17 research outputs found

    Endurance Test on the Rowing Machine

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    The purpose of the study was to select or create a test that will be a suitable alternative to the Cooper 12-minute test for a large number of adults who are not able to undergo the running test. A literature review of aerobic capacity indicators and endurance fitness tests on the C2 rowing machine was prepared. The result of extensive research is the design for a simple test with a set duration, when the tested person should try to cover the greatest possible distance (i.e. maximum effort). To verify this, a pilot study was conducted using the new test and collected initial reference values to assess the physical fitness of individuals.   A total of 323 students of the University of Defence (270 males, 53 females), aged 20.9±1.82, took the test. The endurance fitness indicators are the distance covered (s, m) and the average power (P, W). Statistical tests (t-test, correlation analysis, non-linear regression analysis, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov difference test, the Spearman correlation) were used to analyse differences and relationships between variables. The results of the pilot study demonstrate the applicability of the created test under required conditions. Significant differences between males and females confirm the necessity of evaluating test results separately for each gender. Low correlations between fitness indicators to body weight and height do not support the need to use relative fitness indicators (per kg of body weight).  The results of the study provided initial reference values for individual assessment of aerobic fitness

    Extension of the Segatella copri complex to 13 species with distinct large extrachromosomal elements and associations with host conditions

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    The Segatella copri (formerly Prevotella copri) complex (ScC) comprises taxa that are key members of the human gut microbiome. It was previously described to contain four distinct phylogenetic clades. Combining targeted isolation with large-scale metagenomic analysis, we defined 13 distinct Segatella copri-related species, expanding the ScC complex beyond four clades. Complete genome reconstruction of thirteen strains from seven species unveiled the presence of genetically diverse large circular extrachromosomal elements. These elements are consistently present in most ScC species, contributing to intra- and inter-species diversities. The nine species-level clades present in humans display striking differences in prevalence and intraspecies genetic makeup across human populations. Based on a meta-analysis, we found reproducible associations between members of ScC and the male sex and positive correlations with lower visceral fat and favorable markers of cardiometabolic health. Our work uncovers genomic diversity within ScC, facilitating a better characterization of the human microbiome

    Influence of microbiota-associated metabolic reprogramming on clinical outcome in patients with melanoma from the randomized adjuvant dendritic cell-based MIND-DC trial

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    Tumor immunosurveillance plays a major role in melanoma, prompting the development of immunotherapy strategies. The gut microbiota composition, influencing peripheral and tumoral immune tonus, earned its credentials among predictors of survival in melanoma. The MIND-DC phase III trial (NCT02993315) randomized (2:1 ratio) 148 patients with stage IIIB/C melanoma to adjuvant treatment with autologous natural dendritic cell (nDC) or placebo (PL). Overall, 144 patients collected serum and stool samples before and after 2 bimonthly injections to perform metabolomics (MB) and metagenomics (MG) as prespecified exploratory analysis. Clinical outcomes are reported separately. Here we show that different microbes were associated with prognosis, with the health-related Faecalibacterium prausnitzii standing out as the main beneficial taxon for no recurrence at 2 years (p = 0.008 at baseline, nDC arm). Therapy coincided with major MB perturbations (acylcarnitines, carboxylic and fatty acids). Despite randomization, nDC arm exhibited MG and MB bias at baseline: relative under-representation of F. prausnitzii, and perturbations of primary biliary acids (BA). F. prausnitzii anticorrelated with BA, medium- and long-chain acylcarnitines. Combined, these MG and MB biomarkers markedly determined prognosis. Altogether, the host-microbial interaction may play a role in localized melanoma. We value systematic MG and MB profiling in randomized trials to avoid baseline differences attributed to host-microbe interactions

    Energy expenditure in ski mountaineering, depends on the carrying or pulling loads

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    Title of the thesis: Energy expenditure in ski mountaineering, depends on the carrying or pulling loads. Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine energy expenditure when compared skialpinism carrying or pulling loads. Methods: The study was attended by 9 men at an average age of 23.22 ± 3, who had previously had a skialpinist ski experience. It was an experiment. The amount of energy output was measured by indirect calorimetry, based on inhaled oxygen (O2) and exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2). The MetaMax 3B instrument was used to analyze inhaled and exhaled gases. Testing took place on a plane where everybody pulled 6-minute 15kg sleigh and then carried a 6-minute 15kg backpack at a speed of 4.5 km / h. Results: In 8 of the 9 tested, there was less energy expenditure when pulling the load on sleds than carrying it in the backpack. In 5 of the 9 tested, the difference between pulling and carrying was greater than the average difference of 4.57 kJ / min. For the three tested, the minimum differences between sleighs and backpack were minimal. One tested had a higher energy expenditure when pulling the load than when carrying it, but the difference was minimal. Key words: Energy demand, Ski-mountaineering, Carrying the burde

    Interaction between a teacher and student in comparasion group and individual skiing lessons.

