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    This research paper is aimed at knowing whether or not there is correlation between writing habit and writing skill of sixth semester student of English department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. There are some factors in writing habit such as the people’s desire, motivation, interest, and attitude. The subject of this research is the sixth semester students of English department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. There are 300 students from six classes in this university. The writer uses cluster random sampling in taking sample, and she get 50 students from class C. In collecting the data, the writer gives questionnaire and writing test. The construct validity is used to know the validity of items by using correlation product moment, then to know the reliability the writer uses Alpha Cronbach. The correlation product moment is used to analyze the data. Based on the data calculation, it shows that the obtained rxy is 0.423 when rtable is 0.279 at level of significance 0.05. If the obtained r xy is higher than r table, the obtained rxy 0.423 is positive. So there is positive correlation between writing habit and writing skill. The contribution of writing habit in increasing writing skill is 1,79%. It means that writing habit has role in increasing writing skill, although in contributes small percentage. Finally, the writer finds out that there is positive correlation between writing habit and writing skill of the sixth semester students of English department of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

    Dinamika Populasi Dan Pola Infestasi Liriomyza Huidobrensis Blanchard Pada Tanaman Kentang Di Musim Kemarau Dan Musim Hujan

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    Liriomyza huidobrensis merupakan hama baru pada tanaman kentang. Hama ini pertama kali dilaporkan menyerangtanaman kentang di Puncak, Jawa Barat pada tahun 1994 dan diduga telah resisten terhadap berbagai jenis insektisidaseperti organofosfat, karbamat, dan piretroid sintetik. Upaya pengendalian diarahkan pada pengendalian hamaterpadu yang penerapannya bergantung pada bioekologi serangga hama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui dinamika L. huidobrensis dan musuh alaminya, serta pola infestasi pada tanaman kentang di musimkemarau dan musim hujan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran Lembang,sejak bulan Juni 1999 sampai dengan bulan Pebruari 2000. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah PetakBerpasangan, terdiri atas dua perlakuan dan diulang enam kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa L. huidobrensismulai menyerang tanaman kentang sejak umur tiga minggu setelah tanam (MST) dan mencapai puncaknya pada umurempat, enam, dan delapan MST. Keberadaan kompetitor sangat mempengaruhi fluktuasi populasi L. huidobrensis.Selain itu faktor lingkungan abiotik seperti suhu, kelembaban, dan angin juga mempengaruhi fluktuasi populasi L.huidobrensis. Keberadaan musuh alami H. varicornis tidak mampu menekan serangan L. huidobrensis. Penggunaaninsektisida bensultaf 50 WP cukup efektif untuk mengendalikan L. huidobrensis. Pada musim kemarau serangan L.huidobrensis lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan musim hujan. L. huidobrensis lebih memilih daun bawah dantengah sebagai tempat peletakan telur.Kata kunci : Solanum tuberosum; Dinamika populasi; Pola infestasi; Liriomyza huidobrensis; Musim kemarau;Musim hujan.AB STRACT. Setiawati, W., A. Somantri, and Purwati. 2002. Pop u la tion dy namic and in fes ta tion pat tern ofLiriomyza huidobrensis on po tato in dry sea son and rainy sea son. The leafminer flies are newly re corded as a peston po tato in In do ne sia. It was firstly re ported to at tack po tato in Puncak, west Java in 1994 and its has be came re sis -tance to sev eral in sec ti cide such as organophospate, carbamat, and syn thetic pyrethroid. In te grated pest man age mentis the best way to con trol this pest and in for ma tion of bioecology of this pest is im por tant to sup port im ple men ta tion ofin te grated pest man age ment (IPM) tech nol ogy in the field. The ob jec tives of this ex per i ment were to know pop u la tiondy namic of L. huidobrensis and its nat u ral en e mies and in fes ta tion pat tern of this pest on po tato in dry and rainy sea -son. This ex per i ment was con ducted at Re search In sti tute for Veg e ta bles (Lembang, West Java) from June 1999 toFeb ru ary 2000. Comparation paired de sign was used in this ex per i ment with two treat ments and rep li cated six times.Re sults of this ex per i ment in di cated that L. huidobrensis in vaded and at tacked po tato plants start ing from the shootemer gence stage or at three weeks af ter plant ing. Pop u la tion of L. huidobrensis fluc tu ated dur ing the grow ing pe riodof plants, and there were three pop u la tion peaks oc curred at four, six, and eight weeks af ter plant ing. Com pet i tors andabiotic fac tors such as tem per a ture, hu mid ity, and wind were more in flu enced L. huidobrensis pop u la tion thanparasitoid ac tiv ity. Bensultaf 50 WP in sec ti cide was ef fec tive to con trol L. huidobrensis. Pop u la tion of L.huidobrensis was higher in dry sea son than in rainy sea son. The adult of L. huidobrensis pre ferred to feed and ovipositon leaves lo cated in the bot tom and mid dle part of po tato plants

