135 research outputs found

    Effects of Scots pine paternal genotypes of two contiguous seed orchards on the budset and frost hardening of first-year progeny

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    In Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), it has been shown that the parental conditions have a role in the phenological variation among first-year seedlings. For this reason, it is argued that they should be comprehensively controlled before estimating the parental genotype effects. This controlled-cross study examined the effects of a set of fathers of Scots pines on the timing of budset and autumn frost hardening of first-year seedlings. The paternal genotypes had either a northern or southern provenance, but had spent a period of over 25 years as grafts in a shared climatic environment in two closely located southern orchards. Pollen applied in the crosses was collected from these orchards in one year and all the maternal genotypes were pollinated in only one seed orchard. The results of freeze tests and budset observations of the consequent progeny were analysed and additionally compared with results obtained using seedlings from seed lots of natural forests in order to estimate the ability of northern paternal genotypes to maintain a northern effect under southern conditions. This environmentally controlled study demonstrated a significant effect of the paternal genotype on the budset and autumn frost hardening of first-year seedling of Scots pine. With the applied study design, no significant indication of an environmental influence on the effect of the paternal genotype was obtained. The accuracy of the observations is discussed. It is concluded that the results suggest a minor role of mutability in the effects of Scots pine paternal genotypes.Peer reviewe

    Effects of Contaminated Soil on the Survival and Growth Performance of European (Populus tremula L.) and Hybrid Aspen (Populus tremula L. Ă— Populus tremuloides Michx.) Clones Based on Stand Density

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    This study was conducted to assess the survival rates, growth, and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) of four hybrid aspen (14, 191, 27, 291) and two European aspen (R3 and R4) clones cultivated in creosote- and diesel oil-contaminated soil treatments under three different plant densities: one plant per pot (low density), two plants per pot (medium density), and six plants per pot (high density) over a period of two years and three months. Evaluating the survival, growth, and Fv/Fm values of different plants is a prerequisite for phytoremediation to remediate polluted soils for ecological restoration and soil health. The results revealed that contaminated soils affected all plants’ survival rates and growth. However, plants grown in the creosote-contaminated soil displayed a 99% survival rate, whereas plants cultivated in the diesel-contaminated soil showed a 22–59% survival rate. Low plant density resulted in a higher survival rate and growth than in the other two density treatments. In contrast, the medium- and high-density treatments did not affect the plant survival rate and growth to a greater extent, particularly in contaminated soil treatments. The effects of clonal variation on the survival rate, growth, and Fv/Fm values were evident in all treatments. The results suggested that hybrid aspen clones 14 and 291, and European aspen clone R3 were suitable candidates for the phytoremediation experiment, as they demonstrated reasonable survival rates, growth, and Fv/Fm values across all treatments. A superior survival rate for clone 291, height and diameter growth, and stem dry biomass production for clone 14 were observed in all soil treatments. Overall, a reasonable survival rate (~75%) and Fv/Fm value (>0.75) for all plants in all treatments, indicating European aspen and hybrid aspen have considerable potential for phytoremediation experiments. As the experiment was set up for a limited period, this study deserves further research to verify the growth potential of different hybrid aspen and European aspen clones in different soil and density treatment for the effective phytoremediation process to remediate the contaminated soil

    Genetic diversity and connectivity shape herbivore load within an oak population at its range limit

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    Host genetic diversity and genotypic identity have been reported to affect the abundance, species richness and species diversity of associated herbivore communities. Recent work, however, suggests that these effects are highly context-dependent and that the magnitude and direction of the effects may vary with e.g., spatial factors and the amount of genetic variation present in the host population. Here, we use observational data on a Finnish oak (Quercus robur) population to examine whether low genetic diversity within peripheral populations reduces the impact of host genotype on associated herbivore communities. We first compared measures of genetic variation within Finnish oak populations with those recorded in more central parts of the species' range, confirming that genetic variation within the Finnish populations is comparatively low. Despite this result, we found consistent imprints of host genetic diversity on herbivore communities: herbivore load, but not the species richness, increased with host genetic diversity in both years and both spatial scales examined. Spatial connectivity of hosts increased herbivore diversity as well as abundance. While the similarity of herbivore communities increased with the genetic similarity among hosts, the effect of geographic distance was stronger. Overall, our findings identify a major role for spatial context in structuring oak-associated herbivore communities-but we still trace detectable imprints of host genotype at multiple spatial scales even in this peripheral, genetically impoverished oak population.Peer reviewe

    Testing Projected Climate Change Conditions on the Endoconidiophora polonica/Norway spruce Pathosystem Shows Fungal Strain Specific Effects

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    Climate changes, exemplified by increased temperatures and CO2 concentration, pose a global threat to forest health. Of particular concern are pests and pathogens, with a warming climate altering their distributions and evolutionary capacity, while impairing the ability of some plants to respond to infections. Progress in understanding and mitigating such effects is currently hindered by a lack of empirical research. Norway spruce (Picea abies) is one of the most economically important tree species in northern Europe, and is considered highly vulnerable to changes in climate. It is commonly infected by the fungus Endoconidiophora polonica, and we hypothesized that damage caused to trees will increase under future climate change predictions. To test this hypothesis an in vivo greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of a changed growing environment on E. polonica infected Norway spruce seedlings, comparing ambient conditions to predicted temperatures and CO2 levels in Finland for the years 2030 and 2100. In total, 450 seedlings were randomized amongst the three treatments, with 25 seedlings from each allocated to inoculation with one of five different fungal strains or mock-inoculation. Seedlings were monitored throughout the thermal growing season for mortality, and lesion length and depth indices were measured at the experiment conclusion. Disease severity (mortality and lesions) was consistently greater in fungal-inoculated than mock-inoculated seedlings. However, substantial differences were observed among fungal strains in response to climate scenarios. For example, although overall seedling mortality was highest under the most distant (and severe) climate change expectations, of the two fungal strains with the highest mortality counts (referred to as F4 and F5), one produced greater mortality under the 2030 and 2100 scenarios than ambient conditions, whereas climate scenario had no effect on the other. This study contributes to a limited body of empirical research on the effects of projected climate changes on forestry pathosystems, and is the first to investigate interactions between Norway spruce and E. polonica. The results indicate the potential for future climate changes to alter the impact of forest pathogens with implications for productivity, while highlighting the need for a strain-specific level of understanding of the disease agents.Peer reviewe

    QTL mapping of the narrow-branch "Pendula" phenotype in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.)

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    Pendula-phenotyped Norway spruce has a potential forestry interest for high-density plantations. This phenotype is believed to be caused by a dominant single mutation. Despite the availability of RAPD markers linked to the trait, the nature of the mutation is yet unknown. We performed a quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping based on two different progenies of F1 crosses between pendula and normal crowned trees using NGS technologies. Approximately 25% of all gene bearing scaffolds of Picea abies genome assembly v1.0 were mapped to 12 linkage groups and a single QTL, positioned near the center of LG VI, was found in both crosses. The closest probe markers placed on the maps were positioned 0.82 cm and 0.48 cm away from the Pendula marker in two independent pendula-crowned x normal-crowned wild-type crosses, respectively. We have identified genes close to the QTL region with differential mutations on coding regions and discussed their potential role in changing branch architecture
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