598 research outputs found

    Formalizing Automated Market Makers in the Lean 4 Theorem Prover

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    Automated Market Makers (AMMs) are an integral component of the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, as they allow users to exchange crypto-assets without the need for trusted authorities or external price oracles. Although these protocols are based on relatively simple mechanisms, e.g. to algorithmically determine the exchange rate between crypto-assets, they give rise to complex economic behaviours. This complexity is witnessed by the proliferation of models that study their structural and economic properties. Currently, most of theoretical results obtained on these models are supported by pen-and-paper proofs. This work proposes a formalization of constant-product AMMs in the Lean 4 Theorem Prover. To demonstrate the utility of our model, we provide mechanized proofs of key economic properties like arbitrage, that at the best of our knowledge have only been proved by pen-and-paper before

    Austerity, the state and common sense in Europe: A comparative perspective on Italy and Portugal

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    In this article, we examine the making of austerity as common sense, located at the intersection of state interventions and the everyday practices and moral logics through which austerity emerges as an acceptable livelihood possibility for individuals, households and communities. Our argument is based on the comparative analysis of austerity in Italy and Portugal, with a focus on popular austerities among working-class households in two post-industrial towns. With the aim of addressing the conundrum of the pervasiveness of austerity, we emphasize the relevance of Gramsci’s notion of common sense to expand the anthropological theorization of austerity as a hegemonic project combining coercion and consent, capable of reconfiguring the state, and as a field of contradictions endemic to the very making of common sense. We argue that austerity regimes become operative through the deployment of institutional coercive practices, moral arguments and the ideological co-optation of historical legacies of austerity embodied by ordinary people in their livelihood praxis.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    AMC 100 + 1: Introduzione

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    Introduction to Anniversary Forum Cirese 101: Rereading Antonio Gramsci’s “Observations on Folklore”, Anuac, 11, 1, 2022.Introduzione a Anniversary Forum Cirese 101. Rileggere le "Osservazioni sul folclore" di Antonio Gramsci, Anuac, 11, 1, 2022

    The everyday states of austerity: Politics and livelihoods in Europe

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    This special issue addresses how working people in Southern Europe engage with austerity state formations. We argue that in order to look at people’s responses to austerity, one cannot avoid delving into the ways people engage with state formations and the co-production of state functions, material relations and ideological configurations. Whether imposed by supranation-al institutions or voluntarily endorsed by a national elite, austerity politics were concretely implemented and legitimated by state institutions, making the austerity–state nexus a “critical junction” of social reproduction (Kalb and Tak 2006).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An examination of the impact of dietary lipids on behaviour and neurochemistry

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    The molecular and cellular basis of stress pathology remains an important research question in biological science. A better understanding of this may enable the development of novel approaches for the treatment of stress-related disorders. There is a considerable body of scientific evidence suggesting that dietary lipids, phospholipids and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs), have therapeutic potential for certain psychiatric disorders. Thus, we proposed n-3 PUFAs as a novel strategy for the prevention or amelioration of stress-related disorders. We hypothesised that these compounds would improve behavioural and neurobiological responses and alter gut microbial composition. Furthermore, we proposed a new mechanism of action exerted by n-3 PUFAs using an in vitro model of stress. Lastly, we explored the protective effects of both phospholipids and n-3 PUFAs against neuroinflammation, which has been shown to contribute to the development of stress-related disorders. We provide further evidence that glucocorticoids, inflammation and early-life stress induce vulnerability to psychopathologies. Specifically, we have demonstrated that corticosterone (CORT) alters cortical neuron and astrocyte percentage composition, reduces brain-derived-neuronal factor (BDNF) expression, and induces glucocorticoid receptor (GR) down-regulation in mixed cortical cultures. Interestingly, we found that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment resulted in an over-expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in cortical astrocyte cultures. Moreover, we demonstrate that early-life stress induces changes to the monoaminergic and immune systems as well as altered neuroendocrine response to stressors later in life. In addition, we found that early-life stress alters the gut microbiota in adulthood. These data demonstrate that n-3 PUFAs can attenuate CORT-induced cellular changes, but not those caused by LPS, within the cerebral cortex. Similarly, phospholipids were unable to reverse LPS-induced inflammation in cultured astrocytes. In addition, this thesis proposes that n-3 PUFAs may prevent the development or lessen the symptoms of mental illnesses, ameliorating anxiety- and depressive-like symptoms as well as cognitive effects, particularly when administered during neurodevelopment. Such effects may be mediated by GR activation as well as by modification of the gut microbiota composition. Taken together, our findings suggest that n-3 PUFAs have therapeutic potential for stress-related disorders and we provide evidence for the mechanisms by which they may exert these effects. These findings contribute to an exciting and growing body of research suggesting that nutritional interventions may have an important role to play in the treatment of stress-related psychiatric conditions

