8 research outputs found

    Penilaian Kesehatan Pohon Pada Jalur Hijau Di Kota Palangka Raya Kalimantan Tengah : Tree Health Assessment on the Green Line in the City of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan

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    This study aims to determine the level of tree health, determine the form of pest and disease attacks including damage caused by disturbance or human activities and make recommendations for tree species to be planted on the Green Line,  Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan. The method used is Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) through grouping the type and level of damage to each individual tree. The results showed that the number of trees found at the study site amounted to 301 individuals from 24 tree species. Analysis of the Health Level of Trees based on the value of the Tree Damage Level Index (TDLI) obtained the category of severe damage level of 45 trees or 15%, light damage level of 97 trees or 33%, and moderate damage level of 78 trees or 26% while healthy trees have total 78 trees or 26%. Based on the level of tree health, the types of trees suitable for planting in the green lane, Palangka Raya City are trembesi (Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr.), Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus Willd.), and Ketapang (Terminalia catappa H. Perrier,).  Kata kunci (Keywords): Green line, tree health level, trembesi, angsana, ketapang


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    Tumbuhan purun dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di desa Tumbang Nusa untuk pembuatan tikar topi bakul dan bisa di buat sedotan dari purun pengganti sodotan plastik yang ramah lingkungan. Hanya saja pembuatannya masih secara tradisional dan masih belum mampu membuat  modifikasi untuk menciptakan produk produk yang beraneka ragam motif. Mitra hanya memproduksi anyaman purun dan masih dalam desain yang sederhana dan belum memiliki ketrampilan yang memadai untuk menampilkan kreasi dan modifikasiserta hasil kerajinan ke dalam bentuk yang lebih menarik dan sesuai dengan trend perkembangan model-model yang diminati pasar.  Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya daya saing hasil kerajinan ini. Permasalahan prioritas yang perlu segera ditangani adalah bagaimana meningkatkan keterampilan para pengrajin untuk menghasilkan produk kerajinan yang lebih variatif, menarik, dan berkualitas, sehingga daya saing produk di pasaran menjadi lebih meningkat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian Program Dosen Pendamping Pemberdayaan Masyarakat memberikan pengetahuan dan motivasi kepada perajin anyaman purun untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas mereka dan dapat menampilkan aneka produk yang mempunyai nilai jual yang tinggi dibandingkan tanpa diberi modifikasi, Terciptanya produk kerajinan purun yang lebih variatif, menarik, berkualitas, serta memiliki daya saing yang tinggi di pasaran, sehingga dapat mingkatkan penghasilan bagi perajin anyaman purun di desa Tumbang Nusa Kecamatan Jabiren Raya Kabupaten Pulang Pisau.Tumbuhan purun dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat di desa Tumbang Nusa untuk pembuatan tikar topi bakul dan bisa di buat sedotan dari purun pengganti sodotan plastik yang ramah lingkungan. Hanya saja pembuatannya masih secara tradisional dan masih belum mampu membuat  modifikasi untuk menciptakan produk produk yang beraneka ragam motif.             Mitra hanya memproduksi anyaman purun dan masih dalam desain yang sederhana dan belum memiliki ketrampilan yang memadai untuk menampilkan kreasi dan modifikasiserta hasil kerajinan ke dalam bentuk yang lebih menarik dan sesuai dengan trend perkembangan model-model yang diminati pasar.  Hal ini berdampak pada rendahnya daya saing hasil kerajinan ini. Permasalahan prioritas yang perlu segera ditangani adalah bagaimana meningkatkan keterampilan para pengrajin untuk menghasilkan produk kerajinan yang lebih variatif, menarik, dan berkualitas, sehingga daya saing produk di pasaran menjadi lebih meningkat. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian Program Dosen Pendamping Pemberdayaan Masyarakat memberikan pengetahuan dan motivasi kepada perajin anyaman purun untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas mereka dan dapat menampilkan aneka produk yang mempunyai nilai jual yang tinggi dibandingkan tanpa diberi modifikasi, Terciptanya produk kerajinan purun yang lebih variatif, menarik, berkualitas, serta memiliki daya saing yang tinggi di pasaran, sehingga dapat mingkatkan penghasilan bagi perajin anyaman purun di desa Tumbang Nusa Kecamatan Jabiren Raya Kabupaten Pulang Pisau

    Pendampingan Pengembangan Desain dan Pemasaran On-Line Produk Perajin Anyaman Rotan di Wilayah Kecamatan Jekan Raya

