6 research outputs found


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    Tema ovog rada jesu razvojni učinci manifestacijskog turizma u gradu Varaždinu pomoću primjera Špancirfesta. Najprije u teorijskom dijelu se govori o manifestacijama općenito, njihova kratka povijest te podrijetlo same riječi i njezino tumačenje od strane više autora. Budući da su danas manifestacije usko povezane s turizmom i imaju jako djelovanje na njega u pojedinoj destinaciji, samim time utječu i na lokalnu zajednicu. Grad Varaždin je jedan od gradova koji svoj turizam obogaćuje brojnim manifestacijama kroz godinu. Najznačajnija i najveća manifestacija jest Špancirfest. Svaka manifestacija generira niz učinaka na destinaciju, kako pozitivnih tako i negativnih. U ovom radu provodilo se kratko istraživanje putem anketnih upitnika s namjernim uzorkom od 7 ljudi u kojem su se ispitivali stavovi o ekonomskim, društvenim i okolišnim učincima.Main goal of this paper is to analyze impacts which event tourism and manifestations have in the city of Varaždin. These impacts are explained on the example of Špancirfest. In theoretical part of the paper manifestations are explained in general, e.g. their brief history, origin of the word and its meaning viewed from different points of views. Today, manifestations are in very close correlation with tourism, therefore they have huge impact on tourism itself and the local community in which they are organised. One of the cities that enrich its tourist offer with manifestations is the city of Varaždin. Špancirfest or so called „Festival of good emotions“ is the biggest and the most important manifestation in Varaždin. Every single manifestation generates different effects on destinations in which they are held. Some of the effects are positive, but some of them are also negative. Through short survey, wich was conducted on a sample of seven people, their opinions about economical, social and environmental factors have been obtained and analzed


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    Tema ovog rada jesu razvojni učinci manifestacijskog turizma u gradu Varaždinu pomoću primjera Špancirfesta. Najprije u teorijskom dijelu se govori o manifestacijama općenito, njihova kratka povijest te podrijetlo same riječi i njezino tumačenje od strane više autora. Budući da su danas manifestacije usko povezane s turizmom i imaju jako djelovanje na njega u pojedinoj destinaciji, samim time utječu i na lokalnu zajednicu. Grad Varaždin je jedan od gradova koji svoj turizam obogaćuje brojnim manifestacijama kroz godinu. Najznačajnija i najveća manifestacija jest Špancirfest. Svaka manifestacija generira niz učinaka na destinaciju, kako pozitivnih tako i negativnih. U ovom radu provodilo se kratko istraživanje putem anketnih upitnika s namjernim uzorkom od 7 ljudi u kojem su se ispitivali stavovi o ekonomskim, društvenim i okolišnim učincima.Main goal of this paper is to analyze impacts which event tourism and manifestations have in the city of Varaždin. These impacts are explained on the example of Špancirfest. In theoretical part of the paper manifestations are explained in general, e.g. their brief history, origin of the word and its meaning viewed from different points of views. Today, manifestations are in very close correlation with tourism, therefore they have huge impact on tourism itself and the local community in which they are organised. One of the cities that enrich its tourist offer with manifestations is the city of Varaždin. Špancirfest or so called „Festival of good emotions“ is the biggest and the most important manifestation in Varaždin. Every single manifestation generates different effects on destinations in which they are held. Some of the effects are positive, but some of them are also negative. Through short survey, wich was conducted on a sample of seven people, their opinions about economical, social and environmental factors have been obtained and analzed


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    Tema ovog rada jesu razvojni učinci manifestacijskog turizma u gradu Varaždinu pomoću primjera Špancirfesta. Najprije u teorijskom dijelu se govori o manifestacijama općenito, njihova kratka povijest te podrijetlo same riječi i njezino tumačenje od strane više autora. Budući da su danas manifestacije usko povezane s turizmom i imaju jako djelovanje na njega u pojedinoj destinaciji, samim time utječu i na lokalnu zajednicu. Grad Varaždin je jedan od gradova koji svoj turizam obogaćuje brojnim manifestacijama kroz godinu. Najznačajnija i najveća manifestacija jest Špancirfest. Svaka manifestacija generira niz učinaka na destinaciju, kako pozitivnih tako i negativnih. U ovom radu provodilo se kratko istraživanje putem anketnih upitnika s namjernim uzorkom od 7 ljudi u kojem su se ispitivali stavovi o ekonomskim, društvenim i okolišnim učincima.Main goal of this paper is to analyze impacts which event tourism and manifestations have in the city of Varaždin. These impacts are explained on the example of Špancirfest. In theoretical part of the paper manifestations are explained in general, e.g. their brief history, origin of the word and its meaning viewed from different points of views. Today, manifestations are in very close correlation with tourism, therefore they have huge impact on tourism itself and the local community in which they are organised. One of the cities that enrich its tourist offer with manifestations is the city of Varaždin. Špancirfest or so called „Festival of good emotions“ is the biggest and the most important manifestation in Varaždin. Every single manifestation generates different effects on destinations in which they are held. Some of the effects are positive, but some of them are also negative. Through short survey, wich was conducted on a sample of seven people, their opinions about economical, social and environmental factors have been obtained and analzed


