12 research outputs found

    Heating pad vs. infusion warmer to prevent hypothermia in intraoperative patients: which one is more effective?

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    Background: The use of heating pads and infusion warmers on intraoperative patients has been proven to prevent hypothermia. However, the differences in the effectiveness of the two methods have not been studied.Purpose: This study aims to compare the effectiveness of a heating pad and infusion warmer in preventing hypothermia (decreased body temperature and the incidence of shivering) in intraoperative patients.Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental design by a Posttest-Only Design with Nonequivalent Groups. The populations in this study were surgical patients with regional anesthesia, with a total sample of 64 respondents (32 respondents in the heating pad group and 32 respondents in the infusion warmer group) selected randomly. The incidence of hypothermia was perceived from two indicators: a decrease in body temperature and the prevalence of shivering, which was observed and recorded during the intraoperative period. The data were analyzed by discrimination tests (mean discrimination test and proportion discrimination test) to determine the difference in the effectiveness of the two groups.Results: The average decrease in body temperature during the intraoperative period (0-40 minutes of operation) in the group given the infusion warmer was greater than the group given the heating pad (p<0.001). The group given the infusion warmer was 8.750 times more likely to experience shivering than the group given the heating pad (p<0.001; OR=8.750).Conclusion: Using a heating pad is better in preventing hypothermia in intraoperative patients than using an infusion warmer

    Predictors of Anxiety toward COVID-19 Delta Variant: A Cross- Sectional Study among Healthcare Providers in Java and Bali, Indonesia

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    Health facilities are experiencing overcapacity, oxygen scarcity, and a limited number of healthcare providers due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), thus impacted on anxiety. This study aimed to determine predictors of anxiety among healthcare providers toward the Delta variant of COVID-19 in Indonesia. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 371 healthcare providers in Java and Bali Islands, and the snowball sampling technique was used. Data were collected using a questionnaire and distributed through social media (WhatsApp), then analyzed using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis (Chi-square test), and multivariate analysis (multiple logistic regression). The results showed that 81 (21.8%) respondents experienced anxiety. The workplace (AOR: = 0.617; p-value = 0.011), a history of confirmed positive for COVID-19 (AOR = 2.965; p-value<0.001), and the respondent's comorbidities (AOR = 8.753; p-value<0.001) were significantly associated with anxiety toward the Delta variant. Healthcare managers must regularly evaluate the psychological condition of their subordinates during the COVID-19 pandemic so that anxiety can be detected and overcome early through constructive self-adaptation and positive coping mechanisms.

    Pengalaman Keluarga dalam Melaksanakan Manajemen Diet Stroke Lansia

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    This study aims to explore family experiences in implementing stroke diet management for older people in the Seririt Community Health Center working area. The method used is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The results of the research show that there are four family experiences in implementing elderly stroke diet management in the Seririt Community Health Center working area, namely support for elderly stroke diet families in providing low-salt food and controlling the elderly's diet, post-stroke malnutrition related to nutritional management in elderly stroke sufferers for improving the nutritional status and improving the patient's metabolic quality, a healthy diet is one of the keys to successful stroke treatment which requires daily support from a healthy diet and nutritional counseling. In conclusion, there are four main themes: family support for elderly stroke diets, post-stroke malnutrition, healthy eating patterns, and nutritional counseling. &nbsp; Keywords: Family, Elderly, Diet Management of Strok


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    Latar Belakang: Pemerintah Indonesia sejak awal pandemi menerapkan kebijakan dan himbauan pada masyarakat mengenai pembatasan aktivitas di luar rumah, padahal banyak aktivitas fisik yang biasanya dilakukan di luar rumah, khususnya yang sering dilakukan oleh lansia.&nbsp; Hal tersebut membuat lansia malas bergerak dan berdampak pada kurangnya aktivitas fisik sehingga menyebabkan depresi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian depresi pada lansia selama masa pandemi COVID-19 di Desa Rendang. Metode: yang digunakan adalah menggunakan desain analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian yaitu seluruh lansia di Desa Rendang yang berjumlah 925 orang dengan sampel sebanyak 237 orang yang dipilih menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen untuk mengukur aktivitas fisik menggunakan kuesioner PASE (Physical Activity Scale for Elderly), dan instrumen pengukur depresi menggunakan kuesioner GDS (Geriatric Depression Scale). Analisis data menggunakan uji rank Spearman. Hasil: Menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden adalah perempuan (62%), berusia 60-74 tahun (65.5%), tidak sekolah (46,8%), dan bekerja sebagai petani/nelayan (34,6%). Sebagian besar lansia masuk dalam kategori depresi ringan yaitu sebanyak 96 orang (40,5%) dan tingkat aktivitas fisik kurang yaitu sebanyak 102 orang (43%). Kesimpulan:Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian depresi pada lansia (p value &lt;0,05; r=-0,563). Saran: Lansia diharapkan senantiasa tetap melakukan aktivitas fisik seperti berjalan kaki dan membuat kerajinan tangan untuk menghilangkan depresi dan peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan meneliti lebih lanjut tentang pengaruh berjalan kaki dan membuat kerajinan tangan untuk menghilangkan depresi di masa pandemi COVID-19

    Prevalence of faecal incontinence in community-dwelling older people in Bali, Indonesia

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    Author version made available in accordance with Publisher policy. Under 12 month embargo from date of publication [14 April 2014]. This is the accepted version of the following article: [Suyasa, I. G. P. D., Xiao, L. D., Lynn, P. A., Skuza, P. P. and Paterson, J. (2014), Prevalence of faecal incontinence in community-dwelling older people in Bali, Indonesia. Australasian Journal on Ageing.], which has been published in final form at [doi: 10.1111/ajag.12141]. In addition, authors may also transmit, print and share copies with colleagues, provided that there is no systematic distribution of the submitted version, e.g. posting on a listserve, network or automated delivery.Aim To explore the prevalence rate of faecal incontinence in community-dwelling older people, associated factors, impact on quality of life and practices in managing faecal incontinence. Method Using a cross-sectional design, 600 older people aged 60+ were randomly selected from a population of 2916 in Bali, Indonesia using a simple random sampling technique. Three hundred and three participants were interviewed (response rate 51%). Results The prevalence of faecal incontinence was 22.4% (95% confidence interval (CI) 18.0–26.8). Self-reported constipation (odds ratio (OR) 3.68, 95% CI 1.87–7.24) and loose stools (OR 2.66, 95% CI 1.47–4.78) were significantly associated with faecal incontinence. There was a strong positive correlation between total bowel control score and total quality-of-life score (P < 0.001, rs = 0.61) indicating significant alterations in quality of life. The current management practices varied from changing diet, visiting health-care professionals, and using modern and traditional medicines. Conclusion Faecal incontinence is common among community-dwelling older people in Bali


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    This study was conducted in order to increase the understanding of issues around decubitus ulcer care in the Indonesian context. The study identified Indonesian nurses&rsquo; perception regarding responsibility of care in the area of decubitus ulcer management. The choice of a qualitative research approach to elucidate the research questions provides the most appropriate way to fully appreciate and understand the uniqueness of the participants&rsquo; view. In this study, eight nurses were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. Two themes arose from the study include nurses&rsquo; responsibility and family involvement. In maintaining the quality of care in the decubitus ulcer area, the participants in this study emphasised the significance of the caring responsibility of both nurses and family. Appropriate education and adequate training for the family are essential in ensuring quality care when involving the family in giving any direct care to hospitalised patients


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    Berbagai penelitian telah dilakukan di berbagai belahan dunia untuk mengidentifikasi angka kejadian inkontinensia. The International Continence Society (ICS) melaporkan angka kejadian inkontinensia urin sebesar 5% - 69% dan 1.5% - 50% untuk inkontinensia fekal. Besarnya rentang angka kejadian yang dilaporkan tergantung dari definisi operasional dan partisipan dari masing-masing penelitian (Milsom et al., 2013). Di Indonesia khsususnya pada populasi lansia, angka kejadian inkontinensia urin adalah 4.3%, dan 2.7% - 22.4% untuk inkontinensia fekal (Suyasa et al., 2015). Terdapat argumentasi bahwa angka kejadian sebenarnya dari inkontinensia tersebut sulit diperkirakan, dan angka-angka yang dilaporkan merupakan ujung dari fenomena gunung es. Ada beberapa asumsi yang mendasari argumen tersebut. Pertama, inkontinensia merupakan masalah yang tabu dan sensitif untuk didiskusikan oleh masyarakat, sehingga masyarakat yang mengalami memilih diam dan tidak menceritakan masalah tesebut kepada siapa pun termasuk kepada petugas kesehatan (Norton, 2004). Kedua, rendahnya pengetahuan dan kemampuan masyarakat dalam mengenal masalah inkontinensia sehingga berakibat pada lambatnya penanganan (Taylor et al., 2013). Ketiga, pengetahuan tenaga kesehatan tentang inkontinensia masih terbatas sehingga kemampuan untuk mengenali masalah klien juga terbatas (Köhler, 2013). Keempat, praktik atau pelayanan kesehatan yang berfokus pada inkontinensia masih terbatas, khususnya di daerah pedesaan. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut di atas, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah: 1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat dan tenaga kesehatan tentang identifikasi masalah inkontinensia dan cara perawatan yang benar (Suyasa, 2013); 2) Tenaga kesehatan lebih aktif melakukan deteksi (screening) khususnya pada populasi dengan faktor risiko tinggi seperti pada lansia dan wanita post partum (Suyasa, 2015); dan 3) Peningkatan praktik/pelayanan inkontinensia kepada masyarakat sehingga dapat mencari pertolongan segera untuk menangani masalahnya

    Research Priority of Gerontic Nursing in Indonesia: findings from a Delphi Study

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    While elderly population in Indonesia continues to increase, research around elderly and health care for elderly is still limited. The purpose of this study was to identify priority of research area on Gerontic Nursing in Indonesia. This was a descriptive study, using Delphi study with 2 survey rounds. Round 1 involved 34 participants purposely selected among nurses who worked in the area of and had a research interest in Gerontic Nursing. Open ended online questionnaire about priority areas was sent to potential participants. Data was analyzed for its similarity, resulted in 36 research areas around Gerontic Nursing. Round 2 involved 204 nurses with the same criteria as in round 1, selected using convenience sampling technique. Close ended questionnaire using Semantic Differential Scale ranged from 1 to 9 was sent online to potential participants. Data was descriptively analyzed for median, interquartile range (IQR), and range. Findings indicated 10 levels of research priority. Level 1 research priority with median of 9, IQR 1, and range 5 were long term care for elderly, family knowledge on caring for elderly, personal hygiene in elderly, competency of Gerontic Nurse, and nutrition in elderly. Nurse academics and researchers are suggested to collaborate with nurse practitioners in various settings to conduct research on these priority areas

    The Educational Value of Hinduism on the Gumi Suda Ceremony at the Birth of the Twin Babies with Different Genders (Case Study at Pakraman Village of Ketewel, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency)

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    This study aimed to identify the educational values of Hinduism on the Gumi Suda ceremony at the Birth of the twin babies with different genders in Pakraman Village of Ketewel, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency.  The data were collected by using interviews technique and literatures review. Furthermore, the data were analyzed through data reduction process or chosen according to the purpose of the research. The data analysis process was done continuously during the research from the beginning until the end of the research through the systematic tracking and arranging process of the transcripts of interviews, field notes and other materials. The Findings indicated that some of the educational values of Hinduism on the Gumi Suda ceremony at the birth of the twin babies with different genders in Pakraman Village of Ketewel, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency are tattwa, ethics, ceremonial, health education and social educational values.</h3