134 research outputs found

    On Dynamics of a class taken from Quadratic Stochastic Operators

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    The Quadratic dynamical systems considered as an important source of analysis for the study of dynamical properties and modeling in various fields. A quadratic stochastic operator (in short QSO) is usually used to present the time evolution of species in biology. The general problem in the nonlinear operator theory is to study the behavior of operators. This problem was not fully finished even for quadratic stochastic operators which are the simplest nonlinear operators. To study this problem, several classes of QSO were investigated. In this paper we investigate the dynamics of three classes of such operators

    Few remarks on evolution algebras

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    In the present paper we study some algebraic properties of evolution algebras. Moreover, we reduce the study of evolution algebras of permutations to two special types of evolution algebras, idempotents and absolute nilpotent elements of the algebra. We study three-dimensional evolution algebras whose each element of evolution basis has infinite period. In addition, for an evolution algebra with some properties we describe its associative enveloping algebra.Comment: 11 page

    On ξ(s)\xi^{(s)}-Quadratic Stochastic Operators on two Dimensional simplex and their behavior

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    A quadratic stochastic operator (in short QSO) is usually used to present the time evolution of differing species in biology. Some quadratic stochastic operators have been studied by Lotka and Volterra. The general problem in the nonlinear operator theory is to study the behavior of operators. This problem was not fully finished even for quadratic stochastic operators which are the simplest nonlinear operators. To study this problem, it was investigated several classes of QSO. In this paper, we study ξ(s)\xi^{(s)}--QSO defined on 2D simplex. We first classify ξ(s)\xi^{(s)}--QSO into 20 non-conjugate classes. Further, we investigate the dynamics of three classes of such operators.Comment: 20 page

    On derivations of genetic algebras

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    A genetic algebra is a (possibly non-associative) algebra used to model inheritance in genetics. In application of genetics this algebra often has a basis corresponding to genetically different gametes, and the structure constant of the algebra encode the probabilities of producing offspring of various types. In this paper, we find the connection between the genetic algebras and evolution algebras. Moreover, we prove the existence of nontrivial derivations of genetic algebras in dimension two

    Antimicrobial and Immunomodulatory activities of Moringa peregrine- MINIREVIEW

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    Moringa peregrina is considered as miracle tree. Extracts as well as some isolated compounds of Moringa peregrine show valuable biological activities, such as antimicrobial, antiviral, anticancer, antioxidant, immunomodulatory. On the other hand, Moringa peregrina is used traditionally as home cleaning agent, fertilizer, foliar nutrient, green fertilizer, gum, honey- and sugar cane juice-clarifier, biopesticide. In this review, the natural distribution and the general features for Moringa peregrina were discussed and the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities of Moringa peregrine extract were described. This review might guide researchers to undertake further investigation regarding this species and to use it as a source of active compounds

    A Vision to Face Covid-19 pandemic and Future Risks Through Artificial Intelligence

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    Coved-19 pandemic is spreading fear among the world in several aspects such as health, economic, international relations, political stability, and social stability. It emerged suddenly and attacked the world in a short period without warning. Details about the virus such as the source, symptoms, transmission, diagnosis and treatment are still incomplete.  Subsequently, more than one million people have died and huge economic losses. In order to avoid this issue in future, this paper aims to focus on artificial intelligence in predicting and tracking viral pandemic Disease and to control similar future risks using artificial intelligence, algorithms and cognitive fission theory

    Differential transformation method (DTM) for solving SIS and SI epidemic models

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    In this paper, the differential transformation method (DTM) is employed to find the semi-analytical solutions of SIS and SI epidemic models for constant population. Firstly, the theoretical background of DTM is studied and followed by constructing the solutions of SIS and SI epidemic models. Furthermore, the convergence analysis of DTM is proven by proposing two theorems. Finally, numerical computations are made and compared with the exact solutions. From the numerical results, the solutions produced by DTM approach the exact solutions which agreed with the proposed theorems. It can be seen that the DTM is an alternative technique to be considered in solving many practical problems involving differential equations

    Recursos de emprego e desempenho no trabalho entre médicos no setor de Saúde da Jordânia: o papel mediador da satisfação no trabalho

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    Purpose:  Individuals, groups, and organizations are all affected by job performance.  Many challenges face the organization such as job performance across the globe as well as in Jordan. The present study aims to investigate how job resources affect a hospital physician’s performance, as well as the role of job satisfaction in mediating these relationships. Theoretical framework: The key idea behind this research will be the focus on job demands-resources theory (JD-R). However, a lack of studies that explore the JDR, and job performance in the Jordan context. methodology: The information was gathered through a questionnaire of 346 physicians who work at Jordan's Ministry of Health. In this paper, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to assess and evaluate the offered hypotheses. Findings: The study found that five core elements of job resources (skill variety, task identity, performance feedback, autonomy, and job security) have a significant positive correlation with job satisfaction, while one core element (task significance) was insignificant. Furthermore, job resources were shown to have a significant indirect relationship with job performance, with job satisfaction acting as a mediator. Research, Practical & Social implications: The findings of this paper show that the JDR can accurately forecast physicians. The findings can be used as a foundation for future research in this field. The findings of the study will help the Jordanian government design policies to support and encourage physicians in the current work environment. Originality: This paper is a ground-breaking effort to see if job demands resources may be used as a theoretical framework to predict physician performance.Objetivo: Indivíduos, grupos e organizações são todos afetados pelo desempenho no trabalho. Muitos desafios enfrentam a organização, como o desempenho no trabalho em todo o mundo, bem como na Jordânia. O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar como os recursos do trabalho afetam o desempenho do médico hospitalar, bem como o papel da satisfação no trabalho na mediação dessas relações.   Referencial teórico: A ideia-chave por trás desta pesquisa será o foco nas demandas de trabalho - teoria dos recursos (JDR). No entanto, a falta de estudos que exploram o JDR e o desempenho no trabalho no contexto da Jordânia.   metodologia: As informações foram coletadas por meio de um questionário de 346 médicos que trabalham no Ministério da Saúde da Jordânia. Neste trabalho, foi utilizada a modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM) para avaliar e avaliar as hipóteses oferecidas.   Resultados: O estudo descobriu que cinco elementos centrais dos recursos do trabalho (variedade de habilidades, identidade da tarefa, feedback de desempenho, autonomia e segurança no trabalho) têm uma correlação positiva significativa com a satisfação no trabalho, enquanto um elemento central (significado da tarefa) foi insignificante. Além disso, os recursos do trabalho demonstraram ter uma relação indireta significativa com o desempenho no trabalho, com a satisfação no trabalho atuando como mediador.   Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: Os resultados deste artigo mostram que o JDR pode prever com precisão os médicos. As descobertas podem ser usadas como base para pesquisas futuras neste campo. Os resultados do estudo ajudarão o governo Jordaniano a projetar políticas para apoiar e incentivar os médicos no ambiente de trabalho atual.   Originalidade/valor: Este artigo é um esforço inovador para ver se o trabalho exige recursos pode ser usado como um quadro teórico para prever o desempenho do médico