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    Rattan craft is one of the excellent products of Palangka Raya city. Producing wicker products in various forms such as mats, bags from small to large size and with the various motive of Dayak typical. Community Service Activities (LPPM) the University of Palangka Raya in 2017 which is implemented is Partnership Program Area (PKW), with Mitra Jawet Bawi Rawi and GE-Ethnic located in district area of Jekan Raya, is accompaniment and development of rattan craft design from rattan mats are designed to be bags, purse, sumping and lawung, which combined with various leather materials such as cowhide, snake or crocodile and then the result of a craft product is then marketed online. Implementation of PKW in September to November 2017, Mitra Jawet Bawi Rawi and GE Ethnic have been able to develop designs of motive on handicraft products made of various bags, purse, and lawung and then market online using social media that is often used is Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Monitoring results in the implementing team that with the development of the design from the original form only in the form of mats can produce various handicraft products with motives and attractive designs and marketed online can increase the income of crafters

    Makrofauna Tanah di Bawah Pohon Jelutung Rawa (Dyera polyphylla Miq) Di Kebun Benih Semai (KBS) Universitas Palangka Raya

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    Decomposition of organic matter in the soil is closely related to the presence of soil macrofauna. The better the process of organic matter decomposition, the better the physical and chemical properties of the soil, which, of course, will support soil fertility in a land area. This research aims to determine the presence of soil macrofauna under Jelutung Rawa trees (Dyera polyphylla Miq) in the peatland of the Seedling Garden (KBS) at Palangka Raya University. The research method was conducted by sampling soil macrofauna through Hand sorting method at 25 observation points and Pittfall Trap method at 20 observation points. The observed and identified soil macrofauna were examined in the laboratory using identification guidelines and literature on macrofauna types. The data were analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener species diversity index formula, the Margalef species richness index, the Pielou evenness index, and the calculation of species presence frequency. The research findings revealed 24 species, 23 genera, 20 families, 7 classes, and 3 phyla of soil macrofauna, with a total of 3,579 individuals. The values of the species diversity index (H'), species richness index (Dmg), evenness index (E), and the frequency of soil macrofauna presence (F) at KBS, Palangka Raya University were as follows: H' = 2.303325269 (moderate category), Dmg = 2.810760521 (moderate category), E = 0.724759677 (fairly even category), and frequency of presence, F = 80% - 100%.Decomposition of organic matter in the soil is closely related to the presence of soil macrofauna. The better the process of organic matter decomposition, the better the physical and chemical properties of the soil, which, of course, will support soil fertility in a land area. This research aims to determine the presence of soil macrofauna under Jelutung Rawa trees (Dyera polyphylla Miq) in the peatland of the Seedling Garden (KBS) at Palangka Raya University. The research method was conducted by sampling soil macrofauna through Hand sorting method at 25 observation points and Pittfall Trap method at 20 observation points. The observed and identified soil macrofauna were examined in the laboratory using identification guidelines and literature on macrofauna types. The data were analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener species diversity index formula, the Margalef species richness index, the Pielou evenness index, and the calculation of species presence frequency. The research findings revealed 24 species, 23 genera, 20 families, 7 classes, and 3 phyla of soil macrofauna, with a total of 3,579 individuals. The values of the species diversity index (H'), species richness index (Dmg), evenness index (E), and the frequency of soil macrofauna presence (F) at KBS, Palangka Raya University were as follows: H' = 2.303325269 (moderate category), Dmg = 2.810760521 (moderate category), E = 0.724759677 (fairly even category), and frequency of presence, F = 80% - 100%


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    An investigation of the recruit, survivorship and growth of naturally regenerating tree species on canal bank was conducted to select tree species which are suitable for preceding planting in drained and burnt peat swamp lands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Top of the canal bank were open, with greater soil moisture deficit and higher soil temperatures than on the next intact forest floor. The abundant trees were asam-asam (Ploiarium alternifolium),garunggang (Cratoxylon arborescens) and tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus). New regeneration of these trees on the canal bank was confirmed during this investigation and mortality was very low. These results indicated that P. alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatuswere tolerant of intensive radiation, soil drought and high soil temperatures during germination. The annual height increments were 189-232 cm y-1 (P. alternifolium),118-289 cm y-1 (C. arborescens)and 27-255 cm y-1 (C. rotundatus); thus, these three species could be classified as fast-growing with tolerance to open and dry conditions. Such characteristics were important to avoid competition with herbs, ferns,and/ or climbers. The results·suggest that P.alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatusare suitable for preceding planting for the rehabilitation of the disturbed peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan

    Jamur Makro Basidiomycetes di Hutan Rawa Gambut Taman Nasional Sebangau Kabupaten Katingan Kalimantan Tengah: Basidiomycetes Macro Fungus in Peat Swamp Forest, Sebangau National Park, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan

