563 research outputs found

    Different Approaches to Blurring Digital Images and Their Effect on Facial Detection

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    The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the usage of multiple image blurring techniques and determine their effectiveness in combatting facial detection algorithms. This type of analysis is anticipated to reveal potential flaws in the privacy expected from blurring images or, rather, portions of images. Three different blurring algorithms were designed and implemented: a box blurring method, a Gaussian blurring method, and a differential privacy-based pixilation method. Datasets of images were collected from multiple sources, including the AT&T Database of Faces. Each of these three methods were implemented via their own original method, but, because of how common they are, box blurring and Gaussian blurring were also implemented utilizing the OpenCV open-source library to conserve time. Extensive tests were run on each of these algorithms, including how the blurring acts on color and grayscale images, images with and without faces, and the effectiveness of each blurring algorithm in hiding faces from being detected via the popular open-source OpenCV library facial detection method. Of the chosen blurring techniques, the differential privacy blurring method appeared the most effective against mitigating facial detection

    The Early Work of Joseph Lyman Silsbee

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    Silsbee’s name inevitably is associated with Frank Lloyd Wright and the other Prairie School architects who acquired their training in his Chicago office in the late 1880’s. Because of Silsbee’s well-known influence on mid-western architecture the focus of attention has been his mature work. Before he moved to Chicago, Silsbee practiced architecture in Syracuse, New York for a decade. Study of this early work extends our knowledge of Silsbee’s oeuvre and informs our understanding of his later architecture. Silsbee was one of a new generation of thoroughly educated, professionally trained architects in late nineteenth century America. His High Victorian architectural ideals were tempered by innate ability and by the newly emergent interest in America’s vernacular, colonial heritage. Early in his career he produced a body of commercial work in downtown Syracuse which continues to play a significant role in defining its urban character. He went on to design churches, houses, resorts and institutional buildings in a variety of styles. Most of his work has been demolished; but old photographs and documentation in newspapers and the architectural press demonstrate a chronological development that parallels changes in American architectural theory. Behind Silsbee’s eclecticism are a continuity of expression and a clarity of form which raise his work well above the level of the average architect in the last quarter of nineteenth century America

    Success factors for farming collectives

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    As the most intensive form of partnership in agriculture, farming collectives (FCs) place high demands on their participants. Based on a census of Swiss farming collectives, three success indicators are formed. The first and second describe interpersonal and economic success respectively, whilst the third encompasses overall success. Factors influencing success are determined by means of multiple regressions. Five predictor variables (compatibility with co-operation partner, trust, information quality, attitude of social environment, and relationship/kinship circle of the cooperation partner) accounted for 44 per cent of the variance in interpersonal success. Economic success was far more difficult to explain (R2 = 0.11). Even so, the influence of “soft” factors, even on the economic success of a farming collective, is striking. Above all, trust and the human and structural compatibility of the cooperation partners play an important role for all three types of success. The co-operation agreement, agricultural consultation, the number of participating people on the farm, and the investments made may be ranked as less important than previously assumed.farming collective, economic satisfaction, interpersonal conflicts, Agribusiness,

    Get involved : stories of the Caribbean postcolonial black middle class and the development of civil society

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)The main research question of this project is: How do the narratives of Caribbean black middle class civil society within the bounds of the “post-postcolonial” state, explain the evolving yet current environment of local and postcolonial civil society development? Using the Bahamas as a case, this project explores the historical, political, cultural, and social conditions that supported the development of civil society within the context of a postcolonial society. Furthermore, an investigation via in-depth interviews, participation observation, archival, and contemporary document analysis contextualizes the present-day work of civil society leaders in the Bahamas. Methodologically, the project employs narrative analysis to uncover the perspectives, voices, and practices of black middle-class Bahamian civil society offering an unfolding, dynamic, and nuanced approach for understanding the historical legacies and contemporary structure of local civil society and philanthropy. The study focuses on three primary forms of narratives. These include the narratives of the past (historical), the narratives of expressive and aesthetic cultural practices, and the narratives of lived experience. The project locates that the development of civil society is linked to historical and cultural forces. The findings show that that the narratives of history, social, and artistic development foregrounds a hybrid model of civil society development drawn from the experience of slavery, colonialism, decolonization, as well as the emerging structures related to economic and political globalization. Furthermore, observed through resilience narratives, local civil society leaders negotiate the boundaries of hybridity in their understanding of their personal, social, and professional identities as well as the way in which they engage government, the public, as well as local and international funders

