98 research outputs found


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    Industri kemasan kosmetik memproduksi aneka jenis kemasan yang digunakan untuk pewadahan produk produk kosmetik. Limbah yang dihasilkan industri berupa limbah padat, limbah cair, air limbah dan emisi udara. Timbulan limbah baik yang bersifat berbahaya dan beracun (B3) maupun limbah non B3 merupakan persoalaan yang dihadapi oleh industri. Pengelolaan limbah cat yang merupakan limbah B3 ditujukan untuk mentaati peraturan perundangan, dilakukan oleh pihak ketiga yang memerlukan biaya untuk trasportasi dan penimbunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi timbulan limbah B3 dan pengelolaannya, dampak lingkungan pengelolaan limbah cat melalui kajian life cycle assessment (LCA), pemanfaatan limbah cat sebagai bahan baku produk paving block, dan strategi pengelolaan limbah cat berdasarkan aspek ekonomi, lingkungan dan kesehatan. Penelitian bersifat eksloratif dan eksperimental dilakukan di industri kemasan kosmetik, industri pembuatan paving block, laboratorium universitas dan laboratorium analisis untuk memperoleh data primer. Penelitian menggunakan peralatan proses produksi untuk pengecatan, mesin pengering limbah cat, alat press paving block, dan peralatan untuk uji kuat tekan/kokoh, alat uji perembesan dan alat uji analisis toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). Kajian dampak lingkungan berdasarkan LCA menggunakan perangkat lunak SimaPro versi edukasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis limbah yang ditimbulkan industry kemasan kosmetik berupa limbah padat plastik dan limbah non B3 lainnya serta limbah cat sebagai limbah B3. Pengelolaan limbah dilakukan mulai dari upaya pengurangan, daur ulang, pengolahan untuk memenuhi baku mutu lingkungan dan pengelolaan limbah cat pihak ketiga, dan peluang pemanfaatan limbah cat sebagai bahan campuran produk paving block. Pengurangan timbulan limbah cat dengan cara rekayasa proses dapat mengurangi limbah cat sebesar 17%-26%. Paving block menggunakan campuran limbah cat basah dengan kadar 1-15% Produk paving block dengan campuran limbah cat basah menenuhi mutu B dan C untuk kadar limbah sampai dengan 5% dari uji paving block menggunakan kadar 1-15%, sedangkan produk dengan limbah cat kering memenuhi mutu A dan B berdasarkan SNI 03-0691-1996. Uji TCLP terhadap bahan baku limbah cat dan produk paving block, nilai parameter uji memenuhi baku mutu. Strategi pengelolaan limbah cat didasarkan pada aspek ekonomi yang menguntungkan, aspek lingkungan dengan adanya penurunan dampak lingkungan hasil LCA dan pemenuhan baku mutu uji TCLP, serta pengunaan alat pelindung diri yang sesuai yaitu masker dan sarung tangan kimia dapat mencegah terjadinya efek negatif bagi kesehatan dan mencegah kecelakaan kerja. Pengelolaan limbah industri kemasan kosmetik dapat dilakukan mulai dari tahapan pencegahan timbulan limbah dari proses produksi dilanjutkan dengan upaya-upaya pengurangan melalui rekayasa teknik, mendaur ulang limbah ke dalam proses dan memanfaatkan limbah B3 sebagai bahan baku untuk diproses menjadi produk yang berguna. Kata-kata kunci : pengelolaan limbah, industri kemasan kosmetik, paving block, LCA The cosmetics packaging industry produce various types of packaging that are used for cosmetic products. Waste generated by this industry in the form of solid and liquid waste, wastewater and air emissions. The generation of hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste is a problem faced by industry. The management of paint waste which is hazardous waste is intended to comply with laws and regulations, carried out by third parties who require fees for transportation and landfill. This study aims to identify the generation of industrial waste and its management, the environmental impact of paint waste management through a life cycle assessment (LCA), the use of paint waste as raw material for paving block products, and the paint waste management strategy based on economic, environmental and health aspects. Research is explorative and experimental type carried out in the cosmetics packaging industry, paving block manufacturing industry, university laboratories and analysis laboratories to obtain primary data. The study uses production process equipment for painting, paint waste dryer, paving block press equipment, and equipment for compressive strength test, permeation test equipment and toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) analyzer. An environmental impact assessment based on LCA uses the educational version of SimaPro software for calculation. The results showed the type of waste caused by the cosmetic packaging industry in the form of plastic solid waste and other non-hazardous waste and mainly paint waste as hazardous waste. Waste management is carried out starting from the efforts to reduce, recycle, waste treatment to meet environmental quality standards and paint waste by third party. The opportunity for the use of paint waste as a mixture of paving block products provide benefit for the cosmetic industry. Reduction of paint waste generation by means of process engineering diminish paint waste by 17% -26%. The production of paving blocks use a mixture of sludge paint waste with 1-15% levels, meet the quality of B and C for waste levels up to 5%, while paving block products with dry paint waste meet the quality of A and B based on SNI 03-0691- 1996. TCLP test carried out for paint waste and paving block products respectively, indicate the value of the test parameters meets the quality standard. The paint waste management strategy is based on profitable economic aspects, environmental aspects with a decrease in the environmental impact of LCA results and compliance with TCLP test quality standards, and the use of appropriate personal protective equipment ie masks and chemical gloves can prevent negative effects on health and prevent accidents work. The waste management on the cosmetics packaging industry could be developed starting from preventing waste generation from the production process followed by reduction efforts through engineering design, recycling waste into the process and utilizing hazardous waste as raw material to be processed into useful products. Keywords : waste management, cosmetic packaging industry, paving block, LC

