13 research outputs found

    The Role of Islamic Boarding Schools in Instilling Deradicalization Values

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    This research focuses on the ethics and morals of educators and learners in Islamic education. The ethics of educators and students in Islam turned out to be gradually starting to change, economic values gradually began to enter, so that what is happening now is that there are many problems that occur in the world of education such as the crisis of ethics from both educators and students. This study aims to examine how the ethics of educators and students in the perspective of Islamic education. The method in this research is a literature method that refers to books, esklopedia, and scientific articles. The conclusions in this study are the ethics that must be possessed by educators in the Islamic education perspective, including: teachers must have a broader understanding, be professional, love their students, provide the right to education in a fair, honest, sincere manner when dealing with diverse student situations. The ethics that must be possessed by peseta didik in the perspective of Islamic education are: having the intention to study because of Allah SWT, strong, sincere and steadfast in studying

    Teacher and Student Ethic Concept : A Study Toward the Thought of K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari

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    Ethics is a rule or moral that is present in every proposition or at every institution. Ethics is also a very important thing for community life, because without an ethic or moral human being will do everything without being treated with a sense of responsibility and good morality. In an education it is very important to have ethics or morals, in which a teacher or student in the teaching and learning process must be based on good ethics and morals. The research and data sources used in this article are obtained through library research data collection methods (literature) taken from the author's collection of books and books contained in the library. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the ethics of teachers and students are very much needed, because in a learning process both the teacher and the student must use good ethics when a learning activity takes place or when communicating between teachers, staff, and students, because it will affect the blessing of the knowledge obtained

    Analysis of the Difficulties Learning Speaking Skills at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Students Riyadlatul Ulum Batanghari East Lampung

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    There are several factors that are very influential in language, namely human cleverness in speaking skills, Maharah al-Kalam is the ability to express articulated sounds or words to express thoughts in the form of ideas, opinions, desires, or feelings to the interlocutor. In a broader sense, speaking is a system of signs that can be heard and seen which utilizes a number of muscles and muscle tissues of the human body to convey thoughts in order to fulfill their needs. In general, maharah al-kalam aims to be able to communicate properly and properly with the language they are learning. Moving on from the problem of learning disabilities that have a big impact on learning can certainly harm teachers and students in receiving the material. In learning Arabic, of course, you really need a lot of training to speak and memorize vocabulary so that there are no difficulties in learning Arabic. Students must also be active in learning. After that the student looked difficult when he spoke Arabic and spoke it and the accuracy of Arabic was not good, Apart from memorizing habitual vocabulary by the student, creating a supportive environment for practicing conversation. With a good language environment, speech can also be intertwined well. Regardless, there are many problems in learning to speak at MTs Riyadlatul ulum which make the lack of maximum learning in speaking skills, students' lack of speaking in speaking and speaking habits can also hinder the learning process to speak, unclear pronunciation and tarkibnya arrangement make the speaker and listener make it difficult. The population in this study were students of class VIII MTs Riyadlatul Ulum, using qualitative descriptive research. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, observation and documentation. In the interview, to find out the problems that students have experienced and to get data about the factors that influence it, in the researchers' observations the researchers looked at the problems that appeared to students when in learning and documentation for evidence of research implementation

    Konsep Pendidikan Dalam Pemikiran Ki Hajar Dewantara dan Relevansinya Terhadap Pendidikan Di Indonesia

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    Abstract This study focuses on the concept of education by Ki Hajar Dewantara and its relevance to education in Indonesia. The purpose of this research theoretically, can contribute to developing the concept of education in Indonesia and benefit all Indonesian people, especially in developing insight into the knowledge and thinking patterns of educators. Practically, this research is expected to provide clarity about the concept of education according to Ki Hajar Dewantara, so as to provide a bright spot for its relevance to education in Indonesia at this time, and can contribute in finding solutions to the problems facing the Indonesian nation. This research is a qualitative research with a type of library research that is exploring the ideas of Ki Hajar Dewantara about education. The data collection technique that I use is to collect books, journals and others related to discussion. Data that has been collected is analyzed using descriptive methods, namely research methods that attempt to reveal the facts of an event, object, activity, process, and human beings as they are at the present time or the time period that is still possible in the memory of the respondent. The results of this study indicate that the concept of Ki Hajar's education is still relevant today. Judging from his thoughts in accordance with the concepts that are still being implemented, namely education and teaching which is a deliberate effort to liberate the physical and inner aspects of the human being. Keywords: Educational Concept, Ki Hajar Dewantara, Education in IndonesiaAbstrak Penelitian ini berfokus pada konsep pendidikan oleh Ki Hajar Dewantara dan relevansinya dengan pendidikan di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini secara teoritis, dapat berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan konsep pendidikan di Indonesia dan bermanfaat bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya dapat mengembangkan wawasan pengetahuan dan pola fikir para pendidik. Secara praktis, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kejelasan mengenai konsep pendidikan menurut Ki Hajar Dewantara, sehingga memberikan titik terang atas relevansinya dengan pendidikan di Indonesia saat ini, serta dapat memberikan sumbangsih dalam mencarikan solusi atas permasalahan yang tengah dihadapi bangsa Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research) yaitu menggali pemikiran Ki Hajar Dewantara tentang pendidikan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan adalah dengan mengumpulkan buku, jurnal dan lainnya yang terkait dengan p;okok pembahasan. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif yaitu metode penelitian yang berusaha mengungkap fakta suatu kejadian, objek, aktivitas, proses, dan manusia secara apa adanya pada waktu sekarang atau jangka waktu yang masih memungkinkan dalam ingatan responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep pendidikan Ki Hajar tersebut masih relevan hingga saat ini. Dilihat dari pemikiran-pemikiran beliau yang sesuai dengan konsep yang masih diimplementasikan yaitu pendidikan dan pengajaran yang merupakan upaya yang disengaja untuk memerdekakan aspek lahiriah dan batiniah manusia. Kata Kunci:    Konsep Pendidikan, Ki Hajar Dewantara, Pendidikan di Indonesi

