44 research outputs found

    Mapping of Sediment on the Waters Around Panjang Island, Banten Bay, Indonesia

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    This study was conducted to map the surface sediment conditions in the waters around Panjang Island, Banten Bay. The survey method was conducted in February 2015 by taking sediment samples using a grab sampler at 15 stations. Sediment analysis was conducted to determine the grain size using the granulometry method which was then processed using the KUMMOD-SEL software to obtain the composition and texture of the sediment. The results of processing sediment samples at each station obtained that the grain size of sediments in the waters around Panjang Island ranged from -0.7 to 2.6 in the phi (φ) scale. Sediment composition consists of sand and gravel, with sand dominance of 89.1 %. Sediment textural classification consists of only 4 categories i.e. very coarse sand, coarse sand, medium sand, and fine sand. In general, the pattern of sediment distribution follows the pattern of water depth, where fine sand occupies deeper areas. Meanwhile, medium sand dominates surface sediment distribution in the study area

    Development of Morotai Island-North Maluku based on oceanographic-ecosystem condition

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    Morotai Island is developing district located in the North of North Halmahera and one of the areas that has potential source from ecosystem biodiversity. This biodiversity is very unique related to ocean condition such as ocean currents and other properties. This research used survey data in 2015 and other data from satellite and database insitu. The results showed that the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) ranges from 26.7 0C to 32.8 0C and the salinity ranges from 33.48 to 36.8 psu characterized by open ocean. The ocean currents patterns different in surrounding area due to variety of depth, tide effect, monsoonal situation, and local aspects. The mangrove area mostly located in the south, while coral reef stands in the almost coastal area. This region is mostly influenced by monsoons and also the Indonesia throughflow. From the results, the location in the southern part is very suitable for marine culture and tourism, while in the northern region it is very suitable for tourism, conservancy, and fishing. These activities will lead Morotai as an important area for enhancing the local revenu

    Variabilitas suhu laut pada kejadian IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole) di perairan barat Sumatera menggunakan data Argo Float

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    The objective of the research was to analyze the vertical variability of the water column in the West Sumatra waters. The data used to analyze the vertical variability was the temperature data sets from Argo float instruments which were operated from 2009 to 2011 in the West Sumatran sea region. The secondary data that used was the geostrophic current data sets which obtained from the Jason image satellite also sea temperature anomaly data. The method used in this research is by analyzing temporally and spatially and then describing while comparing the data. The result of the research showed that IOD formed from June to July with the peak of IOD was from September to November and the disintegration starts in December. The SST average on 2009 (Neutral IOD) during peak phase of IOD was 29.060C, in 2010 (Negative IOD) the SST mean is 28.690C, in 2011 (Positive IOD) the SST mean was 28.790C. The result from spatial analyzes showed that the strong IOD was the main reason for the movement of the mixed layer in West Sumatra waters, so the warm water cannot be found around the West Sumatra waters. The upper boundary depth of thermocline during peak phase of 2009’s neutral IOD starts from September was on 82.59 m, in October was 86.12 m and in November was 89.5 m. In Septemeber 2010 the upper thermocline boundary was found on 89.06 m deep, in October was 104.05 m, and in November was 107.36 m, the thermocline got deeper because the input of water masses from West Indian Ocean intensifies because of negative IOD event. In September 2011 the upper thermocline boundary was found on 64.16 m, in October was 75.35 m and in November was 79.88 m. The thermocline found more shallow because the mixed layer on East Indian Ocean moved westward so the thermocline lifted up to fill the water column emptiness.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji variabilitas kolom air secara vertikal di perairan Barat Sumatera. Data yang digunakan yaitu data suhu dari instrumen Argo float yang beroperasi di perairan Barat Sumatera tahun 2009 – 2011. Data pendukung yaitu data arus geostropik yang diperoleh yang diperoleh dari citra Jason selain itu digunakan data suhu anomali laut. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis temporal dan spasial serta deskriptif komparatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses pembentukan IOD terjadi pada Juni – Agustus kemudian mencapai puncak pada September – November dan proses peluruhannya pada Desember. Rata – rata SPL pada fase puncak tahun 2009 (IOD netral) yaitu 29.060C; pada 2010 (IOD negatif) yaitu 28.690C; dan pada 2011 (IOD positif) yaitu 28.790C. Berdasarkan analisis spasial IOD dengan intensitas kuat mengakibatkan pergerakan massa air hangat melewati perairan Barat Sumatera sehingga tidak terdeteksi lagi di lokasi ini. Batas atas termoklin pada fase puncak IOD 2009 (September) yaitu 82.59 m; Oktober sekitar 86.12 m dan November mencapai 89.5 m. Selanjutnya pada 2010 yaitu pada September sekitar 89.06 m; Oktober sekitar 104.05 m dan November mencapai 107.36 m. Terlihat, termoklin semakin dalam karena massa air hangat dari Hindia Barat yang mengisi perairan Barat Sumatera menjadi semakin kuat pada fase IOD negatif. Sebaliknya, pada September 2011 termoklin berada pada kedalaman 64.16 m; Oktober pada kedalaman 75.35 m dan November sekitar 79.88 m. Pada periode ini termoklin terdeteksi lebih dangkal karena lapisan mixed layer bergerak ke Hindia Barat dan kekosongannya diisi lapisan termoklin.

