277 research outputs found

    English Syllabus Redesigning for Information System Class: Creating Literacy-based Learning Activities of STMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan masalah serta kebutuhan mahasiswa Sistem Informasi STMIK Amikom Purwokerto dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini juga memiliki tujuan untuk membuat ulang silabus Bahasa Inggris untuk mereka serta mengetahui keakuratan silabus berdasarkan saran dari para ahli. Penelitian ini mengacu pada penelitian kualitatif atau khususnya penelitian studi kasus. Ada enam langkah penelitian. Langkah pertama adalah dengan metode studi pustakayaitu mengumpulkan, mengobservasi, menganalisa kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto. Hasilnya penulis menemukan kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto adalah kurikulum yang bertujuan pada pemahaman pengetahuan dan keahlian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup mahasiswa sehari-hari.Langkah yang kedua adalah dengan metode yang sama studi pustaka yaitu mengumpulkan, mengobservasi, menganalisa silabus Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto. Ada dua bagian yang dianalisis yaitu analisis format dan analisis isi. Langkah yang ketiga adalah melakukan analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yaitu untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang kesulitan serta kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Langkah yang keempat adalah membuat ulang silabus. Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperbaiki yaitu; (a) merumuskan ulang kompetensi dasar yang ingin dicapai, (b) merumuskan ulang standar kompetensi yang ingin dicapai, (c) menyusun topik dan material berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan, (d) merumuskan aktifitas belajar, (e) menciptakan indikator, alat evaluasi dan alokasi waktu. Langkah yang kelima adalah mengadakan validasi isi berdasarkan penilaian para ahli


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    Abstract This study aims at finding out the Information System students’ problems and needs in learning English. It also focuses on redesigning a syllabus for Information System students and knowing the accuracy of the recommendation syllabus content based on the expert judgment. This study referred to qualitative method which focused in a case study research. There were six stages in conducting this research. The first stage was to gather, observe and analyze the curriculum. Library study was a method to analyze the curriculum of English at STMIK Amikom. The writer found the curriculum of English at Amikom Purwokerto is competence-based curriculum. It referred to social-efficiency ideology whose curriculum focused on the comprehension of knowledge and skills that are relevant to learners’ everyday life needs. The second stage was to gather, observe and analyze the 1st semester syllabus. There were two parts of analysis; format and content analysis. The third stage was to conduct needs analysis. Questionnaire was used to gather information about students’ difficulties and needs in learning English. The fourth stage was to redesign the 1st semester syllabus. There were some important points that must be improved when the writer redesigned the syllabus; (a) revising the basic competence of the course, (b) creating the standard competence, (c) sequencing topics and materials, (d) creating real-life learning activities, (e) creating indicators, evaluation and time allotment. The fifth stage was to conduct expert judgment to know the accuracy of the syllabus content for the students of Information System then revise the syllabus based on the suggestion of some experts. Finally this study shows an accurate recommendation of Bahasa Inggris I syllabus for 1st semester Information System students. Keywords: Redesigning syllabus, Information System, Litercy-based learning Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan masalah serta kebutuhan mahasiswa Sistem Informasi STMIK Amikom Purwokerto dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini juga memiliki tujuan untuk membuat ulang silabus Bahasa Inggris untuk mereka serta mengetahui keakuratan silabus berdasarkan saran dari para ahli. Penelitian ini mengacu pada penelitian kualitatif atau khususnya penelitian studi kasus. Ada enam langkah penelitian. Langkah pertama adalah dengan metode studi pustakayaitu mengumpulkan, mengobservasi, menganalisa kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto. Hasilnya penulis menemukan kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto adalah kurikulum yang bertujuan pada pemahaman pengetahuan dan keahlian yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup mahasiswa sehari-hari. Langkah yang kedua adalah dengan metode yang sama studi pustaka yaitu mengumpulkan, mengobservasi, menganalisa silabus Bahasa Inggris di STMIK Amikom Purwokerto. Ada dua bagian yang dianalisis yaitu analisis format dan analisis isi. Langkah yang ketiga adalah melakukan analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yaitu untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang kesulitan serta kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Langkah yang keempat adalah membuat ulang silabus. Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperbaiki yaitu; (a) merumuskan ulang kompetensi dasar yang ingin dicapai, (b) merumuskan ulang standar kompetensi yang ingin dicapai, (c) menyusun topik dan material berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan, (d) merumuskan aktifitas belajar, (e) menciptakan indikator, alat evaluasi dan alokasi waktu. Langkah yang kelima adalah mengadakan validasi isi berdasarkan penilaian para ahli. Langkah terakhir, penulis merekomendasikan silabus baru Bahasa Inggris I untuk kelas Siste


