118 research outputs found


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    AbstractThis study aims to determine how the implementation of sakinah family guidance for household resilience in KUA Maniangpajo District, Wajo Regency. The method used is descriptive qualitative in the form of field research. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman model which consists of: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results showed that the efforts made by KUA in realizing a sakinah family for household resilience in Maniangpajo District, Wajo Regency, were through the development of religious aspects, aspects of preparing a quality generation and health aspects of prospective brides through the guidance of the sakinah family. The supporting factors in realizing a sakinah family are the rights and obligations between family members, the local government support for fostering a sakinah family, the existence of supporting facilities and infrastructure to provide counseling for sakinah family guidance for household resilience, and the community in particular and prospective brides who participate. Counselors always receive directions from the sakinah family guidance counselor for the resilience of the household. The inhibiting factor is the low understanding of Islam, understanding of creating a quality generation and understanding of health. The implications of the research are for guidance participants to understand and implement the material presented, to KUA Maniangpajo District to innovate in disseminating activities, and to the Wajo Regency government to impose sanctions on participants who do not follow the directions of the presenters.Keywords: Sakinah Family Guidance, Household Resilience.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi bimbingan keluarga sakinah bagi ketahanan rumah tangga di KUA Kecamatana Maniangpajo Kabupaten Wajo. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif yang berupa penelitian lapangan. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya yang dilakukan KUA dalam mewujudkan keluarga sakinah bagi ketahanan rumah tangga di Kecamatan Maniangpajo Kabupaten Wajo yaitu melalui pembinaan aspek keagamaan, aspek mempersiapkan generasi berkualitas dan aspek kesehatan calon pengantin melalui bimbingan keluarga sakinah. Adapun faktor pendukung dalam mewujudkan keluarga sakinah yaitu adanya hak dan kewajiban antar anggota keluarga, adanya dukungan pemerintah setempat terhadap pembinaan keluarga sakinah, adanya sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung untuk memberikan penyuluhan bimbingan keluarga sakinah bagi ketahanan rumah tangga, dan masyarakat khususnya dan calon pengantin yang ikut penyuluhan senantiasa menerima arahan dari pemateri penyuluhan bimbingan keluarga sakinah bagi ketahanan rumah tangga tersebut. Faktor penghambat yaitu rendahnya pemahaman keislaman, pemahaman menciptakan generasi berkualitas dan pemahaman tentang kesehatan. Implikasi dari penelitian kepada peserta bimbingan agar memahami dan melaksanakan materi yang disam[paikan, kepada KUA Kecamatan Maniangpajo agar berinovasi dalam mensosialisaikan kegiatan, dan kepada pemerintah Kabupaten Wajo agar memberi sanksi kepada peserta yang tidak mengikuti arahan pemateri.Kata Kunci: Bimbingan Keluarga Sakinah, Ketahanan Rumah Tangga. &nbsp


