Melalui sumber yang didapat maka disimpulkan bahwa gaya Sultan Mohammad yang berlebihan dan humoris cocok dengan pandangan Hafez yang cerdas dan pantas untuk membagi lukisan menjadi tiga bagian yang berbeda dari atas ke bawah dan mempertimbangkan ikon yang sesuai untuk masing-masing bagian melalui perspektif mistis dan terpisah sebagai Nassott, Malakut dan Lahout

    Order and disorder in calcium–silicate–hydrate

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    Despite advances in the characterization and modeling of cement hydrates, the atomic order in Calcium–Silicate–Hydrate (C–S–H), the binding phase of cement, remains an open question. Indeed, in contrast to the former crystalline model, recent molecular models suggest that the nanoscale structure of C–S–H is amorphous. To elucidate this issue, we analyzed the structure of a realistic simulated model of C–S–H, and compared the latter to crystalline tobermorite, a natural analogue of C–S–H, and to an artificial ideal glass. The results clearly indicate that C–S–H appears as amorphous, when averaged on all atoms. However, an analysis of the order around each atomic species reveals that its structure shows an intermediate degree of order, retaining some characteristics of the crystal while acquiring an overall glass-like disorder. Thanks to a detailed quantification of order and disorder, we show that, while C–S–H retains some signatures of a tobermorite-like layered structure, hydrated species are completely amorphous.ICoME2 Labex (ANR-11-LABX-0053)A*MIDEX projects (ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02)Program “Investissements d’Avenir

    Assessment of heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Cu) concentrations in groundwater resources of Shahrab and its surrounding villages in Ardestan city during May and June 2015

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    Background and Aims: The increasing demand for groundwater in Iran, which is facing water shortages and lack of rainfall, is intensively ongoing. Consumption of water contaminated with heavy metals may result in adverse health effects in people. The present study aimed to determine the amount of arsenic,cadmium and lead in groundwater resources of Shahrab and its surrounding areas having a lot of drinking and agricultural water uses.Materials and Methods: A total of fourteen wells supplying rural drinking water in Shahrab area were sampled. Sampling was performed by standard methods. EC, pH and Eh were measured using a portable pH meter. Heavy metals concentration were also determined by ICP-MS. All stages of this research were conducted ethically.Results: Cadmium concentrations were less than 3 μg/L in studied samples. However, lead concentrations were more than 10 μg/L, exceeding national drinking water standards in Iran. Furthermore, arsenic concentrations exceeded national standards (10 μg/L) in three sample.Conclusion: A significant positive correlation was not observed between studied metals (arsenic and lead) and principal physicochemical parameters of water based on comparison between correlation coefficients. The concentration of heavy metals in groundwater resources is dependent on several factors, including thetype and amount of agricultural pesticides, the region’s climatic conditions, the level of groundwater, and geology of region. Further studies are needed to determine the exact source(s) of contamination.Keywords: Drinking water, Heavy metals, Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, ShahrabFor downloading the full text please click her

    Cohesion In the Texts of Arabic Textbooks Written by Indonesian Authors

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    Arabiyyah Li al-Hayât (ALH) is a book about learning Arabic as a second language written by non-native speakers. The State Islamic University of Malang uses this book as an Arabic learning book. This paper analyses the cohesion in the reading texts (nushush Qira‘ah) used for learning Arabic reading skills in the book. This library research uses a descriptive-qualitative approach. This study found that reading texts have several kinds of cohesion markers, both grammatical and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion marker includes the use of pronoun personas and the use of conjunction markers. Lexical cohesion marker includes the use of repetition, that is, the repetition of words. The researchers also found reading texts in ALH books that lacked a relationship of greatness in them. Keywords: cohesion, Arabic, reading skill, non-native speake

    Analysis of essential oil from leaves and Bulb of Allium atroviolaceum

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    Background and objective: Medicinal plants used in traditional medicine as prevention and treatment of disease and illness or use in foods, has a long history. Plants belonging to genera Allium have widely been acquired as food and medicine. In many countries, including Iran, a variety of species of the genus Allium such as garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, etc use for food and medicinal uses. Method: The leaves and bulbs of Allium atroviolaceum, collected from Borujerd (Lorestan Province, Iran) in May 2015 and their essential oils of were obtained by hydro-distillation. The oils were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and their chemical composition was identified. Results: The major constituents of A. atroviolaceum leaves oil were dimethyl trisulfide (59.0%), ethyl linolenate (12.4%), phytol (11.4%) and in bulb oil were methyl methyl thiomethyl disulfide (61.3%), dimethyl trisulfide (15.1%) and methyl allyl disulfide (4.3%). The major constituents of both essential oils are sulfur compounds. Conclusion: The results of the present study can help to increase of our information about composition of an edible herb in Iran. The major components of the oils can use as marker for standardization of the herbs

    Unravelling CSH atomic structure via computational and experimental physical chemistry

