5 research outputs found


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    The limitations of LAN gave birth to a VLAN technology that allows the configuration of a virtual computer network (virtualization), VLAN is a network model that is not limited to physical locations such as LANs, this results in a network being configured virtually without having to obey the physical location of the equipment, By utilizing various techniques, especially subnetting techniques and the use of better hardware (including switches), the concept of a Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) emerged which can be maximized compared to a Local Area Network (LAN). In this study, a VLAN network simulation using a Pox controller was carried out so that it could find out the results of the VLAN network evaluation using a Pox controller. The use of VLANs will make network arrangements very flexible where segments can be created depending on the organization or department, regardless of the workstation location, VLANs are also functioned as a method for creating networks that are logically arranged individually, in addition to VLAN techniques. superior to LAN where the average LAN data transmission time is 4 ms longer than VLAN. With this VLAN can create very many LAN segments in an interface. This allows a network to be configured virtually without having to obey the physical location of the equipment

    Design of Computer Network Monitoring System Based on Andorid, SNMP and Dude

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    As the size and number of network devices increases, the problems on the network will become more complex, this of course requires continuous monitoring of all network devices to ensure service availability. There are many difficulties faced by network administrators if they have to monitor the entire network with regard to performance, analysis and control of some components manually, especially if the network is growing. In this study, the focus of the problem developed is to determine the design of a network monitoring system based on Android, SNMP and the dude system, and the results of this study explain that the Network Management System (NMS) is an implementation of the FCAPS (Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance and Security) where the standard used is the Simple Network Management Protocol. The error categories that are informed on this system are errors when there is a connectivity failure on the network, CPU load increases, RAM usage starts to get high, and hard disk usage starts to get full. From the research results obtained, the Network Management System (NMS) application that was built can provide error information and solutions to network admins if an error occurs on the network. The design and implementation of an NMS application is an effective solution in finding and finding errors in a network, so that repairs or early handling can be carried out so that these problems do not result in a decrease in performance on computer devices

    Modeling Ontology and Semantic Network of Regulations in Customs and Excise

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    Regulations in customs and Excise have an important function in regulating legally every policy and decision making. Thus, the type of rules are made varies according to the hierarchy of the regulator. This regulation is also changing, following policy developments that occured in the higgest government. then, what if this organization has not been able to manage its regulatory archiving? even regulatory changes can not be tracked? So, we need a well-organized system that can accomodate all of the rules and the associated changes and connectedness with other type of regulations. This system will help us to provide convenience to users to search, manage and track the history of changes as well as the relationship between the rules used by the organization. This paper propose the design of an ontology-based semantic network using a graph database that use neo4j 2.3.1 as a solution. In the application that uses the sample data, we found 13 types of nodes that contains 242 child nodes and 22 type of relation that contain 548 relation that connect all the node within 3305ms


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    ABSTRACT In this report, the implementation of TCP/IP-based packet radio technology to integrate various universities and institutions into the first Indonesia's national InterNet Wide Area Network (WAN) will be described Various efforts include 7UP/IP software development, 2FIDLC X25 card various modems (PSG AFSK GMSK and high speed MSK) will be presented In addition, various advanced networking experiment mostly via satellite will be reportedHlm. 98-10