16 research outputs found

    Crosslinguistic influence between Chinese and English in object realization

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    La omisión de objetos es una propiedad definida del chino mientras que en inglés y en español las normas son más estrictas en este aspecto. Este trabajo, basado en una investigación con participantes bilingües chino-inglés, español-inglés, y monolingües inglés, analiza la omisión de objetos en inglés. El objetivo es evaluar hasta qué punto el mecanismo del objeto nulo en chino influye en el desarrollo del inglés de niños bilingües chino-inglés. En este estudio comparo los objetos nulos ilícitos producidos por los participantes desde los puntos de vista cuantitativo y cualitativo. Los resultados demuestran que existe una diferencia apreciable entre el rendimiento de los participantes bilingües chino-inglés y los de otros grupos con respecto al asunto estudiado, lo cual respalda la conclusión: aunque el mecanismo de objeto nulo es una propiedad de las gramáticas en desarrollo, en el caso del desarrollo del inglés de niños bilingües chino-inglés, resulta en transferencia negativa.Filología InglesaMáster en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contact

    An analysis of interlinguistic influence from Chinese into English in Direct Object realization of Chinese-English bilingual children

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    While null objects are possible and pervasive in Chinese, their occurrence in languages like English and Spanish is rather restricted. In the case of developing grammars, the omission of categories that characterizes the initial stages of acquisition also affects the object category, together with inflection, subjects, determiners, etc. The main goal of this article is to investigate the nature of interlinguistic influence from Chinese into English in a set of Chinese-English (C-E) bilingual children with a focus on bilingual children’s early direct object (DO) realization in English and to provide new empirical evidence for the postulation that the development of the two languages is interdependent. In order to do so, a comparative study has been carried out: the English production of C-E bilinguals is analysed with regard to DOs and, in order to determine whether the possible overproduction of null DOs is due to influence from the other first language (L 1) (i.e. Chinese) or is rather part of the developmental process, a double comparison is established with English monolinguals (E monolinguals) and with Spanish-English bilinguals (S- E bilinguals). The results show that C-E bilinguals’ performance in terms of DO realization in English is significantly different from that of both E monolinguals and S-E bilinguals and that the latter two groups behave similarly. This finding supports the conclusion that, although null DOs occur in the initial stages of child language acquisition regardless of whether the adult grammar allows them (Chinese) or not (English and Spanish), in the case of C-E bilinguals’ English development, interlinguistic influence from Chinese into English has a negative effect as reflected in null DOs being produced at a higher rate and until later in life.La omisión de objetos es una propiedad gramatical muy frecuente en chino, mientras que en inglés y en español su uso está más restringido. En este trabajo analizamos la omisión de los objetos que producen en ingles los siguientes grupos: niños bilingües chino-inglés, español-inglés y mononolingües inglés. Evaluamos hasta qué punto el mecanismo del objeto nulo en chino influye en el desarrollo del inglés de niños bilingües chino-inglés. Para ello, ofrecemos un estudio comparativo doble: por un lado, entre la producción de los niños bilingües chino-inglés y la de los mononolingües inglés, con el fin de determinar si la omisión de objetos caracteriza la adquisición lanío de la gramática monolingüe como de la bilingüe; y, por otro lado, entre dicha producción de los niños bilingües chino-inglés y la de los niños bilingües español-inglés, para establecer si las gramáticas bilingües son paralelas en su desarrollo. Los resultados demuestran que existe una diferencia significativa entre la producción y el desarrollo gramatical de los bilingües chino-inglés y los de los otros dos grupos con respecto al uso de objetos, lo cual respalda la conclusión de que, aunque el mecanismo de objeto nulo es una propiedad de las gramáticas en desarrollo, en el caso del inglés de niños bilingües chino-inglés, se produce una interferencia negativa del chino en el inglés que se manifiesta en un mayor uso de objetos nulos en inglés y hasta etapas posteriores