    Penggunaan Modul Sistem Pendingin Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kompetensi Memelihara Sistem Pendingin Dan Komponen-komponennya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa yang memanfaatkan dan tanpa memanfaatkan modul Sistem Pendingin serta efek pemanfaatan modul ini terhadap hasil belajar Kompetensi Memelihara/Servis Sistem Pendingin siswa kelas XI SMK N 10 Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen jenis control group pre test-post test. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI TKR SMK N 10 Semarang yang terbagi dalam tiga kelas yaitu XI TKR 1, XI TKR 2 dan XI TKR 3. Penelitian yang dilakukan hanya dua kelas yang diambil secara acak dan didapat siswa kelas XI TKR 2 sejumlah 32 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas XI TKR 1 sejumlah 30 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil analisis data mendapatkan bahwa penggunaan modul sistem pendingin dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dibandingkan tanpa menggunakan modul sistem pendingin, dan terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara peserta didik yang menggunakan modul pembelajaran sistem pendingin ini dengan peserta didik yang tidak menggunakannya atau tanpa modul. Jumlah peserta didik pada kelas eksperimen yang mendapatkan nilai memenuhi KKM sebesar 81,3%. Sedangkan jumlah peserta didik pada kelas kontrol yang mendapatkan nilai memenuhi KKM hanya 40%. Sehingga dapat dikatakan kelas eksperimen lebih unggul 41,3% dibandingkan kelas kontrol


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    Indonesia merupakan negara tropis yang kaya akan jenis tumbuhan berkayu. Dengan adanya teknologi, kayu dapat dibentuk menjadi finir dan dimanfaatkan menjadi produk marquetry. Penampilan furnitur yang dilapis marquetry menjadi lebih indah sehingga meningkatkan nilai jual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi karakteristik finir untuk marquetry, dan mengimplemantasikan desain marquetry pada furnitur. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan observasi, studi literature, visual, dan eksperimen produk. Produk marquetry dapat dibuat dari kayu yang seratnya memiliki perpaduan warna yang kontras dan arah yang beragam seperti mahoni, mindi, sonokeling, jati, dan sengon. Kayu yang memiliki tekstur kasar lebih mudah pecah pada desain marquetry yang runcing


