32 research outputs found

    Zur Flora in der Umgebung von Tilleda (MTB 4532/4)

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    Im Rahmen der floristischen Bestandsaufnahme für die „Flora des Kyffhäusergebirges und der näheren Umgebung“ (BARTHEL & PUSCH, erscheint voraussichtlich 1999) und für die „Flora von Sachsen-Anhalt“ untersuchten die Verfasser in den letzten Jahren auch die Gefäßpflanzen im Umfeld von Tilleda (Landkreis Sangerhausen). Dabei wurde das Untersuchungsgebiet so ausgewählt, daß sich alle nachfolgend genannten Fundortsangaben auf den Meßtischblatt-Quadranten 4532/4 (MTB Kelbra) beziehen

    Zur floristischen Situation des salzbeeinflußten Gebietes zwischen Riethnordhausen und Hackpfüffel

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    Im Landkreis Sangerhausen, MTB 4533/34, zwischen Hackpfüffel und Riethnordhausen, nur wenige Kilometer nordöstlich des Kyffhäusergebirges, befindet sich innerhalb eines Feuchtwiesenkomplexes eine kleinere Salzwiese mit zahlreichen bemerkenswerten Salzpflanzen (Halophyten). Dieser Wiesenkomplex wird im Süden von einem Schilfmantel, im Norden von der Straße Hackpfüffel - Riethnordhausen und im Osten von einem Pappelhain begrenzt (siehe Karte, Teilgebiet 1). Er liegt im nördlichen Teil des einstweilig gesicherten NSG ”Hackpfüffler See”. Hier kam es infolge Subrosion unterlagernder Zechsteinschichten zur Bildung zahlreicher Erdfälle, die heute mit Wasser gefüllt sind. Weitere, mehr oder weniger salzbeeinflußte Wiesenflächen und Gräben finden wir nördlich der Straße Hackpfüffel - Riethnordhausen (Teilgebiet 5 und Graben 6) aber auch östlich des Pappelhaines bis zu den Riethnordhäuser Kleingärten (Teilgebiete 2, 3 und 7) und damit außerhalb des Naturschutzgebietes. Einige halophile Pflanzenarten kommen auch außerhalb unseres eigentlichen Bearbeitungsgebietes, im Umfeld des nahen Hackloches am Südwestrand von Riethnordhausen, vor

    Schutz der Ackerwildkräuter in Thüringen - Eine Erfolgsgeschichte des Naturschutzes

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    Der Anbau von Feldfrüchten wird durch Pflanzen beeinträchtigt, die ohne bewusstes Zutun des Menschen auftreten und zu einer Minderung der Erträge führen können. Derartige Kräuter und Gräser werden allgemein als Unkräuter bezeichnet. Die Definition der Unkräuter als unerwünschte und Schaden verursachende Pflanzen erweist sich als einseitig wirtschaftsorientiert. Unter ökologischen Aspekten handelt es sich um Pflanzen, die zusammen mit den Nutzpflanzen auftreten und in ihrer Lebensweise und ihren Standortansprüchen den Kulturpflanzen angepasst sind

    Remarcable occurrences of Orobanche artemisiae-campestris Vaucher ex Gaudin and Orobanche bohemica Čelak. have been detected in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)

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    Es werden zwei bemerkenswerte Orobanche-Funde in Mitteldeutschland vorgestellt. Zum einen wird über einen Fund der in Sachsen-Anhalt seit Jahrzehnten verschollen geglaubten Panzer-Sommerwurz (Orobanche artemisiae-campestris) bei Wendelstein und zum anderen über einen weiteren Thüringer Nachweis der Böhmischen Sommerwurz (Orobanche bohemica) bei Hemleben berichtet.It is reported on two remarkable findings of Orobanche species in central Germany. Orobanche artemisiaecampestris considered as missing in Saxony-Anhalt since decades was found close to Wendelstein. Furthermore there was found a new stand of Orobanche bohemica close to Hemleben in Thuringia

    Description of two new Temnothorax species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Italy

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    We describe two species of the ant genus Temnothorax: T. alienus nov. spec. and T. saxatilis nov. spec. Both new species are endemic to middle and southern Italy. We characterize the two species and compare them to similar Temnothorax from Italy and the Western Palaearctic

