43 research outputs found

    Integrated analysis identifies a class of androgen-responsive genes regulated by short combinatorial long-range mechanism facilitated by CTCF

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    Recently, much attention has been given to elucidate how long-range gene regulation comes into play and how histone modifications and distal transcription factor binding contribute toward this mechanism. Androgen receptor (AR), a key regulator of prostate cancer, has been shown to regulate its target genes via distal enhancers, leading to the hypothesis of global long-range gene regulation. However, despite numerous flows of newly generated data, the precise mechanism with respect to AR-mediated long-range gene regulation is still largely unknown. In this study, we carried out an integrated analysis combining several types of high-throughput data, including genome-wide distribution data of H3K4 di-methylation (H3K4me2), CCCTC binding factor (CTCF), AR and FoxA1 cistrome data as well as androgen-regulated gene expression data. We found that a subset of androgen-responsive genes was significantly enriched near AR/H3K4me2 overlapping regions and FoxA1 binding sites within the same CTCF block. Importantly, genes in this class were enriched in cancer-related pathways and were downregulated in clinical metastatic versus localized prostate cancer. Our results suggest a relatively short combinatorial long-range regulation mechanism facilitated by CTCF blocking. Under such a mechanism, H3K4me2, AR and FoxA1 within the same CTCF block combinatorially regulate a subset of distally located androgen-responsive genes involved in prostate carcinogenesis

    Nucleosome dynamics define transcriptional enhancers

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    Chromatin plays a central role in eukaryotic gene regulation. We have performed genome-wide mapping of epigenetically-marked nucleosomes to determine their position both near transcription start sites and at distal regulatory elements including enhancers. In prostate cancer cells where androgen receptor (AR) binds primarily to enhancers, we found that androgen treatment dismisses a central nucleosome present over AR binding sites that is flanked by a pair of marked nucleosomes. A novel quantitative model built on the behavior of such nucleosome pairs correctly identified regions bound by the regulators of the immediate androgen response including AR and FoxA1. More importantly this model also correctly predicted novel binding sites for other transcription factors present following prolonged androgen stimulation including Oct1 and NKX3.1. Thus quantitative modeling of enhancer structure provides a powerful predictive method to infer the identity of transcription factors involved in cellular responses to specific stimuli

    Androgen Receptor Regulates a Distinct Transcription Program in Adrogen-Independent Prostate Cancer

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    INSTRUCTIONS: Please enter one of the following Topic Classifications in the section below: Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Genes & Environment Genetic & Molecular Epidemiology Medical Genomics Molecular Genetics Proteomics Statistical Genetics, Genomics, and OmicsThe evolution of prostate cancer from an androgen dependent state to one that is androgen-independent marks its lethal progression. The androgen receptor (AR) is essential in both, though its function in androgen-independent cancers is poorly understood. We have defined the direct AR-dependent target genes in both androgen-dependent and -independent cancer cells by generating AR-dependent gene expression profiles and AR cistromes. In contrast to what is found in androgen-dependent cells, AR selectively upregulates M-phase cell-cycle genes in androgen-independent cells, including UBE2C, a gene that inactivates the M-phase checkpoint. We find that epigenetic marks at the UBE2C enhancer, notably histone H3K4 methylation and FoxA1 transcription factor binding, are present in androgen-independent cells and direct AR-enhancer binding and UBE2C activation. Thus, the role of AR in androgen-independent cancer cells is not to direct the androgen-dependent gene expression program without androgen, but rather to execute a distinct program resulting in androgen-independent growth

    FoxA1 translates epigenetic signatures into enhancer-driven lineage-specific transcription. Cell 132: 958–970

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    Complex organisms require tissue-specific transcriptional programs, yet little is known about how these are established. The transcription factor FoxA1 is thought to contribute to gene regulation through its ability to act as a pioneer factor binding to nucleosomal DNA. Through genome-wide positional analyses, we demonstrate that FoxA1 cell type-specific functions rely primarily on differential recruitment to chromatin predominantly at distant enhancers rather than proximal promoters. This differential recruitment leads to cell type-specific changes in chromatin structure and functional collaboration with lineage-specific transcription factors. Despite the ability of FoxA1 to bind nucleosomes, its differential binding to chromatin sites is dependent on the distribution of histone H3 lysine 4 dimethylation. Together, our results suggest that methylation of histone H3 lysine 4 is part of the epigenetic signature that defines lineage-specific FoxA1 recruitment sites in chromatin. FoxA1 translates this epigenetic signature into changes in chromatin structure thereby establishing lineage-specific transcriptional enhancers and programs