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    ENHANCEMENT OF GIANT MAGNETORESISTANCE IN Fe2O3-MWCNT/PVA NANoCOMPOSITE FILM. Synthesis and magnetic properties characterization of Fe2O3-MWCNT/PVA nano Composite film were carried out. Fe2O3-MWCNT as a filler of nano Composite thin film were synthesized using simple mixing methods froma solution containing FeCl3, and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube (MWNT). The solution was sonicated for almost 20 minutes then dried at 450 oC for one hour. The mixture of the two composition was dispersed with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) in 20 mL aquabidest and homogenized by ultrasonicator for 15 minutes at 40 oC. Then filler was then mixed with Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) with some various concentration and dried overnight at room temperature. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis and Raman Spectroscopy were used to find out the presence of Fe2O3 phase in as prepared sample. Iron oxide phase partially filled in the wall of MWCNT observed by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) properties were investigated. The maximum GMR value was negative 80% of the composition 1:9 filler/matrix volume ratio. The linear negative of the magnetoresistance (MR) ratio is coincident with a model as proposed by Nguyen, Spivak and Shklovskii (NSS) and related to the effect of quantum interference between Fe2O3-MWCNT in PVA matrix

    Profile of microbial community of organic and conventional rice field using metagenomic analysis

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    Organic farming can increase the diversity of soil bacterial. This research aimed to compare the profile of microbial community of organic and conventional rice fields in early (0 Day After Planting/DAP), mid (15 DAP), and late (45 DAP) fertilizer application period. The total DNA genome from the soil sample was extracted then analyzed metagenomically using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). There was nine genus of bacteria found in high relative abundance, 95.28%, while 4.72% included in Domain of Archaea (genus Methanosaeta). Phylum of Firmicutes (genus Clostridium has 24.50% relative abundance, Bacillus 11.90%, Lactobacillus 9.69%); Proteobacteria (genus Defluviicoccus 12.10%, Buchnera 18.46%, Rosenbergiella 2.46%); and Actinobacteria (genus Nocardioides 12.21%, and Streptomyces 3.96%). Meanwhile, the average plant height of organic rice fields was shorter than conventional rice fields got directly measured coincided with soil sampled. Based on alpha and beta diversity analysis, the highest community diversity and abundance were found in organic rice field soil samples taken at 45 DAP, i.e., at the end of the fertilizer application period. However, in both organic and conventional rice field soils, there was almost no significant difference in the bacterial community, so it impacts that organic and conventional systems do not make a real difference in the total N, P available, CEC, and pH values. It makes a significant difference in organic C and organic matters

    Application of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on Post-pandemic Small Medium Enterprises by Adapting to the Marketplace

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    The Covid-19 pandemic significantly negatively influenced on Indonesia’s economic development, with 63.9% of SMEs experiencing a fall in turnover of more than 30% and only 3.8% of SMEs experiencing an increase. Around 80.6% of SMEs benefit from digital sales and marketing to keep running their business during the pandemic. This research focuses on marketplace consumers who make transactions at Shopee and Tokopedia. This study aims to provide an overview of online shopping interest in consumers through the marketplace, which of course, with the use of sales channels with marketplaces can increase sales turnover of SMEs actors. During the Covid-19 virus pandemic, SME actors must utilize the market as a means of selling and marketing because it is crucial for drawing in customers and offers numerous promotional programs like delivery, cash back, and discounts. This study’s findings are anticipated to subsequently help SMEs actors employ the best strategy to enhance customer intents to shop at online retailers. Keywords: adaptation, interest in online shopping, marketplace, small medium enterprises, technology acceptance model, post pandemi

    Talent Management Of The State Civil Apparatus In Indonesia In The Framework Of Maintaining Employee Motivation And Improving Organizational Performance

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    The progress of a nation does not only depend on the natural resources it has, but is determined more by the nation's ability to manage resources properly. To manage resources properly and properly, quality human resources are absolutely necessary. The State Civil Apparatus as a human resource tasked with serving the public interest should have good quality in order to be able to carry out their duties properly and correctly. Therefore, policies are needed that can increase productivity and work performance. The merit system is believed to be one of the alternative systems that can spur the achievements of the State Civil Apparatus.Government officials in Indonesia are required to constantly improve their offerings quantitatively and qualitatively to increase the united states of america competitiveness and public region control great. common stereotype about low government respectable overall performance means that they may be not yet able to proliferating their productiveness. working motivation is wanted to produce high operating spirit to offer wonderful provider to the network. A device that can generate high working motivation based totally on result orientated organizational values and honest and correct benefit device performance assessment are required. This paper is geared toward establishing the thinking paradigm approximately merit system in handling authorities officials to growth their productivity, quantitatively and qualitatively