12 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Beberapa riset di luar negeri menghasilkan model-model yang menunjukkan ketika konsistensi desain geometri diperhatikan maka keselamatan lalu lintas akan meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi ketidakkonsistenan desain alinyemen horisontal pada daerah blackspot di tikungan dan mengembangkan model yang menjelaskan hubungan salah satu aspek kon- sistensi desain geometri jalan raya yaitu alinyemen horizontal dan kecepatan operasional dengan tingkat kecelakaan lalulintas. Pembentukan model dimaksudkan lebih sesuai untuk kondisi geometri jalan dan kecepatan operasional kendaraan di Indo- nesia. Akuisisi data sekunder kecelakaan akan dievaluasi untuk melihat interaksinya dengan kondisi alinyemen horizontal daerah blackspot. Data kecelakaan sebagai variable terikat, volume lalulintas harian rata-rata; panjang dan radius lengkung sebagai variabel bebas, didapat dari instansi yang berwenang. Sementara itu, karena keterbatasan data sekunder, data panjang dan radius pada beberapa tikungan perlu diukur secara langsung dengan survei geodesi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ketidak konsistenan desain geometri khususnya desain alinyemen horisontal segmen jalan yang ditinjau. Model yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecelakaan akan turun jika radius tikungan lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata radius tikungan dari segmen jalan tinjauan. Kata kunci: Keamanan, konsistensi desain geometri, panjang tikungan, sudut tikungan Abstract Geometric design consistency studies can be used to identify inconsistent section on highway, which can be targeted for improvement. The objectives of this study are to identify inconsistency of design of horizontal alignment and to develop relationship between design consistency of horizontal alignment and road safety. Accidents data, average annual daily traffic, length and curve radii were extracted from the government database. Some of curves in Semarang – Solo km 59 - 86, however, had to be field investigated by on site measuring because the lack of geometric data. The results show that most of the sections in the location studied is classified as inconsistence. It is also shown that accident frequency decreases when the radius of a given section is significantly higher than the average radius. Keywords: Geometric design consistency, length of curve, radius of curve, safet

    Stiffness and Creep Properties of HRS-BC Powered by Palm Shell Gasification in Dryer Unit

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    Roads are infrastructure that is very important in supporting people’s daily lives. With the high growth rate of traffic, the traffic load will cause damage to the road pavement in the form of deformation (rutting) and fatigue. The performance of an HRS-BC asphalt mixture was investigated to determine the asphalt’s resistance to damage. HRS-BC asphalt mixture specimens were produced by a palm shell AMP and by a diesel AMP. The performance of the HRS-BC asphalt mixture was tested in the laboratory with indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM) and dynamic creep test. The results showed that the HRS-BC asphalt mixture sample produced by the palm shell AMP had better stiffness than the HRS-BC asphalt mixture produced by the diesel AMP. Both the samples of the HRS-BC asphalt mixture produced by the palm shell AMP and by the diesel AMP were not deformed when given a standard load of 100 kPa and 3,600 load repetitions

    Stiffness and Creep Properties of HRS-BC Powered by Palm Shell Gasification in Dryer Unit

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    Roads are infrastructure that is very important in supporting people’s daily lives. With the high growth rate of traffic, the traffic load will cause damage to the road pavement in the form of deformation (rutting) and fatigue. The performance of an HRS-BC asphalt mixture was investigated to determine the asphalt’s resistance to damage. HRS-BC asphalt mixture specimens were produced by a palm shell AMP and by a diesel AMP. The performance of the HRS-BC asphalt mixture was tested in the laboratory with indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM) and dynamic creep test. The results showed that the HRS-BC asphalt mixture sample produced by the palm shell AMP had better stiffness than the HRS-BC asphalt mixture produced by the diesel AMP. Both the samples of the HRS-BC asphalt mixture produced by the palm shell AMP and by the diesel AMP were not deformed when given a standard load of 100 kPa and 3,600 load repetitions


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    Kondisi eksisting jalan perkotaan di Kota Tangerang didominasi dengan konstruksi beton(rigid). Jenis pemeliharaan jalan yang sering dilakukan melakukan penambalan pada jalan dengankondisi berlubang ataupun retak lebar, sedangkan pemeliharaan berkala dilakukan dengan pelapisantambah perkerasan (overlay) menggunakan lapis tipis aspal beton (lasaston/HRS) dan lapen(macadam). Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui skenario pemeliharaan jalan yang tepat diKota Tangerang dengan prediksi yang sudah direncanakan untuk beberapa tahun mendatang. Variabelyang digunakan adalah data kondisi jalan eksisting dan data kerusakan jalan tahun sebelumnya(historical data). Objek penelitian adalah tiga jalan arteri dan tiga jalan kolektor di Kota Tangerang.Metode yang digunakan untuk menilai kondisi jalan yaitu Surface Distress Index. Penelitian inimenggunakan data series berupa hasil visual lapangan selama 24 bulan dari awal tahun 2014 sampaidengan akhir 2015. Hasil analisis sebaran nilai SDI membentuk sebuah persamaan pada setiap ruasjalan. Persamaan ini kemudian digunakan untuk memprediksi nilai SDI selama 10 tahun mendatang.Skenario pemeliharaan jalan dapat ditentukan berdasarkan nilai SDI..Kata kunci: Surface Distress Index, skenario pemeliharaan jala