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Stik Daun Katuk Sebagai Makanan Alternatif Ibu Hamil dan Menyusui pada Anggota Posyandu Desa Kalianget Timur Kabupaten Sumenep

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    Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan berdasar latar belakang memberdayakan kader dan anggota posyandu dalam menumbuh kembangkan kreafitas berinovasi serta terampil dalam mengolah sumber daya alam disekitar kehidupan kita seperti daun katuk yang dapat diolah menjadi camilan. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan sasaran dalam memahami tentang kesehatan Ibu dan Anak, memotivasi ibu hamil dan menyusui untuk lebih kreatif dalam mengatur dan mencipta menu makanan sehat berbahan herbal. Pengethuan yang luas sangat diperlukan oleh ibu-ibu dalam menangani berbagai permasalahan keluarga yang salah satunya adalah tercapainya keluarga sehat, bahagia dan sejahtera. Target kegiatan ini adalah (1) Meningkatnya pengetahuan sasaran yang mampu mengubah perilaku dan persepsi tentang hidup sehat, bahagia dan sejahtera (2) Meningkatnya kesadaran tentang pentinganya posyandu (3) Meningkatnya keaktifan dan keterlibatan kader posyandu serta tokoh masyarakat dalam memotivasi ibu ibu sasaran sehingga tercipta masyarakat yang siaga kesehatan. Bentuk kegiatan ini dilaksanakan denagn metode ceramah, diskusi dan demonstrasi. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah melakukan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat anggota Posyandu 100% telah mengetahui manfaat dan diversifikasi daun katuk serta mampu memotivasi anggota Posyandu untuk berwirausaha stik daun katuk karena layak untuk dijadikan usaha. Stik daun katuk layak karena R/C ratio 1.3 dan memperoleh pendapatan sebesar Rp. 30.654,- per sekali produksi dalam usaha skala kecilAbstract: Community service activities are carried out based on the background of empowering cadres and posyandu members in developing creativity and innovation and skilled in processing natural resources around our lives such as katuk leaves which can be processed into snacks. The purpose of this activity is to increase target knowledge in understanding maternal and child health, to motivate pregnant and lactating mothers to be more creative in organizing and creating healthy food menus made from herbs. Broad knowledge is needed by mothers in dealing with various family problems, one of which is the achievement of a healthy, happy and prosperous family. The targets of this activity are (1) Increasing target knowledge that can change behavior and perceptions about a healthy, happy, and prosperous life (2) Increasing awareness about the importance of Posyandu (3) Increasing the activity and involvement of Posyandu cadres and community leaders in motivating target mothers to create health-conscious community. This form of activity is carried out with lecture, discussion, and demonstration methods. The results obtained after carrying out Community Service activities, 100% of Posyandu members have known the benefits and diversification of katuk leaves and were able to motivate Posyandu members to become entrepreneurs of katuk leaf sticks because they are feasible to be used as businesses. Katuk leaf sticks are feasible because the R/C ratio is 1.3 and earn an income of Rp. 30,654,- per production in a small scale busines

    Evaluasi Ketahanan Aksesi Wijen Terhadap Tungau Daun Polyphagotarsonemus Latus (Banks)