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    Title of the thesis: Interaction between a teacher and a student compared group and individual teaching skiing. Objectives: The aim of this work was to find, what differences are in the didactic interaction in comparison of group and individual ski lessons. Methods: In this work we used the method of observation, data collection was realized using a video camera and the subsequent recording was evaluated using the MADI method (modified analysis of didactic interaction). Results: From the results we found that the greatest difference was in the expression factual purportwhich in individual lessons grow avarage by 20%. Furthermore, in the individual lesson form grow education activity above organizational by on avarage10% and in the type of attitude activity integration has increased on avrage 7%. The results also showed that in the individual form of teaching did not appear activity without direct control. Key words: Individual and group skiing lessons, ski school, analysis of didactic interaction, ADI, MAD

    Interaction between a teacher and student in comparasion group and individual skiing lessons.

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    Název práce: Interakce učitele a žáka v porovnání skupinové a individuální výuky lyžování. Cíl práce: Cílem práce bylo zjistit, jaké rozdíly jsou v didaktické interakci v porovnání skupinové a individuální výuky na lyžích. Metoda: V této práci jsme využili metodu pozorování, sběr dat byl realizován pomocí videokamery a následný záznam byl vyhodnocen pomocí metody MADI (modifikované analýzy didaktické interakce). Výsledky: Z výsledků jsme zjistili, že největší rozdíl byl v míře vyjádření věcného obsahu, který v individuální výuce narostl v průměru o 20%. Dále v individuální formě výuky stoupla v průměru učební činnost nad organizační o 10% a u druhu postojové aktivity stoupla integrace v průměru o 7%. Z výsledků dále vyplynulo, že při individuální formě výuky se vůbec neobjevil výkon činnosti bez přímé kontroly. Klíčová slova: individuální a skupinová výuka lyžování, lyžařská škola, analýza didaktické interakce, ADI, MADITitle of the thesis: Interaction between a teacher and a student compared group and individual teaching skiing. Objectives: The aim of this work was to find, what differences are in the didactic interaction in comparison of group and individual ski lessons. Methods: In this work we used the method of observation, data collection was realized using a video camera and the subsequent recording was evaluated using the MADI method (modified analysis of didactic interaction). Results: From the results we found that the greatest difference was in the expression factual purportwhich in individual lessons grow avarage by 20%. Furthermore, in the individual lesson form grow education activity above organizational by on avarage10% and in the type of attitude activity integration has increased on avrage 7%. The results also showed that in the individual form of teaching did not appear activity without direct control. Key words: Individual and group skiing lessons, ski school, analysis of didactic interaction, ADI, MADISporty v příroděFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Fluidized bed gasification of a sub-bituminous coal, biomass and coalbiomass co-gasification by a gas containing oxygen-CO <sub>2</sub> mixtures

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    The effects of CO 2 concentrations and gasification temperature on producer gas heating value, energy yield, tar and BTX yields were studied and compared with fluidized bed (FB) gasification with steam-O 2 mixtures. The LHV of the resulting dry producer gas was lower in comparison with gasification by steam-O 2 mixtures, however, the theoretical energy yield of produced gas was slightly higher for FB gasification with CO 2-O 2 mixtures. The BTX and heavier tar compounds yield in FB gasification on a calcined dolomite particle bed with CO 2-O 2 mixture was comparable or slightly lower than for steam-O 2 gasification. The highest BTX yields and the highest estimated dew point of tar compounds from the three fuels studied were found for wood gasification. Content of combustibles in cyclone dust was much higher for coal and coal-biomass mixtures than for FB gasification of single biomass (wood). Biomass (wood) was more convenient for FB gasification because of high content of volatiles exceeding 80 mass % of combustibles and lower carbon loss in dust. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (Prague, Czech Republic 8/28/2010-9/1/2010).</p

