493 research outputs found

    Little Things That Count: A Call for Organizational Research on Microbusinesses

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    The purpose of this Incubator is to encourage organizational researchers to attend to the most common type of business in the United States—the microbusiness. After defining and describing these businesses, we propose research questions on defining and managing performance, organizational citizenship, and work–family conflict in this novel business setting

    All of the Above?: an Examination of Overlapping Organizational Climates

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    We examined the largely unexplored issue of strong associations between multiple specific climates (e.g., for safety and for service). Given that workplaces are likely to have more than one specific climate present, it is important to understand how and why these perceptions overlap. Individual ratings (i.e., at the psychological climate level) for seven specific climates and a general positive climate were obtained from 353 MTurk Workers employed in various industries. We first observed strong correlations among a larger set of specific climates than typically studied: climates for collaboration, communication, fair treatment, fear, safety, service, and work-life balance were all strongly correlated. Second, we found that two methodological mechanisms—common method variance (CMV) due to (a) measurement occasion and (b) self-report—and a theoretical mechanism, general climate, each account for covariance among the specific climate measures. General positive climate had a primary (i.e., larger) impact on the relationships between specific climates, but CMV—especially due to measurement occasion—also accounted for significant and non-negligible covariance between climates. We discuss directions for continued research on and practice implementing specific climates in order to accurately model and modify perceptions of multiple climates

    Love and Power: Grau and Pury (2014) as a Case Study in the Challenges of X-Phi Replication

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    Grau and Pury (Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 5, 155–168, 2014) reported that people’s views about love are related to their views about reference. This surprising effect was however not replicated in Cova et al.’s (in press) replication study. In this article, we show that the replication failure is probably due to the replication’s low power and that a metaanalytic reanalysis of the result in Cova et al. suggests that the effect reported in Grau and Pury is real. We then report a large, highly powered replication that successfully replicates Grau and Pury 2014. This successful replication is a case study in the challenges involved in replicating scientific work, and our article contributes to the discussion of these challenges

    Two dimension porous media reconstruction using granular model under influence of gravity

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    Modeling of pores generation in 2-D with granular grains using molecular dynamics method is reported in this work. Grains with certain diameter distribution are let falling due to gravity. Three configurations (larger diameter on top, smaller diameter on top, and mixed) and two kinds of mixture (same grains density and same grains mass) are used in the simulation. Mixture with heterogen density gives higher porosity than the homogen one for higher initial height, but change into opposite condition for lower initial height.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to ICPAP 201


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    Permasalahan penelitian ini berawal dari perolehan hasil belajar tematik siswa kelas 4 SD Kanaan Ungaran pada muatan Bahasa Indonesia, IPA, IPS dan PKn masih kurang memuaskan. Rerata hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia, IPA, IPS dan PKn  berturut-turut baru mencapai 61, 65, 57, dan 57. Rerata hasil belajar tersebut berdampak pada rendahnya pencapaian Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal/KKM  berturut-turut baru mencapai 35%, 40%, 20%, dan 15% (n=20). Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut akan dilakukan upaya perbaikan pembelajaran agar hasil belajar dan capaian KKM dapat ditingkatkan melalui penelitian tindakan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) model Stringer yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus, masing-masing siklus mencakup tindakan look, think, dan act. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan soal tes dan lembar observasi. Soal tes digunakan untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa dan lembar observasi untuk memastikan keterlaksanaan model pembelajarannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran Inquiry Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar tematik siswa kelas 4 SD Kanaan Ungaran, kecuali muatan matapelajaran IPA pada Siklus II. Temuan ini didasarkan data bahwa terjadi peningkatan persentase terhadap peningkatan rerata hasil belajar pada muatan Bahasa Indonesia, IPA, IPS dan PKn dari kondisi awal ke  Siklus I   berturut-turut  6,6%; 6,2%;  10,5%; dan 19,3% serta dari Siklus I ke II  sebesar 20,0%; -4,3%;     22,2% dan 13,2%. Dilihat dari pencapaian KKM terlihat bahwa ada peningkatan persentase pencapaian KKM (kecuali muatan matapelajaran IPS Siklus I) dari kondisi awal ke  Siklus I   berturut-turut  0,0%; 225%;          -37,5%; dan 166,7%  serta dari Siklus I ke II  sebesar 142,9%;     23,1%;             200%; dan 100%.  Berdasarkan temuan bahwa secara umum model pembelajaran Inquiry Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar, maka disarankan dalam pembelajaran siswa kelas 4 SD Kanaan Ungaran.menggunakan model pembelajaran Inquiry Learning