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    Evaluasi ketahanan aksesi wijen terhadap tungau Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Sumberrejo, Bojonegoro, mulai April sampai Desember 2007.Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui tingkat ketahanan aksesi wijen termasuk terhadap keriting daun yang disebabkan oleh P. latus. Perlakuan terdiri atas 25 aksesi wijen disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok, diulang tiga kali. Pengamatan dilaku-kan mulai 25 hari setelah tanam (hst) dengan interval pengamatan 10 hari sekali sampai 75 hst. Parameter pengamatan meliputi: (1) Skor kerusakan daun (intensitas serangan) pada sepertiga bagian atas tanaman, (2) jumlah telur, larva, nimfa, dan imago P. latus dari daun yang terserang tungau. Pengamatan dilakukan di laboratorium Entomologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Tembakau dan Serat (Balittas). Hasil pengujian menun-jukkan bahwa satu aksesi tahan yaitu China Hitam; 17 aksesi termasuk kategori agak tahan: Si 50, Si 51, Si 52, Si 57, Si 58, Si 59, Si 60, Si 61, Si 63, Si 65, Si 66, Si 69, Si 75, Sbr 1, Sbr 2, Sbr 3, dan Sbr 4; dan tujuh aksesi termasuk kategori rentan yaitu Si 45, Si 53, Si 54, Si 55, Si 56, Si 62, dan Si 64. Resistance of sesame germ plasm to mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks) was evaluated at Sumberrejo Experimental Station, Bojonegoro from April to December 2007. The treatment consisted of 25 accessions which were arranged in randomized block design with three replications. The resistance was observed at 10 days interval from 25 days after planting (dap) to 75 dap. The parameters observed were: (1) Score of leave damage intensity; (2) Microscopic observation on total eggs, larvae, nymph, and adult of mites. The results showed that based on leaves damage intensity at 75 dap, one accession was categorized as resistance (China Black); 17 accessions were moderately resistance (Si 50, Si 51, Si 52, Si 57, Si 58, Si 59, Si 60, Si 61, Si 63, Si 65, Si 66, Si 69, Si 75, Sbr 1, Sbr 2, Sbr 3, and Sbr 4); and 7 accessions were susceptible (Si 45, Si 53, Si 54, Si 55, Si 56, Si 62, and Si 64). Total of egg population, larvae, nymph, and adult of mite was positively correlated to leave damage intensity

    Dose Evaluation of Head and Neck Cancer IMRT Treatment Planning Based on Gamma Index Analysis of Varian Halcyon 2.0 Linac

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    Varian Halcyon 2.0 linear accelerator was launched and became available for clinical use in 2018. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the accuracy of exit fluence of the Halcyon 2.0 for quality assurance (QA) of head and neck cancer treatment planning, pretreatment, and treatment. The accuracy of the exit fluence for twenty treatment plannings has been evaluated by conducting gamma analysis for QA pretreatment and treatment in each field and composite field by using criteria for gamma index 3 %/3 mm and 2 %/2 mm. The QA pretreatment results are in the average value for each criterion for each field and composite fields on actual gantry angle and null gantry angle with gamma passing rate (GPR) of over 99 % (range 99.78 %-99.95 %) The total treatments consisted of 2717 fractions. The analysis results of GPR for fields were 99.32 % and 97.74 % for gamma indexes of 3 %/3 mm and 2 %/2 mm, respectively. In addition, the analysis results of GPR for composites were 95.46 % and 81.38 % for gamma indexes of 3 %/3 mm and 2 %/2 mm, respectively. Based on this result, the average GPRs of QA pretreatment are ≈ 99 % of the total pixels. This means the prediction dose of Varian Halcyon 2.0 is accurate. The average GPRs of treatment is nearly  90 %, showing that Varian Halcyon 2.0 is effective for creating treatment plans for complex cases

    Hubungan antara Perilaku Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Ekonomi dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa di SMA

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    : "This study intend to dig up information about correlation between student learning behavior in the learning economy with learning outcomes at grade 10 SMAS taman Mulia at Kubu raya district. Population in this research aggregate 105 student with samples a total of 30 student were determined by random sampling technique. Collecting data using the technique of direct communication, indirect communication techniques and techniques of documentary studies with data collection tools such as observation sheets, interview, questionnaire and learning outcomes that come from school. Based on the analysis of product moment correlation, obtained, rhitungan < rtabel 0,138 dan rtabel < 0,361, pada db N = 30. Apparently the price r xy = 0.138 r smaller than the table ,This means giving the consequences of rejecting Ha , which reads : " There is a positive and significant relationship between behavioral study with the results of student learning in the learning economy in SMAs Taman Mulia Kubu Raya " and accept Ho , which reads : " There is a positive and significant relationship behavior learning with student learning outcomes in the learning economy in SMAs Taman Mulia Kubu Raya

    Efikasi Asap Cair Dari Kayu Laban (Vitex Pubescens) Terhadap Rayap Coptotermes Curvignathus

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    Efficacy of liquid smoke from laban wood (Vitex pubescens) against Coptotermes curvignathus. Antitermitic activities of liquid smoke produced from Vitex pubescens against C. curvignathus was evaluated in this study. This research was conducted in two steps, i.e. pyrolisis of liquid smoke and efficacy test of liquid smoke as antitermite. Three kinds of liquid smoke were produced at three different pyrolysis temperatures, i.e. 350 oC, 400 oC and 450 oC. Termiticidal activity was evaluated by a no-choice test. The research indicates that concentration of liquid smoke and pyrolysis temperatures significantly affected termite mortality and mass losses of the filter paper. The relationship between the concentration of liquid smoke (X) and termite mortality (Y) at 350 oC, 400 oC, and 450 oC were Y = 31,4 + 11,76X, (r2 = 0,60), Y = 30 + 11,86X (r2 = 0,59), and Y = 26,66 + 7,6X (r2 = 0,429). The relationship between concentration of liquid smoke (X) and mass losses (Y) at 350 oC, 400 oC, and 450 oC were Y= 85,12 -3,188X (r2 = 0,723), Y= 88,06 – 3,435X + (r2 = 0,953) and Y= 91,56 – 3,867X (r2 = 0,886)