    Small-scale distribution of metazoan meiofauna and sedimentary organic matter in subtidal sandy sediments (Mediterranean Sea)

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    While variations in sedimentary organic matter (OM) quantity, biochemical composition and nutritional quality as well as in meiofaunal abundance and assemblage composition at the macro- and mesoscale are relatively well known, information about variations at the microscale is much scarcer. To shed some light on this issue, we tested the null hypothesis by which abundance and composition of the meiofaunal assemblages, and the quantity, biochemical composition and nutritional quality of sedimentary organic matter in coastal shallow environments do not vary within a frame of 1 m2. No significant variation within the frame emerged for OM quantity, nutritional quality, biochemical composition and the abundance of meiofaunal assemblages. On the other hand, the composition of meiofaunal assemblages varied significantly within the frame and exhibited a clear segregation of assemblages farther to the shore, as a likely result of local micro-hydrodynamic conditions. Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed that lipid and protein sedimentary contents had a random distribution, whereas carbohydrate and biopolymeric C contents and meiofaunal total abundance were characterized by a patchy distribution, with discrete peaks within the sub-frame squares (ca. 0.1 m2). Phytopigments showed a spatial positive autocorrelation distribution, following the micro-hydrodynamic pattern, with patches larger than the sub-frame square, but smaller than the entire one (1 m2). Overall, our results suggest that, within 1 m2 of subtidal sandy sediments, three replicates could be sufficient to assess correctly OM attributes and the abundance of meiofauna, but could be possibly inadequate for assessing meiofaunal assemblages’ composition at a finer scale (<1 m2)

    Relationships between Meiofaunal Biodiversity and Prokaryotic Heterotrophic Production in Different Tropical Habitats and Oceanic Regions

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    Tropical marine ecosystems are among the most diverse of the world oceans, so that assessing the linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem functions (BEF) is a crucial step to predict consequences of biodiversity loss. Most BEF studies in marine ecosystems have been carried out on macrobenthic diversity, whereas the influence of the meiofauna on ecosystem functioning has received much less attention. We compared meiofaunal and nematode biodiversity and prokaryotic heterotrophic production across seagrass, mangrove and reef sediments in the Caribbean, Celebes and Red Seas. For all variables we report the presence of differences among habitats within the same region, and among regions within the same habitat. In all regions, the richness of meiofaunal taxa in reef and seagrass sediments is higher than in mangrove sediments. The sediments of the Celebes Sea show the highest meiofaunal biodiversity. The composition of meiofaunal assemblages varies significantly among habitats in the same region. The nematode beta diversity among habitats within the same region is higher than the beta diversity among regions. Although one site per habitat was considered in each region, these results suggest that the composition of meiofaunal assemblages varies primarily among biogeographic regions, whereas the composition of nematode assemblages varies more considerably among habitats. Meiofauna and nematode biodiversity and prokaryotic heterotrophic production, even after the removal of covariate effects linked with longitude and the quantity and nutritional quality of organic matter, are positively and linearly linked both across regions and within each habitat type. Our results confirm that meiofauna and nematode biodiversity may influence benthic prokaryotic activity, which, in turn, implies that diversity loss could have negative impacts on ecosystem functioning in these systems

    Stato, volontariato e carità: Concezioni e pratiche redistributive in una città del Mezzogiorno

