157 research outputs found
Pertumbuhan Relatif Ikan Selais (Ompok SP) yang Tertangkap di Sungai Kampar dan Sungai Siak, Riau
A study on relative growth of Ompok sp obtained from the Kampar andSiak Rivers has been conducted on April to June 2011. This study aims tounderstand the similarity and differences of the fish that inhabit those rivers,Kampar River with good water quality and Siak River that with poor waterquality. There were 84 fishes from the Kampar River (in the Teratak Buluhvillage) and 31 fishes from the Siak River (in the Tapung village) were capturedin this study. The meristical characteristics were studied and the morphologicalcharacteristics were analyzed to understand the relative growth of the fish. Resultsshown that there were no difference in the meristical and morphologicalcharacteristics of the fishes obtained from both sampling areas and its indicate thatthe fishes sampled were belonged to a single species. Data also shown that almostall of fish\u27s body morphometrical characteristics grow isometrically to total lengthand it means that the fish was not showing any morphological changes as theygrow. However, in the wegth-length relationship, the b values of the fishes fromboth sampling area was less than 3 and its indicate that increasing in fish bodyweight was slower than the increment of fish total length. Based on data obtained,it can be concluded that there was no difference in relative growth pattern of fishliving in the Kampar and Siak Rivers
Analisis Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Guest House Family Di Bandar Lampung
The rapid development of the tourism sector and the business sector in Bandar Lampung, have an impact on the increasing demand for good accommodation for the middle class and the upper middle class. This is demonstrated by the level of habitable accommodation in Bandar Lampung that continues to increase every year. There are different types of accommodation including Guest House. Number of Guest House in Bandar Lampung is still very small, it is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to mendirian Family Guest House in Bandar Lampung. To set up a Guest House there should be a draft cost estimates are required, capital required and the benefits to be obtained. Before the House plan should first be carried out prior analysis Feasibility Study to determine the feasibility of the business. Therefore, the problem of this study is: Does the plan establish Family Guest House in Bandar Lampung is feasible? The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of establishing a plan Family House in Bandar Lampung. This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods. For the quantitative method used three criteria, namely Investment: Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B / C), Internal Rate of Return (IRR); Analysis of Pay Back Period (PBP), and Analisisi Break Event Point (BEP) and qualitative methods are used for non-financial approach the technical aspects, market aspects and aspects of marketing, organizational and legal aspects, management aspects and economical aspects. Based on the analysis of financial NPV = 83.444.542,44; Net B / C = 1,633; IRR = 20,620%, Payback Period analysis for 8 years 2 months 23 days, analysis Break Event Point for 8 years 25 days. Based on the analysis of qualitative kuantitarif and it can be concluded that the plan of establishing Guest House Family feasible
Pemanfaatan Silica Fume Limbah Sandblasting Untuk Meningkatkan Kuat Tekan Batako Pejal Dengan Taguchi Quality Engineering (Studi Kasus: PT X Pasuruan)
Batako merupakan bahan bangunan alternatif yang tersusun dari komposisi semen, air, dan agregat pengisi yang terdiri dari kerikil dan pasir. Terdapat bahan limbah yang memiliki kesamaan karakteristik dengan bahan baku batako, yaitu pasir silica fume limbah sandblasting yang mempunyai karakteristik kimia mengikat lebih kuat dari semen apabila bercampur dengan semen dan air. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengembangan produk batako dengan bahan tambah silica fume yang memiliki kualitas bersaing dengan batako pada umumnya. Dalam pembuatan batako berbahan alternatif digunakan desain eksperimen metode Taguchi yang merupakan metode perbaikan kualitas dengan melakukan percobaan baru serta penekanan biaya seminimal mungkin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi karakteristik kualitas kuat tekan pada batako yaitu rasio faktor air semen (f.a.s) dan agregat, faktor air-semen (f.a.s), rasio agregat kasar (kerikil) dan agregat halus (pasir), rasio silica fume dan semen. Berdasarkan ANOVA menunjukkan keempat faktor tersebut memiliki pengaruh signifikan yaitu rasio air semen (f.a.s) dan agregat (F hitung sebesar 37,88), faktor air-semen (f.a.s) (F hitung sebesar 4,62), rasio agregat kasar (kerikil) dan agregat halus (pasir) (F hitung sebesar 29,58), rasio silica fume dan semen (F hitung sebesar 32,07). Sehingga pembuatan batako dapat mempergunakan bahan tambah silica fume limbah sandblasting dengan komposisi (setiap 40kg adonan); 6,16 kg semen, 2,64 kg silica fume, 7,2 kg air, 6 kg kerikil, dan 18 kg pasir. Eksperimen konfirmasi menghasilkan kuat tekan batako optimal sebesar 10,72 Mpa
