27 research outputs found

    Features of international students’ adaptation (On the basis of a russian higher education institution)

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    © 2016 Pyrkova.The growth of students’ international mobility and difficulties which international students meet, state of maladjustment manifested, first of all, at the psychophysical level suggests the relevance of the paper. In this regard, the paper is aimed to reveal features of international students’ adaptation (in case of students from India) in comparison with native students. The leading method to the research is experimental-psychological testing aimed to identify features of international students’ adaptation according to the following criteria: level of stress, qualities of life and indicators of psychological-symptomatic status. The paper covers features of international first-year students’ adaptation: low degree of stress load (with tendency to threshold resistance); higher values of quality of life indicators and adaptation indicators in comparison with control groups. Analysis of psychological symptomatic status revealed a tendency to “somatization”. Indicators of adaptation are directly connected with the state of mental and physical health. Materials from the paper can be useful in practical and theoretical work of teachers, heads of educational institutions; specialists in educational and social work, psychologists participating in programs of psychological and social support of international students

    Interrelationship of microsocial conditions and peculiarities of development with specific character of psychic infantilism of patients with neurotic disoders

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. The problem of premorbid peculiarities of personality and their influence on degree of psychic adaptation remains one of the most actual problem for medical psychology. One of the predisposing factors of neurotic disorders are infantile traits of personality and infantilism as psychopathologic syndrome. Insufficient level of psychological maturity of personality may have negative influence on the prognosis and course of neurotic disorders. In the capacity of causes of juvenilism the following disorders are considered: constitutional-genetic predisposition, slight cerebral affection, somatic (serious somatic diseases in childhood, frequent hospitalization, operative interventions) and psychosocial factors, the latter of which are less examined. The aim of this research is a study of correlation of microsocial conditions and psychophysiological peculiarities of development with specific character of juvenilism of the patients with neurotic disorders. Clinical-Psychopathological Method has been used as a main technique of studying of clinical peculiarities of psychic infantilism. The following characteristics of psychic infantilism have been studied: dependence, suggestibility, credulity, egocentrism, susceptibility to pathologic fantasy generation, prognostic competence, maximalism, impatience, fear of rejection, emotional instability, rigidity. The study deals with the specific character of the structure of juvenilism of patients with neurotic disorders (adaptation disorders, anxiety-phobic disorder and dissociation disorder). Correlations of characteristics of juvenilism by neurotic disorders with microsocial conditions and peculiarities of patients' developments have been presented. The results of investigation are: there are significant differences between microsocial data and peculiarities of the development in different groups of patients, the similar correlations between characteristics of juvenilism and microsocial data of the development in different groups of patients with anxiety-phobic and dissociative disorders have been revealed. The materials of the study may be useful for psychologists and psychotherapist by providing psychotherapy of the patients with neurotic disorders

    Imitation methods in teaching decision-making to students of medical faculties

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    © 2016 Pyrkova and Ryabova.Urgency of an issue addressed in the article is due to the fact that practice-oriented student teaching requires not only mastering of medical manipulations, but psychological readiness for professional activities as well. The aim of the article is to develop a model of psycho-pedagogical training of medical students for effective interaction skills and decision-making. The leading methods of the given problem study are imitation interactive methods, performance and activities of the students themselves with a teacher as a coordinator being the primary source of pedagogical process resources, when these methods are applied. It is shown in the article that application of imitation methods in student teaching are found to contribute to practical skills formation and enhancement in communicative, cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivation spheres at three levels (reproductive, productive and creative ones). The information given in this article may be helpful to the teachers of psycho–pedagogical disciplines, when teaching students to professional decision making as a component of the psychological readiness for professional activities in practice

    Teaching communication skills and decision-making to university students

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    © 2017 Authors. The aim of this article is the development and implementation of a model (structure) of effective doctor-patient interaction and its application when teaching future medical workers. The leading method of the given problem under study is the method of psychological-pedagogical experiment, which represents a task-oriented and organized process of communication skills improvement. At the beginning of the educational course and upon its completion, the students of the control and experimental groups were given psycho-diagnostic techniques to fill in, the results of which showed improvement of communication skills in the experimental group. The materials of this article may be helpful to the teachers of psycho-pedagogical disciplines and during the development and implementation of interactive educational modules used during accreditation of health care professionals as well

