86 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Intellectual Capital terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Food And Beverages yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Tahun 2009 2012

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    The principal purpose of this study was to investigate the association between the efficiency of Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC¢) by the major components of a firms resources base (physical capital, human capital, and structural capital) and traditional of financial company performance Return On Assets (ROA). Data were drawn from 12 Indonesian food and beverages sectors were listed in BEI for four years, 2009 2012. It was an empirical study using return on assets (ROA) for the data analysis. Result of this research indicate the existence of a significant positive relationship between intellectual capital (VAIC¢) with financial companys performance. The empirical findings show that physical capital (VACA), human capital (VAHU), and structural capital (STVA) have significant positive relationship with the companies activity of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Exchange in the four years observation.Keywords: Intellectual Capital (VAIC¢), Value Added Capital Employed (VACA), Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), Structural Capital Value Added (STVA), and Return on Assets (ROA)

    Analisis Persebaran Medan Listrik pada Lightning Arrester 20kV Menggunakan Finite Element Method

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    Lightning Arrester adalah perangkat semikonduktor yang digunakan dalam sistem tenaga listrik untuk melindungi peralatan terhadap petir dan switching tegangan lebih. Alat pelindung terhadap gangguan petir ini berfungsi melindungi peralatan sistem tenaga listrik dengan membatasi tegangan lebih yang datang dan mengalirkannya ke tanah. Arrester tidak akan bekerja pada keadaan normal melainkan akan bekerja pada saat adanya tegangan impuls yang datang pada arrester. Dalam penggunaanya arrester ini akan menimbulkan medan pada permukaan arrester. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan pemodelan untuk menganalisa persebaran medan listrik pada arrester tersebut. Analisa pemodelan medan listrik membantu dalam mengetahui pengaruh dari itensitas medan maksimum dalam arrester baik dalam kondisi normal maupun transien. Metode yang digunakan adalah simulasi yang berbasis pada FEM (finite element method). Serta membandingkan kondisi medan listrik pada permukaan arrester dalam keadaan normal, terkontaminasi air garam, saat terdapat rongga udara dan terkontaminasi debu. Nilai medan listrik yang didapatkan pada saat diberi arus impuls sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan saat diberikan tegangan nominal karena saat terkena arus impuls tegangannya sangat kecil atau mendekati nol

    Analisis Pengaruh Ketebalan Nonconductive Coating Terhadap Kemampuan Pendeteksian Panjang Dan KedalamanRetak PadaFilletJoint Bracket KapalAluminium Menggunakan Pengujian Ultrasonik

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    Konstruksi kapal yang telah beroperasi seringkali terjadi cacat pada daerah lasnya.Cacat yang timbul seperti retak,seringterjadi tanpa disadari padasambungan las yang telah dilapisi cat sebelumnya.Retak tersebut dapat diperiksa menggunakan metode Ultrasonic testing tanpa menghilangkan cat yang terdapat pada sambungan las. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ketebalan cat tersebut terhadap pendeteksian retak dengan metode Ultrasonic testing padafillet joint di braket kapal aluminium.Scanning dilakukan pada face C dari spesimen uji. Pada setiap spesimen diberikan beberapa variasi ketebalan nonconductive coating yaitu 100 mikron, 200 mikron, 250 mikron dan 300 mikron dimana sebelum diberikan variasi ketebalan coating, spesimen terlebih dahulu diberikan retak buatan pada daerah toe las dengan variasi ukuran panjang 70 mm, 30 mm, 20 mm, dan 10 mm, dengan kedalaman 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm, dan 8 mm. Setelah itu tiap spesimen dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan metode Ultrasonic testing (UT). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh ketebalan nonconductive coating terhadap pendeteksian panjang dan kedalaman retak, dimana kemampuan pembacaan UT terhadap panjang retak pada spesimen dengan ketebalan nonconductive coating 100 mikron rata-rata sebesar 95,814 %, 200 mikron sebesar 89,510 %, 250 mikron sebesar 87,140 % dan 300 mikron sebesar 85,629 % dari ukuran panjang retak sebenarnya. Sedangkan kemampuan pembacaan UT terhadap kedalaman retak pada spesimen dengan ketebalan nonconductive coating 100 mikron rata-rata sebesar 99,219 %, 200 mikron sebesar 98,167 %, 250 mikron sebesar 97,396 % dan 300 mikron sebesar 96,625 % dari ukuran kedalaman crack sebenarnya. Hal ini disebabkan adanya pelemahan gelombang ultrasonik (atenuasi) pada saat gelombang ultrasonik melewati batas permukaan antara nonconductive coating dengan pelat aluminium yang mempunyai impedansi akustik berbeda maka akan terjadi pemantulan dan pembiasan gelombang ultrasonik. Sebagian energi gelombang ultrasonik juga akan hilang saat gelombang melewati interfaces material

    Litter Fall in a Primary and Two Logged-over Lowland Tropical Rainforests in Pasirmayang, Jambi.

