715 research outputs found

    The Dark Disk of the Milky Way

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    Massive satellite accretions onto early galactic disks can lead to the deposition of dark matter in disk-like configurations that co-rotate with the galaxy. This phenomenon has potentially dramatic consequences for dark matter detection experiments. We utilize focused, high-resolution simulations of accretion events onto disks designed to be Galaxy analogues, and compare the resultant disks to the morphological and kinematic properties of the Milky Way's thick disk in order to bracket the range of co-rotating accreted dark matter. We find that the Milky Way's merger history must have been unusually quiescent compared to median LCDM expectations and therefore its dark disk must be relatively small: the fraction of accreted dark disk material near the Sun is about 20% of the host halo density or smaller and the co-rotating dark matter fraction near the Sun, defined as particles moving with a rotational velocity lag less than 50 km/s, is enhanced by about 30% or less compared to a standard halo model. Such a dark disk could contribute dominantly to the low energy (of order keV for a dark matter particle with mass 100 GeV) nuclear recoil event rate of direct dectection experiments, but it will not change the likelihood of detection significantly. These dark disks provide testable predictions of weakly-interacting massive particle dark matter models and should be considered in detailed comparisons to experimental data. Our findings suggest that the dark disk of the Milky Way may provide a detectable signal for indirect detection experiments, contributing up to about 25% of the dark matter self-annihilation signal in the direction of the center of the Galaxy, lending the signal a noticeably oblate morphology.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; submitted to Ap

    Heated Disc Stars in the Stellar Halo

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    Minor accretion events with mass ratio M_sat : M_host ~ 1:10 are common in the context of LCDM cosmology. We use high-resolution simulations of Galaxy-analogue systems to show that these mergers can dynamically eject disk stars into a diffuse light component that resembles a stellar halo both spatially and kinematically. For a variety of orbital configurations, we find that ~3-5e8 M_sun of primary stellar disk material is ejected to a distance larger than 5 kpc above the galactic plane. This ejected contribution is similar to the mass contributed by the tidal disruption of the satellite galaxy itself, though it is less extended. If we restrict our analysis to the approximate solar neighborhood in the disk plane, we find that ~1% of the initial disk stars in that region would be classified kinematically as halo stars. Our results suggest that the inner parts of galactic stellar halos contain ancient disk stars and that these stars may have been liberated in the very same events that delivered material to the outer stellar halo.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; MNRAS accepte

    The Destruction of Thin Stellar Disks Via Cosmologically Common Satellite Accretion Events

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    Most Galaxy-sized systems (M_host ~ 10^12 M_sun) in the LCDM cosmology are expected to have accreted at least one satellite with a total mass M_sat ~ 10^11 M_sun = 3M_disk in the past 8 Gyr. Analytic and numerical investigations suggest that this is the most precarious type of merger for the survival of thin galactic disks because more massive accretion events are relatively rare and less massive ones preserve thin disk components. We use high-resolution, dissipationless N-body simulations to study the response of an initially-thin, fully-formed Milky-Way type stellar disk to these cosmologically common events and show that the thin disk does not survive. Regardless of orbital configuration, the impacts transform the disks into structures that are roughly three times as thick and more than twice as kinematically hot as the observed dominant thin disk component of the Milky Way. We conclude that if the Galactic thin disk is a representative case, then the presence of a stabilizing gas component is the only recourse for explaining the preponderance of disk galaxies in an LCDM universe; otherwise, the disk of the Milky Way must be uncommonly cold and thin for its luminosity, perhaps as a consequence of an unusually quiescent accretion history.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; accepted by ApJL; high-resolution version and example movie of simulation available at http://web.me.com/purcellgalaxies/workshop/log/Entries/2008/10/15_The_Destruction_of_thin_stellar_disks_via_cosmologically_common_mergers.htm

    Vertical density waves in the Milky Way disc induced by the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

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    Recently, Widrow and collaborators announced the discovery of vertical density waves in the Milky Way disk. Here we investigate a scenario where these waves were induced by the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy as it plunged through the Galaxy. Using numerical simulations, we find that the Sagittarius impact produces North-South asymmetries and vertical wave-like behavior that qualitatively agrees with what is observed. The extent to which vertical modes can radially penetrate into the disc, as well as their amplitudes, depend on the mass of the perturbing satellite. We show that the mean height of the disc is expected to vary more rapidly in the radial than in the azimuthal direction. If the observed vertical density asymmetry is indeed caused by vertical oscillations, we predict radial and azimuthal variations of the mean vertical velocity, correlating with the spatial structure. These variations can have amplitudes as large as 8 km/s.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepted. Revised to reflect final versio

    Shredded Galaxies as the Source of Diffuse Intrahalo Light On Varying Scales

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    We make predictions for diffuse stellar mass fractions in dark matter halos from the scales of small spiral galaxies to those of large galaxy clusters. We use an extensively-tested analytic model for subhalo infall and evolution and empirical constraints from galaxy survey data to set the stellar mass in each accreted subhalo to model diffuse light. We add stellar mass to the diffuse light as subhalos become disrupted due to interactions within their host halos. We predict that the stellar mass fraction in diffuse, intrahalo light should rise on average from ~0.5% to approximately 20% from small galaxy halos to poor groups. The trend with mass flattens considerably beyond the group scale, increasing weakly from a fraction of ~20% in poor galaxy clusters (~10^14 M_sun) to roughly ~30% in massive clusters (~10^15 M_sun). The mass-dependent diffuse light fraction is governed primarily by the empirical fact that the mass-to-light ratio in galaxy halos must vary as a function of halo mass. Galaxy halos have little diffuse light because they accrete most of their mass in small subhalos that themselves have high mass-to-light ratios; stellar halos around galaxies are built primarily from disrupted dwarf-irregular-type galaxies with M*~10^8.5 M_sun. The diffuse light in group and cluster halos is built from satellite galaxies that form stars efficiently and have correspondingly low mass-to-light ratios; intracluster light is dominated by material liberated from massive galaxies with M*~10^11 M_sun. Our results are consistent with existing observations spanning the galaxy, group, and cluster scale; however, they can be tested more rigorously in future deep surveys for faint diffuse light.Comment: version accepted for publication in ApJ; details clarified and robustness discussion expanded, with results and conclusions unchanged; 15 pages, 10 figure

    Signatures of minor mergers in the Milky Way disc I: The SEGUE stellar sample

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    It is now known that minor mergers are capable of creating structure in the phase-space distribution of their host galaxy's disc. In order to search for such imprints in the Milky Way, we analyse the SEGUE F/G-dwarf and the Schuster et al. (2006) stellar samples. We find similar features in these two completely independent stellar samples, consistent with the predictions of a Milky Way minor-merger event. We next apply the same analyses to high-resolution, idealised N-body simulations of the interaction between the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and the Milky Way. The energy distributions of stellar particle samples in small spatial regions in the host disc reveal strong variations of structure with position. We find good matches to the observations for models with a mass of Sagittarius' dark matter halo progenitor 1011\lessapprox 10^{11} M_{\odot}. Thus, we show that this kind of analysis could be used to provide unprecedentedly tight constraints on Sagittarius' orbital parameters, as well as place a lower limit on its mass.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Revised to reflect accepted versio