8 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Organizational Role Stress and Organizational Commitment Among The University Faculty Members of India and Saudi Arabia

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    Stress is define as a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity , constraint , demand related to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important. Organizational role stress comes from three sectors i.e. job and organization, social factor and intra-psychic factor. Organizational commitment is defined as “an individual psychological bond to the organization, including a sense of job involvement, loyalty and belief in the values of the organization”. The cross cultural study was conducted on 245 Faculty members working in various Indian and Saudi Arabian universities using questionnaire method and standardized psychometric tests were used to collect the data on the variable under investigation. The study reveals that faculty members of Saudi Arabia were shown moderate level of organizational role stress and low level of organizational commitment while their Indian counterparts were shown high level of organizational role stress and moderate level of organizational commitment. The organizational role stress dimensions were found to be negatively correlated with organizational commitment means if the organizational role stress will go up the commitment level of the faculty members will go down and affect the performance of the faculty members negatively. The data were also analyzed using other demographic variables and the obtained results were discussed

    A Study of Customer Satisfaction with Special Reference to High Speed Harmain Railways Services in Saudi Railways

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    Nowadays customer satisfaction is intensively discussed and analyzed because all organizations of any type are relying on highly satisfied customers to achieve success, growth and sustainability, especially in service sector. Numerous theoretical and empirical studies show a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and plenty of factors that influence that. In this paper we are trying to measure the level of customer satisfaction with the services offered by the Saudi railways (haramin high speed rail HHR), investigate the passenger’s perception about the service quality, and try to identify different ways to improve the service quality in both the stations and on board. A survey was conducted on 248  passengers for this research. The survey consists of 18 fixed alternative questions and one open ended question for suggestions and remarks. The survey questions cover three main categories the stations, service on board and catering (6 questions each). To analyze the data an average was calculated for each category and for each question with gender based demographic segmentation. As a result, different areas for improvement have been recognized. The results also indicate that the passengers perceive that quality of services delivered to them is relatively satisfactory. This paper can be viewed as starting point for future research regarding Haramain  high speed rail. Keywords: High Speed Rail,  Entertainment Service,  Catering Quality, Customer satisfaction, Harmain railways DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-9-18 Publication date:March 31st 201

    A Study of Airlines Customer Satisfaction in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    The quality of service plays a major role in service industry especially when it comes to customer satisfaction level. This paper focuses on investigating the customer’s satisfaction levels towards services provided by Saudi Airlines. For this purpose, a questionnaire was developed and distributed among 165 domestic as well as international passengers at the airport. After scrutiny, it was found that only 159 questionnaires were completed in all respects and were included in the study. The data collected afterwards were analysed in order to measure the actual satisfaction level of customers. It was found that the domestic as well as the international passengers of Saudi Arabia airlines were not happy and satisfied with the services provided by the airlines. Thus, the major problem area includes baggage handling, treatment of passengers at airport in case of any grievances, food quality, and entertainment on board. Based on the outcome of the research, certain strategies to overcome such issues were recommended by the authors

    Integrated web of youth happiness measures

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    The objective of this research is to comprehend how these elements interact to influence young people's subjective happiness and to provide insightful information about their perspectives. Significant discoveries are shown by the study's findings. This research paper conducts a thorough analysis of the many factors that affect youth happiness, including GDP, loneliness, longevity, autonomy, generosity, and corruption. First off, GDP shows up as a significant and noticeably positive factor to young happiness. This emphasizes how crucial economic success is in raising young people's life happiness. Second, autonomy is recognized as another important factor, showing a significant and favorable influence on happiness. It emphasizes how important one's own independence and life control are for young wellbeing. Additionally, the study uncovers a diverse range of impacts among these indicators. Longevity and Generosity are found to positively influence happiness, emphasizing the role of health and social support in young people's contentment. Conversely, Loneliness and Corruption exhibit significant negative effects on happiness, underscoring the detrimental consequences of social isolation and institutional corruption on youth well-being. In conclusion, this research paper offers a holistic view of youth happiness, recognizing the multifaceted nature of its determinants. These findings have important implications for policymakers, highlighting the need to address not only economic aspects but also personal autonomy, social connectedness, and integrity in efforts to promote youth happiness and well-being in society

    Digital Media Impact on SMEs Performance in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    As well as examine the consequences of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia faces a drop in income, especially with the SMEs due to the Covid-19 and their effect on them. Digital media play an essential role in the impact on SMEs performance in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This study aims to identify how different small and medium companies utilize digital marketing; digital networks should be investigated for their impact on firm profitability and examine the consequences of various internet marketing actions on brand exposure. To assess the impact of digital marketing on the efficiency of small and medium enterprises. To test a hypothesis that smaller business uses fewer digital media than the more significant business, an online survey was sent to potential contributors from all around the world. Saudi Arabia is a city called Jeddah. Respondents were randomly divided into two conditions (small and more significant businesses) and asked to respond to the 20 questions. Responses were analyzed using a multiple-choice question. The findings revealed a modest influence in the opposite direction of what had been predicted: big and small businesses use digital media because they think it is the highest score for the people who know them faster. These results suggest that all SMEs must use digital media because it is essential in many ways for the business. On this basis, the digital press must all SMEs know how to use it and treat customers. SMEs must put a budget for marketing because it will be worth it and faster income return to them and save money. Various internet marketing actions on brand exposure. Keywords: Digital Media, SMEs Performance, Social Media Impact, Online Purchase, SMEs Policies. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-24-05 Publication date: December 31st 2021

