R.E.M. (Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur) Jurnal
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    51 research outputs found

    Perancangan Alat Pengering Kerupuk dengan Menggunakan Pemanas Heater

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    Drying is the process of reducing water content to reach a certain moisture content. The drying process of mussel cauliflower in Balongdowo village still relies on sunlight in the drying process. Drying with this process is considered to be less efficient because when the hot rainy season the sun is unpredictable and requires extensive land in the drying process. To overcome this problem, in this final project, the title of the design of cracker dryer is taken using heater heater. Which is expected to increase effectiveness and productivity when the rainy season arrives can also reduce the time and production costs. The method used to solve these problems is to use the bootroyd design method which is designing a dryer that consists of the main components of the drying chamber, conveyor, drive motor and gearbox. The results of the test showed that the drying time of 76 seconds reduced the initial water content of 70% reduced to 15% the water content contained in crackers

    Peningkatan Performansi Cooling Tower Tipe Induced Draft Counter Flow Menggunakan Variasi Bentuk Filler

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    This study aims to build and test a cooling tower. Cooling tower is a heat exchanger that functions to cool the hot water from the condenser and throw heat into the atmosphere at a power plant. This is done so that the temperature of the hot water from the condenser can cool as the original condition. One component of the cooling tower compiler is filler. Filler is a component that is very influential on cooling tower performance, where the contact surface between water and air is expanded and the contact time is extended. The study was conducted experimentally using the NTU (Number of Transfer Unit) method. The variations made in this study are straight filler, zig zag, and wavy shape. The parameters observed are the rate of heat transfer, cooling tower capacity and the effectiveness of the cooling tower

    Pengaruh Putaran Spindel dan Cairan Pendingin terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Baja AISI 4140 pada Proses Pembubutan

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    The purpose of this paper discusses how the effect of different spindle spin speeds on surface roughness, how the effect of different coolant fluid on surface roughness and is there an interaction between rotation speed of spindle and coolant to surface roughness in conventional lathe process. In this study the variable varied is the spin speed of the spindle that is is 630 rpm, 920 rpm, and 1250 rpm and the variation of coolant used is coolant, used cooking oil, and used SAE 40 oil. Then the surface roughness test was done. From the results of surface roughness test previously done the lathe process with variations of rotation speed of spindle and coolant, it can be concluded that: the highest surface roughness value was obtained during the turning process using used cooking oil coolant and spindle rotation used at 920 rpm. While the lowest value of surface roughness of the workpiece is obtained when using used SAE 40 oil coolant using a spindle rotation of 1250 rpm

    Peningkatan Ekonomi Ampas Tahu Menggunakan Mesin Pengering Teknologi Rotary Untuk Membuat Bahan Tepung dan Pakan

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    The purpose of this program is to provide solutions to the problems that exist in tofu production SMEs, especially the problem of processing side effects of waste production which so far has not been maximally utilized, the production waste in the form of tofu waste can be utilized as a high economic value product. The method used is the process of drying the tofu dregs using rotary technology and the heat exchanger technology used to dry the tofu dregs and this tool is equipped with an automatic temperature regulator which is used to control the temperature in the drying tube. By using this machine, the wet tofu dregs can be dried quickly and the resulting color remains white (as in wet conditions). Based on the results of the drying test, the economic value of tofu waste can increase the economic value of tofu waste which initially only Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 63,000 per bag

    Pengaruh Temperatur Pirolisis terhadap Kinetik Rate dan Volume Tar pada Limbah Serbuk Kayu Mahoni

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    Pyrolysis is an alternative technology that is a method for obtaining hydrocarbon energy sources. This technology is a combustion technology without involving O2 in the combustion process. The source of fuel from pyrolysis comes from renewable resources such as biomass / plants. Wood powder itself can be obtained from wood waste around us, so wood powder which is a biomass can also be used as raw material in the pyrolysis process. So far wood waste has only been used as a medium for planting mushrooms and fires. Whereas the use of wood waste in the manufacture of liquid smoke and charcoal has received attention in recent years, which can be produced by the pyrolysis method. The hypothesis of the study is that the higher the temperature, the higher the kinetic rate and volume of tar. this is because the energy given to biomass is also higher. The research method is to pyrolyze the material into the pyrolyzer machine with temperature variations, and later the reaction rate kinetic of the formed tar will be calculated. From this study we can conclude a number of things, namely: The higher the temperature of the volume of tar produced will be more numerous where the maximum volume obtained at a temperature of 500oC is 72 ml, but at very high temperatures the tar volume decreases because a lot of gas is formed. The higher the heating temperature, the kinetic rate that occurs in the decomposition of mahogany wood will also be faster, this has been validated the accuracy of the kinetic rate that occurs by comparing the actual volume with the volume of calculation results. The higher the heating temperature, the activation energy (Ea) and the exponential factor (A) will be smaller

    Fuel Analysis HSD Diesel and Bio Diesel Related Engine Performance Reach Staker Kalmar in PT. Meratusline