    Energy Audit of Flouresen Lights at School Building C III Floor Politeknik Negeri Semarang

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    Energy audit is very necessary to calculate the level of energy consumption of a building or buildings. The research includes the amount of energy consumption based on the initial energy audit and detailed energy audit as well as saving opportunities based on conditions in the field. Based on the initial energy audit, the value of the Energy Consumption Intensity (IKE) is 0.699 kWH/m2month, while in the detailed audit the IKE value is 0.935 kWH/m2month. Based on the results of a detailed energy audit, the lighting measurement of 325 lux still meets the requirements for a classroom with a standard between 250 lux to 500 lux

    Penggunaan Tanaman Perangkap Tagetes Erecta, Zea Mays, Dan VI Rus HaNPV Untuk Mengendalikan Hama Helicoverpa Armigera Hbn. Pada Tanaman Tomat

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    Helicoverpa armigera merupakan hama penting pada tanaman tomat. Kehilangan hasil yang diakibatkan dapatmencapai 52%. Penggunaan insektisida yang terus menerus mengakibatkan terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan,pengurangan keanekaragaman fauna, dan resistensi H. armigera terhadap insektisida. Pengendalian cara teknis danpenggunaan musuh alami merupakan cara untuk mengendalikan hama H. armigera dan merupakan komponenpenting dalam konsepsi pengendalian hama terpadu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efikasitanaman perangkap Tagetes erecta, Zea mays, dan HaNPV terhadap serangan H. armigera pada tanaman tomat.Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rancaekek, Jawa Barat sejak bulan Juni sampai Sep tem ber 1999. Rancangan percobaanyang digunakan adalah Petak Terpisah, di mana varietas sebagai petak utama dan sistem tanam sebagai anak petak.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa varietas tomat LV-2471 relatif tahan terhadap serangan H. armigera.Penggunaan tanaman perangkap tagetes (T. erecta) dan jagung (Z. mays) dapat menekan serangan H. armigera.Sedangkan tanaman tomat yang ditumpangsarikan dengan tanaman perangkap tagetes dan diaplikasi dengan vi rusHaNPV, merupakan kombinasi yang efektif dan memberikan harapan yang baik untuk dikembangkan dalampengendalian organisme pengganggu tanaman pada tanaman tomat dan dapat menekan serangan H. armigera sebesar58,04 %.Kata kunci : Solanum lycopersicum; Tanaman perangkap; Tagetes erecta; Zea mays; Helicoverpa armigera; HaNPVAB STRACT. Setiawati, W., T.S. Uhan, E. Purwati, and S. Sastrosiswojo. 2002. The use of trap crops Tageteserecta, Zea mays, and HaNPV vi rus to con trol Helicoverpa armigera on to mato. The to ma toes crops is at tackedheavily by in sects and the most im por tant of which is H. armigera. This pest caused yield losses up to 52 %. Farm ersin creas ingly rely on syn thetic in sec ti cides to man age this pest. This has in creased the risk of en vi ron men tal con tam i na -tion, the loss of biodiversity, and con trib uted to the de vel op ment of in sec ti cides re sis tant H. armigera pop u la tions.Cul tural prac tices and the use of nat u ral en emy are con sid ered im por tant in the sup pres sion of pest pop u la tions in in te -grated pest man age ment programmes. The ob jec tive of this ex per i ment was to known the ef fi cacy of trap crops (T.erecta and Z. mays) and HaNPV to con trol of H. armigera on to mato. The ex per i ment was con ducted in Rancaekek,West Java from June to Sep tem ber 1999. Split Plot De sign was used with va ri ety as a main plot and plant ing sys tem asa sub plot. The re sults of this ex per i ment in di cated that LV-2471 to mato va ri ety was rel a tively re sis tant to H.armigera. The use of T. erecta and Z. mays as a trap crops on to mato can sup press pop u la tion of H. armigera .Intercropping sys tem of to mato and T. erecta with HaNPV ef fec tively re duced pop u la tion and fruit dam age due to H.armigera up to 58.04 % and the best choice as al ter na tive con trol to H. armigera