170 research outputs found

    Inhibition of Melanoma Angiogenesis by Telomere Homolog Oligonucleotides

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    Telomere homolog oligonucleotides (T-oligos) activate an innate telomere-based program that leads to multiple anticancer effects. T-oligos act at telomeres to initiate signaling through the Werner protein and ATM kinase. We wanted to determine if T-oligos have antiangiogenic effects. We found that T-oligo-treated human melanoma (MM-AN) cells had decreased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor 2, angiopoeitin-1 and -2 and decreased VEGF secretion. T-oligos activated the transcription factor E2F1 and inhibited the activity of the angiogenic transcription factor, HIF-1α. T-oligos inhibited EC tubulogenesis and total tumor microvascular density matrix invasion by MM-AN cells and ECs in vitro. In melanoma SCID xenografts, two systemic T-oligo injections decreased by 60% (P<.004) total tumor microvascular density and the functional vessels density by 80% (P <.002). These findings suggest that restriction of tumor angiogenesis is among the host's innate telomere-based anticancer responses and provide further evidence that T-oligos may offer a powerful new approach for melanoma treatment.National Institutes of Health (CA10515); American Skin Associatio

    Cell-free Embryonic Stem Cell Extract-mediated Derivation of Multi-potent Stem Cells from NIH3T3 Fibroblasts for Functional and Anatomical Ischemic Tissue Repair

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    The oocyte-independent generation of multipotent stem cells is one of the goals in regenerative medicine. We report that upon exposure to mouse ES cell (ESC) extracts, reversibly permeabilized NIH3T3 cells undergo de-differentiation followed by stimulus-induced re-differentiation into multiple lineage cell types. Genome-wide expression profiling revealed significant differences between NIH3T3 and ESC-extract treated NIH3T3 cells including re-activation of ESC specific transcripts. Epigenetically, ESC extracts induced CpG de-methylation of Oct4 promoter, hyper-acetylation of histones 3 and 4 and decreased lysine 9 (K-9) dimethylation of histone 3. In mouse models of surgically-induced hind limb ischemia (HLI) or acute myocardial infarction (AMI) transplantation of reprogrammed NIH3T3 cells significantly improved post-injury physiological functions and showed antomical evidence of engraftment and trans-differentiation into skeletal muscle, endothelial cell and cardiomyocytes. These data provide evidence for the generation of functional multi-potent stem like cells from terminally differentiated somatic cells without the introduction of trans-genes or ESC fusion

    Effect of learning resources on Mendeley user adoption and productivity

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    Poster PresentationThis study was done to understand the user adoption pattern of a reference management tool such as Mendeley. Libraries can improve usage of reference management tools if they adopt a mix of learning support services. The study also found that structured support is more effective than ‘just-in-time’ support. Finally, support for early career researchers is more effective than for seasoned researchers. The results obtained from different Schools across North America were presented as a poster at the Special Libraries Association's Annual Library Conference in Boston in 2015.Special Libraries Association Annual Conference 201

    Inhibition of Melanoma Angiogenesis by Telomere Homolog Oligonucleotides

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    Telomere homolog oligonucleotides (T-oligos) activate an innate telomere-based program that leads to multiple anticancer effects. T-oligos act at telomeres to initiate signaling through the Werner protein and ATM kinase. We wanted to determine if T-oligos have antiangiogenic effects. We found that T-oligo-treated human melanoma (MM-AN) cells had decreased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor 2, angiopoeitin-1 and -2 and decreased VEGF secretion. T-oligos activated the transcription factor E2F1 and inhibited the activity of the angiogenic transcription factor, HIF-1α. T-oligos inhibited EC tubulogenesis and total tumor microvascular density matrix invasion by MM-AN cells and ECs in vitro. In melanoma SCID xenografts, two systemic T-oligo injections decreased by 60% (P < .004) total tumor microvascular density and the functional vessels density by 80% (P < .002). These findings suggest that restriction of tumor angiogenesis is among the host's innate telomere-based anticancer responses and provide further evidence that T-oligos may offer a powerful new approach for melanoma treatment

    Inhibition of Melanoma Angiogenesis by Telomere Homolog Oligonucleotides

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    Telomere homolog oligonucleotides (T-oligos) activate an innate telomere-based program that leads to multiple anticancer effects. T-oligos act at telomeres to initiate signaling through the Werner protein and ATM kinase. We wanted to determine if T-oligos have antiangiogenic effects. We found that T-oligo-treated human melanoma (MM-AN) cells had decreased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor 2, angiopoeitin-1 and -2 and decreased VEGF secretion. T-oligos activated the transcription factor E2F1 and inhibited the activity of the angiogenic transcription factor, HIF-1α. T-oligos inhibited EC tubulogenesis and total tumor microvascular density matrix invasion by MM-AN cells and ECs in vitro. In melanoma SCID xenografts, two systemic T-oligo injections decreased by 60% (P < .004) total tumor microvascular density and the functional vessels density by 80% (P < .002). These findings suggest that restriction of tumor angiogenesis is among the host's innate telomere-based anticancer responses and provide further evidence that T-oligos may offer a powerful new approach for melanoma treatment

    Association between fish consumption and risk of dementia: a new study from China and a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.

