146 research outputs found

    Technologies of 3D-printing in the educational process

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    The article describes the main ways of applying 3D printing, shows their educational potential in the development of engineers. The main ways of using 3D printing in the educational process are consideredВ статье раскрываются основные способы применения 3D печати, показан их образовательный потенциал в развитии инженерных кадров. Рассмотрены основные способы применения 3D печати в образовательном процесс

    Лурия в Кисегаче. Часть 1

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    Original manuscript received January 19, 2020.Revised manuscript accepted February 20, 2020.The present article is about A. R. Luria’s work and life in Kisegach. It is based on his autobiographical book (Luria A. R., 1982; Cole, Levitin, & Luria, 2006 [in Eng.]); on the memories of his daughter, Elena Luria, in her book about her father (Luria E. A., 1994); and on a unique document in the Luria family archive: “The Work Diary. Kisegach, 1942–1943”. The general notebook under this name served him for daily records about the examinations of patients and comments on them. This article publishes records entered in the Diary from 19th January until 13th March, 1942. In the introduction to the publication of “The Work Diary” short biographical material is presented. It gives a description of how A. R. Luria met the beginning of the war, what tasks to create a rehabilitation hospital were assigned to him, how they were carried out. The article presents the memoirs of Luria’s daughter Elena (Lena) about the life of their family in Kisegach. It includes the memoirs of B. V. Zeigarnik and S. Ya. Rubinstein on the organization by Luria of labor workshops for the rehabilitation of movements of hand and arms in wounded soldiers. The text is provided with numerous illustrations. The main part consists of Luria’s daily records of patient examinations. Usually he studied from one to four patients. They were patients with aphasia syndromes, with apraxia, agnosia or concussion symptoms. Sometimes Luria gave commentaries to the observed symptoms. He noted the characteristic details of the symptoms and hypothesized the mechanisms of their occurrence. In general, the Work Diary shows the intense practical and theoretical work of the scientist while working in Kisegach.Эта статья о работе и жизни А. Р. Лурия в Кисегаче написана по материалам его автобиографической книги (Luria A. R., 1982; англоязычное издание — Cole, Levitin, Luria, 2006), по воспоминаниям о Кисегаче его дочери Елены Лурия в ее книге об отце (Luria E. A., 1994) и по материалам уникального документа, хранящегося в семейном архиве Лурия. Это «Дневник работы. Кисегач, 1942–1943» — общая тетрадь с таким названием служила ученому для ежедневных записей о проведенных исследованиях больных и комментариев к ним. В данной статье впервые публикуются дневниковые записи Лурия с 19 января 1942 г. по 13 марта того же года. Во введении к публикации дневника даются краткие биографические сведения. Описывается, как А. Р. Лурия встретил начало войны, какие задачи по созданию госпиталя были поставлены перед ним и как он их решал. В статье приведены воспоминания Елены Лурия, дочери ученого, о жизни их семьи в Кисегаче. Также используются воспоминания Б. В. Зейгарник и С. Я. Рубинштейн об организации А. Р. Лурия трудовых мастерских для восстановления у бойцов движений рук. К тексту прилагается 9 фотографий. Основную часть составляют записи А. Р. Лурия в дневнике об исследованиях больных. Обычно он смотрел от 1 до 4 больных в день. Это были пациенты с синдромами афазии, с симптомами апраксии, агнозии, сотрясения мозга. Иногда Лурия комментировал свои “опыты”, он отмечал характерные особенности симптомов и выдвигал гипотезы об их механизмах. В целом дневник является свидетельством интенсивной практической и теоретической работы ученого в госпитале Кисегача


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    В статье рассматривается важность использования аддитивных технологий в обучении для формирования профессиональных навыков и компетенций будущего специалиста. Подчеркивается образовательный потенциал применения 3D-печати в системе среднего профессионального образованияThe article discusses the importance of using additive technologies in training for the formation of professional skills and competencies of the future specialist. The educational potential of using 3D printing in the system of secondary vocational education is emphasize


