47 research outputs found

    Zastosowanie pregabaliny w leczeniu zaburzeń lękowych uogólnionych

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    Pregabalin has recently emerged as a new attractive option for both primary and add-on treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. It appears effective in reducing psychological as well as somatic symptoms of anxiety. When compared to other medications commonly used in this context, pregabalin allows for rapid onset of anxiolytic treatment, shows fewer significant adverse effects and has low dependance potential. It may be a particularly favorable choice for patients with comorbid depression and epilepsy.Pregabalina stanowi nową atrakcyjną opcję terapeutyczną w leczeniu zaburzeń lękowych uogólnionych. Może być stosowana jako leczenie pierwszego rzutu oraz w terapii skojarzonej. Skutecznie redukuje zarówno psychiczne, jak i somatyczne objawy lęku. W zestawieniu z innymi, powszechnie stosowanymi w tym kontekście lekami, pregabalina wyróżnia się szybkim osiągnięciem efektu anksjolitycznego, korzystnym profilem działań niepożądanych oraz niskim potencjałem uzależnienia. Jej zastosowanie może być szczególnie korzystne u pacjentów ze współistniejącymi zaburzeniami depresyjnymi oraz padaczką

    A case of multiple abnormalities of the azygos venous system: a praeaortic interazygos vein

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    The posterior thoracic wall, an area drained by the azygos venous system, is a common site for surgical intervention. Since the venous part of the cardiovascular system is subject to most common variation, abnormalities in the azygos venous system are often reported. Some of the anatomical variants have significant clinical implications for computed tomography image assessment and mediastinal surgery. During dissection of the posterior mediastinum in a 76 year-old Caucasian male cadaver we found a rare variation in the azygos venous system. The hemiazygos vein drained the left 9th to 11th left posterior intercostal veins. While passing ventrally to the aorta at the level of the body of the eighth thoracic vertebra it was joined by two separate vessels found to be the continuations of the 7th and 8th left posterior intercostal veins. The resultant dilated vessel, termed the "interazygos vein", then opened into the azygos vein on the right side of the vertebral column. Variation in the azygos venous system has often been reported, but the abnormality observed by us appears to be extremely rare. The interazygos vein passing ventrally to the aorta may mimic enlarged lymph nodes and cause misinterpretation of a computed tomography image or, if accidentally damaged during mediastinal surgery, may lead to intraoperative haemorrhage. To the best of our knowledge this report provides new data of potential clinical significance

    Historyczny żuraw na przekonstruowanym fragmencie oryginalnej estakady jako pomnik Stoczni Gdańskiej

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    The paper includes selected aspects of the study, whose goal is to hold the historical crane 642-24 in its current location after the modification of trestle bridge static scheme. The scope of the paper includes the assessment of current technical condition of the object, a presentation of FEM analyses, a description of the assumed load cases, results of the static calculations, checking the effort of construction elements, global and local structure stability and its dynamic characteristics.W pracy omówiono wybrane zagadnienia z przeprowadzonych badań mających na celu ocenę możliwości pozostawienia historycznego żurawia 642-24 na estakadzie B-5 w obecnej lokalizacji po modyfikacji jej schematu statycznego. Zmiana miałaby polegać na skróceniu konstrukcji jedenastoprzęsłowej do dwóch lub jednego przęsła. W referacie zawarto: ocenę aktualnego stanu technicznego obiektu, prezentację zakresu obliczeń MES, opis przyjętych schematów obciążeń, przedstawienie wyników obliczeń statycznych i wymiarowania elementów ustroju, sprawdzenie globalnej i lokalnej stateczności oraz charakterystyk dynamicznych konstrukcji

    Badania wiaduktu nad torami kolejowymi przy PGE Arena w Gdańsku podczas jego realizacji