    Microplastic tracking from Pacific garbage to Northern Indonesia Sea

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    This study aims to examine the pattern of microplastic waste movement of Pacific Garbage Patch (PGP) that has the potential to enter the north of Indonesia sea. This study very important because microplastic affected the regional tourism activities, water pollution, and economics of fisherman and local society. The impact is very widerange to local and national economics. The method used is a simulation and descriptive analysis. The simulation method used is hydrodynamic simulation and trajectory of particles conducted for 365 days in 2016. The study areas in this study include eastern Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Pacific Ocean. The data used are wind, tidal, bathymetry, microplastic weight, and microplastic flux. The simulation results show the movement of microplastic at point source 1 tends to the northeast with a clockwise circular motion. The simulation results at source point 2 indicate that the microplastic movement tends to revolve around the source point in a clockwise circular motion. The result of simulation of source point 3 shows that the microplastic movement tends to the north with the circular motion and left-right movement. The displacement of microplastic particles within a year is only 0.11 - 8.94 km from the source point. This study showed that within a year, microplastic waste from PGP does not have the potential to enter the waters of Indonesia

    Karakteristik sampah mikroplastik di Muara Sungai DKI Jakarta

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    Marine debris is one of the global issues and becomes a challenge for Indonesia as a maritime country. This research focuses on the characteristics of the one the estuaries in DKI Jakarta. The method used in this research by sampling the water at the mouth of the river by using the manta net at different depths and in tidal conditions.          The results showed that the number of microplastic consists of 93 microplastic particles originating from the seven stations. The number of microplastic particles at low tide conditions is 112 particles. The results of microplastic counting obtained weight of 45.7 mg from the seven stations with high tide conditions on the surface. The maximum particle weight value of 16.2 mg found at station 1 in Muara Tiram. Based on the observations at each station, the size of the microplastic obtained range between 1mm to 5mm. The results of observing the characteristics of the forms in the research study have results including fragments, filaments, films, foams, and granules. The microplastics at the estuary come from the ocean and also from the river

    Pertukaran massa air di Laut Jawa terhadap periodisitas monsun dan Arlindo pada tahun 2015

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    The Java Sea with a surface area about 467.000 km2, is located in the South East Sunda Shelf with the average of depth is 40 meters, affected by several phenomena, whether physical or meteorological. This research aims to analyze the characteristics of water masses in the Java Sea and its relationship with the periodicity of the monsoon and Indonesian Throughflow Water (ITF) phenomenon. Then analyze the exchange of water masses in the Java Sea. The data used are temperature and salinity to identify the characteristics of the water masses. Ocean currents data to identify ITF patterns and winds data to identify the monsoon patterns. The data used in 2015 from the Infrastructure Development of Space Oceanography (INDESO) sites with a resolution of 1/12°. The method used is a descriptive analysis of spatially and temporally. The results show that averaging seasonal found that southeast monsoon period salinity is higher (31-34 psu) than northwest monsoon period (29.5-33 psu), and southeast monsoon period temperature is lower (27-30.5°C) than northwest monsoon period (28.5-30.5°C). ITF phenomenon occurs in May through September and reaches its peak in June, July, and August. ITF strengthened in southeast monsoon and weakened in the northwest monsoon. ITF and monsoon have similar impacts on salinity and temperature in the Java Sea. The water masses in the Java Sea comes from the South China Sea and Makassar Strait. In the northwest monsoon, Java Sea filled by water masses of the South China Sea, while in the southeast monsoon phenomenon which coincides with ITF phenomenon, Java Sea water masses is filled by water masses from Makassar Strait. In the transition monsoon I and II, the Java Sea filled by the South China Sea and the Makassar Strait water masses. Laut Jawa dengan luas permukaan sekitar 467.000 km2, terletak dibagian tenggara paparan Sunda dengan kedalaman rata-rata adalah 40 meter dipengaruhi oleh beberapa fenomena, baik fisikal maupun meteorologikal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai karakteristik massa air di Laut Jawa dan hubungannya dengan periodisitas monsun serta fenomena arlindo dan menganalisis pertukaran massa air di Laut Jawa. Data yang digunakan adalah suhu dan salinitas untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik massa air. Arus untuk mengidentifikasi pola arlindo dan angin untuk mengidentifikasi pola monsun. Data yang digunakan tahun 2012 dari situs infrastructure development of space oceanography (INDESO) dengan resolusi 1/12°. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis secara spasial dan temporal. Berdasarkan hasil perata-rataan musiman didapatkan bahwa salinitas saat monsun timur lebih tinggi (31-34 psu) daripada saat monsun barat (29,5-33 psu), dan suhu saat monsun timur lebih rendah (27-30,5°C) daripada saat monsun barat (28,5-30,5°C). Fenomena arlindo terjadi pada bulan Mei sampai September dan mencapai puncaknya pada bulan Juni, Juli, dan Agustus. Arlindo menguat pada monsun timur dan melemah pada monsun barat. Monsun dan arlindo memiliki pengaruh yang sama terhadap salinitas dan suhu di Laut Jawa. Massa air di Laut Jawa berasal dari Laut Cina Selatan dan Selat Makassar. Pada monsun barat, Laut Jawa diisi oleh massa air Laut Cina Selatan, sedangkan pada monsun timur yang bertepatan dengan fenomena arlindo, massa air Laut Jawa diisi oleh massa air Selat Makassar. Pada monsun peralihan I dan II, Laut Jawa diisi oleh massa air Laut Cina Selatan dan juga Selat Makassar.