Model Comparison of Passive Compact-Molten Salt Reactor Neutronic Design Using MCNP6 and Serpent-2
Passive Compact Molten Salt Reactor (PCMSR) is a thermal breeder molten salt reactor (MSR) developed in Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, run in thorium fuel cycle. Its design was initially developed using deterministic code SRAC2006 but has never been compared with other codes. This paper attempts to compare PCMSR neutronic design using Monte Carlo codes MCNP6 and Serpent-2 with ENDF B/VII.0 continuous neutron cross-section library. The reactor was run in a pure thorium fuel cycle with lithium fluoride as its carrier salt. The analyzed parameters were effective multiplication factor (keff), temperature coefficient of reactivity (TCR), void coefficient of reactivity (VCR), and conversion ratio (CR). The result shows that there are several important discrepancies between the original calculation and this research. The Monte Carlo calculations implied that PCMSR core was able to be critical using lower fissile concentration than previously designed, but failed to reach CR above unity. While the TCR value was found to be negative, the VCR value was positive up until the 10 % void fraction. The PCMSR core suffered from ineffective neutron moderation and high neutron leakage. These findings imply that the previous PCMSR neutronic design is inaccurate. For PCMSR to be able to operate as a thermal breeder MSR, geometrical modifications must be performed to improve neutron moderation and reduce neutron leakage
Desain Sistem Rumah Cerdas Berbasis Topologi Mesh Dan Protokol Wireless Sensor Network Yang Efisien
Dalam publikasi ini, kami mengusulkan sistem rumah cerdas berdasarkan dua pendekatan. Pendekatan pertama adalah arsitektur bertopologi mesh dan yang kedua adalah protokol Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) yang efisien. Sistem ini memiliki dua lingkungan kerja, indoor dan outdoor. Lingkungan indoor menggunakan sistem WSN, sedangkan lingkungan luar menggunakan sistem internet-cloud. Skema ini dikenal sebagai Internet-of-Things (IoT). Lingkungan indoor dan outdoor terhubung satu sama lain dengan menggunakan suatu jembatan penghubung. Sistem WSN dibentuk dari komponen-komponen WSN yang menggunakan topologi mesh. Setiap komponen dari WSN dirancang untuk mengimplementasikan protokol data efisien yang diusulkan. Untuk lingkungan outdoor, sistem internet-cloud yang ada adalah infrastruktur utama. Dengan demikian, sistem rumah cerdas ini dapat dipantau dan dikendalikan dari ponsel cerdas, kapan saja dan di mana saja, selama akses mobile data tersedia. Untuk evaluasi sistem, beberapa tes telahdilakukan untuk mendapatkan profil sistem
Propionibacterium acnes adalah bakteri anaerob gram positif yang merupakan bakteri paling dominan pada lesi jerawat. Minyak atsiri telah dibuktikan memiliki aktivitas antibakteri gram positif maupun bakteri gram negatif. Selain bunga cengkeh, minyak atsiri juga dapat diperoleh dari bagian tangkai bunga dan daun dari tanaman cengkeh. Oleh karena pemanfaatan bunga cengkeh masih terhitung mahal, maka pada penelitian ini peneliti ingin melihat potensi aktivitas antibakteri minyak atsiri dari tangkai bunga dan daun cengkeh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan aktivitas antibakteri minyak atsiri dari bagian bunga, tangkai bunga dan daun cengkeh terhadap bakteri P.acnes. Minyak atsiri dari bunga, tangkai bunga dan daun diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode destilasi air. Konsentrasi larutan uji yang digunakan 200 ?l/mL dengan metode uji difusi disk, kontrol negatif etanol 96% v/v, kontrol positif doksisiklin 30?g/disk, media uji MHA, dan suspensi bakteri P. acnes sebesar 0,5 McFarland. Aktivitas antibakteri ditentukan berdasarkan diameter zona hambat yaitu daerah bening diantara latar keruh setelah diinkubasi selama 24 jam. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis deksriptif untuk melihat klasifikasi respon hambatan berdasarkan NCCLS dan analisis statistik menggunakan ANOVA one way. Aktivitas antibakteri minyak atsiri bunga, tangkai bunga dan daun cengkeh terhadap bakteri P. acnes berbeda signifikan secara statistik dengan taraf kepercayaan >95%. Minyak atsiri bunga cengkeh menghasilkan aktivitas antibakteri terbesar yaitu 25,85 mm - 26,75 mm sedangkan minyak atsiri tangkai bunga menghasilkan aktivitas dengan zona hambat 20,60 mm - 21,20 mm dan minyak atsiri daun cengkeh menghasilkan zona hambat sebesar 18,04 mm - 18,58 mm. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa minyak atsiri dari bunga cengkeh memiliki aktivitas yang paling baik terhadap P.acnes s dibandingkan dengan minyak atsiri dari tangkai bunga dan daun cengkeh. Dengan demikian, minyak atsiri dari tangkai bunga dan daun cengkeh belum sebanding dengan yang berasal dari bunga cengkeh apabila dimanfaatkan sebagai anti bakteri P. Acnes
Pengembangan Potensi TOGA di Desa Pucang Anom sebagai Wirausaha Minuman Herbal Celup dan Jelly Milkshake