    Fluidized bed gasification of a sub-bituminous coal, biomass and coalbiomass co-gasification by a gas containing oxygen-CO <sub>2</sub> mixtures

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    The effects of CO 2 concentrations and gasification temperature on producer gas heating value, energy yield, tar and BTX yields were studied and compared with fluidized bed (FB) gasification with steam-O 2 mixtures. The LHV of the resulting dry producer gas was lower in comparison with gasification by steam-O 2 mixtures, however, the theoretical energy yield of produced gas was slightly higher for FB gasification with CO 2-O 2 mixtures. The BTX and heavier tar compounds yield in FB gasification on a calcined dolomite particle bed with CO 2-O 2 mixture was comparable or slightly lower than for steam-O 2 gasification. The highest BTX yields and the highest estimated dew point of tar compounds from the three fuels studied were found for wood gasification. Content of combustibles in cyclone dust was much higher for coal and coal-biomass mixtures than for FB gasification of single biomass (wood). Biomass (wood) was more convenient for FB gasification because of high content of volatiles exceeding 80 mass % of combustibles and lower carbon loss in dust. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (Prague, Czech Republic 8/28/2010-9/1/2010).</p

    Behavior of heavy metals in steam fluidized bed gasification of contaminated biomass

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    Heavy metal phytoextraction by growing energy crops such as flax could be a promising approach for remediation of brownfields with energy benefits. The present paper deals with flax (40 wt %) and hardwood (60 wt %) cogasification with particular focus on the distribution of heavy metals to both solid and gaseous gasification products. The blended fuel was gasified by steam in a fluidized bed gasifier at about 850 °C and steam to biomass ratio of 1.01 kg kg-1. Concentrations of selected heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were determined in bed ash, cyclone ash, and in downstream producer gas. From the analysis, it follows that under the given experimental conditions the subsequent order of heavy metals volatility can be found: Cd (mostly in producer gas) &lt; Pb &lt; Zn &lt; Cu &lt; Ni. Heavy metals concentrations in the producer gas (nitrogen free, dry gas) were determined in the range of 0.37-4.2 mg m-3.</p

    Neuroblastoma is associated with alterations in gut microbiome composition subsequent to maternal microbial seedingResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Neuroblastoma is the most frequent extracranial solid tumour in children, accounting for ∼15% of deaths due to cancer in childhood. The most common clinical presentation are abdominal tumours. An altered gut microbiome composition has been linked to multiple cancer types, and reported in murine models of neuroblastoma. Whether children with neuroblastoma display alterations in gut microbiome composition remains unexplored. Methods: We assessed gut microbiome composition by shotgun metagenomic profiling in an observational cross-sectional study on 288 individuals, consisting of patients with a diagnosis of neuroblastoma at disease onset (N = 63), healthy controls matching the patients on the main covariates of microbiome composition (N = 94), healthy siblings of the patients (N = 13), mothers of patients (N = 59), and mothers of the controls (N = 59). We examined taxonomic and functional microbiome composition and mother-infant strain transmission patterns. Findings: Patients with neuroblastoma displayed alterations in gut microbiome composition characterised by reduced microbiome richness, decreased relative abundances of 18 species (including Phocaeicola dorei and Bifidobacterium bifidum), enriched protein fermentation and reduced carbohydrate fermentation potential. Using machine learning, we could successfully discriminate patients from controls (AUC = 82%). Healthy siblings did not display such alterations but resembled the healthy control group. No significant differences in maternal microbiome composition nor mother-to-offspring transmission were detected. Interpretation: Patients with neuroblastoma display alterations in taxonomic and functional gut microbiome composition, which cannot be traced to differential maternal seeding. Follow-up research should include investigating potential causal links. Funding: Italian Ministry of Health Ricerca Corrente and Ricerca Finalizzata 5 per mille (to MPonzoni); Fondazione Italiana Neuroblastoma (to MPonzoni); European Research Council (ERC-StG project MetaPG-716575 and ERC-CoG microTOUCH-101045015 to NS); the European H2020 program ONCOBIOME-825410 project (to NS); the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health 1U01CA230551 (to NS); the Premio Internazionale Lombardia e Ricerca 2019 (to NS); the MIUR Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Bando 2017 Grant 2017J3E2W2 (to NS); EMBO ALTF 593-2020 and Knowledge Generation Project from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2022-139328OA-I00) (to MV-C)