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    Jakarta Bay as one of an area with the densest population in Indonesia became one of the highest contamination level waters in the world includes pollution of debris. Reclamation activities in Jakarta Bay will change the water conditions, and will also affect the distribution of debris at sea. Therefore, this study conducted is to determine the movement of the marine macro debris before and on the condition of the existing reclamation island in the Bay of Jakarta. The method used is simulated by the hydrodynamic model and particle trajectory models using MIKE software. Data needed for the hydrodynamic model, namely wind, tides, bathymetry, and shoreline, while for the trajectory of the particles using a data type of debris, marine macro debris weight, and debris flux. The analysis was performed for hydrodynamic model simulation results and comparison of particle trajectory models. Hydrodynamics simulations indicate if a reclamation island formation does not change significantly in the offshore area, but a simple change in the surface current pattern of the reclamation area, it also causes a decrease in the flow velocity of ± 0.002 to 0.02 m/s at some point. Macro debris particle trajectory simulation shows if after reclamation, macro debris tends to accumulate in the eastern Jakarta Bay in the rainy season (January), as well as in the western and eastern regions during the dry season (July)

    Lintasan sampah mikro plastik di kawasan konservasi perairan Nasional Laut Sawu, Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Abstract. At present, marine debris is an important issue in Indonesia. Due to the complex pattern of ocean currents, research on the distribution of marine waste in Indonesia is still very lacking. This study aims to determine the movement of microplastic particles at the Savu Sea National Marine Park. The method used was to simulate the hydrodynamic model and particle trajectory. Data used were wind, tides, bathymetry, coastline, weight of garbage, and garbage fluxes. Analysis was carried out on physical data visualization, hydrodynamic models, and particle trajectory models. The hydrodynamic model simulation shows if the average current velocity ranges from 0,0002 m/s to 0.35 m/s. The particle trajectory showed that microplastic particle movements tend to move to the south, where some of them move west and east of the Savu Sea. Besides being affected by tides, microplastic particle movements in the Savu Sea National Marine Park are also influenced by various currents that pass through the Savu Sea waters, especially by Indonesia Troughflow.Keywords: ocean model, particle pathways, microdebris, Savu Seas, Indonesia Troughflow Abstrak. Saat ini, sampah laut merupakan salah satu isu kemaritiman di Indonesia. Karena pola pergerakan arus yang kompleks, penelitian mengenai distribusi sampah laut di Indonesia masih sangat kurang. Taman Laut Nasional Laut Sawu sebagai wilayah yang dilalui Arlindo juga memiliki karakteristik oseanografi yang kompleks. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil simulasi pergerakan partikel sampah di Taman Nasional Perairan (TNP) Laut Sawu. Metode yang digunakan yaitu simulasi model hidrodinamika dan lintasan partikel. Data yang digunakan yaitu angin, pasang surut, batimetri, garis pantai, berat sampah, dan flux sampah. Analisis dilakukan terhadap visualisasi data fisik, model hidrodinamika, dan model pergerakan partikel. Simulasi model hidrodinamika menunjukkan jika rata-rata kecepatan arus berkisar antara 0,0002 m/s hingga 0,35 m/s. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan jika pergerakan partikel mikroplastik cenderung bergerak ke selatan, dimana sebagian bergerak ke arah barat dan timur Laut Sawu. Selain dipengaruhi pasang surut, pergerakan partikel mikroplastik di Taman Laut Nasional Laut Sawu juga dipengaruhi oleh berbagai arus yang melewati perairan Laut Sawu khususnya Arlindo.Kata kunci: pemodelan, lintasan partikel, sampah mikro, Laut Sawu, Arlindo