108 research outputs found


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    Abstract. This paper describes the results of a research that aimed to focus on a possible approach in the knowledge, representation and dissemination of the Cultural Heritage through CLOUD-to-BIM-to-VR application processes. Starting from reality-based surveys of the current state and information modelling in BIM platforms, the experimentation conducted involved the construction of a VR fruition system for the Simón Ruiz Hospital in Medina del Campo (Valladolid, Spain). An application for mobile devices was therefore designed to describe the artifact and the information acquired - or processed - during the various research phases according to alternative methods and completely independent from the software that generated them. The fruition system is completed with cardboard type supports, for stereoscopic viewing, and controller, to allow the user to navigate in the represented scene and activate the information hotspots that implement the contents of the App.Specifically, the results presented here relate to the operational sequences and products obtained in the organization and programming of the App, structured to allow a multidimensional and multimodal fruition path. The characteristics that connote it, therefore, are related to the setting of incremental levels of knowledge, different by type of content displayed – historical, descriptive, technical, etc. –, form in which it is presented – spherical and photographic images, point cloud, geometric and informative model, textual descriptions, etc. – and integration of hotspots for extend the informative and descriptive content


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    Abstract. Photography has always been considered as a valid tool to acquire information about reality. Nowadays, its versatility, together with the development of new techniques and technologies, allows to use it in different fields of application. Particularly, in the digitization of built heritage, photography not only enables to understand and document historical and architectural artifacts but also to acquire morphological and geometrical data about them with automated digital photogrammetry. Nowadays, photogrammetry enables many tools to give virtual casts of reality by showing it in the way of point cloud. Although they can have metric reliability and visual quality, traditional instruments &amp;ndash; such as monoscopic cameras &amp;ndash; involve a careful planning of the campaign phase and a long acquisition and processing time. On the contrary, the most recent ones, based on the integration of different sensors and cameras, try to reduce the gap between time and results. The latter include some systems of indoor mapping who, thanks to 360&amp;deg; acquisitions and SLAM technology, reconstruct the original scene in real time in great detail and with a photorealistic rendering. This study is aimed at reporting a research evaluating metric reliability and the level of survey detail with a Matterport Pro2 3D motorized rotating camera, equipped with SLAM technology, whose results have been compared with point clouds obtained by image-based and range-based processes.</p


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    This paper presents the developments of research related to the integration of digital survey methodologies with reference to image-based and range-based technologies. Starting from the processing of point clouds, the data were processed for both the geometric interpretation of the space as well as production of three-dimensional models that describe the constitutive and morphological relationships. The subject of the study was the church of San Carlo all'Arena in Naples (Italy), with a HBIM model being produced that is semantically consistent with the real building. Starting from the data acquired, a visualization system was created for the virtual exploration of the building

    Toll-like receptor kinetics in septic shock patients: a preliminary study.

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate some inflammatory parameter changes in septic shock patients and their possible correlation with clinical outcome, in particular when continuous veno-venous hemofiltration (CVVH) treatment is required. Considering the objective difficulty in enrolling this kind of patient, a preliminary study was initiated on seventeen septic shock patients admitted to a medical and surgical ICU. The mRNA expression of Toll-like receptor (TLR)-1, TLR-2, TLR-4, TLR-5, TLR-9, TNFalpha, IL-8 and IL-1beta was assessed, the plasmatic concentrations of IL-18, IL-2, IL-10 and TNFalpha were measured on the day of sepsis diagnosis and after 72 h. In those patients who developed acute renal failure unresponsive to medical treatment and who underwent CVVH treatment the same parameters were measured every 24 h during CVVH and after completion of the treatment. On sepsis diagnosis, gene expression of TLRs was up-regulated compared to the housekeeping gene in all the patients. After 72 h, in 35&#x0025; of the patients a down-regulation of these genes was found compared to day 1, but it was not associated with a reduction of cytokine serum levels or improved clinical signs, better outcome or reduced mortality. After high volume hemofiltration treatment, cytokine serum levels and TLR expression were not significantly modified. In conclusion, considering the not numerous number of cases, from our preliminary study, we cannot certainly correlate TLR over-expression in septic shock patients with severity or outcome scores

    Impact of resistance to thyroid hormone on thecardiovascular system in adults.

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    Sixteen untreated and asymptomatic RTH patients (eight males; aged 33 +/- 12 yr, range 21-45 yr) and 16 controls (nine males; aged 33 +/- 5 yr, range 24-42 yr) were enrolled. Clinical data, thyroid status, and echocardiographic results were recorded.Our results suggest the presence of cardiovascular alterations in asymptomatic and untreated RTH patients similar to those reported in hypothyroid patients. Our strict selection likely created a bias in the inclusion of a particular type of RTH patients, who could represent a minority of patients with RTH. However, no correlation was found between the type of mutation and cardiovascular characteristics of RTH patient

    Adjuvant treatment withthyrotropin alpha for remnant ablation in thyroid cancer.

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    Various studies have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone (rhTSH) for radioiodine remnant ablation. On this basis, rhTSH was approved in Europe for the radioiodine ablation of low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) during thyroid hormone therapy with L-thyroxine (L-T4). Moreover, in December 2007, the US Federal Drug Administration approved the use of rhTSH for adjuvant treatment with radioiodine in patients with DTC without evidence of metastatic thyroid cancer. Quality of life was found to be better with rhTSH preparation than with L-thyroxine withdrawal, thereby resulting in benefits for society as a whole. Furthermore, rhTSH for radioiodine remnant ablation results in a longer effective radioiodine half-life within remnant thyroid tissue and a lower specific absorbed dose in the blood and exposure of bone marrow to X-rays. More studies are required to establish the amount of radioiodine to be administered especially in high-risk patients
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