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    Lennox–Gastaut syndrome (LGS) is childhood-onset epileptic encephalopathy manifested by frequent polymorphic seizures, including tonic axial, obvious cognitive impairments, characteristic ECG changes, and therapeutic resistance. Due to the concurrence of several types of seizures in the clinical presentation of the disease and their resistance to drug therapy, great hopes are pinned on the design of novel antiepileptic drugs with fundamentally other mechanisms of action and aimed specially at treating this severe type of epilepsy. The authors review the foreign literature on the new antiepileptic drug rufinamide (Inovelon) registered in Russia in January 2015 to directly treat LGS as adjunctive treatment in children 4 years and older and adults. Multiple trials have demonstrated that rufinamide has efficacy and good tolerability in treating LGS.The authors describe an observed case of the efficacy of rufinamide in a 17-year-old male patient with LGS. Despite the drug resistance of epilepsy and no response to multiple antiepileptic drugs used alone and in different combinations, the incorporation of rufinamide into a treatment regimen had a pronounced therapeutic effect: the frequency of convulsive seizures decreased by 70 %. At the time of writing this paper, the patient has been receiving rufinamide for more 5 months. He has been tolerating the therapy well

    To the Question of the Participation of the Ural Peasants in the Social Movements of the middle - second half of the XVIII Century (on the Example of the Revdinsky Plant)

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    In the middle - second half of the 18th century. The Urals became the center of mass social movements. In historiography, the opinion was established that the Ural peasants took an active part in the unrest of the 1750s and 60s. and the movement of E. Pugachev. Discontent gripped many Ural factories, but the adaptation of the peasants assigned to factory life became one of the most important factors in their controversial positions in the course of social protests. Using the example of the Revda plant, the article examines the phenomenon of dividing the assigned peasants into “old” and “new” in connection with the process of the formation of the labor force and the conditions of factory life during the 18th century.В середине – второй половине XVIII в. Урал стал центром массовых социальных движений. В историографии утвердилось мнение о том, что уральские приписные крестьяне принимали активное участие в волнениях 1750-1760-х гг. и движении Е. Пугачева. Недовольства охватили многие уральские заводы, но адаптация приписных крестьян к заводской жизни стала одним из важнейших факторов их неоднозначных позиций в ходе социальных протестов. В статье на примере Ревдинского завода рассматривается феномен разделения приписных крестьян на «старых» и «новых» во взаимосвязи с процессом складывания рабочей силы и условиями заводской жизни на протяжении XVIII в

    A new approach to identifying high-tech manufacturing SMEs with sustainable technological development : Empirical evidence

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    Industry 4.0 has already become part of the world's largest manufacturers and is beginning to influencing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through the supply chain. High-tech industries, such as pharmaceuticals, electronic equipment, aircraft manufacturing, etc., will be the first to face technological transformation. To this end, it becomes relevant to assess the sustainability of the technological development of SMEs as a factor of their successful digital transformation. This paper fills a gap in the study of such development as it pertains to Russian high-tech SMEs. Based on a critical literature review, we propose a new approach to assessing the sustainable technological development of these industries. The approach is distinguished by the use of a set of five indicators highlighted during the literature review, which can be quantified based on financial statements. The choice of variables is justified by their compliance with the specifics of industrial SMEs and KMO and Bartlett tests. We empirically tested the selected indicators using a sample of 7980 enterprises in two high-tech industries: Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE). We concluded that the larger the business, the higher the sustainability of its technological development. At the same time, SMEs have two key advantages in the implementation of technological development – a decrease in resource costs of production, flexibility in asset management and gross profit. The proposed approach allows us to identify promising high-tech SMEs for the transition to Industry 4.0 technologies. Our research will be useful both for private enterprises when searching for technologically promising contractors and for public authorities when analyzing and selecting enterprises for pilot digital transformation.© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed


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    Results of research of efficacy and tolerability of lamitor (lamotrigine) in the treatment of idiopathic focal and generalized forms of epilepsy as monotherapy or in polytherapy in children and adolescents are presented. 25 patients were included in our research, aged from 2 till 18 years, with idiopathic focal (n=10) and generalized (n=15) epilepsy, which received lamitor in monotherapy (5 patients) or in polytherapy (20 patients). As a whole, remission was reached at 18 of 25 patients (72%), significant improvement – at 5 of 25 (20%), the effect was absent – 1 patient (4%), deterioration was noted only in 1 case (4%). Efficiency of lamitor in dependence on epilepsy form was considered. Good tolerability of lamitor is noted. Thus, our research demonstrated high efficiency and good tolerability of lamitor as an additional antiepileptic drug and in monotherapy in the treatment of idiopathic epilepsies in children and adolescents