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    Kehamilan merupakan kondisi alamiah yang dialami oleh wanita. Pada ibu hamil, terjadi proses penyesuaian yang dapat menimbulkan perubahan fisiologis, yang menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan pada ibu hamil. Wanita yang hamil muda akan merasa mual, muntah, meriang dan lemas. Pengenalan dan pemahaman tentang perubahan fisiologi menjadi dasar dalam mengenali kondisi patologis yang dapat mengganggu status kesehatan ibu maupun bayi dikandungnya.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemanfaatn aplikasi m-health terhadap pengurangan keluhan  mual muntah pada ibu hamil. Jenis penelitian adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain non equivalent control group, sampel penelitian ini adalah 30 ibu hamil di Puskesmas Kaliwungu, yang diambil secara consecutive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan lembar kuesioner Skor PUQE (Pregnancy Unique Quantification of Emesis) untuk mengukur tingkat keparahan dari mual muntah. Tehnik analisa data bivariat menggunakan uji Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang bermakna sebelum dan setelah diberikan aplikasi m-health terhadap pengurangan keluhan mual muntah pada ibu hamil. Manfaat penelitian untuk mengetahui bahwa pemanfaatan aplikasi m-health memengaruhi keluhan mual muntah bagi ibu hamil. Maka dari itu, penting bagi bidan untuk mendukung ibu hamil dalam melakukan perawatan antenatal melalui media informasi kesehatan baik dengan buku KIA maupun m-health guna mencegah terjadinya komplikasi pada kehamilan dan mendapat hasil luaran yang baik.    

    A COLLABORATIVE WRITING USING FILM: CHANGING WRITING SKILL FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY(An Experimental Research for the Second Semester of English Education Department, STKIP PGRI Pacitan in the Academic Year of 2013/ 2014)

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    This research aims at investigating whether: (1) Collaborative Writing Method is more effective than Guided Writing Method; (2) The students having high creativity have better writing skill than those having low creativity; (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and creativity in teaching writing. This experimental research was conducted at STKIP PGRI Pacitan in the academic year of 2013/ 2014. The population of this research was the second semester students of English Education Department in the academic year of 2013/ 2014, and the number population was 90 students consisting of three classes. The samples were selected randomly using lottery. Then based on the randomization, class A was to be the experimental class, and class B was to be the control class. The experimental class was treated using Collaborative Writing Method, while the control class was treated using Guided Writing Method. The researcher conducted creativity test to the both classes to know the level of the creativity before collection of the data. But, before the creativity test was tested to both control as well as experimental classes, the researcher tried it out to non-sample class to know the readability of the creativity test instructions. Finally, the researcher conducted a post-test to the two classes in a form of writing test that had been tried out to non-sample class to know the readability of the writing test instruction. After that, the data was present ed in descriptive statistic. In the next step the data have to fulfill the prerequisite test of normality as well as homogeneity before being computed to test the parametric hypothesis tester. It was found that the data were normal and homogeneous, and the data were analyzed using ANOVA test. The findings are concluded: (1) Collaborative Writing Method is more effective than Guided Writing Method in teaching writing; (2) The students who have high creativity have better writing achievement than the achievement of those who have low creativity; (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ creativity in teaching writing. It means that the effect of methods and writing skill depends on the level of creativity of the students. It is recommended that: lecturers or teachers should apply Collaborative Writing Method to make students enjoy their learning in the classroom; the students need to be actively involved in the learning activities in the classroom or learning from other learning sources; and other researchers may conduct the same kind of research with different sample and condition. Keywords: Collaborative writing method, film, media, creativity, experimental stud


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    INDAH PUSPITASARI. 8135079639. THE INFLUENCE OF CLASSROOM CLIMATE IN LEARNING TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDY OF STUDENT CLASS X IN STATE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 40 JAKARTA. Jakarta: Program of Business Administration Study, Major of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University. 2013. The purpose of this research is in order to know what about the relation between classroom climate in learning to the achievement of study of student class X in State Vocational High School 40 Jakarta. This research be done about five months calculated on September 2012 to January 2013. Method of research be used is method of survey. Population in this research is all of student of State Vocational High School 40 Jakarta. Meanwhile reached population all of student of class X in State Vocational High School 40 Jakarta. With sample about 142 student with level of failure about 5%. Sample taken technique that be used is simple random sampling technique. To get the data of variable X and Y (the influence of classroom climate in learning to the achievement of study of student) the collecting o data be done by distributing questionary for data of classroom climate and for achievement of study be gotten secondary data namely the fotten of raport grade of semester I. Test of analysis requirement be done by finding out the equation of regression that be gotten Ŷ = 54,02 + 0,309X. After that is regression estimation galat normality study on X be using liliefors test and be gotten Lcalculate = 0,005 be compared by Ltable in level of significancy about 0,05 about 0,007, so Lo Ftable (3,92), it prove whereas regression have a meaning. Test of corelation coefficient of product moment from Pearson produce rxy about 0,475. After that be continued by test of coeficient significant by using t test. Result that be gotten is about tcalculate 6,39, meanwhile ttable is about 1,66, means tcalculate > ttable. Determination coeficient that be gotten about 22,58% which point out whereas 22,58% the achievement of study of student be decided by climate of class. Result of correlation analysis point out there is positive and significant relation between classroom climate in learning to the achievement of study of student of class X in State Vocational High School 40 Jakarta. This matter point out whereas the more better of the influence of classroom climate also the more higher about achievement of study of student of class X in State Vocational High School 40 Jakarta


