98 research outputs found

    Detached house

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    Předmětem této bakalářské práce je zpracování stavebně technické části projektové dokumentace pro realizaci novostavby rodinného domu. Dům je částečně podsklepen, má obytné podkroví a sedlovou střechu s vikýři. Stavba je navržena z tradičních středoevropských stavebních materiálů. Součástí je také seminární práce na téma výplně otvorů.The topic of this Bachelor thesis is an elaboration of technical documentation for a project of detached house. The house is partly basement, with residential attic and gabled roof with skylights. The building is designed with traditional central european building materials. Part of this thesis is also a seminar work on filler openings.

    Four Questions on Complexity and Learning

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    Increasing interaction (in numbers, patterns and uncertain intensity) in innovation processes point at new and different methodologies of researching reality including complexity views of modern production. In post-modern era, where (informational) networks are evolving, learning can not be understood through the lens of organization, but through learning individuals. Such approach can be attained by Interaction analysis which gives typical pattern of connections among attributes describing phenomena. Interaction analysis is the first step to functional modeling as a method of multidimensional optimization for chosen criteria. Functional modeling satisfies processing approach which treats surroundings as complex, uncertain, full of changes and emergent phenomenon. Empirical analysis indicates that companies in Slovenia in the year 2003 are not characterized with category of Learning organization

    The Path to Recognition: Coal Miners, Their Unions and Coal Operators in Tennessee

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    The story of Tennessee coal mining from the 1830’s thru the 1930’s, focusing on the working conditions of miners and their families, the unions and companies involved and labor strife. While Tennessee coal miners were able to improve their condition through collective bargaining, progress was slow and inconsistent. With the passage of the National Industrial Recovery Act in 1933, wages and working conditions were permanently improved and the coal miners achieved union recognition without the violent coal strikes experienced in other areas of the country

    Governor James K. Polk of Tennessee: An Administrative Appraisal

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    While James K. Polk’s administrative record as governor of Tennessee from 1839 to 1841 has been over shadowed by the more interesting partisan bickering of the era, his term in office saw continued legislative activity in the areas of banking, internal improvements and education. Throughout his single-term as governor, Polk was interested more in national affairs and was satisfied to correct abuses rather than to pursue new initiatives. He was active, however, in advancing ideas to get the state out from under the effects of the Panic of 1837. Polk adequately fulfilled his duties as governor but was not an outstanding governor. He primarily viewed the office as a stepping stone to higher office

    The Congressional Campaigns of James K. Polk, 1824-1837

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    The purpose of this thesis is to expose the actions of James K. Polk in his efforts to obtain a seat in the national House of Representatives. The narrative answers this general question: just what did Polk do to gain his initial victory (1825), and in his subsequent successful bids for office. What tactics did he and his opponents use? Was Polk the best candidate, or was he just a better politician? Did issues or personalities influence the election result? If issues, were they local, state, or national in nature, or a combination? And did these issues change over the years, either in their nature or substance? This study covers Polk\u27s seven Congressional campaigns and since both issues and candidates changed from year to year, a comprehensive set of specific conclusions cannot be drawn. Polk, as illustrated throughout this thesis, adjusted his strategy to suit his various opponents and to changing issues. Characteristic of all his campaigns, however, were speeches and printed circular letters, extensive travels, frequent use of the newspapers, and even various underhanded schemes. Polk undoubtedly used his incumbent status to win votes. He granted political favors, performed services, and franked mail into his district. All extant election results are included in tabular form and the results of a census study of Polk\u27s district are revealed

    Aplication for information support ERP implementation projects

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    This thesis first presents the importance of an ERP system for an individual company. The most common modules of this type of system and the process of their implementation within a company are then described. Because an implementation project may be very extensive and demanding, this thesis presents an application that supports ERP System implementation projects by providing better oversight. The application is accessible on the Internet and, depending on the level of the user, displays different data content on project development. The application stores all project data in one place, enabling management supervision over activities being carried out while ensuring project participants always remain precisely aware of their next task as well as of the deadline by which the task must be completed. In addition, the application stores all meeting minutes and records of other activities. In this way, the application assists in minimizing complications that could arise during project implementation as a result of a project participant not being aware of existing agreements, of his or her responsibilities or of the deadlines by which tasks must be completed

    Aerodynamic analysis and design modifications of L 410 NG aircraft landing gear nacelle

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou proudění kolem podvozkové gondoly letounu L 410 a její následnou aerodynamickou optimalizací. V první části je v rámci kalibrační úlohy zpracována známá geometrie, jejíž parametry byly ověřeny tunelovým měřením, následující části pak zahrnují návrh vlastní optimální geometrie, tvorbu výpočetní sítě a její výpočet a konečné zhodnocení výsledků.This diploma thesis deals with the flow analysis around the landing gear nacelle of L 410 and with its following aerodynamical optimalization. In the first part the calibration is performed on the known geometry which was tested in wind tunnel. The following parts contain own design of the optimal geometry, design of the computional mesh with its numerical solution and results evaluation.

    Aplication for information support ERP implementation projects

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    This thesis first presents the importance of an ERP system for an individual company. The most common modules of this type of system and the process of their implementation within a company are then described. Because an implementation project may be very extensive and demanding, this thesis presents an application that supports ERP System implementation projects by providing better oversight. The application is accessible on the Internet and, depending on the level of the user, displays different data content on project development. The application stores all project data in one place, enabling management supervision over activities being carried out while ensuring project participants always remain precisely aware of their next task as well as of the deadline by which the task must be completed. In addition, the application stores all meeting minutes and records of other activities. In this way, the application assists in minimizing complications that could arise during project implementation as a result of a project participant not being aware of existing agreements, of his or her responsibilities or of the deadlines by which tasks must be completed