    Women Give 2019

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    In Women Give 2019: Gender and Giving Across Communities of Color, the Women’s Philanthropy Institute seeks to understand how generosity links women across racial lines. While some research has examined race and charitable giving, this study is the frst to explore the intersection of race, gender, and giving.1 The study builds on a growing body of research that examines how women and men give. It is now well understood that gender diferences exist in women’s and men’s motivations for and patterns of giving. By focusing on the relationship among race, gender, and philanthropy, this report recognizes the philanthropic eforts of all women and in particular, women in communities of color

    Treatment of Postpartum Metritis in Dairy Cows

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    Bovine postparturient metritis is an economically significant problem in most dairy herds. Although mortality is low, morbidity is often high, and systemic illness may result in lowered feed consumption and decreased milk production, as well as losses incurred because of milk dumping due to antibiotic residues in milk from treated cows. Metritis significantly increases days to conception and services per conception, leading to losses \u27from reduced milk production associated with longer calving intervals and higher insemination costs. Fertility may be permanently impaired in some cows, causing higher culling rates and the associated increase in replacement costs. Culling because of decreased fertility often results in a loss of freedom to cull for other factors such as low production, and may result in the culling of genetically superior animals


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    The influence of farming collectives on income per annual work unit (AWU) is investigated by means of regressions for three types of farms with animal husbandry. The effects are relatively small, and turn out differently for the three farm types. Whereas the effect is negative for the dairy farms (-1200 CHF), collective farming in the case of combined dairying/arable-crop farms and combined pig/poultry farms leads to a higher income (+900 and +500 CHF, respectively). The latter two farm types are characterised by at least two important production branches, unlike the dairy farms, which have just one. The result for the dairy farms, however, does not call the farming collective into question as a growth opportunity. The usual scale effects that can be achieved by setting up a farming collective are markedly greater than the calculated influences on the income of the farming collectives. Gestützt auf Buchhaltungsergebnisse wird für drei Betriebstypen der Einfluss von Betriebsge-meinschaften auf das Einkommen pro Jahresarbeitseinheit (JAE) mittels Regressionen unter-sucht. Bei allen ist der Einfluss signifikant negativ und beträgt bei den Verkehrsmilchbetrie-ben CHF 11.000.-, bei den Verkehrsmilch-Ackerbaubetrieben CHF 8000.- und bei den Veredlungsbetrieben CHF 8600.-. Daraus lässt sich die Schlussfolgerung ziehen, dass Betriebsge-meinschaften im Quervergleich weniger wirtschaftlich sind als Einzelbetriebe. Bei allen Be-triebstypen wird deutlich, dass ein hoher Kapitaleinsatz pro Arbeitskraft einen positiven Ein-fluss auf das Einkommen hat.Betriebsgemeinschaft, Einzelbetrieb, Einkommen, Regression, Schweiz, Farming collectives, Income, Individual farm, Switzerland, Agribusiness, Farm Management,

    Familiennamen im oberen Innviertel unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stadt Braunau am Inn