    Peningkatan manajemen mutu terpadu di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

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    This article focuses on discussing total quality management in Islamic educational institutions. Teamwork in handling projects to improve or develop the quality of education is carried out through empowering employees and their work groups by giving them greater responsibility. The researcher uses a literature study conducted on several data findings from well-known journal publications such as Google Book, Google Scholar, Taylor & France, Elsevier, and other publications that discuss total quality management issues. To get answers to this research problem, researchers involved coding systems, data interpretation, and high-level evaluation to obtain valid and reliable data. The results of the research show that the existence of cooperation in an educational institution is the main capital in achieving quality and stakeholder satisfaction through a process of continuous quality improvement. Teachers, staff and everyone else in educational institutions also provide services to colleagues and fellow internal customers. Bad internal relations will hinder the development of an institution. Total Quality Management (TQM) transforms school institutions into a team to achieve one goal which is to satisfy all customers. The role of parents in motivating children from an early age is a big capital for children's success in school

    Gestalt-Prophetic: The Parenting Method for Early Childhood with Gadgets Addiction

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    This study was conducted to determine the significance Gestalt-Prophetic on improving parent awareness on parenting method for early childhood with gadget addiction case. This quasi-experimental study was carried out by involving two groups of parents (N = 74) which divided into two groups, control (N = 38) and experiment (N = 36) group. This study uses the scale of parenting behavior (α = 0.525) referring to the theory proposed by Baumrind (2005). T-test was used to determine the significant differences between both control and experiment group. The control and experiment group have significant differences after receiving treatment and the increase of mean showed that G-Pro is effective to improve parent awareness on parenting method for early childhood with gadget addiction case. The both educational (t = -2.20, p = < 0.05) and vocational (t = 2.50, p = < 0.05) background showed difference mean and standard deviation. The mean between control and experiment group based on educational background showed the highest difference is senior high school and the lowest is elementary school. Then, mean based on the occupational background the highest difference is entrepreneur and the lowest is teacher


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    Berpikir Kritis adalah proses memfokuskan dan mengamati pertanyaan atau masalah, menilai dan memahami situasi masalah, menganalisis masalah, membuat dan mengevaluasi keputusan atau solusi dan menghasilkan suatu tindakan. Perlu adanya model pembelajaran yang diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga akan diperoleh dampak pembelajaran secara langsung kearah perubahan tingkah laku sebagaimana dirumuskan dalam tujuan pembelajaran. Model kooperatif Learning adalah model pembelajaran yang melibatkan siswa dengan membentuk kelompok-kelompok kecil yang saling membantu dan bekerja sama secara interaktif, yang berarti bahwa guru tidak lagi bertindak sebagai satu-satunya narasumber dalam Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (PKBM), tetapi siswa juga berpartisipasi aktif dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif dapat meningkatkan berfikir kritis siswa. Keberhasilan ini dapat dilihat dari siswa yang lebih berani dalam mengajukan pertanyaan kepada guru dan siswa lebih antusias dalam menjawab ketika guru mengajukan pertanyaan saat diskusi kelas berlangsung. Kata Kunci: Berpikir Kritis, Model Pembelajaran, Kooperatif Learnin

    The Role of Islamic EducationTeacher in improving The Morals of Junior High School Student

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    Abstrack Morals are a priority in Islam. This is based on the rule that the  Prophet Muhammad was sent to the world as one of his main missions to perfect morals. In achieving a person's moral perfection, guidance is needed through education, namely Islamic education. There is a problem, namely some grade VIII students of SMP Ma'arif Ansoru Al-Hasaniyah who have bad behavior towards friends, teachers and do not obey school rules. This study aims to determine the role of Islamic education teachers in improving the morals of class VIII students at SMP Ma'arif Ansoru Al-Hasaniyah Rumbia. The type of research used by the author is a qualitative field research (field research). Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews/interviews, documentation and observation. The results of the study can be concluded that the role of the PAI teacher in improving the morals of class VIII students at SMP Ma'arif Ansoru Al-Hasaniyah Rumbia. That PAI teachers carry out their duties in a professional, responsible, patient and sincere manner. So that class VIII students at SMP Ma'arif Ansoru Al-Hasaniyah Rumbia, who used to have poor morals, are now better, now they become individuals who have a polite attitud