
Tema ovog rada jesu razvojni učinci manifestacijskog turizma u gradu Varaždinu pomoću primjera Špancirfesta. Najprije u teorijskom dijelu se govori o manifestacijama općenito, njihova kratka povijest te podrijetlo same riječi i njezino tumačenje od strane više autora. Budući da su danas manifestacije usko povezane s turizmom i imaju jako djelovanje na njega u pojedinoj destinaciji, samim time utječu i na lokalnu zajednicu. Grad Varaždin je jedan od gradova koji svoj turizam obogaćuje brojnim manifestacijama kroz godinu. Najznačajnija i najveća manifestacija jest Špancirfest. Svaka manifestacija generira niz učinaka na destinaciju, kako pozitivnih tako i negativnih. U ovom radu provodilo se kratko istraživanje putem anketnih upitnika s namjernim uzorkom od 7 ljudi u kojem su se ispitivali stavovi o ekonomskim, društvenim i okolišnim učincima.Main goal of this paper is to analyze impacts which event tourism and manifestations have in the city of Varaždin. These impacts are explained on the example of Špancirfest. In theoretical part of the paper manifestations are explained in general, e.g. their brief history, origin of the word and its meaning viewed from different points of views. Today, manifestations are in very close correlation with tourism, therefore they have huge impact on tourism itself and the local community in which they are organised. One of the cities that enrich its tourist offer with manifestations is the city of Varaždin. Špancirfest or so called „Festival of good emotions“ is the biggest and the most important manifestation in Varaždin. Every single manifestation generates different effects on destinations in which they are held. Some of the effects are positive, but some of them are also negative. Through short survey, wich was conducted on a sample of seven people, their opinions about economical, social and environmental factors have been obtained and analzed

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