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse der FN im oberen Innviertel unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stadt Braunau am Inn. Diese FN sind geprägt durch ihr Vorkommen im bairisch-österreichischen Grenzgebiet. In den vergangenen Jahrhunderten wechselte die Zugehörigkeit der Stadt Braunau mehrere Male zwischen deutschem und österreichischem Staatsgebiet. Die Arbeit lässt sich in zwei Hauptteile gliedern. Der erste Teil beschreibt die Entstehung, Verbreitung und Entwicklung von FN und deren Klassifizierung nach Bach. Weiters enthält er ein Kapitel zu jüdischen FN. Er fasst die geographischen und historischen Entwicklungen und die wirtschaftliche Situation der Region nach dem 2. Weltkrieg zusammen, wobei insbesondere der Einfluss der geographischen Bedingungen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Orts- bzw. Familiennamen im Bezirk beleuchtet werden. Im sprachwissenschaftlichen Teil wird auf die lautgeographischen Besonderheiten, die bairische Sprache des Innviertels und altbairische Färbung der Innviertler Mundart eingegangen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit besteht aus der Analyse der hundertfünfzig häufigesten FN der Stadt Braunau am Inn, wobei die Daten aus dem Amtlichen Telefonbuch Oberösterreich ohne Linz für Braunau Stadt (inkludiert Ranshofen und St. Peter) Jahrgang 1991 stammen. Die FN wurden nach Häufigkeit ihrer Einträge in Braunau Stadt analysiert. Zusätzlich enthält der zweite Teil auch eine Aufstellung der zehn häufigsten FN in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz und eine Rangliste der zehn häufigsten Fluchtnamen jüdischer FN und ihr Vorkommen in Braunau Stadt. Die größte Gruppe stellen die BN in Kombination mit WN dar, hier lassen sich eindeutig der landwirtschaftliche Charakter der Region und ihre geographischen Eigenschaften erkennen. Die WN und HN spiegeln auch deutlich die landschaftlichen Eigenschaften der Region und die Art der Rodung wider. Da Braunau eine rege Handelsstadt war, konnte man annehmen, dass die Anzahl der FN aus den Gruppen der Handwerks- und Handelsnamen größer ist als jene aus dem landwirtschaftlichen Bereich, was sich allerdings nicht bestätigte. Bei den Herkunftsnamen fällt auf, dass nur wenige FN nach Orten aus dem Ausland benannt sind. Der Großteil bezieht sich auf Ortschaften im Bezirk Braunau. In der Gruppe der Übernamen beziehen sich die meisten FN auf charakterliche Eigenschaften ihrer Träger und weniger auf deren äußerliche Erscheinung. Wie bereits erwähnt ist es nicht bei allen FN möglich sie eindeutig zu klassifizieren, wobei die naheliegendsten Deutungen angeführt wurden

    Of Martin Fierro to Nuevo Orden. Pedro Juan Vignale and the magazines Poesía and Gaceta de Buenos Aires

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    En el artículo el autor reconstruye la trayectoria biográfica de Juan Pedro Vignale y da cuenta de su participación en dos experiencias editoriales: la revista Poesía (1933) y la revista Gaceta de Buenos Aires (1934). Esta última representa una transición y un engarce para un grupo de escritores que marchan de la experiencia de la vanguardia literaria de los años veinte a una actuación político-intelectual significativa en los años cuarenta. Entre los autores de diferentes sensibilidades y trayectorias posteriores que participan en ellas, se destacan Armando Cascella, Ernesto Palacio, Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, Julio Irazusta y Saúl Taborda.In the article the author reconstructs Juan Pedro Vignale's trayectory and describes his participation in two publishing experiences: the magazine Poesía (1933) and the magazine Gaceta de Buenos Aires (1934). The latter represents a transition and a connection between a group of writers who vary from the 20's literary avant-garde experience to the significant political-intellectual action taken during the 1940's. Among the authors with different sensibilities and posterior paths, figures such as Armando Cascella, Ernesto Palacio, Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, Julio Irazusta and Saúl Taborda stand out.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Of Martin Fierro to Nuevo Orden. Pedro Juan Vignale and the magazines Poesía and Gaceta de Buenos Aires

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    En el artículo el autor reconstruye la trayectoria biográfica de Juan Pedro Vignale y da cuenta de su participación en dos experiencias editoriales: la revista Poesía (1933) y la revista Gaceta de Buenos Aires (1934). Esta última representa una transición y un engarce para un grupo de escritores que marchan de la experiencia de la vanguardia literaria de los años veinte a una actuación político-intelectual significativa en los años cuarenta. Entre los autores de diferentes sensibilidades y trayectorias posteriores que participan en ellas, se destacan Armando Cascella, Ernesto Palacio, Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, Julio Irazusta y Saúl Taborda.In the article the author reconstructs Juan Pedro Vignale's trayectory and describes his participation in two publishing experiences: the magazine Poesía (1933) and the magazine Gaceta de Buenos Aires (1934). The latter represents a transition and a connection between a group of writers who vary from the 20's literary avant-garde experience to the significant political-intellectual action taken during the 1940's. Among the authors with different sensibilities and posterior paths, figures such as Armando Cascella, Ernesto Palacio, Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, Julio Irazusta and Saúl Taborda stand out.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia