60 research outputs found

    I Juragan Anom: (Sebuah Kajian Tekstual)

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    Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk memberikan tinjauan teoretis mengenai konsep konteks situasi dan aplikasi model teoretis Hallday (1985) tentang konteks situasi terhadap teks I Juragan Anom, sebuah teks tradisional Bali berwujud prosa naratif yang tidak saja bisa dipahami sebagai suatu cerita rakyat yang bercerita tentang perjalanan hidup karakter di dalam cerita tersebut yang dikemas dalam struktur kisahan cerita Panji dan memiliki sejumlah kesamaan struktur alur universal dari the Hero of Tradition serta memiliki bobot edukatif bagi pendidikan dan pembinaan anak-anak. Jangkauan pembicaraan dan kajian terhadap teks tersebut terbatas pada (1) kesatuan teks yang mencakup kesatuan struktur dan texture, (2) konteks situasi dan (3) konteks budayanya

    I Juragan Anom: (Sebuah Kajian Tekstual)

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    Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk memberikan tinjauan teoretis mengenai konsep konteks situasi dan aplikasi model teoretis Hallday (1985) tentang konteks situasi terhadap teks I Juragan Anom, sebuah teks tradisional Bali berwujud prosa naratif yang tidak saja bisa dipahami sebagai suatu cerita rakyat yang bercerita tentang perjalanan hidup karakter di dalam cerita tersebut yang dikemas dalam struktur kisahan cerita Panji dan memiliki sejumlah kesamaan struktur alur universal dari the Hero of Tradition serta memiliki bobot edukatif bagi pendidikan dan pembinaan anak-anak. Jangkauan pembicaraan dan kajian terhadap teks tersebut terbatas pada (1) kesatuan teks yang mencakup kesatuan struktur dan texture, (2) konteks situasi dan (3) konteks budayanya

    I Juragan Anom: (Sebuah Kajian Tekstual)

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    Tulisan ini ditujukan untuk memberikan tinjauan teoretis mengenai konsep konteks situasi dan aplikasi model teoretis Hallday (1985) tentang konteks situasi terhadap teks I Juragan Anom, sebuah teks tradisional Bali berwujud prosa naratif yang tidak saja bisa dipahami sebagai suatu cerita rakyat yang bercerita tentang perjalanan hidup karakter di dalam cerita tersebut yang dikemas dalam struktur kisahan cerita Panji dan memiliki sejumlah kesamaan struktur alur universal dari the Hero of Tradition serta memiliki bobot edukatif bagi pendidikan dan pembinaan anak-anak. Jangkauan pembicaraan dan kajian terhadap teks tersebut terbatas pada (1) kesatuan teks yang mencakup kesatuan struktur dan texture, (2) konteks situasi dan (3) konteks budayanya


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    Abstract: The digital shifts in academic world have been widely used to enhance language learning. This paper describes a pilot project on the adoption of a blended approach, i.e. the physical and virtual classroom approach, in learning writing skill for the second semester university students majoring in English language and literature. The purpose of using the blended learning approach is to increase the participation and understanding of the students in the learning process. In addition, it aims at encouraging students to be more active in discussions which can be quite difficult in large-sized classes. The physical classroom is used, in a traditional manner, e.g. physical interactions between teachers and students. Meanwhile, the virtual classroom is used, among others, to allow a class to have online discussion (with text) (Whitney, 2002), either with the whole class or with smaller groups. It is as well possible to share documents, such as essays or summaries with other students in the virtual classroom. The blended learning method is especially useful for language teacher as well as curriculum designers. Keywords: blended classroom, physical classroom, virtual classroom, writing skil

    The Lexicon of Kaliuda to Improve the Student’s Descriptive Writing Text

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    This study aims to determine the kinds of lexicon discovered in kaliuda that has several motive so the students can learn and finding out the lexicon that improve students’ writing descriptive text. Because by studying and multiplying the vocabulary the students will be easier to write the descriptive text. Students’ ability to write descriptive text relates to mastery of vocabulary. Mastery vocabulary as a basic for mastering language skills that can increase students’ ability to express and writing as productive skill. The method of data collection in this study were obtained by observation consist of several technic, observe the students’ learning process then continued by data arranging suitable with lexicon that contained in Kaliuda as a learning media. The data obtained was conveyed by qualitative method. The students’ writing skill can increase of lexicon was found from kaliuda. The result of this study show that kaliuda has many lexicon inside. At the beginning the students asked to find out the various motive to described it. Based on the students’ descriptions of the kaliuda is able to make the students improve their writing descriptive text skill. By using kaliuda motive the students directly imagine what they will learn such as the lexicon, language use, and etc. Kaliuda as description quite interesting and good to enrich their vocabularies in order to improve the capability of writing descriptive text

    The Translatability of Indonesian Modality into English

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    Translation is a bilingual activity and the languages involved in translation have their own lexico-grammatical features. Modality which can be categorized into modalization and modulation refers to grammatical realization of interpersonal meaning. Systems of modality are different among languages and these differences become important to be well handled in translation. This research is focused on the translatability of modality from Indonesian into English. It investigates the effects of translation strategies applied by the translator to the contextual meaning of target text that is identified and analyzed from the perspectives of type, value, and orientation of modality based on Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar. The result shows that modality in Indonesian can be rendered into English. Shifts due to the value or orientation of modality cause differences of the contextual meanings between Indonesian and English texts

    Dilema Multilingualisme Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Perencanaan Bahasa

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    Kebhinekaan bahasa daerah yang dimiliki dan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa nasional, serta penguasaan bahasa asing terutama bahasa Inggris menguatkan status masyarakat Indonesia menjadi masyarakat multilingual. Kehadiran beragam bahasa (asing, Indonesia dan daerah) mengindikasikan adanya interaksi antar bahasa yang muncul di permukaan sebagai (1) situasi yang saling mempengaruhi, (2) poliglot, dan (3) konflik atau persaingan bahasa.Situasi kebahasaan seperti ini tentu saja kalau  tidak dicermati dan diantisipasi bisa membawa disharmoni sosial yang sangat tidak menguntungkan bagi kelangsungan hidup bahasa terutama bahasa-bahasa daerah sehingga memerlukan perencanaan bahasa yang tepat dan fleksibel

    Borrowing in the Translation of Culturally Bound Expression

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    Translation is not only a linguistic transfer and transfer of meaning but also a cultural transfer. Although theoretically equivalence can be attained due to the universal nature of language and cultural convergence but the facts show that a language is used by speakers who often have very different culture from other speakers of language so that in the translation process it is difficult to find a synonymous equivalent especially culturally bound expression. This study tries to identify and describe the phenomena of translating culturally bound expression from Indonesian into English as a result of the translation ideology and strategy exercised by the translator. This is a descriptive translation study focusing on objective aspect of the product using unidirectional parallel bilingual corpora based on text-based theory and translator-based theory. The findings show that based on the study of Indonesian fiction with Balinese culture setting translated into English there is an effort to translate the cultural meaning with the strategy of borrowing

    Complaint Speech Act of Hotel and Restaurant Guests

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    This paper is aimed at analyzing how complaint speech act of hotel and restaurant guests are performed and responded based on categories of speech acts and how they are performed considering the aspects of acts: locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. The method and technique of collecting data in this study is documentation method in which the data were collected using the technique of note taking and were qualitatively analyzed. The findings show that complaint of hotel and restaurant services stated by the guest was intended to have a good response of the server about the complaint conveyed. Based on the categories of speech, the guests used expressive and declarative speech acts to express complaints and the server used expressive and commissive speech acts to respond complaints. Complaints of hotel and restaurant guests involved three kinds of acts: locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary. Locutionary act is the utterance conveyed by the guest to show sense that he or she was not happy with something. Illocutionary act shows that what the guest wanted the server to do concerning his complaints through speech. Perlocutionary act is a kind of action taken by the server to respond the complaint speech act stated by guest

    Pengaruh Koreksi Diri pada Kesalahan Ujaran Bahasa Inggris terhadap Peningkatan Ketepatan Berbicara oleh Karyawan Dgits Software House

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk-bentuk kesalahan ujaran bahasa Inggris yang teridentifikasi, jenis koreksi diri pada kesalahan ujaran bahasa Inggris, dan pengaruh koreksi diri pada kesalahan ujaran bahasa Inggris terhadap ketepatan berbicara oleh karyawan DGITS Software House. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data lisan yang berupa ujaran bahasa Inggris karyawan DGITS Software House. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik rekam dan teknik lanjutan berupa teknik catat. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode penyajian hasil analisis berupa metode formal dan informal.                 Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk kesalahan ujaran bahasa Inggris yang teridentifikasi oleh karyawan DGITS Software House terdiri dari empat bentuk kesalahan, yaitu kesalahan kategori linguistik, kesalahan taksonomi siasat permukaan, kesalahan taksonomi komparatif, dan  kesalahan taksonomi efek komunikatif. Jenis koreksi diri pada kesalahan ujaran bahasa Inggris yang ditemukan adalah koreksi pesan yang berbeda, koreksi kesesuaian, koreksi kesalahan, dan koreksi tersembunyi. Selain itu, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa koreksi diri pada kesalahan ujaran bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan oleh karyawan DGITS Software House dapat meningkatkan ketepatan berbicara
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