    Задоволеність споживачів та їх поведінка у роздрібній-торгівлі: адаптивна регресійна модель та LINGO аналіз

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    Зростаюча конкуренція у сфері роздрібної торгівлі обумовлює необхідність підвищення якості обслуговування споживачів. Головною метою статті є розроблення економіко-математичної моделі для аналізу факторів, що впливають на поведінку та прийняття рішень споживачами у роздрібно-торгівельній мережі. Авторами запропоновано удосконалити модель нейро-поверхні та використовувати адаптивну Fuzzy-регресійну модель (AFLRM). У статті систематизовано переваги адаптивної Fuzzy-регресійної моделі перед еврестичним методом нейро-поверхні. Емпіричне дослідження проведено на основі панельних даних, сформованих для вибірки зі 100 споживачів роздрібноторгівельної мережі. Для аналізу панельних даних використано модель нейро-поверхні (NRSM), еврестичну модель середнього попиту (MDSM), а також адаптивну Fuzzy-регресійну модель. Наголошено, що адаптивна Fuzzy-регресійна модель забезпечує найвищу точність результатів прогнозування поведінки споживачів. У свою чергу, LINGO модель застосовано для інтерпретації поведінки досліджуваної системи. Результати даної моделі дозволили визначити поведінку системи та лояльність споживачів до певного магазину. Авторами відмічено, що вплив атрибутів послуг та товарів неявно описується адаптивною Fuzzy-регресійною моделлю. При цьому встановлено, що є критичний розрив між лояльністю клієнтів та якістю продуктів (послуг) на який мають статистично значущий вплив такі параметри як: рівень задоволення товаром чи послугами, рівень мотивації, купівельний досвід, рівень довіри та впевненості у якості товару. Визначено, що ефективність маркетингової програми промоції відповідного товару (послугу) повинна визначатись на основі результатів оцінювання рівня лояльності та задоволення споживачів із використанням Fuzzyрегресійної моделі. Одним із обмежень даного дослідження є незначна вибірка респондентів та їх регіональна приналежність. У зв’язку з цим у подальшому необхідним є аналіз більшої вибірки респондентів із різних міст Саудівської Аравії.Increasing rivalry for-profit or non-profit is pushing companies to devote more and more attention to pleasing consumers with excellent quality customer services. This study aims to develop a model to analyse customer behaviour in a retail store and provide accurate inference for decision making. Another critical objective for this research work is the adaptation of the faceted form of neuro-response, which is substituted by the Adaptive Fuzzy Logistic Regression Model (AFLRM). AFLRM has resulting benefits over Neuro-surface and Mean Demand Heuristic methods. A sample of 100 customers who visited or walked in the retails was used as a sample. Other than neuroresponse surfaces (NRSM) and The Mean Demand Heuristic models (MDSM), the present study has accustomed a generalized form known as Adaptive Fuzzy Linear Regression Model (AFLRM) to deliver the benchmark for former models and give the highest level of accuracy for future behaviour of a customer. LINGO based Markovian analysis has also been used with the above model to understand the behaviour of the system under study. The significance of service and product attributes is implicitly derived via the fuzzy regression model for customer satisfaction measurement. It is observed that the critical gap between the quality of product and services and Customer Satisfaction is Product/Service Satisfaction, Motivation and Buying Experience, and Credibility and Security. The authors’ finding indicates that the effort of listening to the customer's voice should be more critical. Result analysis based on computational results concerning the questionnaire for measuring the customer behaviour and the system validates the model under study. Appropriate, useful with reliable action plans for every critical product and service aspect can be developed by applying the adaptive regression methodology to control the quality of service or managing the customer satisfaction, thereby providing executives with a competitive gain. Also explored the behaviour of the system, i.e., whether the customer will move to the new retail outlets or they will remain in the same state by using the LINGO based software program model

    An Explorative Factor Analysis of Competency Mapping for IT Professionals

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    Purpose: The current research aimed to evaluate IT personnel proficiency levels at various management levels. This study aimed to learn how competency mapping is used to analyse the blend of skills among various people to create the most cohesive team and deliver higher-quality work. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 548 IT workers participated in the research, which looked at how competence mapping influences various HR processes, including talent acquisition, induction, training and development, assessment, etc. This research used reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, linear regression, and the t-test to reach its results. Findings: This research made use of reliability statistics, regression analysis, correlation analysis, ANOVA analysis, the t-test, and descriptive statistics to reach its results. The research discovered that medium-level managers’ talents were greater than anticipated when comparing lower and higher levels of management. Additionally, there were significant differences among employees at different levels of management. Communication and training may help reduce competence gaps. Practical implications: In comparing other levels of management, this article may help HR practitioners identify which abilities are more relevant to a certain management level. It can provide more insight into using a competence mapping approach to improve performance. Originality/value: The outputs of the competency mapping approach are essential because they can help individuals and businesses gain a better comprehension of the knowledge, abilities, and skills required to accomplish a job

    Impact of the paradigm shift in corporate social responsibility from voluntary to mandatory on corporate financial performance

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    To get a complete picture of CSR disclosure in the form of statements within the aforementioned four dimensions, a thorough CSR disclosure checklist is created. Each statement's disclosing value is divided into three categories: quantitative disclosure, qualitative disclosure, and non-disclosure. The current investigation was conducted over a period of three years, from 2014 to 2016. This time frame was selected because the Companies Act underwent a significant modification in 2013 to require businesses to fulfil their social responsibility obligations. A sample of 81 firms listed on the Indian Bombay Stock Exchange is chosen for the study. </p