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    Environmental pollution in the perspective of the Prophet's hadith. what is meant here is a study of the hadith of the Prophet. which discusses environmental pollution with 3 issues that will be discussed 1) how is the quality of the hadith about environmental pollution, 2) how is the content of the hadith about environmental pollution both formally and substantially, and 3) what are the implications of the meaning of the hadith about environmental pollution and efforts prevention. The type of research used is descriptive with a rationalistic style, namely describing the quality, validity, and analysis of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, both in the aspect of the sanad and its matan. This research includes source studies (text review) because the emphasis is more on library research. In the research library, data is collected by quoting, adapting, and analyzing using content analysis on representative literature that has relevance to the problems discussed, then reviews and concludes. The results of research on environmental pollution in the perspective of the Prophet's hadith; First, the hadith of the Prophet (saw) related to environmental pollution has authentic quality. Second, a) the essence of environmental pollution is the occurrence of changes in a substance (water, soil or air) due to the inclusion of other components in it that can affect the quality of the environment (water, soil or air). b) forms of environmental pollution and their impacts include 1) prohibition of urination in stagnant water as a form of environmental pollution of water, 2) prohibition of defecating in public places, and water sources as a form of soil and water pollution, 3) prohibition of elevating buildings that block surrounding housing from clean air and prohibition of directing dirty air to it as a form of air pollution. Third, solutions to environmental pollution, namely; 1) Go green 2) Go clean, and 3) Environmental conservation. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that UIN Alauddin Makassar establish a Center for Environmental Studies in order to give birth to Environmental Fiqh (fiqh of land, water and air) and that Government agencies engaged in the field of Environment in an effort to overcome environmental pollution to strengthen existing regulations even need to made new regulations in an effort to preserve the environment with a religious science approach. 3) prohibition of elevating buildings that block surrounding housing from clean air and prohibition of directing dirty air to it as a form of air pollution. Third, solutions to environmental pollution, namely; 1) Go green 2) Go clean, and 3) Environmental conservation. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that UIN Alauddin Makassar form a Center for Environmental Studies in order to give birth to Environmental Fiqh (fiqh of land, water and air) and that Government agencies engaged in the field of Environment in an effort to overcome environmental pollution to strengthen existing regulations even need to made new regulations in an effort to preserve the environment with a religious science approach. 3) prohibition of elevating buildings that block surrounding housing from clean air and prohibition of directing dirty air to it as a form of air pollution. Third, solutions to environmental pollution, namely; 1) Go green 2) Go clean, and 3) Environmental conservation. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that UIN Alauddin Makassar form a Center for Environmental Studies in order to give birth to Environmental Fiqh (fiqh of land, water and air) and that Government agencies engaged in the field of Environment in an effort to overcome environmental pollution to strengthen existing regulations even need to made new regulations in an effort to preserve the environment with a religious science approach. 1) Go green 2) Go clean, and 3) Environmental conservation. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that UIN Alauddin Makassar form a Center for Environmental Studies in order to give birth to Environmental Fiqh (fiqh of land, water and air) and that Government agencies engaged in the field of Environment in an effort to overcome environmental pollution to strengthen existing regulations even need to made new regulations in an effort to preserve the environment with a religious science approach. 1) Go green 2) Go clean, and 3) Environmental conservation. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that UIN Alauddin Makassar form a Center for Environmental Studies in order to give birth to Environmental Fiqh (fiqh of land, water and air) and that Government agencies engaged in the field of Environment in an effort to overcome environmental pollution to strengthen existing regulations even need to made new regulations in an effort to preserve the environment with a religious science approach

    Entrepreneurial intention of Indonesian migrant workers / Damar Aji Irawan, Abdul Qadir A Syakur and Hasan Maududi

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    This research aims to find out the effect of psychological characteristics and entrepreneurship training towards entrepreneurial intention of Indonesian Migrant Workers. This study is a quantitative research, and non-probability purposive sampling was used to select participants. There are 68 respondents that met the sample criteria. To analyze the data, this research uses partial least square (PLS) technique. The results showed that psychological characteristics and entrepreneurship training have positive and significant effect towards entrepreneurial intention and the relationship between entrepreneurship training and entrepreneurial intention could not be moderated by psychological characteristics

    Soil Seed Bank of Two Karst Ecosystems in Bogor, Indonesia: Similarity with the Aboveground Vegeta-tion and Its Restoration Potential