    An analysis of interlinguistic influence between chinese and English in direct object realization in chinese-english bilingual children

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    Mientras que en chino la omisión de objetos es una propiedad gramatical muy frecuente, en inglés y en español su uso está más restringido. En este trabajo se analizan los objetos nulos que producen en inglés y en chino niños bilingües chino-inglés, español-inglés, monolingües inglés y monolingües chino. El objetivo es determinar si existe influencia interlingüística entre los dos idiomas de niños bilingües chino-inglés, y, si así fuera, cómo se materializa y cuál es su direccionalidad. Para ello se ofrece un estudio comparativo entre la producción de estos bilingües y la de los monolingües. Los resultados demuestran que existe una diferencia significativa entre los bilingües chino-inglés, los bilingües español-inglés y los monolingües inglés con respecto al uso de objetos en inglés. Sin embargo, en cuanto al uso de objetos en chino, la diferencia entre los bilingües y los monolingües no es significativa.Departamento de Filología InglesaDoctorado en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados: Lenguas y Culturas en Contact

    An analysis of interlinguistic influence between Chinese and English in direct object realization in Chinese-English bilingual children

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    While null objects are possible and pervasive in the Chinese language, their occurrence in languages like English and Spanish is rather restricted. In the case of developing grammars, the omission of categories that characterizes the initial stages of acquisition also affects the object category, together with inflection, subjects, etc. The main goal of this dissertation is to investigate the nature and the directionality of interlinguistic influence between the two languages of a set of Chinese-English bilingual (C-E bilingual) children with a focus on bilingual children’s early direct object (DO) realization in English and Chinese and to provide new empirical evidence for the postulation that the development of the two languages is interdependent. In order to do so, two comparative studies have been carried out. In the first study, the English production of C-E bilinguals is analyzed with regards to DOs and, in order to determine whether the possible overproduction of null DOs is due to influence from the other first language (L1) (i.e. Chinese) or is rather part of the developmental process, a double comparison is established with English monolinguals (E monolinguals) and with SpanishEnglish bilinguals (S-E bilinguals). In the second study, the Chinese production of C-E bilinguals is compared to that of Chinese monolinguals (C monolinguals) in the case of DO realization. The results show that, on the one hand, C-E bilinguals’ performance in terms of DO realization in English is significantly different from that of both E monolinguals and S-E bilinguals and that the latter two groups behave similarly; on the other hand, C-E bilinguals’ performance in terms of DO realization in Chinese is not less satisfactory and even more adultlike at a certain point of language development when compared to that of the C monolinguals. These findings support the conclusion that, although null DOs occur in the initial stages of child language acquisition regardless of whether the adult grammar allows them (Chinese) or not ii (English and Spanish), in the case of C-E bilinguals’ English development, interlinguistic influence from Chinese into English has a negative effect as reflected in null DOs being produced at a higher rate and until later. In contrast, in the case of DO realization in Chinese, no negative effect is found from English; instead, a possible positive effect is found on C-E bilinguals’ spontaneous production.Castilla y LeónES