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    U ovom radu analiziraju se Europski fondovi i njihova namjena u cilju poticanja razvoja turizma. Temeljni cilj rada jest identificirati koji su to EU fondovi, odnosno mjere i prioriteti unutar istih i utvrditi njihov znaĉaj u turistiĉkom razvoju Varaţdinske ţupanije. U teorijskom dijelu rada navedene su spoznaje temeljene na sekundarnim izvorima podataka, odnosno struĉne literature temeljene na knjigama, znanstvenim ĉlancima, internetskim izvorima, dok su u empirijskom dijelu rada izneseni zakljuĉci na temelju dubinskih intervjua provedenih s kljuĉnim predstavnicima javnog i privatnog sektora, ujedno korisnicima fondova Europske unije. Dubinski intervju je proveden putem polustrukturiranih anketnih upitnika koji su sastavljeni od dvije skupine pitanja. Prva skupina pitanja je bila za sve ispitanike ista, a odnosila se na prikupljanje općih podataka o ispitanicima. Drugi dio upitnika bio je problemski usmjeren, a pitanja su se razlikovala ovisno o sektoru kojeg ispitanici predstavljaju. Predstavnici javnog sektora odgovarali su na pitanja kako bi se stekao dojam o korištenju fondova na cjelokupnom podruĉju ţupanije, dok su predstavnicima privatnog sektora pitanja bila usmjerena na njihovo osobno iskustvo steĉeno korištenjem sredstava EU fondova. Temeljem teorijske i empirijske analize u radu su izneseni zakljuĉci i dane preporuke za buduće djelovanje u pogledu iskorištavanja sredstava EU fondova s namjerom poticanja turistiĉkog razvoja, posebno u Varaţdinskoj ţupaniji.This thesis analyzes European funds and their purpose in order to foster the development of tourism. The main goal of this study is to identify which are those EU funds, measures and priorities within them and to determine their importance in the tourism development of Varaţdin County. The theoretical part of this study presents findings based on secondary data sources, i.e. professional literature based on books, scientific articles and Internet sources, while the empirical part of the study presents conclusions based on in-depth interviews with key representatives of public and private sector, who are also EU fund users. The in-depth interview was conducted through semi-structured survey questionnaires composed of two sets of questions. The first group of questions was the same for all respondents, and related to the collection of general data of respondents. The second part of the questionnaire was problem-oriented, and the questions differed depending on the sector which the respondents represented. Representatives of the public sector answered questions in order to get an impression of the use of funds throughout the county, while the questions for the representatives of the private sector were focused on their personal experience gained through the use of EU funds. Based on the theoretical and empirical analysis, this study disclose/presents conclusions and recommendations for future actions regarding the use of EU funds with the intention of encouraging tourism development, especially in Varaţdin County


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    U ovom radu analiziraju se Europski fondovi i njihova namjena u cilju poticanja razvoja turizma. Temeljni cilj rada jest identificirati koji su to EU fondovi, odnosno mjere i prioriteti unutar istih i utvrditi njihov znaĉaj u turistiĉkom razvoju Varaţdinske ţupanije. U teorijskom dijelu rada navedene su spoznaje temeljene na sekundarnim izvorima podataka, odnosno struĉne literature temeljene na knjigama, znanstvenim ĉlancima, internetskim izvorima, dok su u empirijskom dijelu rada izneseni zakljuĉci na temelju dubinskih intervjua provedenih s kljuĉnim predstavnicima javnog i privatnog sektora, ujedno korisnicima fondova Europske unije. Dubinski intervju je proveden putem polustrukturiranih anketnih upitnika koji su sastavljeni od dvije skupine pitanja. Prva skupina pitanja je bila za sve ispitanike ista, a odnosila se na prikupljanje općih podataka o ispitanicima. Drugi dio upitnika bio je problemski usmjeren, a pitanja su se razlikovala ovisno o sektoru kojeg ispitanici predstavljaju. Predstavnici javnog sektora odgovarali su na pitanja kako bi se stekao dojam o korištenju fondova na cjelokupnom podruĉju ţupanije, dok su predstavnicima privatnog sektora pitanja bila usmjerena na njihovo osobno iskustvo steĉeno korištenjem sredstava EU fondova. Temeljem teorijske i empirijske analize u radu su izneseni zakljuĉci i dane preporuke za buduće djelovanje u pogledu iskorištavanja sredstava EU fondova s namjerom poticanja turistiĉkog razvoja, posebno u Varaţdinskoj ţupaniji.This thesis analyzes European funds and their purpose in order to foster the development of tourism. The main goal of this study is to identify which are those EU funds, measures and priorities within them and to determine their importance in the tourism development of Varaţdin County. The theoretical part of this study presents findings based on secondary data sources, i.e. professional literature based on books, scientific articles and Internet sources, while the empirical part of the study presents conclusions based on in-depth interviews with key representatives of public and private sector, who are also EU fund users. The in-depth interview was conducted through semi-structured survey questionnaires composed of two sets of questions. The first group of questions was the same for all respondents, and related to the collection of general data of respondents. The second part of the questionnaire was problem-oriented, and the questions differed depending on the sector which the respondents represented. Representatives of the public sector answered questions in order to get an impression of the use of funds throughout the county, while the questions for the representatives of the private sector were focused on their personal experience gained through the use of EU funds. Based on the theoretical and empirical analysis, this study disclose/presents conclusions and recommendations for future actions regarding the use of EU funds with the intention of encouraging tourism development, especially in Varaţdin County