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    Karst ecosystem in Bogor is currently threatened by mining activities. Restoration of the disturbed karst areas is urgently required. Seed banks are considered as an important potential seed sources for restoration. This study was conducted to quantify the composition and species diversity of the aboveground vegetation and the seed bank. The study determined the correspondence between the seed bank with the aboveground vegetation in relation with ecosystem restoration. Twenty 6 m × 6 m vegetation plots were established. A total of sixty soil samples were taken from the study sites. The seed bank was studied using germination experiment. All plant species in the vegetation plots and seedlings growing from all soil samples were identified and the number was counted to determine the composition, index of diversity, and index of similarity. There were 80 species from 41 families found in the seed bank in Mt. Nyungcung, dominated by Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae), whereas 50 species from 29 families found in Mt. Kapur with Cecropia peltata (Urticaceae) dominated the site. Diversity index of Mt. Nyungcung and Mt. Kapur seed banks were 2.09 ± 0.21 and 1.78 ± 0.47 respectively. The similarity index between seed bank and the aboveground vegetation in the two study sites were 32.86% and 27.66% respectively. Mt. Nyungcung seed bank was more diverse than Mt. Kapur. The similarity between the seed bank with the aboveground vegetation in the two study sites were low. Further assessment is needed to determine the role of the seed bank of Mt. Nyungcung and Mt. Kapur in the restoration of the ecosystems

    Fenologi, Morfologi, dan Hasil Empat Aksesi Kacang Bambara (Vigna Subterranea (L.) Verdc.)

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    Characterization and evaluation of genetic potential of bambara groundnut accessions is very important in order to obtain accessions with high yield potential and early maturity. The objective of this research was to study the phenology, morphology, and yield of four bambara groundnut accessions. This experiment was conducted using a randomized completely block design with one factor i.e. origin of accessions (Bogor and Sukabumi black testa, Sumedang black and brown testa). The results showed that days to seedling emergence of Sumedang brown testa were 9.7 days after sowing (DAS), three other accessions ranged from 8.0 to 8.3 DAS. Days to 75% flowering of Sumedang brown testa was 45.3 days, the other three accessions ranged from 46.0 to 46.7 DAS. Days to pod formation of Bogor and Sumedang accessions with black testa were 49 DAS, Sumedang brown testa at 50 DAS, and Sukabumi accession at 54 DAS. Physiological seed maturity of Bogor and Sukabumi accessions at 112 DAS, Sumedang brown testa at 116 DAS and black testa at 128 DAS. Morphological variation of four bambara groundnut accessions included color of plumule, petiole, seed coat (testa), and leaf shape. Accessions of Sukabumi and Bogor black testa were potential to be developed further because of its showing higher number and weight of pods, and earlier maturity compared to those of Sumedang accessions with black and brown testa

    Testing Methods of Moisture Content, Critical Moisture Content, and Germination of Jamblang (Syzygium Cumini (L.) Skeels) Seed

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    Jamblang (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels) researches are still focused to identify the plant benefits, but that leads to efforts to obtain good seed quality hasn't been done. This study aims to determine the moisture content testing method, the critical moisture content, and germination testing method (sowing media and first and final count of seed germination). Improving procedure for moisture content testing and identified the best media for germination testing was arranged in a Completely Random Design. Determining jamblang seeds critical moisture content was arranged in a Randomized Complete Block Design. The experiments were repeated four times. Moisture content with slicing method obtained 49.57%. Jamblang seeds critical water content is 41.61% with 50% germination. The best method of germination was sand medium with fresh seeds (90%). The first count of jamblang seed germination occurs on 32 days after sowing and final count on 83 days after sowing

    Alat Pengusang Cepat IPB 77-1 MM Untuk Penapisan Vigor Daya Simpan Benih Kedelai

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    Accelerated Aging Machine “IPB 77-1 MM” could be used for soybean seed screening based on the seed storability vigor. The aim of the research was to identify simple, fast and accurate accelerated aging method using accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM. Two methods of accelerated aging test (physical and chemical treatment) were applied to seeds of Anjasmoro soybean variety. The best accelerated aging method was then used to screen seed storability vigor of 23 soybean varieties. Seed storability vigor of 23 soybean varieties were detected using accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM and each was compared with the seed storability vigor of those stored 10 weeks in controlled storage. Results of the experiment showed that using chemical or physical treatment on accelerated aging process were able to decrease seed vigor, but chemical treatment decreased seed vigor faster, more simple and more practical. Accelerated aging machine IPB 77-1 MM could also be used for screening varietal seed storability vigor of soybean using electrical conductivity test