23,056 research outputs found

    Towards Anisotropy-Free and Non-Singular Bounce Cosmology with Scale-invariant Perturbations

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    We investigate non-singular bounce realizations in the framework of ghost-free generalized Galileon cosmology, which furthermore can be free of the anisotropy problem. Considering an Ekpyrotic-like potential we can obtain a total Equation-of-State (EoS) larger than one in the contracting phase, which is necessary for the evolution to be stable against small anisotropic fluctuations. Since such a large EoS forbids the Galileon field to generate the desired form of perturbations, we additionally introduce the curvaton field which can in general produce the observed nearly scale-invariant spectrum. In particular, we provide approximate analytical and exact semi-analytical expressions under which the bouncing scenario is consistent with observations. Finally, the combined Galileon-curvaton system is free of the Big-Rip after the bounce.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamical properties of a trapped dipolar Fermi gas at finite temperature

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    We investigate the dynamical properties of a trapped finite-temperature normal Fermi gas with dipole-dipole interaction. For the free expansion dynamics, we show that the expanded gas always becomes stretched along the direction of the dipole moment. In addition, we present the temperature and interaction dependences of the asymptotical aspect ratio. We further study the collapse dynamics of the system by suddenly increasing the dipolar interaction strength. We show that, in contrast to the anisotropic collapse of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate, a dipolar Fermi gas always collapses isotropically when the system becomes globally unstable. We also explore the interaction and temperature dependences for the frequencies of the low-lying collective excitations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Single transverse-spin asymmetry in Drell-Yan lepton angular distribution

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    We calculate a single transverse-spin asymmetry for the Drell-Yan lepton-pair's angular distribution in perturbative QCD. At leading order in the strong coupling constant, the asymmetry is expressed in terms of a twist-3 quark-gluon correlation function T_F^{(V)}(x_1,x_2). In our calculation, the same result was obtained in both light-cone and covariant gauge in QCD, while keeping explicit electromagnetic current conservation for the virtual photon that decays into the lepton pair. We also present a numerical estimate of the asymmetry and compare the result to an existing other prediction.Comment: 15 pages, Revtex, 5 Postscript figures, uses aps.sty, epsfig.st

    Single spin asymmetry for the Drell-Yan process

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    We calculated the single spin asymmetries for the reaction P+P(↑)→ll‾+XP+P(\uparrow)\rightarrow l \overline{l}+X in the framework of twist-3 QCD for HERA energies. The necessary imaginary phase is produced by the on-shell contribution of the quark propagator, while the long distance part is analogous to that providing the direct photon asymmetry calculated by J. Qiu and G. Sterman. The asymmetry turns out to be generally of the order percent.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, LaTe

    Mode mixing in asymmetric double trench photonic crystal waveguides

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    e investigate both experimentally and theoretically the waveguiding properties of a novel double trench waveguide where a conventional single-mode strip waveguide is embedded in a two dimensional photonic crystal (PhC) slab formed in silicon on insulator (SOI) wafers. We demonstrate that the bandwidth for relatively low-loss (50dB/cm) waveguiding is significantly expanded to 250nm covering almost all the photonic band gap owing to nearly linear dispersion of the TE-like waveguiding mode. The flat transmission spectrum however is interrupted by numerous narrow stop bands. We found that these stop bands can be attributed to anti-crossing between TE-like (positive parity) and TM-like (negative parity) modes. This effect is a direct result of the strong asymmetry of the waveguides that have an upper cladding of air and lower cladding of oxide. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of the effects of cladding asymmetry on the transmission characteristics of the PhC slab waveguides.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Density oscillations in trapped dipolar condensates

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    We investigated the ground state wave function and free expansion of a trapped dipolar condensate. We find that dipolar interaction may induce both biconcave and dumbbell density profiles in, respectively, the pancake- and cigar-shaped traps. On the parameter plane of the interaction strengths, the density oscillation occurs only when the interaction parameters fall into certain isolated areas. The relation between the positions of these areas and the trap geometry is explored. By studying the free expansion of the condensate with density oscillation, we show that the density oscillation is detectable from the time-of-flight image.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Hot Core, Outflows and Magnetic Fields in W43-MM1 (G30.79 FIR 10)

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    We present submillimeter spectral line and dust continuum polarization observations of a remarkable hot core and multiple outflows in the high-mass star-forming region W43-MM1 (G30.79 FIR 10), obtained using the Submillimeter Array (SMA). A temperature of ∼\sim 400 K is estimated for the hot-core using CH3_3CN (J=19-18) lines, with detections of 11 K-ladder components. The high temperature and the mass estimates for the outflows indicate high-mass star-formation. The continuum polarization pattern shows an ordered distribution, and its orientation over the main outflow appears aligned to the outflow. The derived magnetic field indicates slightly super-critical conditions. While the magnetic and outflow energies are comparable, the B-field orientation appears to have changed from parsec scales to ∼\sim 0.1 pc scales during the core/star-formation process.Comment: accepted, ApJ Letter
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