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    Prototipe penghasil energi listrik berbahan dasar piezoelektrik ini merupakan penghasil energi listrik yang memanfaatkan langkah kaki manusia sebagai energi primernya. Seperti yang diketahui, beberapa daerah di Indonesia masih kurang mendapatkan listrik, terutama untuk daerah-daerah pedesaan. Padahal, sebagian penduduk daerah pedesaan masih harus melakukan aktivitasnya sampai malam hari. Ketika hari mulai gelap, jalan yang harus di lalui pun menjadi sulit dan kurang penerangan. Dengan memanfaatkan sifat yang dimiliki oleh piezolektrik yang dapat mengubah energi tekanan mekanik berupa langkah manusia menjadi energi potensial listrik, diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu penghasil energi listrik alternatif yang dapat dikembangkan lebih jauh lagi dan dapat membantu permasalahan kebutuhan listrik di daerah-daerah yang kurang mendapatkan listrik. Adapun besar energi listrik yang dihasilkan dari satu buah piezoelektrik dengan ukuran 2,7 cm yaitu berkisar 5 VAC. Tegangan yang dikeuarkan ini berupa hentakan listrik yang dihasilkan dari hentakan langkah kaki, sehingga untuk dapat menggunakan energi listrik ini, harus disimpan terlebih dahulu dalam sebuah baterai yang sebelumnya di searahkan oleh rectifier dari AC to DC

    What Leaders Should Know about Courage

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    On the morning of March 16, 1968, Warrant Officer One Hugh Thompson JI. flew above the hamlet of Son My, near the village of My Lai in the Republic of Vietnam, in support of U.S. Army ground operations. His mission was dangerous but routine-provide reconnaissance for a battalion task force searching for enemy forces. What he saw and did that day, however, would irrevocably change his life. The My Lai massacre is a well-documented stain on American military history: An infantry company led by Captain Ernest Medina, Lieutenant William Calley, and others entered Son My and systematically murdered hundreds of Vietnamese civilians. Villagers were raped, bodies mutilated, children summarily executed in front of their parents. Seeing the carnage below; Thompson and his crew-Specialist Glenn Andreotta and Specialist Lawrence Colburn-placed their helicopter between American forces and the villagers. Thompson dismounted from his pilot\u27s seat, then instructed his crew to cover him with machine-gun fire if the Americans began firing at the group of civilians he intended to help. He was aware that the order put him at risk of a court-martial or possible injury. Thompson coaxed several Vietnamese from a bunker and aboard evacuation helicopters and later evacuated a wounded young boy to a Vietnamese military hospital. Upon returning to base, he reported the massacre to his superiors, who immediately ordered an end to hostilities in Son My. Commanders repeatedly tried to cover up the My Lai massacre. In a ploy to keep Thompson quiet, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions that day, though he later threw away the bogus citation because it stated his heroism was a result of withstanding intense crossfire between friendly and enemy forces. This of course was a lie. Subsequent investigations by the military and the media found that the villagers were unarmed, so there could have been no crossfire. Thompson made his official report-he had witnessed American soldiers kill unarmed Vietnamese civilians-and he stuck by it despite intense pressure to recant. He repeatedly told his story to investigators and testified before the House Armed Services Committee. Committee members lambasted him for his actions, and Chairman Mendal Rivers of South Carolina stated that Thompson was the only person involved in the event who should be held accountable because he had turned his weapons against fellow Americans. Rivers even tried to have Thompson court-martialed, to no avail. Nevertheless, the damage was done, and Thompson received hate mail and death threats. Thompson\u27s story, however, did not end with the investigation. He continued to fly in Vietnam and was shot down several times. He spent many months recovering in a hospital after breaking his back in a crash, but even that could not stop him. Thompson was commissioned and continued to fly in the Army, retiring in 1983 as a major. The immediate years following My Lai had been tough for him. He was constantly shunned by fellow officers, who considered him a turncoat. The public\u27s perception of Thompson began to change in the decades following My Lai. A letter-writing campaign gained traction, and he and his crew were eventually awarded the Soldier\u27s Medal-the highest award for valor not involving enemy forces and a more poignant replacement of the Distinguished Flying Cross he had received during the attempted cover-up. He received numerous civilian honors for his actions at My Lai, including the Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award. Thompson spoke of My Lai and battlefield ethics often and lectured at the United States Military, Naval, and Air Force Academies, though doing so took an emotional toll on him. Even after a diagnosis of terminal cancer, Thompson pressed on with his message: Common people can act with uncommon courage when necessary, and doing so can make a difference in the lives of many

