9 research outputs found
Strategi Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pada Mata Kuliah Penataan Rambut
This study aims to design and develop cooperative learning strategies in hairstyling subjects in order to increase motivation and learning involvement of students through the implementation of cooperative learning strategies. This type of research is research and development (R&D) using the 4D development model that aims to find, design, develop and disseminate the products produced so that they can be used in the learning process to improve student learning outcomes. The result of this research is design cooperative learning strategy in hairstyling subject, based on the characteristics and components of structured learning strategy
Empowerment of PKK Mothers in Caring for Hair through Teaching Videos of Traditional Hair Care
Empowerment of PKK Mothers in Caring for Hair through Teaching Videos of Traditional Hair Care. The objectives of this Community Service are 1) Increase the motivation of PKK mothers to bring out creativity in doing traditional hair care. 2) Improve the skills of PKK mothers to be creative and innovative in doing traditional hair care with the right techniques during the Covid 19 pandemic. 3) Providing knowledge about effectiveness in entrepreneurship. The method used is presentation and discussion by holding make-up webinars through zoom meetings. The webinar activity in August 2020 was attended by 20 participants from Jaka Sampurna Village, Bekasi. The activities included training in hair care competency skills by showing learning videos for traditional hair care. The results of this community service program are (1) partners have knowledge of traditional hair care. (2) partners can apply special skills in the field of hair care in their family and surrounding communities. (3) partner's interest in developing skills by opening a business in the hair sectorPemberdayaan Ibu-Ibu PKK dalam Merawat Rambut Melalui Video Pembelajaran Perawatan Rambut Tradisional. Tujuan dari Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah 1) Meningkatkan motivasi ibu-ibu PKK guna memunculkan kreativitas dalam melakukan perawatan rambut secara tradisional. 2) Meningkatkan keterampilan ibu-ibu PKK agar kreatif dan inovatif dalam melakukan perawatan rambut tradisional dengan teknik yang tepat di masa pandemi covid 19. 3) Memberikan pengetahuan tentang efektivitas dalam berwirausaha. Metode yang digunakan adalah presentasi dan diskusi dengan mengadakan webinar tata rias melalui zoom meeting . Pelaksanaan kegiatan webinar di Bulan Agustus, 2020 dihadiri 20 peserta dari Kelurahan Jaka Sampurna, Bekasi. Adapun kegiatan meliputi pelatihan keahlian kompetensi perawatan rambut dengan menayangkan video pembelajaran perawatan rambut tradisional. Hasil dari program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah (1) mitra memiliki pengetahuan mengenai perawatan rambut tradisional. (2) mitra dapat menerapkan keterampilan khusus di bidang perawatan rambut di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat sekitar. (3) ketertarikan mitra untuk mengembangkan keterampilan dengan membuka usaha dalam bidang rambu
Pengaruh Model Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) dan Motivasi Berprestasi terhadap Student Engagement Mahasiswa Tata Rias
This study uses quantitative comparative approach with experimental method to make-up artistry student at State University of Jakarta. Contextual teaching and learn- ing (CTL)-group models for experimental classes and contextual teaching and learning (CTL)-individual models for control classes. The analysis uses ANAVA and Tukey’s test. The results: (1) the student engagement of those who use CTL-group models are higher than those who use CTL-individual models, (2), there were interactions between CTL models use and achievement motivation to the student engagement tata rias student, (3), the student engagement of those with high achievement motivation who use CTL-individual models are higher than those who use CTL-group models, and (4) the student engagement of those with low achievement motivation who use CTL-group models are higher than those who use CTL-individual models