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    Dunia fungi atau jamur merupakan salah satu kekayaan hayati  yang juga merupakan hasil hutan non kayu yang kini memberi peluang ekonomi yang berarti bagi masyarakat. Jamur memiliki keunikan yang memperkaya keanekaragaman jenis makhluk hidup dalam dunia tumbuhan. Sifatnya yang tidak berklorofil menjadikannya tergantung kepada makhluk hidup lain, baik yang masih hidup maupun yang sudah mati.  Jamur juga memegang peranan penting dalam proses alam yaitu menjadi salah satu dekomposer unsur-unsur alam, beberapa jamur tertentu telah dimanfaatkan oleh manusia, baik sebagai bahan makanan maupun  bahan obat.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis jamur dari kelas Basidiomycetes di Stasiun Riset Punggualas Taman Nasional Sebangau Kabupaten Katingan Kalimantan Tengah. Metode yang digunakan dalam eksplorasi jamur ini yaitu  metode sensus pada 8 jalur dalam plot penelitian berukuran 150m x 200m. Analisa data dengan menghitung indeks keragaman jenis, indeks dominansi dan indeks kemerataan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap karakteristik, substrat dari masing-masing jamur serta data iklim di Stasiun Riset Punggualas.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 28 jenis jamur dari 8 famili dari kelas Basidiomycetes. Jamur yang dominan adalah jenis Ganoderma sp sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa jenis jamur Ganoderma sp sebagai penciri dari hutan rawa gambut di Stasiun Riset Punggualas. Jamur yang termasuk jenis yang dapat dikonsumsi adalah jamur kuping (Auricularia sp), jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus), jelly fungi (Tremellaenchephala), kulat enyak (Oedemansiella sp) serta yang termasuk jamur obat adalah Ganoderma lucidum

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Kantong Semar (Nepenthes spp) di KHDTK Hutan Pendidikan Hampangen Universitas Palangka Raya: The Diversity of Kantong Semar (Nepenthes spp) in Hampangen Educational Forest KHDTK, University of Palangka Raya

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the species and determine the diversity of Nepenthes spp in the KHDTK Hampagen Educational Forest, University of Palangka Raya. Determination of observations using purposive sampling method by making six lanes with a length of 100 m, which are then divided into 10 (ten) plots with a size of 10 m x 10 m in each of these lanes. Result of research showed  that four  Kantong Semar i.e:  Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack, Nepenthes mirabillis (Lour.) Druce, Nepenthes gracillis Korth, and Nepenthes reinwardtiana Miq. The most dominant species was Nepenthes reinwardtiana Miq with value (INP=62.5863%) followed by Nepenthes mirabillis (Lour.) with (INP=50.1568%), Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack with (INP=48.8233) and the lowest species Nepenthes gracillis Korth with (INP=38.4245%). The highest diversity index of Nepenthes  reinwardtiana Miq. (H'=0.37), followed by Nephentes  rafflesiana Jack and Nephentes  mirabilis (Lour.) Druce with the same diversity index (H'= 0.34) while the lowest diversity index was for Nephentes gracilis Korth (H'= 0.33). The highest abundance value of Nepenthes reinwardtiana Miq was found for species abundance (e=0.26) and the lowest abundance was found for Nepenthes gracilis Korth (e=0.23)

    Initial Screening of Fast-Growing Tree Species Being Tolerant of Dry Tropical Peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Abstract:An investigation of the recruit, survivorship and growth of naturally regenerating tree species on canal bank was conducted to select tree species which are suitable for preceding planting in drained and burnt peat swamp lands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Top of the canal bank were open, with greater soil moisture deficit and higher soil temperatures than on the next intact forest floor. The abundant trees were asam-asam (Ploiarium alternifolium),garunggang (Cratoxylon arborescens) and tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus). New regeneration of these trees on the canal bank was confirmed during this investigation and mortality was very low. These results indicated that P. alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatuswere tolerant of intensive radiation, soil drought and high soil temperatures during germination. The annual height increments were 189-232 cm y-1 (P. alternifolium),118-289 cm y-1 (C. arborescens)and 27-255 cm y-1 (C. rotundatus); thus, these three species could be classified as fast-growing with tolerance to open and dry conditions. Such characteristics were important to avoid competition with herbs, ferns,and/ or climbers. The results·suggest that P.alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatusare suitable for preceding planting for the rehabilitation of the disturbed peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan.continued by:Indonesian journal of forestry research (ISSN: 2355-7079), Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research (IJFR) was first published as Journal of Forestry Research (JFR) on November 2004 (ISSN 0216-0919)