    Concorrência tributária entre regiões da Rússia e seus indicadores

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    The article focuses on approaches to assessing the competitive advantages of regions of Russia in the area of taxation, the main approaches to the definition of tax competition at the present stage used in the scientific literature, are considered; emphasis on the influence of internal tax competition on social and economic development of the regions; the possibilities of using a number of quantitative and qualitative indicators to assess the competitive advantages of the regions in the area of taxation are summarized; ranking of the regions of Russia by using tax authorities to provide tax benefits of corporate income tax paid to the budget of the Russian Federation constituent, was performed; the conclusion about the relationship of investment activity and the availability of competitive advantages in the area of taxation was made; the development problems of the regional competitive advantages in the area of taxation and prospects for their solution are described.El artículo se centra en los enfoques para evaluar las ventajas competitivas de las regiones de Rusia en el área de la tributación, se consideran los principales enfoques para la definición de competencia fiscal en la etapa actual utilizados en la literatura científica; énfasis en la influencia de la competencia fiscal interna sobre el desarrollo social y económico de las regiones; se resumen las posibilidades de utilizar una serie de indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos para evaluar las ventajas competitivas de las regiones en el área de la tributación; clasificación de las regiones de Rusia mediante el uso de las autoridades fiscales para proporcionar los beneficios fiscales del impuesto sobre la renta corporativo pagado al presupuesto del constituyente de la Federación de Rusia; se llegó a la conclusión sobre la relación de la actividad inversora y la disponibilidad de ventajas competitivas en el área de tributación; se describen los problemas de desarrollo de las ventajas competitivas regionales en el área de impuestos y las perspectivas para su solución. O artigo enfoca as abordagens para avaliar as vantagens competitivas das regiões russas na área de tributação, considerando as principais abordagens para a definição de concorrência tributária no atual estágio utilizado na literatura científica; ênfase na influência da concorrência fiscal interna no desenvolvimento social e econômico das regiões; as possibilidades de utilizar uma série de indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos para avaliar as vantagens competitivas das regiões na área de tributação são resumidas; classificação das regiões da Rússia, usando as autoridades fiscais para fornecer os benefíciosfiscais do imposto de renda corporativo pago ao orçamento do constituinte da Federação Russa; chegouse à conclusão sobre a relação entre a atividade de investimento e a disponibilidade de vantagens competitivas na área de tributação; São descritos os problemas de desenvolvimento de vantagenscompetitivas regionais na área tributária e as perspectivas de sua solução

    Bioinformatics analysis of the interaction of miRNAs and piRNAs with human mRNA genes having di- and trinucleotide repeats

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    The variability of nucleotide repeats is considered one of the causes of diseases, but their biological function is not understood. In recent years, the interaction of miRNAs and piRNAs with the mRNAs of genes responsible for developing neurodegenerative and oncological diseases and diabetes have been actively studied. We explored candidate genes with nucleotide repeats to predict associations with miRNAs and piRNAs. The parameters of miRNAs and piRNA binding sites with mRNAs of human genes having nucleotide repeats were determined using the MirTarget program. This program defines the start of the initiation of miRNA and piRNA binding to mRNAs, the localization of miRNA and piRNA binding sites in the 5'-untranslated region (5'UTR), coding sequence (CDS) and 3'-untranslated region (3'UTR); the free energy of binding; and the schemes of nucleotide interactions of miRNAs and piRNAs with mRNAs. The characteristics of miRNAs and piRNA binding sites with mRNAs of 73 human genes were determined. The 5'UTR, 3'UTR and CDS of the mRNAs of genes are involved in the development of neurodegenerative, oncological and diabetes diseases with GU, AC dinucleotide and CCG, CAG, GCC, CGG, CGC trinucleotide repeats. The associations of miRNAs, piRNAs and candidate target genes could be recommended for developing methods for diagnosing diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, oncological diseases and diabetes