    Remaining service life prediction using road structure performance data with pavement condition index (PCI) and Benkelman beam (BB) methods

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    The design life of a road is the amount of time a road can take from the time the road is used until the road requires major repairs. The inability of a pavement to reach its design life can be caused by several factors. These factors cause the uncertainty of the service life of the road, so that the remaining service life of the pavement becomes difficult to predict. This study will discuss the condition of the road pavement and predict the remaining service life on the Losari - Pejagan road, Demak ring road, and Rembang - Bulu road sections using the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) and Benkelman Beam (BB) methods. Based on the analysis of road condition assessment, the average PCI value for the Losari - Pejagan road section is 45.76 (poor), for the Demak Ring road section is 74.63 (satisfactory), and for the Rembang - Bulu road section is 50.41 (poor). The results of the analysis of the remaining service life using the PCI method found that 67.2% of all segments on the three road had a remaining service life of less than a year and 32.8% of all segments had a remaining service life of more than 1 year. Using the BB method, it was found that the remaining service life of 93.7% segments on the three road are less than a year and 6.7% segments are more than 1 year

    Remaining service life prediction using road structure performance data with pavement condition index (PCI) and Benkelman beam (BB) methods

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    The design life of a road is the amount of time a road can take from the time the road is used until the road requires major repairs. The inability of a pavement to reach its design life can be caused by several factors. These factors cause the uncertainty of the service life of the road, so that the remaining service life of the pavement becomes difficult to predict. This study will discuss the condition of the road pavement and predict the remaining service life on the Losari - Pejagan road, Demak ring road, and Rembang - Bulu road sections using the PCI (Pavement Condition Index) and Benkelman Beam (BB) methods. Based on the analysis of road condition assessment, the average PCI value for the Losari - Pejagan road section is 45.76 (poor), for the Demak Ring road section is 74.63 (satisfactory), and for the Rembang - Bulu road section is 50.41 (poor). The results of the analysis of the remaining service life using the PCI method found that 67.2% of all segments on the three road had a remaining service life of less than a year and 32.8% of all segments had a remaining service life of more than 1 year. Using the BB method, it was found that the remaining service life of 93.7% segments on the three road are less than a year and 6.7% segments are more than 1 year

    Agency cost estimation on flexible and rigid pavement

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    Flexible pavement is a road pavement type which is commonly used, however rigid pavement is also widely used now days in Indonesia. It has even been used for local roads (managed by local authority), which take in heavy vehicle loads. This rigid pavement is used because it has longer service life and higher durability. The need for a durable road resulted in higher construction costs, whereas the budget for local road design and construction is often limited. This study aims to evaluate the agency costs that must be incurred for flexible and rigid pavement construction. Two alternatives of design life are simulated for each type of pavement, namely design lives of 10+10 year and 20 year for flexible pavement and design lives of 20+20 year and 40 year for rigid pavement. The agency costs of those alternatives are analysed using Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) program-RealCost 2.5. The results show agency costs for alternative flexible pavement 1 (design life of 10y + 10y) and alternative 2 (design life of 20 y) are 1,421,930and 1,421,930 and 1,061,680 respectively. Furthermore for the rigid pavement, the agency cost for alternative 1 (design life 20y + 20 y) and alternative 2 (design life 40 y) is .443,990and. 443,990 and . 350,870 respectively

    Study on Structural Performance of Asphalt Concrete and Hot Rolled Sheet Through Viscoelastic Characterization

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    The aim of this study is to assess the viscoelastic parameters (i.e., phase angle and dynamic modulus) of asphalt concrete-wearing course (AC-WC) and hot rolled sheet-wearing course (HRS-WC) mixtures obtained from the dynamic modulus test. This study was accomplished in four stages: determining optimum asphalt content using Marshall mix design procedure, stability and flow parameters from Marshall test, viscoelastic parameters from dynamic modulus testing and finally the generation of dynamic modulus master curves at a reference temperature of 25 °C. The results showed that at the same temperature, the dynamic modulus of AC-WC and HRS-WC mixtures tended to increase with escalating the loading frequency, while dynamic modulus decreases with an increase in the test temperature at constant loading frequency. Furthermore, the dynamic modulus of the AC-WC mixture was recorded as 100% higher than the HRS-WC asphalt mixture. The phase angle, however, showed contradictory behavior with that shown in dynamic modulus. The phase angle of the AC-WC mixture and HRS-WC asphalt mixture showed almost the same behavior. Similarly, the dynamic modulus master curves of AC-WC and HRS-WC asphalt mixtures can be used to predict the dynamic modulus at the frequency range of 0.01 to 10 Hz and a reference temperature of 25 °C. The results were also used to evaluate the rutting and fatigue performance of AC-WC and HRS-WC

    User cost estimation on flexible and rigid pavement

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    The unsatisfactory condition of Indonesia’s local roads needs to be improved to support the national transportation network. However, construction activities to improve it often have negative impacts, among other: an increase of user cost. This article aims to calculate user cost generated by flexible and rigid pavement construction. This study was carried out on a local road in Indonesia. Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) method is used to analyse the user cost. The results show that user cost of flexible pavement construction of 10 years and 20 years’ design life are US734,290andUS 734,290 and US 449,830 respectively, futhermore user cost of rigid pavement construction of 10 years and 20 years’ design life are US1,994,920andUS 1,994,920 and US 1.203.640 respectively. These indicate that the longer the analysis period, the more economical the user cost