3 research outputs found

    Perhitungan Frekuensi Natural Kapal Frigate Menggunakan Metode Kumai

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    Kejadian slamming pada kapal frigate merupakan respon transien yang dihasilkan dari lambung haluan kapal saat mengangguk atau menghempas ke bawah, yang umumnya menginduksi frekuensi rendah terutama pada moda pertama frekuensi alami badan kapal. Paper ini membahas metode pendekatan perhitungan frekuensi natural badan kapal frigate moda pertama dengan metode Kumai yang telah berhasil diaplikasikan juga pada kapal-kapal niaga. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa perhitungan pendekatan frekuensi natural pada kapal dengan metode Kumai dapat pula diaplikasikan pada kapal jenis frigat

    Kajian Numerik Ketebalan Lapisan Redaman Getaran Berbahan Semen untuk Dek Kapal Penumpang

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    Ship vibration problems today's increasingly complex and often occurs in addition to the strict requirements of ship classification agencies for allowable levels of vibration so that passengers and crew more comfortable and secure. One method for reducing the influence of ship structural vibration is to minimize the response of the vibration by using damper. This paper describes the effect of the thickness of the damping layer made from cement material on the deck plate due to the harmonic load excitation. As cement is a common damper application on the ship deck.  A numerical modeling based on finite element analysis was applied in two-layer conditions, namely an overall and tiling coating. The results of this study indicate that thee minimum thickness of the cement layer has an optimum damping for the overall coating is approximately 8 mm and as for tile coating is approximately 15 mm

    Rekayasa Desain dan Analisis Struktur perangkat dasar laut Ocean Bottom Unit (OBU) untuk INA – TEWS

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    This paper briefly describes the design and analysis of the structure of ocean bottom units (OBU) as a pair of surface buoys to detect tsunami early. This engineering work such as any other marine construction is based on naval architecture. The design concept OBU is firstly made then the stability calculation is conducted, finally the structural strength is calculated for load case of hydrostatic and impact as the OBU landed on approximately 2000m of ocean depths