    Analysis of the Rubbing Behaviour of Psammophiids : A Methodological Approach

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    Several snakes belonging to the eight genera of the family Psammophiidae are the sole known snakes to smear the secretion of their nasal gland on their own belly and flanks by little rapid head movements. The main objective of the present study is to determine behaviourally the function of this “rubbing behaviour”. The rubbing behaviour itself and its possible functions have been mentioned several times in literature, but most of them without specific experimental analysis. This is the first behavioural study focussing on the rubbing behaviour of psammophiids in order to examine its function with more clarity. Psammophiids belonging to the four genera Malpolon, Psammophis, Psammophylax and Scutophis were studied. Since it had been stated that snakes have pores on their scales allowing the passage of lipids through the skin to protect it against desiccation, it was important to verify this feature in psammophiids. The scanning electron microscopic analysis of the dorsal scale ultrastructure of several psammophiids and control species was undertaken: the results showed that neither psammophiids, nor control taxa have pores on their scale surface. Some years ago, the nasal gland secretion of Malpolon monspessulanus, a psammophiid known to do rubbing behaviour, had been analysed. This analysis showed the presence of lipids, known to protect the skin against desiccation. Since other species of psammophiids also perform rubbing behaviour, it was verified whether their nasal secretion also contains lipids. The presence of lipids in the nasal gland secretion of Psammophis mossambicus and Scutophis moilensis could only be presumed by gas chromatographic analysis. But it has to be assumed that these species also have a lipid-rich nasal secretion since they also perform rubbing behaviour -as Malpolon monspessulanus. One hypothesis on the function of rubbing behaviour is that it serves to mark an unknown environment. To verify this, the snakes were place into a terrarium unknown to the snakes: The frequency of its rubbing behaviour on the first day was compared to the mean frequency of rubbing of the following days. If the rubbing behaviour serves to mark, its frequency would be more elevated on the first day. This frequency was however not significantly higher, so that rubbing behaviour cannot be considered as marking behaviour. In a further experiment, it was tested whether nasal secretion is used to leave an informative trail to conspecifics. Two couples of Psammophis mossambicus and Scutophis moilensis were studied. The snakes were place one by one into a terrarium. No changes in behaviour (e.g. elevated tongue flicking) could be detected in the snakes placed at second in the terrarium, regardless of their sex of the sex of the snake introduced at first. Finally, in order to determine whether rubbing behaviour depends on external factors, temperature was varied in an experimental setup. There was a significant correlation between increasing temperature and the number of rubbing behaviour in all psammophiids studied. This states the hypothesis that rubbing behaviour is primarily dependent on external factors and that it is used to avoid the desiccation. This is done by thanks of the nasal secretion known to be lipid-rich as in Malpolon monspessulanus and it has then to be considered that this secretion is also lipid-rich in the other psammophiid species since their number of rubbing behaviour also increased with temperature. This allows these snakes to be active even in the hottest hours of the day, e.g. minimising concurrence with other predators. Additionally to the behavioural experiments, for the first time the rubbing behaviour of the genus Rhamphiophis could be verified in R. rubropunctatus and R. rostratus. This elevates the number of genera performing rubbing behaviour on seven, of the eight comprised in this family. The “last” genus in which rubbing behaviour has not been recorded yet is Dipsina. The rubbing behaviour could additionally be documented for a further Psammophis species, P. elegans and for a further Psammophylax species, P. acutus acutus. A further morphological analysis should confirm the affiliation of the species moilensis to its own genus. It had been affiliated long time to the genus Malpolon. Its attribution to its own genus, Scutophis, had been proposed but not unanimously adopted in the literature. The affiliation was primarily based on the ability of moilensis to spread the neck when threatened -Malpolon species are unable to do this. The comparative morphological analysis between the neck ribs of Malpolon monspessulanus and Scutophis moilensis confirmed differences at the level of the length of these ribs, those in S. moilensis being obviously longer. This difference reinforces the affiliation of both species to different genera
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