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis: (1) hasil belajar
Penataan Rambut antara mahasiswa yang dibelajaran menggunakan strategi
pembelajaran kooperatif dan yang dibelajarkan menggunakan strategi
pembelajaran kontekstual, setelah mengontrol kemampuan awal; (2) pengaruh
interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan kecerdasan spasial terhadap hasil
belajar penataan rambut; (3) hasil belajar penataan rambut antara mahasiswa yang
dibelajarkan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif dan yang dibelajarkan
menggunakan strategi pembelajaran kontekstual, pada mahasiswa dengan
kecerdasan spasial tinggi, setelah mengontrol kemampuan awal; (4) hasil belajar
penataan rambut antara mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan strategi
pembelajaran kooperatif dan yang dibelajarkan menggunakan strategi
pembelajaran kontekstual, pada mahasiswa dengan kecerdasan spasial rendah,
setelah mengontrol kemampuan awal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan
kuantitatif, dengan metode penelitian eksperimen, ANAKOVA by level 2x2.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : (1) hipotesis I terbukti, yaitu hasil belajar
mahasiswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran
kooperatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan strategi pembelajaran kontekstual;
(2) hipotesis II terbukti, yaitu terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan
kecerdasan spasial terhadap hasil belajar penataan rambut; (3) hipotesis III tidak
terbukti, yaitu hasil belajar mahasiswa yang menggunakan strategi pembelajaran
kooperatif tidak lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan strategi pembelajaran
kontekstual pada mahasiswa dengan kecerdasan spasial tinggi; dan (4) hipotesis
IV terbukti, yaitu hasil belajar mahasiswa yang menggunakan strategi
pembelajaran kooperatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan strategi pembelajaran
kontekstual pada mahasiswa dengan kecerdasan spasial rendah. Berdasarkan hasil
analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat model interaksi antara strategi
pembelajaran dan kecerdasan spasial terhadap hasil belajar penataan rambut
setelah mengontrol kemampuan awal mahasiswa.
Kata Kunci: Strategi Pembelajaran, Kecerdasan Spasial, Hasil Belajar,Penataan Rambut
The purpose of this study is to analyze: (1) Hairstyle learning outcomes
between students who are taught using cooperative learning strategies and those
who are taught using contextual learning strategies, after controlling for initial
abilities; (2) The effect of the interaction between learning strategies and spatial
intelligence on hairstyle learning outcomes; (3) Hairstyle learning outcomes
between students learned using cooperative learning strategies and those learned
using contextual learning strategies, in students with high spatial intelligence,
after controlling for initial abilities; (4) Hairstyle learning outcomes between
students learned using cooperative learning strategies and those learned using
contextual learning strategies, in students with low spatial intelligence, after
controlling for initial abilities. This research uses a quantitative approach, with
experimental research methods, ANAKOVA by level 2x2. The results showed that:
(1) Hypothesis I is proven, namely student learning outcomes that are learned
using cooperative learning strategies are higher than those of contextual learning
strategies; (2) Hypothesis II is proven, namely there is an interaction between
learning strategies and spatial intelligence on hairstyle learning outcomes; (3)
Hypothesis III is not proven, that is the learning outcomes of students who use
cooperative learning strategies are not lower than those of contextual learning
strategies in students with high spatial intelligence; and (4) Hypothesis IV is
proven, namely student learning outcomes using cooperative learning strategies
are higher compared to contextual learning strategies in students with low spatial
intelligence. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that there is
an interaction model between learning strategies and spatial intelligence on the
learning outcomes of hair styling after controlling the students' initial abilities.