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    To assess the association of fish consumption with risk of dementia and its dose-response relationship, and investigate variations in the association among low-, middle- and high-income countries. A new community-based cross-sectional study and a systematic literature review.SettingsUrban and rural communities in China; population-based studies systematically searched from worldwide literature. Chinese adults aged ≥60 years in six provinces (n 6981) took part in a household health survey of dementia prevalence and risk factors. In addition, 33 964 participants from eleven published and eligible studies were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. In the new study in China, 326 participants were diagnosed with dementia (4·7 %); those who consumed any amount of fish in the past two years v. those who consumed no fish had reduced risk of dementia (adjusted OR=0·73, 95 % CI 0·64, 0·99), but the dose-response relationship was not statistically significant. The meta-analysis of available data from the literature and the new study showed relative risk (RR) of dementia of 0·80 (95 % CI 0·74, 0·87) for people with fish consumption; the impact was similar among countries with different levels of income. Pooled dose-response data revealed RR (95 % CI) of 0·84 (0·72, 0·98), 0·78 (0·68, 0·90) and 0·77 (0·61, 0·98) in people with low, middle and high consumption of fish, respectively. Corresponding figures for Alzheimer's disease were 0·88 (0·74, 1·04), 0·79 (0·65, 0·96) and 0·67 (0·58, 0·78), respectively

    Functional disruption of α4 integrin mobilizes bone marrow–derived endothelial progenitors and augments ischemic neovascularization

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    The cell surface receptor α4 integrin plays a critical role in the homing, engraftment, and maintenance of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) in the bone marrow (BM). Down-regulation or functional blockade of α4 integrin or its ligand vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 mobilizes long-term HPCs. We investigated the role of α4 integrin in the mobilization and homing of BM endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). EPCs with endothelial colony-forming activity in the BM are exclusively α4 integrin–expressing cells. In vivo, a single dose of anti–α4 integrin antibody resulted in increased circulating EPC counts for 3 d. In hindlimb ischemia and myocardial infarction, systemically administered anti–α4 integrin antibody increased recruitment and incorporation of BM EPCs in newly formed vasculature and improved functional blood flow recovery and tissue preservation. Interestingly, BM EPCs that had been preblocked with anti–α4 integrin ex vivo or collected from α4 integrin–deficient mice incorporated as well as control cells into the neovasculature in ischemic sites, suggesting that α4 integrin may be dispensable or play a redundant role in EPC homing to ischemic tissue. These data indicate that functional disruption of α4 integrin may represent a potential angiogenic therapy for ischemic disease by increasing the available circulating supply of EPCs

    N-BLR, a primate-specific non-coding transcript leads to colorectal cancer invasion and migration

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    Background: non-coding RNAs have been drawing increasing attention in recent years as functional data suggest that they play important roles in key cellular processes. N-BLR is a primate-specific long non-coding RNA that modulates the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, facilitates cell migration, and increases colorectal cancer invasion. Results: we performed multivariate analyses of data from two independent cohorts of colorectal cancer patients and show that the abundance of N-BLR is associated with tumor stage, invasion potential, and overall patient survival. Through in vitro and in vivo experiments we found that N-BLR facilitates migration primarily via crosstalk with E-cadherin and ZEB1. We showed that this crosstalk is mediated by a pyknon, a short ~20 nucleotide-long DNA motif contained in the N-BLR transcript and is targeted by members of the miR-200 family. In light of these findings, we used a microarray to investigate the expression patterns of other pyknon-containing genomic loci. We found multiple such loci that are differentially transcribed between healthy and diseased tissues in colorectal cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Moreover, we identified several new loci whose expression correlates with the colorectal cancer patients' overall survival. Conclusions: the primate-specific N-BLR is a novel molecular contributor to the complex mechanisms that underlie metastasis in colorectal cancer and a potential novel biomarker for this disease. The presence of a functional pyknon within N-BLR and the related finding that many more pyknon-containing genomic loci in the human genome exhibit tissue-specific and disease-specific expression suggests the possibility of an alternative class of biomarkers and therapeutic targets that are primate-specific

    Programmable Attenuation of Antigenic Sensitivity for a Nanobody-Based EGFR Chimeric Antigen Receptor Through Hinge Domain Truncation

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    Epidermal growth factor family receptor (EGFR) is commonly overexpressed in many solid tumors and an attractive target for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T therapy, but as EGFR is also expressed at lower levels in healthy tissues a therapeutic strategy must balance antigenic responsiveness against the risk of on-target off-tumor toxicity. Herein, we identify several camelid single-domain antibodies (also known as nanobodies) that are effective EGFR targeting moieties for CARs (EGFR-sdCARs) with very strong reactivity to EGFR-high and EGFR-low target cells. As a strategy to attenuate their potent antigenic sensitivity, we performed progressive truncation of the human CD8 hinge commonly used as a spacer domain in many CAR constructs. Single amino acid hinge-domain truncation progressively decreased both EGFR-sdCAR-Jurkat cell binding to EGFR-expressing targets and expression of the CD69 activation marker. Attenuated signaling in hinge-truncated EGFR-sdCAR constructs increased selectivity for antigen-dense EGFR-overexpressing cells over an EGFR-low tumor cell line or healthy donor derived EGFR-positive fibroblasts. We also provide evidence that epitope location is critical for determining hinge-domain requirement for CARs, as hinge truncation similarly decreased antigenic sensitivity of a membrane-proximal epitope targeting HER2-CAR but not a membrane-distal EGFRvIII-specific CAR. Hinge-modified EGFR-sdCAR cells showed clear functional attenuation in Jurkat-CAR-T cells and primary human CAR-T cells from multiple donors in vitro and in vivo. Overall, these results indicate that hinge length tuning provides a programmable strategy for throttling antigenic sensitivity in CARs targeting membrane-proximal epitopes, and could be employed for CAR-optimization and improved tumor selectivity