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    Modern diesel engines require low sulfur fuel. So we held some external lab test of solar sampling at some diesel vendor to know its sulfur content. so that obtained by diesel vendor approaching standart. The sulfur content of DirjenMigas (0.25% w / w) is HSD of AKR of 0.153% w / w and Biosolar from ENEOS is 0.0343% w / w. The selection of two types of fuel is based on the needs of fuel by engine manufacturers (OEM) and the most efficient sulfur content. Side effects of excess sulfur content have resulted in the clogging of its fuel pump injection. So that the fuel supply to the combustion chamber is disrupted Too high sulfur levels also cause dangerous emissions and decreases its performance engine. To know the performance of the machine by Dyno / Dinamometer test machine performance, this is as a comparison material where the most efficient fuel that must be selected, to get the best engine performance, by three criteria taken such as Torque, Power engine, and Fuel Consumtion. So obtained Torque Output generated by HSD with Torque Reading result 810 lb.ft@1990 Rpm, Power result 302 HP, and specific fuel consumption 0.02 (kg / PS.jam) if compared with Bio diesel Torque output of 750 lb.ft @ 1960 rpm, Power of 283 HP and Specific fuel consumtion 0.01 (kg / PS.jam). of the data can be taken diesel decision that must be taken according to the level of fuel efficiency and engine performance is HSD solar AKR vendors with the level of efficiency of power output 6.29%, torque 7.40% and specific fuel consumption 50%

    REMOVED: Prediksi Hambatan Kapal Ferry Ro-Ro 750 GT Berbasis Pengujian Hidrodinamika

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    This article was removed at the request of the authors due to developments in the reported case.Β Β Removed article: https://doi.org/10.21070/rem.v3i2.1856Removal notice: https://doi.org/10.21070/rem.v4i2.301

    Pendekatan Eksperimen Karakteristik Respon Getaran Sistem Two Degree of Freedom dengan Penambahan Independent Dual Dynamic Vibration Absorber

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    Vibration is one of the problems that must be reduced in a vehicle. There are many ways to reduce vibration in vehicles, one of them is by adding Dynamic vibration absorber (DVA). While Dual Dynamic vibration absorber (dDVA) is a DVA period that is able to move in the translational direction given to the system to reduce translation vibration and when there is resonance. Translation DVA is an additional type of time used to reduce the vibration of the translation direction. So far there is not much research related to the use of translational DVA to reduce rotational vibrations as well as translation. In this study, a study was conducted related to the use of independent double translational DVA (dDVA) to reduce translation vibrations as well as rotation of the beam. The research was conducted by modeling the system obtained into mathematical equations and simulations were carried out to determine the characteristics of vibrations that arise. In the simulation, one of the DVA periods is placed at the center of the main system period, while the other DVA period is given a change between the center period and the end of the system. The results of the study show that the maximum reduction in translational vibration is 95.51% and occurs when the absorber is placed at the center of the system, while the maximum rotation vibration reduction is 56.62% and is obtained when the system is given with an arm ratio of 1 and zero

    Pengaruh Temperatur dan Waktu Etching Terhadap Karakeristik Fisik dan Mekanik Pelapisan Nikel pada Plastik ABS dengan Metode Elektrolessplating

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    ABS Plastic (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Stiren) is one type of plastic that is often used because of the many properties that are beneficial to humans. ABS plastic is widely used in engineering, for example in the electronics and automotive fields. But there are still disadvantages of ABS plastic, including low hardness, no friction resistance, and no heat resistance, so surface treatment is needed. Electrolessplating is a coating process that does not use electricity in the coating process. This study aims to determine the effect of temperature and time variation of nickel electrolessplating etching on roughness, wear, hardness, and thickness. The variation in etching temperature is 30; 40; 50; 60; and 70oC and the etching time is 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 minutes followed by electrolesplating using nickel for 10 minutes. The tests carried out were surface roughness test, disk on block method wear test, hardness using Shore Durometer tool, and layer thickness using micro photos and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the etching process from electrolyplating affected the specimen surface to be coated with nickel metal. The longer the etching time causes the surface to become coarser from 0.435 ΞΌm at 15 minutes to 0.949 ΞΌm in 35 minutes. The temperature addition of the etching process will increase the surface surface to a temperature of 50oC at 0.499 ΞΌm and then drop. Increasing etching time from 15 minutes to 35 minutes will reduce specific wear, from 1.268 x 10-4 mm2 / kg to 0.465 x 10-4 mm2 / kg. Likewise, the etching temperature from 30oC to 70oC decreases the specific wear from 2.10 x 10-4 mm2 / kg to 0.255 x 10-4 mm2 / kg. The addition of etching and temperature etching time does not significantly increase the hardness value of electrolessplating results. Hardness of raw material is 83.5 shore D after coating the hardness value to 84.7 shore D. The electrolessplating process for 10 minutes produces a layer thickness of 1 ΞΌm to 2 ΞΌm

    Analisa Kinerja Aliran Fluida dalam Rangkaian Seri dan Paralel dengan Penambahan Tube Bundle pada Pompa Sentrifugal

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    Pump is a device used to move fluid from one place to another through the pipe media as a channel. The pump has 2 important components in its performance, namely: Impeller and pump house (casing). When the pump cannot meet the required capacity it can use series and parallel pump circuits to increase it. When moving the fluid to a high surface or high pressure it will have the specifications of the head and discharge. Fluid flow is a liquid that flows in a pipe. In flow there is fluid pressure and also flow type. There are 3 flow types, namely laminer, transition, turbulent. To reduce turbulence in the flow can be used Tube bundle which is a device consisting of several pipes that are tied together that are attached to a cross section in the pipe. This research was conducted in 4 testing stages, namely series circuit with additional tube bundle, series circuit without additional tube bundle, parallel circuit with additional tube bundle, parallel circuit without additional tube bundle. Each test takes fluid pressure, discharge, flow type. From the results of this study it was found that the parallel circuit pump with an additional tube bundle produces fluid pressure, discharge, flow velocity smaller than the series circuit, whereas when without additional the parallel tube pump bundle produces a fluid pressure, discharge, flow velocity greater than the circuit series, while for the flow type of this study is turbulent flow


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