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    The paper presents the in situ tests carried out during the erection of viaduct WD-1 which is a part of Trasa Slowackiego in Gdansk. Due to the unique and innovative form of the arch girder which is created by twisted pipes, the structural monitoring tests were conducted in the DIM Laboratory in the Department of Structural Mechanics and Bridge Structures at Gdansk University of Technology. The scope of tests included arch abutment measurement system, periodic control of forces in hangers during tensioning process and finally load testing.W pracy przedstawiono badania wiaduktu WD-1 realizowanego w ramach Trasy Słowackiego w Gdańsku. Ze względu na nietypową, innowacyjną formę splecionego łukowego dźwigara nośnego Laboratorium DIM (Diagnostyki, Identyfikacji i Monitoringu) działającemu przy Katedrze Mechaniki Budowli i Mostów Politechniki Gdańskiej zlecono opracowanie i realizację badań kontrolnych. Zakresem badań objęto monitoring wezgłowii łuków i sił w wieszakach linowych podczas ich naciągania oraz próbne obciążenie obiektu

    Testing Contraction and Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Construction and Moulding Polymer Composites

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    The paper presents results of systematic tests of contraction and thermal expansion coefficients of materials based on polymer composites. The information on the above material properties is essential both at the design stage and during the use of finished products. Components for the samples were selected in such a way as to represent typical materials used for production of construction and moulding elements. The performed tests made it possible to monitor the analysed parameters at different stages of the technological process

    Viscoplastic damage analysis of plate-shell structures subjected to impact loading

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    Le travail concerne le comportement des plaques et coques soumises à des charges dynamiques dues à des explosions des mélanges gazeux. Des problèmes mécaniques d’apparition des fissures et d’endommagement ductile sont analysés. En introduction, la revue de la littérature a été présentée ainsi que les théories actuellement les plus souvent utilisées dans ce domaine. Une brève description des outils numériques qui ont servi dans l’étude a été également donnée. Les essais expérimentaux et les résultats des mesures ont été discutés dans la deuxième partie du mémoire. Ils ont permis d’identifier les paramètres matériels du modèle constitutif viscoplastique et d’endommagement nécessaires pour mener une analyse numérique du comportement des plaques, de faire la vérification des nombreuses simulations discutées à la fin du travail. Dans les conclusions, est présenté le bilan des modélisations en exposant surtout celles qui ont conduit à de meilleurs résultats.L’auteur discute les hypothèses utilisées, les limitations du modèle et esquisse desperspectives et l’évolution possible à l’avenir.The work presents the investigation in the response of plate-shell structures subjected to impact loadings (gas mixture explosions). This phenomenon is studied in the context of its mechanical aspects, mainly the ductile fracture prediction. The work starts with the literature review and the description of theories, which are nowadays the most popular in the damage and fracture modelling. After selecting the theoretical models and the numerical tools for the further analysis, the detailed report of all realized experimental tests and their results ispresented. Then, for the assumed constitutive and damage laws, the identification of material and fracture criteria parameters is realized. Finally, the numerical simulations are performed and their results, verified by the experiments, are summarized and commented.The work finishes with the conclusions, where the best approaches (from those, which havebeen tested) are pointed, all assumptions or limitations used in the study are discussed and the objectives for the further research are indicated

    Analyse visco-plastique de l'endommagement des plaques et coques soumises aux impacts

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    The work presents the investigation in the response of plate-shell structures subjected to impact loadings (gas mixture explosions). This phenomenon is studied in the context of its mechanical aspects, mainly the ductile fracture prediction. The work starts with the literature review and the description of theories, which are nowadays the most popular in the damage and fracture modelling. After selecting the theoretical models and the numerical tools for the further analysis, the detailed report of all realized experimental tests and their results ispresented. Then, for the assumed constitutive and damage laws, the identification of material and fracture criteria parameters is realized. Finally, the numerical simulations are performed and their results, verified by the experiments, are summarized and commented.The work finishes with the conclusions, where the best approaches (from those, which havebeen tested) are pointed, all assumptions or limitations used in the study are discussed and the objectives for the further research are indicated.Le travail concerne le comportement des plaques et coques soumises à des charges dynamiques dues à des explosions des mélanges gazeux. Des problèmes mécaniques d’apparition des fissures et d’endommagement ductile sont analysés. En introduction, la revue de la littérature a été présentée ainsi que les théories actuellement les plus souvent utilisées dans ce domaine. Une brève description des outils numériques qui ont servi dans l’étude a été également donnée. Les essais expérimentaux et les résultats des mesures ont été discutés dans la deuxième partie du mémoire. Ils ont permis d’identifier les paramètres matériels du modèle constitutif viscoplastique et d’endommagement nécessaires pour mener une analyse numérique du comportement des plaques, de faire la vérification des nombreuses simulations discutées à la fin du travail. Dans les conclusions, est présenté le bilan des modélisations en exposant surtout celles qui ont conduit à de meilleurs résultats.L’auteur discute les hypothèses utilisées, les limitations du modèle et esquisse desperspectives et l’évolution possible à l’avenir