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    Litter accumulation in a primary and a logged-over lowland dipterocarp forest at Pasirmayang, Jambi was measured using the litter trap method. In the primary forest, traps were placed in four distinct areas, reflecting the succession stages of the forest from building to maturation. In the logged-over forest, litter production was measured at two different sites, one cut in 1979/1980 and the second in 1983/1984. In the primary forest, average litter production during the observation period was 925 g m"2yr'. In the logged-over forest, average litter production was 721 g m'2 yr1 for the site cut in 1979/1980 and 706 g m'2 yr1 for the site cut in 1983/1984. Leaves comprised the major contributor of litter with 67% of total litter produced in the primary forest, 67% of total litter in the 1979/1980 cut logged-over forest, and 65% of total litter in the 1983/1984 cut logged-over forest. The purpose of the study was to use litter fall as a measure of forest productivity to assess the recovery of logged-over forests and, to provide a basis for comparison of forest-derived land practices for appropriate forest management strategies


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    Abstract: The use of Indonesian language in teaching English practices still becomes an issue. There are teachers who agree with the use of Indonesian language in teaching English practices, but not a few teachers also disagree with it. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find out whether or not there was any significant correlation between students’ preferences on their teachers’ code-switching and reading comprehension achievement of Eighth graders of SMP Tri Dharma Palembang and the contribution from students’ preferences on their teachers’ code-switching to their reading comprehension achievement. The simple random sampling technique was used to get the sample. Therefore, 35 out of 140 students were selected to become the sample of the study. There were 3 instruments which were used in this study. The first instrument was students’ preferences questionnaire to know whether the students have negative or positive tendency toward the use of Indonesian language. The second instrument was teachers’ questionnaire to compare and make sure the validity of the result of the students’ questionnaire. The last instrument was a reading test to measure the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The results of this study were; 1) There were students (88.6%) who had positive tendency toward their teachers’ code-switching, 2) All of the teachers who taught the students agreed that Indonesian language should be used in teaching English, 3) The mean of the students’ reading score was 66.7, 4) There was a significant correlation between students’ preferences on their teachers’ code-switching and students’ reading comprehension achievement (p-value 0.000 < 0.05), 5) The influence of students’ preferences to students’ reading achievement was 40.1%. Keywords: students’ preferences, indonesian language, reading comprehension achievement

    Aplikasi Linier Ukuran Tubuh untuk Seleksi Fenotipik Bibit Induk Sapi PO di Kabupaten Bojonegoro

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    The objective of this research was to predict body weight of Peranakan Ongole (PO) cattle using simple linear body measurement. The height wither (HW), body length (BL), heart girth (HG) and chest widht (CW) were measured in centimeters, using caliper, whereas weaning (WW) and yearling weight (YW) was determined in kilograms using a weighing scale. Results of the correlation coefficient showed that hearth girth (HG) highly correlated with body weight was 0.99. In all, the body lenght (HW) had the least correlation coefficient was 0.30 on body weight. Results of the stepwise regression showed that HG was a good estimator of body weight PO cattle. The comparison of residuals indicated that only two equations  accurately predicted body weight. From these results, it was concluded that body weight of Female PO cattle can be estimated using simple linear body measurement of heart girth especially in most remote areas where farmers are challenged with the unavailability of weighing scal

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Portal Skripsi Di Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Kristen Petra Berbasis Website

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    At the moment, the Informatics Engineering Program needs a system that can manage an online registration, which can help in controlling the lecturers' schedules and also a better way for theses' title search. One problem that this department has, is in the system that controls the lecturers' teaching quota that is currently having an issue. The issue is the fact that a lecturer could teach way more than the quota and vice versa. The process of scheduling and checking of the lecturers' schedules for the theses' proposal and theses' defense is also a problem that raises in this department. However, the quota setting in this application will certainly could give an answer for both the lecturers and the students, since it will help making an equal division of the students' quantity for each lecturer. Moreover, the application also offers a better way for theses' title search in the sense that it makes the students easier to trace the previous theses' titles that already existed and avoid any overlapping titles in the future. This theses' title search feature uses SOLR technology to do a searching process that is counted based on the basic words from every searched word. The whole process in making this application is basically using yii framework and the database is using postgresql. Based on the testing result, this application succeeding to run smoothly. For additional thing in the future, this application can be added with a feature to check the theses' titles that can no longer be used (already been used) and some title suggestions that are available (never been used yet)

    Studi Eksperimental Perilaku Geser Murni Dengan Sengkang Sambungan Mekanis Dan Las

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    Shear reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures or stirrups are customarily fabricated with a hook, attaching the two ends at one of the corners of the member. This process is a result of mechanical bending and widely recognized as a mechanical connection. In addition to this type of connection, welding is an alternate method to fabricate the connection of the stirrups' ends. In the case of welding, the placing of the joint can either be at a corner, or at mid height of the stirrup. This research work objective is to investigate the influence of mechanical connections as compared to welded joints in shear reinforcing stirrups. The placement aspect of the welded connection is also studied. Further, this research work also endeavors to assess as whether the shear strength obtained by pure shear research that has been done before. The study showed that the stirrup's connection type and positioning, affects the overall shear strength of the concrete specimens. Stirrups welded at the corners exhibit the highestshear capacity. Close observation and analysis suggested that this result is due to the higher stiffness of this type of connection, as compared to the joints placed at mid height. Further, the test results showed that the coefficient obtained in this study approached the coefficients obtained from a previous study of pure shear. The main reason for obtaining the coefficients of the various possible because of the difficulty of determining exactly concrete resistance to pure shear

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Picture and Picture Pada Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Kelas IV

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    Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat untuk meningkatkan Hasil Belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPS dikelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 03 Lumar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Terdapat peningkatan nilai rata-rata hasil belajar pada pada siklus I yaitu 85,90, pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 87,50. Selisih peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 1,60. Dengan demikian skor rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I dan II dikategorikan baik sekali. Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar, Picture and Picture, IPS The research objectiveisgenerally toget accurate informationto improvestudentlearning outcomesinsocial studies learningin classIVState Elementary School03Lumar. The method usedis descriptive method. There isan increase inthe average value oflearning outcomes infirst cycle to 85,90 andthesecond cycle increased to87.50. Differenceimprovementfromthe first cycletothe second cycleof1.60.Thus theaverage score ofstudent learning outcomes incyclesI andIIare categorizedvery well
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