    Cтратегии и технологии инновационного развития корпораций

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    У монографії представлено результати дослідження й систематизації теоретичних, науково-методологічних і практичних положень та розробок щодо стратегій та технологій інноваційного розвитку корпорацій. Запропоновано і обґрунтовано технології управління інноваційним розвитком підприємств, стратегії розвитку бізнесу, визначено сучасні реалії та тенденції корпоративного маркетингу, культури та соціальної відповідальності бізнесу, запропоновано нові підходи у корпоративному управлінні, обґрунтовано доцільність використання краудтехнологій фінансування інноваційних проектів, визначено підхо-ди щодо управління персоналом корпорацій в поведінковій економіці. Для науковців та фахівців сфери економіки та управління підприємствам

    Features of international students’ adaptation (On the basis of a russian higher education institution)

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    © 2016 Pyrkova.The growth of students’ international mobility and difficulties which international students meet, state of maladjustment manifested, first of all, at the psychophysical level suggests the relevance of the paper. In this regard, the paper is aimed to reveal features of international students’ adaptation (in case of students from India) in comparison with native students. The leading method to the research is experimental-psychological testing aimed to identify features of international students’ adaptation according to the following criteria: level of stress, qualities of life and indicators of psychological-symptomatic status. The paper covers features of international first-year students’ adaptation: low degree of stress load (with tendency to threshold resistance); higher values of quality of life indicators and adaptation indicators in comparison with control groups. Analysis of psychological symptomatic status revealed a tendency to “somatization”. Indicators of adaptation are directly connected with the state of mental and physical health. Materials from the paper can be useful in practical and theoretical work of teachers, heads of educational institutions; specialists in educational and social work, psychologists participating in programs of psychological and social support of international students

    Interrelationship of microsocial conditions and peculiarities of development with specific character of psychic infantilism of patients with neurotic disoders

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. The problem of premorbid peculiarities of personality and their influence on degree of psychic adaptation remains one of the most actual problem for medical psychology. One of the predisposing factors of neurotic disorders are infantile traits of personality and infantilism as psychopathologic syndrome. Insufficient level of psychological maturity of personality may have negative influence on the prognosis and course of neurotic disorders. In the capacity of causes of juvenilism the following disorders are considered: constitutional-genetic predisposition, slight cerebral affection, somatic (serious somatic diseases in childhood, frequent hospitalization, operative interventions) and psychosocial factors, the latter of which are less examined. The aim of this research is a study of correlation of microsocial conditions and psychophysiological peculiarities of development with specific character of juvenilism of the patients with neurotic disorders. Clinical-Psychopathological Method has been used as a main technique of studying of clinical peculiarities of psychic infantilism. The following characteristics of psychic infantilism have been studied: dependence, suggestibility, credulity, egocentrism, susceptibility to pathologic fantasy generation, prognostic competence, maximalism, impatience, fear of rejection, emotional instability, rigidity. The study deals with the specific character of the structure of juvenilism of patients with neurotic disorders (adaptation disorders, anxiety-phobic disorder and dissociation disorder). Correlations of characteristics of juvenilism by neurotic disorders with microsocial conditions and peculiarities of patients' developments have been presented. The results of investigation are: there are significant differences between microsocial data and peculiarities of the development in different groups of patients, the similar correlations between characteristics of juvenilism and microsocial data of the development in different groups of patients with anxiety-phobic and dissociative disorders have been revealed. The materials of the study may be useful for psychologists and psychotherapist by providing psychotherapy of the patients with neurotic disorders

    Features of international students’ adaptation (On the basis of a russian higher education institution)

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    © 2016 Pyrkova.The growth of students’ international mobility and difficulties which international students meet, state of maladjustment manifested, first of all, at the psychophysical level suggests the relevance of the paper. In this regard, the paper is aimed to reveal features of international students’ adaptation (in case of students from India) in comparison with native students. The leading method to the research is experimental-psychological testing aimed to identify features of international students’ adaptation according to the following criteria: level of stress, qualities of life and indicators of psychological-symptomatic status. The paper covers features of international first-year students’ adaptation: low degree of stress load (with tendency to threshold resistance); higher values of quality of life indicators and adaptation indicators in comparison with control groups. Analysis of psychological symptomatic status revealed a tendency to “somatization”. Indicators of adaptation are directly connected with the state of mental and physical health. Materials from the paper can be useful in practical and theoretical work of teachers, heads of educational institutions; specialists in educational and social work, psychologists participating in programs of psychological and social support of international students