Pucang Anom is one of the villages in Bondowoso which is known to have potential in agriculture. This can be proven by the breadth of land in Pucang Anom village, which almost 60% of the total is dominated by agricultural lands. This village has an abudant potential of famili medicinal plants (TOGA), but still underutilized and underestimated by the community. Even though TOGA can be processed into a product that has a high sale valus addition to the great benefits at the time of of the corona virus outbreak that is spreading through out the world. Therefore, KKN 04 Pucang Anom University of Jember on 6th of January until 19th of February 2020 had explored the potential in the village through the entepreneurship development of TOGA as herbal beverage that rich in benefits. TOGA as a variety of its preparations that could be consumed by people invarious circles. The target of the program was to raise the enthusiasm of the community for enterpreneurship that was focused on processing technology and manufacturing products that did not yet exist in Pucang Anom village. Based on public response, it was known that 57% stated that they “really like” herbaldyed products and prossesed Herbal Jelly Milkshake, 100% said they werw “attracted” to the products, 95% said the were “innovative” products, and 100% stated thet the continuation of business potential was “needs to be continued”. Finally, the products won 1st place in the Product Expo of KKN Students of the University of Jember at 1st period in 2019/2020 academic year which was held on February 26, 2020
Identifying priority sites for whale shark ship collision management globally
The expansion of the world's merchant fleet poses a great threat to the ocean's biodiversity. Collisions between ships and marine megafauna can have population-level consequences for vulnerable species. The Endangered whale shark (Rhincodon typus) shares a circumglobal distribution with this expanding fleet and tracking of movement pathways has shown that large vessel collisions pose a major threat to the species. However, it is not yet known whether they are also at risk within aggregation sites, where up to 400 individuals can gather to feed on seasonal bursts of planktonic productivity. These "constellation" sites are of significant ecological, socio-economic and cultural value. Here, through expert elicitation, we gathered information from most known constellation sites for this species across the world (>50 constellations and >13,000 individual whale sharks). We defined the spatial boundaries of these sites and their overlap with shipping traffic. Sites were then ranked based on relative levels of potential collision danger posed to whale sharks in the area. Our results showed that researchers and resource managers may underestimate the threat posed by large ship collisions due to a lack of direct evidence, such as injuries or witness accounts, which are available for other, sub-lethal threat categories. We found that constellations in the Arabian Sea and adjacent waters, the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of California, and Southeast and East Asia, had the greatest level of collision threat. We also identified 39 sites where peaks in shipping activity coincided with peak seasonal occurrences of whale sharks, sometimes across several months. Simulated collision mitigation options estimated potentially minimal impact to industry, as most whale shark core habitat areas were small. Given the threat posed by vessel collisions, a coordinated, multi-national approach to mitigation is needed within priority whale shark habitats to ensure collision protection for the species
Novel magnetite nanoparticles coated with waste sourced bio- based substances as sustainable and renewable adsorbing materials
This study examines the possibility of using bio-based product isolated from urban solid wastes as a material for environmental technological applications. To this end, Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with different amounts of soluble bio-based products (SBO) were synthesized as low-cost nanoadsorbent for the removal of pollutants in wastewater. Particles of 10 nm diameter with Fe3O4 core and SBO shell were obtained. The concentration of SBO employed in the synthesis had no effect on the size and structure of the NPs, but ruled the pHPZC and aggregation of the nanoparticles in water. The cationic dye crystal violet (CV) was used as a model pollutant to test the adsorption capacity of the nanoparticles. The results indicated that both the medium pH and NP dosage were significant parameters to enhance the removal of CV. The results contribute to the studies which show how wastes can become a source of revenue through the industrial exploitation of their chemical value.Fil: Magnacca, Giuliana. Università di Torino; ItaliaFil: Allera, Alex. Università di Torino; ItaliaFil: Montoneri, Enzo. Università di Torino; ItaliaFil: Celi, Luisella. Università di Torino; ItaliaFil: Benito, Damián Ezequiel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Métodos Analíticos; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Gagliardi, Leonardo Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Métodos Analíticos; ArgentinaFil: Martire, Daniel Osvaldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Monica Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Carlos, Luciano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; Argentin
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