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    Questo articolo esamina la tensione tra una concezione ideale dello stato come garante del benessere sociale e la sua problematica, incompiuta e parziale realizzazione, così come si manifesta tra i volontari Caritas in una città del Mezzogiorno. Le politiche austeritarie dell’ultimo decennio hanno indebolito la rete di protezioni sociali del welfare nazionale, delegando ampi settori dell’assistenza sociale ad associazioni di volontariato e organizzazioni del Terzo settore. Attraverso l’etnografia del volontariato Caritas, l’articolo analizza l’interazione tra circuiti formali e informali di distribuzione alimentare nel contesto di trasformazione del welfare. Prendendo in esame il processo di burocratizzazione della distribuzione alimentare, dovuto alla gestione di risorse pubbliche, l’articolo propone di leggere la coesistenza di diverse concezioni redistributive attraverso il concetto di economia morale. I volontari reagiscono ai processi di delega che hanno caratterizzato la decentralizzazione del welfare e il graduale approfondirsi delle diseguaglianze nel contesto della crisi, operando distinzioni tra diversi piani morali delle pratiche redistributive che convivono nella loro azione di volontariato. In tal modo, il coinvolgimento dello stato nelle iniziative caritatevoli e il coinvolgimento dei volontari nella burocrazia dell’assistenza sociale alimentano le contraddizioni tra l’impegno etico dei volontari e le loro aspettative intorno al ruolo dello stato.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nematode diversity patterns at different spatial scales in bathyal sediments of the Mediterranean Sea

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    Understanding biodiversity patterns and how they are driven at different spatial scales is a crucial issue in eco- logical studies. This is particularly evident for the deep sea, the largest biome of the biosphere, where information on the scales of spatial variation is very scant. Here, we investigated deep-sea nematodes species richness, turnover and func- tional diversity, and life strategies at different spatial scales (from local to macro-regional) to identify the factors that shape regional (γ) and macro-regional (ε) deep-sea diver- sity. This study was conducted in several deep-sea habitats (canyons, open slopes, deep-water corals, and bathyal plains) over > 2000 km across the whole Mediterranean Basin, at a bathymetric range comprised between ca. 600 and 1300 m. Our results indicate that the patterns of local (α) diversity across the deep Mediterranean follow the gradients of the trophic conditions, which decrease from the western to the eastern basins. For all of the sites and habitats, the α diversity is generally low. Conversely, the turnover diversity changes significantly among habitats (β diversity) and between re- gions (δ diversity), showing values of dissimilarity (based on species presence/absence matrixes) between 59 and 90 % for β diversity and between 81 and 89 % for δ diversity. This suggests that patterns and values of γ and ε diversities in the deep Mediterranean Sea are related to turnover diversity among habitats and between regions (β and δ diversities), rather than to the local biodiversity (α diversity). These re- sults indicate also that the differences in β and δ diversi- ties are even more important than those in α diversity for the comprehension of the drivers of biodiversity in the deep Mediterranean Sea. We conclude that the presence of differ- ent habitats and gradients in environmental conditions, by promoting a high turnover diversity across the Mediterranean Sea, may play a crucial role in the levels of γ diversity of deep-sea nematodes

    Last Bite: No Fish Oil No Footnotes

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    The exponential growth of off-shore mariculture that has occurred worldwide over the last 10 years has raised concern about the impact of the waste produced by this industry on the ecological integrity of the sea bottom. Investigations into this potential source of impact on the biochemistry of the sea floor have provided contrasting results, and no compelling explanations for these discrepancies have been provided to date. To quantify the impact of fish-farm activities on the biochemistry of sediments, we have investigated the quantity and biochemical composition of sediment organic matter in four different regions in the temperate-warm Mediterranean Sea: Akrotiri Bay (Cyprus), Sounion Bay (Greece), Pachino Bay (Italy), and the Gulf of Alicante (Spain). In these four study regions, the concentrations of phytopigments, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in the sediments were measured, comparing locations receiving wastes from fish farms to control locations in two different habitats: seagrass beds and soft nonvegetated substrates. Downward fluxes were also measured in all of the regions, up to 200 m from the fish farms, to assess the potential spatial extent of the impact. In all four regions, with the exception of seagrass sediments in Spain, the biochemistry of the sediments showed significant differences between the control and fish-farm locations. However, the variables explaining the differences observed varied among the regions and between habitats, suggesting idiosyncratic effects of fish-farm waste on the biochemistry of sediments. These are possibly related to differences in the local physicochemical variables that could explain a significant proportion of the differences seen between the control and fish-farm locations. Biodeposition derived from the fish farms decreased with increasing distance from the fish-farm cages, but with different patterns in the four regions. Our results indicate that quantitative and qualitative changes in the organic loads of the sediments that arise from intensive aquaculture are dependent upon the ecological context and are not predictable only on the basis of fish-farm attributes and hydrodynamic regimes. Therefore, the siting of fish farms should only be allowed after a case-by-case assessment of the ecological context of the region, especially in terms of the organic matter load and its biochemical composition