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    Banyumas currently grows well in various aspects especially in tourism. Tourism plays an important role in this regency because it becomes one of the mainstays of Banyumas revenue sector. A phenomenon occurs today is the number of hotels in Banyumas arises every year. It is very important to prepare human resources; especially those who have good skills in tourism and English. This paper aims at explaining the stakeholders’ overview of skills needed, topic needed, and difficulties encountered. The stakeholders here are tour agencies, hotels, and Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Office of Banyumas Regency. This is a qualitative research method which has several research steps. First, library study is a method of collecting data and it is also used to compile research instruments. The second step is to share the questionnaires to the sampling and the last is analysing the results. The results of this study showed that; 1) the required skills are speaking (100%), listening (75%), writing (25%), and reading (25%), 2) 80% of the topics offered in the questionnaire are required by all stakeholders. The topics are about hotels and tourism materials, and 3) difficulties encountered in active cooperating with tourism industry, less practice in explaining tourism city map, and listening different accents such as English speakers from China, Japan, and India. In conclusion, these findings regarding the skills and topics needed can be used to develop English for Tourism materials.Keywords: English for tourism; English for specific purposes; needs analysis; developing materials; tourism; Banyumas


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    Konsumsi BBM subsidi di berbagai daerah terus mengalami kenaikan dan melampaui kuota yang ditetapkan. Salah satu faktor membengkaknya konsumsi BBM subsidi, terutama jenis Premium dan Solar adalah laju pertambahan jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang tidak signifikan. Langkah konkret baru diambil pemerintah pada akhir 2011, pemerintah mulai mempersiapkan pembatasan pemakaian BBM bersubsidi. Dengan dikeluarkannya peraturan tersebut, para pengguna BBM bersubsidi diharuskan berpindah ke BBM non subsidi, untuk kendaraan bermesin bensin harus menggunakan pertamax atau pertamax plus. Tetapi hal ini masih menjadi kendala bagi masyarakat karena harga pertamax yang masih sangat mahal. Dalam menyikapi hal ini diperlukan bahan bakar alternatif yang lebih murah yaitu campuran antara bioethanol plus premium atau lebih di kenal dengan biopremium. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengkomparasikan performa motor Yamaha Jupiter MX tahun 2010 yang berbahan bakar biopremium dengan pertamax. Bahan bakar yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pertamax (kelompok standart) dan kelompok eksperimen meliputi biopremium E5, E10, E15, dan E20. Sedangkan untuk bioethanol berasal dari tetes tebu dengan kadar etanol 96% diperoleh dari toko kimia PT. Brataco jalan Tidar no. 89 Surabaya yang merupakan produksi dari PTPN XI. Langkah awal sebelum bahan diujikan adalah mencampur premium dengan bioethanol dengan cara di blending kemudian proses pemisahan kadar air. Analisa data dilakukan dengan metode deskripsi dengan rpm pada beban penuh (Full Open Throtle Valve) dengan posisi transmisi top gear yang berpedoman pada standart SAE J1349. Berdasar hasil analisis penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan biopremium E20 pada motor Yamaha Jupiter MX 2010 lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pertamax dari segi performa motor. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan torsi optimal menjadi 1,11 kgf.m dengan peningkatan sebesar 15,22% pada 4500 rpm dan 15,08% pada 5000 rpm. Daya efektif optimal menjadi 9,90 PS dengan peningkatan sebesar 19,59% pada 7000 rpm. Konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik optimal menjadi 0,069 kg/PS.jam dengan penurunan sebesar 15,23% pada 4000 rpm. Tekanan efektif rata-rata optimal menjadi 2,59 kg/cm² dengan peningkatan sebesar 16,29% pada 4500 rpm

    Analysis Of Viewing Learning Model In Class 5 Of SD IT Muhammadiyah Bandongan Magelang District

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    This study discusses the viewing learning model. The purpose of this research is to determine the presence of the viewing learning model in the 5th grade of Muhammadiyah Bandongan Elementary School IT. The type of research conducted is qualitative research with a natural observation approach. Data collection methods were carried out by being a shadow teacher, followed by observation, interviews, and field notes conducted for one month at the research site. The results of the study show that the viewing learning model is divided into several categories. The first is visual literacy, and the second is critical viewing. Based on the observation results, there are 10 viewing activities that occurred over a period of 37 days. In the 5th grade of Muhammadiyah Bandongan Elementary School IT, language reading and viewing activities accounted for 14%, which means it exceeded half of the 25%. This proves that the implementation of the viewing learning method is already being applied in the 5th grade of Muhammadiyah Bandongan Elementary School IT. The viewing learning model is implemented in several subjects, including Indonesian language, mathematics, science, social studies, arts and crafts, and physical education. This study emphasizes that the use of the viewing learning model plays an important role in enhancing students' visual literacy. Through the appropriate approach, students can develop a deep understanding of visual messages
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