    Bilingual acquisition data: Object Overtness_OO-L1 dataset

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    This investigation is focused on the crosslinguistic influence between the two first languages (L1s) of bilingual children in the domain of direct objects. We examine the oral production of bilingual children with two different language pairs (i.e., Cantonese-English and Spanish-English) and compare it with that of the monolingual English and monolingual Cantonese children. All the data have been taken from the CHILDES project (Child Language Data Exchange System; https://childes.talkbank.org/) (MacWhinney 2000) (i.e., Cantonese-English bilingual corpus: YipMatthews; Spanish-English bilingual corpus: FerFuLice; English monolingual corpora: Sachs, Bloom, Demetras-Trevor; Cantonese monolingual corpus: Lee/Wong/Leung). These corpora comprise spontaneous data where the children interact with adults in a natural context (e.g., at home). While null objects are possible and pervasive in Cantonese, their occurrence in languages like English and Spanish is rather restricted. The analysis of how Cantonese-English bilingual children produce direct objects in a quantitatively and qualitatively different way when compared to their Spanish-English bilingual and English monolingual counterparts provides valuable information about the nature and the directionality of crosslinguistic influence between bilingual children’s two L1s; it also presents new empirical evidence for the postulation that the development of the two L1s in bilingual children is interdependent.UVALAL1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. Title of dataset 1.2. Author information 1.2.1. PI and co-PI 1.2.2. Lab 1.3. Objectives 1.4. Funding sources 1.5. Citing information 2. ACCESS INFORMATION 2.1. Licenses or restrictions 2.2. Publications 3. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 3.1. Data selection procedure from CHILDES 3.1.1. Bilingual participants 3.1.2. Monolingual participants 3.2. Data extraction procedure 3.3. Data classification procedure: variables 4. DATA 4.1. Database 4.2. Last update 5. RELATED DATASETSSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [PGC2018-097693-B-I00]Regional Government of Castile and León (Spain) and ERDF [VA009P17

    Testosterone-induced benign prostatic hyperplasia rat and dog as facile models to assess drugs targeting lower urinary tract symptoms.

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an age-related disease, affecting a majority of elderly men worldwide. Medical management of BPH is an alternative to surgical treatment of this disease. Currently, α1-adrenergic receptor (α1-AR) antagonists are among the first line drugs to treat BPH by reducing the tension of urinary track and thus the obstructive symptoms in voiding. In drug development, old male dogs with spontaneous BPH are considered the golden standard of the animal models. However, old dogs (>6 years) are expensive and not all old dogs develop BPH. So it is necessary to develop more accessible animal models for drug efficacy evaluation. Here we describe the development of testosterone-induced BPH models in both rats and young adult dogs and their applications in the in vivo evaluation of α1-AR antagonist. The BPH rats and dogs induced by chronic testosterone treatment have significantly increased micturition frequency and reduced mean voided volume, very similar to the clinical symptoms of BPH patients. Silodosin, an α1-AR antagonist, significantly reduces the urinary frequency and increases the voided volume in BPH model animals in a dose-dependent manner. The results demonstrate that testosterone-induced BPH rat and dog models might provide a more efficient way to evaluate micturition behavior in anti-BPH drug studies

    Voiding behavior in testosterone-induced BPH rats.

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    <p>The rat BPH model was generated by testosterone injections for 4 weeks after castration. Sham: sham operated + olive oil injection; BPH: castration + testosterone propionate injection (dissolved in olive oil, 25 mg/kg, once daily). (A) Prostate (containing the ventral, lateral and dorsal lobes) weight and (B) prostate weight to body weight ratios (PW/BW) of sham and BPH rats. H&E stains of dorsal lobe (C and D) and ventral lobe in shame rats and BPH rats (E and F). (G) Micturition frequency, (H) mean voided volume and (I) total voided volume were measured in sham and BPH rats in the first 2 hours after water load (30 ml/kg). **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 versus sham control (Student t test). Scale bar, 50μm.</p

    Effects of silodosin on the micturition parameters in BOO rats.

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    <p>BOO rat model was established by partial ligature of the proximal urethra. Voiding behavior was studied after 4 weeks of recovery. Twenty minutes after oral administration of silodosin, distilled water (30 ml/kg) were given orally. (A) Micturition frequency, (B) mean voided volume and (C) total voided volume were measured for the first 2 hours after water load. <sup>##</sup>P < 0.01 versus sham control (Student t test). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001 versus vehicle control (One-way ANOVA test).</p

    Effects of silodosin on the micturition parameters in testosterone-induced BPH dogs.

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    <p>Twenty minutes after oral administration of silodosin, distilled water (30 ml/kg) were given orally. (A) Micturition frequency, (B) mean voided volume and (C) total voided volume in the first 2 hours after water load were measured in a metabolic cage. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001 versus vehicle control (One-way ANOVA test).</p