    Temnothorax saxatilis

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    Temnothorax saxatilis nov. spec. (Figs 12, 13, 23, 27, 32, 33) Holotype worker. ITALY, Abruzzi, Prov. L’Aquila, Gran Sasso, 6 km NE. Castel del Monte, 1600m.a.s.l. 12.iv. 1994, Leg. M. Sanetra [SMNK]. Paratypes. 8 workers and 1 gyne, same data as holotype [SMNG, MHNG, MCSN, PCAS]. Etymology. The Latin word means “between the rocks,” a tribute to the name of the type locality, Gran Sasso. Description of worker. Measurements and indices [holotype] (n= 10): HL [0.637] 0.62 ± 0.02 (0.59–0.66), HW [0.532] 0.51 ± 0.02 (0.48–0.54), SL [0.428] 0.42 ± 0.02 (0.38–0.43), FCD [0.214] 0.21 ± 0.01 (0.20–0.22), ML [0.822] 0.77 ± 0.03 (0.72–0.82), MW [0.399] 0.37 ± 0.02 (0.35–0.40), PSL [0.081] 0.08 ± 0.01 (0.07–0.10), PEL [0.261] 0.25 ± 0.02 (0.23–0.28), PEW [0.176] 0.16 ± 0.01 (0.14–0.18), PEH [0.228] 0.21 ± 0.01 (0.19– 0.23), PPW [0.228] 0.21 ± 0.01 (0.20–0.23), HS 0.56 ± 0.02 (0.53–0.59), HW/HL 0.82 ± 0.02 (0.78–0.84), SL/ HS 0.74 ± 0.02 (0.67–0.77), FCD/HS 0.37 ± 0.01 (0.35–0.39), MW/ML 0.46 ± 0.01 (0.48–0.50), PSL/ML 0.11 ± 0.01 (0.09–0.12), PEH/PEL 0.84 ± 0.05 (0.76–0.90), PEW/PEL 0.64 ± 0.04 (0.59–0.68), PEW/PPW 0.75 ± 0.03 (0.71–0.79). Head slender, narrower anterior to eyes than posteriorly, vertexal corners evenly rounded, posterior vertexal margin medially slightly concave. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly convex, medially with a shallow depression or straight. Frontal carinae short, nearly parallel-sided. Scapes short. Mesosoma relatively narrow, in lateral view moderately high, with the dorsal margin mainly straight, or slightly convex. Propodeal spines short, broadly attached, nearly triangular, in dorsal view nearly linear and only slightly divergent distally, with rounded tips. Petiole pedunculate, average high and broad, in lateral view with a broadly rounded node. Anterodorsal petiolar node weakly angulate, anterior petiolar face concave. In dorsal view the node is evenly rounded, without angles or a crest. In dorsal view the postpetiole is subrectangular, slightly broader anteriorly than posteriorly. Mandibles partially rugoreticulate, lucid. Frontal triangle faintly granulate, lateral parts of clypeus irregularly striate to rugoreticulate, medially faintly granulate, with one superimposed shallow carina, surface subopaque. Frons reticulate with some striae, sublucid. Genae rugoreticulate, around the eyes, and whole vertex mainly reticulate. Larger specimens more rugoreticulate. Ventral surface of head faintly reticulate, medially lucid. Entire mesosoma densely reticulate, with a few superimposed rugulae on dorsum and pronotum. Propodeum between the propodeal spines and postpetiole reticulate, petiolar dorsum rugoreticulate, dorsal face of propodeum reticulate. Gaster lucid. Colour dark ferrugineus to brown; head darker than gaster and appendages. Antennal clubs dark brown. Standing pilosity of head, mesosoma and gaster sparse, transparent, with blunt tips. Description of gyne. Measurements and indices (n= 1): HL 0.74, HW 0.67, SL 0.50, FCD 0.26, ED 0.20, ML 1.33, MW 0.76, PSL 0.05, PEL 0.31, PEW 0.23, PEH 0.28, PPL 0.20, PPW 0.30, HS 0.72, HW/HL 0.94, SL/HS 0.70, FCD/HS 0.36, ED/HS 0.28, MW/ML 0.57, PSL/ML 0.04, PEH/PEL 0.89, PEW/PEL 0.73, PPL/ PPW 0.68, PEW/PPW 0.76. Head in relation to the mesosoma large and broad, especially behind the eyes. Genae weakly convex and convergent. Behind the eyes the margins are convex, vertexal margin broadly rounded, medially nearly linear. Anterior margin of clypeus slightly convex, medially with a shallow depression. Frontal triangle negligibly impressed. Eyes very small. Frontal carinae short and widely separated. Scapes short. Mesosoma in lateral view flat. Scutellum distinctly broader than long, posterior margin straight. Propodeal spines very short, dentiform. Petiole pedunculate, average high, but broad, node with a truncated and rounded apex. Anterior-dorsal margin is slightly concave in profile. Subpetiolar process inconspicuous, nearly triangular. In dorsal view with narrow peduncle, strongly divergent, from midlength the sides are nearly parallel. The node apex has rounded, weak lateral corners, in dorsocaudal view. Postpetiole of same shape as in workers. Mandibles longitudinally striate, lucid. Frontal triangle lucid, clypeus carinate. A small strip of frons nearly unsculptured, lucid, bordered by longitudinal carinae, which are connected by shallow transverse strigae. Each frontal carina fades to less stronger carinae posteriorly. Posterior part of frons reticulo-striate. Genae, surface around the eyes and vertex more strongly rugose, with reticulate interstices. Ventral surface of head reticulo-striate. Lateral parts of mesosoma rugose to carinate with scattered reticulate interstices. Pronotum rugose, mesonotum