    Isotropic damage in viscoplastic flow conditions, FEM applications with practical examples

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    The damage mechanics is a very important branch of solid mechanics. Although it is still developing, it has already been applied to many engineering problems. Among many various types of damage models, which are commonly used, the main subject of this paper is the isotropic continuous damage in viscoplastic flow conditions. This paper include Information about the viscoplastic type of constitutive modelling, the presentation of mechanical representation of damage by the scalar variable D, effective stress concept, equations of the chosen isotropic damage model, the Chaboche viscoplastic constitutive model including damage effects and the identification procedure of damage material parameters with practical example. The chosen constitutive model is easy to apply to the finite element analysis. Using the MSC.Marc system, which great advantage is possibility ofa user subroutine application, the geometry nonlinear finite element analysis of plate and shell structures including damage is possible. This paper includes description of the applied program and user subroutines applied: UVSCPL - viscoplastic modelling (the standard MSC.Marc system supports the Chaboche model, but not in the damage variant) and UACTIV - deactivation of finite elements. The last part of the paper includes the practical numerical example of a clamped bar of 0.3 m long and 0.1x0.01 m cross-section size. In calculations the four-node thin-shell, divided into five layers, elements were used. dynamic, geometrically nonlinear analysis using Newmark integration algorithm has been performed. As the results, screen shots of displacements with maps of damage parameter for the bar infour time moments are presented

    Load test of new European record holder in span length among extradosed type bridges

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    The article presents acceptance load tests of a newly built extradosed MS-3 bridge located along the national road DK-16 near Ostróda (Poland). The structure features significant dimension in European reference scale. It is a new record holder in span length regarding this distinct bridge category. Its length ranges 206 m. Static and dynamic load tests were performed here. The program was extended by entire structural laser scanning and identification of natural vibration forms

    The legal position of the chairman of the municipal council - the conclusions and proposals

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    Pozycja prawna przewodniczącego rady gminy regulowana jest przede wszystkim ustawą z dnia 8 marca 1990 roku o samorządzie gminnym. Rada gminy w celu sprawnego działania wybiera spośród swego grona przewodniczącego oraz od jednego do trzech wiceprzewodniczących, bezwzględną większością głosów w obecności co najmniej połowy ustawowego składu rady, w głosowaniu tajnym. Wybór na przewodniczącego i wiceprzewodniczącego rady jest dwuetapowy. Pierwszy etap realizowany jest w głosowaniu tajnym przez oddanie głosów na kandydatów, a następnie ogłoszenie wyników przez komisję skrutacyjną. Jest to akt podstawowy i decydujący o wyborze, przy czym jego uzewnętrznienie następuje w formie uchwały rady gminy, która zostaje podjęta na podstawie artykułu 19 ustęp 1 ustawy o samorządzie gminnym stwierdzającej wybór na jedną ze wskazanych funkcji. Oznacza to w konsekwencji, iż artykuł 19 ustawy o samorządzie gminnym nie może stanowić samodzielnej podstawy do określenia zasad wyboru na przewodniczącego i wiceprzewodniczącego rady. Określenie tych zasad powinno znaleźć się w statucie gminy.The legal position of the chairman of the municipal council is regulated primarily by the Law of 8 March 1990 on Local Government. The municipal council for the smooth operation appoints the chairman and from one to three vice-chairman, by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the statutory members of the council in a secret ballot. The choice of chairman and vice-chairman of the two-step. The first stage is carried out by secret ballot to cast their votes for the candidates, and then the announcement of results by the returning committee. It is a basic and decisive act of choosing, while its manifestation takes place in the form of a resolution of the municipal council, which shall be taken on the basis of article 19, paragraph 1 of the Law on Local Government stating choice for one of the designated functions. This means in consequence that Article 19 of the Law on Local Government alone can not constitute the basis for determining the rules for selection for the chairman and vice-chairman. The definition of these principles should be included in the statute of the municipality