103 research outputs found

    Changes in the relative importance of biogenic isoprene and Soil NOx emissions on ozone concentrations in nonattainment areas of the United States

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    Reductions in anthropogenic emissions have drawn increasing attention to the role of the biosphere in O3 production chemistry in U.S. cities. We report the results of chemical transport model sensitivity simulations exploring the relative impacts of biogenic isoprene and soil nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions on O3 and its temporal variability. We compare scenarios with high and low anthropogenic NOx emissions representing the reductions that have occurred in recent decades. As expected, summertime O3 concentrations become less sensitive to perturbations in biogenic isoprene emissions as anthropogenic NOx emissions decline. However, we demonstrate for the first time that across policy relevant O3 nonattainment areas of the United States, O3 becomes more sensitive to perturbations in soil NOx emissions than to identical perturbations in isoprene emissions. We show that interannual variability in soil NOx emissions may now have larger impacts on interannual O3 variability than isoprene emissions in many areas where the latter would have dominated in the recent past.Published versio

    On the temperature dependence of organic reactivity, nitrogen oxides, ozone production, and the impact of emission controls in San Joaquin Valley, California

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    The San Joaquin Valley (SJV) experiences some of the worst ozone air quality in the US, frequently exceeding the California 8 h standard of 70.4 ppb. To improve our understanding of trends in the number of ozone violations in the SJV, we analyze observed relationships between organic reactivity, nitrogen oxides (NO_x), and daily maximum temperature in the southern SJV using measurements made as part of California at the Nexus of Air Quality and Climate Change in 2010 (CalNex-SJV). We find the daytime speciated organic reactivity with respect to OH during CalNex-SJV has a temperature-independent portion with molecules typically associated with motor vehicles being the major component. At high temperatures, characteristic of days with high ozone, the largest portion of the total organic reactivity increases exponentially with temperature and is dominated by small, oxygenated organics and molecules that are unidentified. We use this simple temperature classification to consider changes in organic emissions over the last and next decade. With the CalNex-SJV observations as constraints, we examine the sensitivity of ozone production (PO_3) to future NO_x and organic reactivity controls. We find that PO_3 is NO_x-limited at all temperatures on weekends and on weekdays when daily maximum temperatures are greater than 29 °C. As a consequence, NO_x reductions are the most effective control option for reducing the frequency of future ozone violations in the southern SJV

    Ozone production chemistry in the presence of urban plumes

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    Ozone pollution affects human health, especially in urban areas on hot sunny days. Its basic photochemistry has been known for decades and yet it is still not possible to correctly predict the high ozone levels that are the greatest threat. The CalNex_SJV study in Bakersfield CA in May/June 2010 provided an opportunity to examine ozone photochemistry in an urban area surrounded by agriculture. The measurement suite included hydroxyl (OH), hydroperoxyl (HO_2), and OH reactivity, which are compared with the output of a photochemical box model. While the agreement is generally within combined uncertainties, measured HO2 far exceeds modeled HO_2 in NO_x-rich plumes. OH production and loss do not balance as they should in the morning, and the ozone production calculated with measured HO_2 is a decade greater than that calculated with modeled HO_2 when NO levels are high. Calculated ozone production using measured HO2 is twice that using modeled HO_2, but this difference in calculated ozone production has minimal impact on the assessment of NOx-sensitivity or VOC-sensitivity for midday ozone production. Evidence from this study indicates that this important discrepancy is not due to the HO_2 measurement or to the sampling of transported plumes but instead to either emissions of unknown organic species that accompany the NO emissions or unknown photochemistry involving nitrogen oxides and hydrogen oxides, possibly the hypothesized reaction OH + NO + O_2 → HO_2 + NO_2

    On the effect of upwind emission controls on ozone in Sequoia National Park

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    Ozone (O3) air pollution in Sequoia National Park (SNP) is among the worst of any national park in the US. SNP is located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains downwind of the San Joaquin Valley (SJV), which is home to numerous cities ranked in the top 10 most O3-polluted in the US. Here, we investigate the influence of emission controls in the SJV on O3 concentrations in SNP over a 12-year time period (2001–2012). We show that the export of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from the SJV has played a larger role in driving high O3 in SNP than transport of O3. As a result, O3 in SNP has been more responsive to NOx emission reductions than in the upwind SJV city of Visalia, and O3 concentrations have declined faster at a higher-elevation monitoring station in SNP than at a low-elevation site nearer to the SJV. We report O3 trends by various concentration metrics but do so separately for when environmental conditions are conducive to plant O3 uptake and for when high O3 is most common, which are time periods that occur at different times of day and year. We find that precursor emission controls have been less effective at reducing O3 concentrations in SNP in springtime, which is when plant O3 uptake in Sierra Nevada forests has been previously measured to be greatest. We discuss the implications of regulatory focus on high O3 days in SJV cities for O3 concentration trends and ecosystem impacts in SNP.</p

    Nitrogen cycling microbiomes are structured by plant mycorrhizal associations with consequences for nitrogen oxide fluxes in forests

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    Volatile nitrogen oxides (N2O, NO, NO2, HONO, …) can negatively impact climate, air quality, and human health. Using soils collected from temperate forests across the eastern United States, we show microbial communities involved in nitrogen (N) cycling are structured, in large part, by the composition of overstory trees, leading to predictable N‐cycling syndromes, with consequences for emissions of volatile nitrogen oxides to air. Trees associating with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi promote soil microbial communities with higher N‐cycle potential and activity, relative to microbial communities in soils dominated by trees associating with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi. Metagenomic analysis and gene expression studies reveal a 5 and 3.5 times greater estimated N‐cycle gene and transcript copy numbers, respectively, in AM relative to ECM soil. Furthermore, we observe a 60% linear decrease in volatile reactive nitrogen gas flux (NOy ≡ NO, NO2, HONO) as ECM tree abundance increases. Compared to oxic conditions, gas flux potential of N2O and NO increase significantly under anoxic conditions for AM soil (30‐ and 120‐fold increase), but not ECM soil—likely owing to small concentrations of available substrate () in ECM soil. Linear mixed effects modeling shows that ECM tree abundance, microbial process rates, and geographic location are primarily responsible for variation in peak potential NOy flux. Given that nearly all tree species associate with either AM or ECM fungi, our results indicate that the consequences of tree species shifts associated with global change may have predictable consequences for soil N cycling