    Лурия в Кисегаче. Часть 2

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    Original manuscript received July 05, 2020.Revised manuscript accepted July 27, 2020.First published online November 13, 2020.This is the second part of the article on the work and life of A. R. Luria in Kisegach, which presents the unique document The Work Diary. This notebook was used by him for daily records of patient studies. It is kept in the family archive of Luria. Comments on the Diary are written on the basis of his autobiographical book (Luria A. R., 1982; Cole, Levitin, & Luria, 2006); the memoirs of his daughter, Elena Luria, in her book about her father (Luria E. A., 1994); as well as the memoirs of his colleagues. This part of the article publishes entries in the Diary from March 15 to November 13, 1942. The introduction to the records tells about the scientist’s colleagues who worked with him in the hospital. These are such well-known psychologists as B. V. Zeigarnik, A. V. Zaporozhets, S. Ya. Rubinstein, E. S. Bein, O. P. Kaufman. The article explains the reason for the myth that during the war A. V. Zaporozhets worked only in the hospital in Kaurovka under the supervision of A. N. Leontiev. In this regard, we are talking about the Kharkov School of Psychology, the areas of work of L. S. Vygotsky, A. R. Luria and A. N. Leontiev in the years 1932–1934. In general, the article shows the intensive practical and theoretical work of the scientists in Kisegach hospital.Это вторая часть статьи о работе и жизни А. Р. Лурия в Кисегаче, которая представляет уникальный документ «Дневник работы». Общая тетрадь с таким названием служила ученому для ежедневных записей о проведенных исследованиях больных. Она хранится в семейном архиве Лурия. Комментарии к «Дневнику» написаны по материалам его автобиографической книги (Luria A. R., 1982; англоязычное издание — Cole, Levitin, & Luria, 2006), по воспоминаниям о Кисегаче его дочери Елены Лурия в ее книге об отце (Luria Е. А., 1994), а также по воспоминаниям коллег. В данной части статьи впервые публикуются записи в «Дневнике» с 15 марта по 13 ноября 1942 г. Во введении к записям рассказывается о сотрудниках ученого, работавших с ним в госпитале. Это такие известные психологи, как Б. В. Зейгарник, А. В. Запорожец, С. Я. Рубинштейн, Э. С. Бейн, О. П. Кауфман. В статье разъясняется причина возникновения мифа, что в годы войны А. В. Запорожец работал только в госпитале в пос. Кауровка под руководством А. Н. Леонтьева. В связи с этим речь идет о харьковской школе психологии, о направлениях работы Л. С. Выготского, А. Р. Лурия и А. Н. Леонтьева в 1932–1934 гг. В целом статья показывает интенсивную практическую и теоретическую работу ученых в госпитале Кисегача

    Use of Personal Protection Equipment by Moscow Subway Passengers under Conditions of COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The Subway is the most important means of transport in Moscow. The active flows of passengers in the metro can contribute to the spread of infectious diseases with airborne and contact mechanisms of transmission, including the coronavirus infection COVID-19. The aim of the study was to assess the level of adherence to the use of personal protective equipment (facial masks, gloves) by passengers of the Moscow Subway. Materials and methods. A prospective study based on a visual assessment of passengers in a rolling stock of the Moscow subway, with division into cohorts of those using masks and gloves (K1), using only masks (K2), using masks in violation of the rules of use (K3) and not using personal protection equipment (K4) was conducted. Observations were carried out during the 42nd and 43rd weeks of 2020 in various subway clusters with a division in time into morning, afternoon and evening hours. Additionally, passengers were ranked into groups by occupation during the trip. Statistical processing included the identification of frequencies, their 95 % confidence intervals. To compare the significance of differences in the prevalence of features in paired groups, the methods of 4-field tables (χ2 Pearson) were used. Results and discussion. 18053 observations were validated, covering 61.3 % of stations. Men accounted for 54.7 % (9867). During the observation period, the following shares were established: K1 – 5.2 % (95 % CI 4.9–5.5), K2 – 51.9 % (95 % CI 51.2–52.7), K3 – 26.9 (95 % CI 26.2–27.6), K4 – 16 % (95 % CI 15.4–16.6). The level of adherence to the proper use of PPE is significantly lower among men. Land lines have the lowest proportion of passengers using PPE. Among passengers using electronic devices and paper media, a higher proportion of those wearing masks with violation of the rules of use, compared to passengers without activities, was established. Among passengers using electronic devices, the proportion of those using gloves is the lowest. Within two weeks of follow-up, a significant increase in the frequency of PPE use was revealed