irregularly and densely carinate with some anastomoses, anterior surface unsculptured medially. Scutellum lucid medially, lateral surface striate. Dorsum of propodeum and surface between the spines transversely carinate. Petiole rugoreticulate, with transverse strigae on dorsum, dorsal petiolar surface and entire postpetiole irregularly reticulate. Dark brown, unicoloured, with the gaster somewhat lighter testaceus to brown. Appendages orange-brown, darker scapes, antennal clubs, and femora. Differential diagnosis. The workers of T. saxatilis are distinguishable from most Italian Temnothorax by the brown colour in combination with a conspicuously truncated and robust petiole. In comparison to T. saxatilis, T. nigriceps (Mayr, 1855) (Fig. 14, 15, 24) has longer scapes and is usually bicoloured with ferruginous mesosoma and waist and contrastingly darker head and gaster. Additionally, the sculpture is much rougher and more visible especially on the head and mesosoma. Workers of T. tuberum (Fabricius, 1775) (Fig. 16, 17, 25) always have a distinctly lighter mesosoma and head, and also stronger sculpture on dorsal head surface, than in T. saxatilis. Other Mediterranean dark coloured Temnothorax species are T. laestrygon (Santschi, 1931), T. niger (Forel, 1894) and the usually lighter, but sometimes equally dark coloured T. exilis (Emery, 1869). The petiole of all three species is lower, triangular, and with a more or less distinct apical crest in lateral view. Furthermore, these species occur only at lower elevations with Mediterranean climate. The arboreal species T. affinis (Mayr, 1855) (Fig. 20 & 21) is similar, when specimens are darker than usual, but they differ by distinctly longer propodeal spines. Very rarely specimens of T. affinis may have shorter spines in combination with darker reddish brown colour. In such cases, these specimens have a more triangular petiolar node and a more evenly reticulate head, without superimposed rugae. A morphologically similar species outside Italy is the tentatively determined T. anodontoides (Dlussky & Zabelin, 1985) (Fig. 18 & 19) from Transcaucasia and a probably isolated population on high mountains of southern Greece. Temnothorax anodontoides from Greece can be distinguished from T. saxatilis by longer scapes, shorter propodeal spines, lower waist (Table 3) dark brown to nearly black colour, coarser rugose sculpture, and truncated, weakly rounded dorsum/apex of petiolar node. For comparison only one gyne of T. saxatilis is available. The gyne of T. nigriceps has longer propodeal spines, more triangular petiolar node in lateral view, and more coarsely sculptured head and mesosoma. Temnothorax tuberum is a morphologically variable species, but has a smaller head and somewhat shorter propodeal spines. Furthermore, in T. tuberum, the mesosoma and especially the scutellum is more densely rugose, and the legs are evenly yellowish, whereas the legs of T. saxatilis are somewhat bicoloured, mostly brown with ferrugineous patches. The gyne of T. affinis (Fig. 36 & 37) is normally lighter coloured than in T. saxatilis, but darker specimens occur. The propodeal spines are usually longer and the petiole is lower in profile. Head sculpture of T. affinis (Fig. 37) is more reticulate and less rugulose, than in T. saxatilis. The brownish to black gynes of T. exilis, T. laestrygon and T. niger are distinctive in their low petiole with a triangular and acute petiolar node in profile. The morphometric differentiation of gynes of T. saxatilis and T. anodontoides from Greece is difficult; only one gyne each is available for comparison. Temnothorax anodontoides has a distinctly lower and truncated petiolar node in profile. In addition, in this species the sculpture is mainly rugose and coarser.Published as part of Schulz, Andreas, Heinze, Jürgen & Pusch, Katja, 2007, Description of two new Te m n o t h o r a x species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Italy, pp. 1-14 in Zootaxa 1471 on pages 12-13, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17669

    Orobanche pancicii Beck, nova vrsta v flori Slovenije

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    We describe localities and sites of Orobanche pancicii, a new species of the Slovenian flora. It was recorded in the subalpine belt (1500 to 2000 m a.s.l.) on forest edges, clearings and on stony grasslands in the Julian Alps and the eastern Karavanke mountains, on the hosts Knautia drymeia, K. longifolia and Scabiosa lucida.V članku opisujemo nahajališča in rastišča nove vrste slovenske flore, Orobanche pancicii. Našli smo jo v subalpinskem pasu (1500 do 2000 m nm. v.) na gozdnih robovih, jasah in na kamnitih traviščih v Julijskih Alpah in v vzhodnih Karavankah, na gostiteljih Knautia drymeia, K. longifolia in Scabiosa lucida. Uvajamo tudi slovensko ime Pančičev pojalnik