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    Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) is the main binding phase for the cement paste, which is responsible for its strength and creep behavior. This is a nonstoichiometric hydration phase with calcium to silicon ratio (C/S) ranging from 1 to 2.2. At low C/S ratios, the molecular structure of CSH resembles to that of Tobermorite minerals, whereas in high C/S ratios it mostly looks like disordered glasses. By taking advantage of tools of statistical physics, it is shown that CSH at a given C/S can be associated with degenerate molecular structures called CSH polymorphs. Polymorphs are energetically competitive, i.e., they have the same free energy content, which means they can coexist under equilibrium conditions. To start, SiO2 groups are randomly removed from the layered atomic structure Tobermorite 11A. One hundred and fifty structures are created. Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulation of water adsorption is performed to adsorb water in the interlayer spacing and nanoscale porosities in defected CSH structures. The amount of adsorbed water scales linearly with the number of defects in the calcium–silicate layer. Samples are relaxed using a reactive potential in canonical and isothermal–isobaric ensembles. We observe that the confined water reacts with the free interlayer calcium atoms and nonbridging oxygen to form hydroxyl groups. The number of hydroxyl groups scales linearly with the amount of defects. The amount of water in CSH and Ca‑OH content match well with drying and Neutron Scattering experiment. Although the reactive modeling of CSH impacts the water molecules in CSH’s nanoconfinement environment, it does not significantly affect the silica chain length. This means that the reactive atomistic modeling does not affect the calico-silicate backbone of CSH structures. The silica mean chain length from atomistic simulation aligns perfectly with experimental NMR data. The elastic properties and hardness of all CSH polymorphs are measured at a given C/S and are directly compared with nano-chemo-mechanical testing via coupled nanoindentation and X-ray WDS. Atomistic simulation matches with the experimental data in both elastic and plastic regimes. The correlation of mechanical properties to structural observables of the molecular structures such as dimer content, mean silicate chain length, density, basal distance, water content, number of hydroxyl groups, and topological constraints parameter are calculated. No direct correlations were found at short ranges. The search was extended to the medium range order analysis and it is found that the polymorphism is closely related to the medium range order of Si‑O bonds

    Physical Origins of Thermal Properties of Cement Paste

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    Despite the ever-increasing interest in multiscale porous materials, the chemophysical origin of their thermal properties at the nanoscale and its connection to the macroscale properties still remain rather obscure. In this paper, we link the atomic- and macroscopic-level thermal properties by combining tools of statistical physics and mean-field homogenization theory. We begin with analyzing the vibrational density of states of several calcium-silicate materials in the cement paste. Unlike crystalline phases, we indicate that calcium silicate hydrates (CSH) exhibit extra vibrational states at low frequencies (<2  THz) compared to the vibrational states predicted by the Debye model. This anomaly is commonly referred to as the boson peak in glass physics. In addition, the specific-heat capacity of CSH in both dry and saturated states scales linearly with the calcium-to-silicon ratio. We show that the nanoscale-confining environment of CSH decreases the apparent heat capacity of water by a factor of 4. Furthermore, full thermal conductivity tensors for all phases are calculated via the Green-Kubo formalism. We estimate the mean free path of phonons in calcium silicates to be on the order of interatomic bonds. This satisfies the scale separability condition and justifies the use of mean-field homogenization theories for upscaling purposes. Upscaling schemes yield a good estimate of the macroscopic specific-heat capacity and thermal conductivity of cement paste during the hydration process, independent of fitting parameters.Portland Cement AssociationNational Ready Mixed Concrete Association (Research and Education Foundation

    Pembelajaran Maharah Istima Di Jurusan PBA UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    مهارة الاستماع هي إحدى المهارات اللغوية الأربع التي يدرسها الطلاب أول مرة قبل دراستهم المهارات الأخرى. كفاءة الاستماع الجيدة تفيد فهم الأفكار الأساسية تفصيليا. مادة مهارة الاستماع في قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم الإسلامية الحكومية مالانج هي مادة مفروضة تشتمل على مرحلتين هما مهارة الاستماع الأولى والثانية. عملية تعليم مهارة الاستماع الجيدة وطرق التعليم الفعال تفيد الحصول على النتيجة الكافية. لتحقيق هذه الأهداف، فكان قسم تعليم اللغة العربية إجراء عملية تعليم مهارة&nbsp; الاستماع الأولى لمرحلة واحدة، بالخلاصة أن تعليمها في قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة مولانا مالك إبراهيم مالانج يحتوي على أهداف التعليم، المادة، الطريقة، الوسائل والتقويم.Maharah Istima (kemampuan mendengar) adalah salah satu dari kemampuan kebahasaan empat (mendengar/istima, berbicara/kalam, membaca/qira’ah dan menulis/kitabah) yang dipelajari mahasiswa pertama kali sebelum pembelajaran kemampuan kebahasaan empat yang lain. Kemampuan mendengar yang baik sangat bermanfaat dalam memahami ide-ide pokok secara terperinci. Mata kuliah Maharah Istima di Jurusan PBA UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang adalah mata kuliah wajib jurusan yang terdiri dari 2 tingkat, yaitu maharah istima 1 dan maharah istima 2. Proses pembelajaran maharah istima yang baik serta metode-metode pembelajaran yang tepat diperlukan untuk memperoleh hasil yang maksimal. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, jurusan PBA menyelenggarakan proses Pembelajaran Maharah Istima I selama satu semester, dengan berkesimpulan bahwa Pembelajaran Maharah Istima di Jurusan PBA Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang meliputi tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, media pembelajaran dan evaluasi