Keywords: Learning Strategies, Spatial Intelligence, Learning Outcomes,Hair stylin
Development of Information and Communication Technology Learning Media
This study aims to produce instructional videos on subjects that are feasible to be implemented as learning media for Postgraduate students and investigate the feasibility of learning videos at the UNJ location so that they are feasible to implement. as a learning medium. The development of learning videos for the State University of Jakarta uses a mix method approach using the Research & Development method by Allesi & Trollip, which consists of three development steps, namely planning: determining needs and goals, gathering resources, and generating ideas; design: making flowcharts and storyboards and drafting scripts; and development: producing video and audio, programming materials, preparing supporting components, evaluating, and revising. The results of development research are in the form of learning videos which are assessed by media experts, material experts, and students as media users. Overall the trial showed good results in the category according to the following details from material experts the average score of 5.55 was included in the appropriate category, from media experts the average score of 3.5 is included in the appropriate category, from small-scale trials involving students, an average score of 3.5 was obtained which was included in the appropriate category; and from large-scale trials involving students, an average score of 3.19 was obtained which was in the appropriate category. Based on the assessment of the feasibility of the media, it can be concluded that learning videos are suitable for use as learning media at UNJ
Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Tata Rias Wajah Geriatri dengan Ilusi Face Lift
This research appears from the condition of students of the Cosmetology Education Study Program who have several difficulties in understanding geriatric facial makeup learning through available learning media. The researcher then developed a product in the form of a learning video of Geriatric Facial Makeup with the Illusion of FaceLift with the aim of producing feasible and practical learning media to be used as a learning resource and additional reference so as to strengthen students' knowledge in learning geriatric facial makeup in the Facial Makeup Course. Media in the form of learning videos can also be accessed independently without space and time limitations. The research is prepared using the Research and Development method and developed using the 4-D development model approach which consists of 4 (four) stages, namely Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. The development stage has gone through a validation test stage carried out by material experts through three stages and a feasibility score of 96.6% was obtained. Furthermore, the validation test conducted by media experts went through two stages with a feasibility score of 98.2%. A practicality test was also carried out with a score of 89.3% at the individual trial stage and 92.9% at the practicality test stage with a limited trial. Based on the acquisition of these scores, the product of this research, namely the Geriatric Facial Makeup learning video with the illusion of FaceLift, was declared "Very Feasible" and "Very Practical" and can be used as a learning medium for geriatric facial makeup
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Penataan Sanggul Modern Upstyle Untuk Siswa Pada Fase F Kecantikan Dan SPA Di SMK Negeri 27 Jakarta
The research was motivated by student learning outcomes that scored below the Minimum Completion Criteria KKM on the results of the theory understanding test. Answers were also obtained from the results of questions and answers to teachers of related subjects that the lack of student learning resources that can be accessed independently has caused a decline in student learning outcomes and less than optimal learning achievement. So that research is carried out to develop learning media that can be practically used by students as a learning media independently and can be utilized by teachers as teaching materials. The method used in this research is research and development with the ADDIE model approach which includes five stages, namely, Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. At the Implementation and Evaluation stages, instruments were distributed for product validation tests to two lecturers of material experts and media experts, one to one trials and small group tests to students at SMKN 27 Jakarta. The results obtained in the stage I material expert test = 58,8% and stage II 90%, in the stage I media expert test = 52% and stage II =86,6 %, in the one to one practical test the results were obtained 93,5%, and the small group practical test stage 94,4%. Based on the research that has been done, it is concluded that the Modern Up Style Bun Styling Learning Module can be used and applied for learning with the results that are feasible and practical to use
Digital Media as a guide for Beauty Gymnastics in increasing student motivation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The study aims to develop digital media instruction to produce products in the form of digital media
instruction in Beauty Gymnastics courses to increase students' learning independence. Subjects in this
study included material experts, instruction media experts and students of the cosmetology study
program. The number of content experts is one person, the number of media experts is one person,
the instruction design is one person and students at the large group trial stage are 30. Data collection
techniques in this study used a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used in the form of a closed
questionnaire, a questionnaire with answers that have been provided so that respondents only need
to choose. The data of this study was obtained from the distribution of material and media expert
validation questionnaires and field trial questionnaires to assess the feasibility of digital media
instruction that had been developed. The study results show that digital media can increase student
motivation in independent learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Furthermore, project-oriented
education positively impacts students' academic achievement more than direct teaching. The impact
of project-based learning implementation on students' creativity and independence has also
significantly increased