32 research outputs found

    Conditions for Analysis of Native Protein Structures Using Uniform Field Drift Tube Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Characterization of Stable Calibrants for TWIM-MS

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    Determination of collisional cross sections (CCS) by travelling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry (TWIM-MS) requires calibration against standards for which the CCS has been measured previously by drift tube ion mobility mass spectrometry (DTIM-MS). The different extents of collisional activation in TWIM-MS and DTIM-MS can give rise to discrepancies in the CCS of calibrants across the two platforms. Furthermore, the conditions required to ionize and transmit large, folded proteins and assemblies may variably affect the structure of the calibrants and analytes. Stable hetero-oligomeric phospholipase A2 (PDx) and its subunits were characterized as calibrants for TWIM-MS. Conditions for acquisition of native-like TWIM (Synapt G1 HDMS) and DTIM (Agilent 6560 IM-Q-TOF) mass spectra were optimized to ensure the spectra exhibited similar charge state distributions. CCS measurements (DTIM-MS) for ubiquitin, cytochrome c, holo-myoglobin, serum albumin and glutamate dehydrogenase were in good agreement with other recent results determined using this and other DTIM-MS instruments. PDx and its β and γ subunits were stable across a wide range of cone and trap voltages in TWIM-MS and were stable in the presence of organic solvents. The CCS of PDx and its subunits were determined by DTIM-MS and were used as calibrants in determination of CCS of native-like cytochrome c, holo-myoglobin, carbonic anhydrase, serum albumin and haemoglobin in TWIM-MS. The CCS values were in good agreement with those measured by DTIM-MS where available. These experiments demonstrate conditions for analysis of native-like proteins using a commercially available DTIM-MS instrument, characterize robust calibrants for TWIM-MS, and present CCS values determined by DTIM-MS and TWIM-MS for native proteins to add to the current literature database

    Norbornene probes for the study of cysteine oxidation

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    © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Cysteine residues on proteins can react with cellular oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide. While this process is important for scavenging excess reactive oxygen species, the products of this oxidation may also mediate cell signalling. To understand the role of cysteine oxidation in biology, selective probes are required to detect and quantify its occurrence. Cysteine oxidation products such as sulfenic acids are sometimes unstable and therefore short-lived. If such cysteine derivatives are to be analysed, rapid reaction with the probe is required. Here we introduce norbornene derivatives as probes for cysteine oxidation, and demonstrate their ability to trap sulfenic acids. The synthesis of norbornene derivatives containing alkyne or biotin affinity tags are also reported to facilitate the use of these probes in chemical biology and proteomics

    Norbornene probes for the study of cysteine oxidation

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    Cysteine residues on proteins can react with cellular oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide. While this process is important for scavenging excess reactive oxygen species, the products of this oxidation may also mediate cell signalling. To understand the role of cysteine oxidation in biology, selective probes are required to detect and quantify its occurence. Cysteine oxidation products such as sulfenic acids are sometimes unstable and therefore short-lived. If such cysteine derivatives are to be analysed, rapid reaction with the probe is required. Here we introduce norbornene derivatives as probes for cysteine oxidation, and demonstrate their ability to trap sulfenic acids. The synthesis of norbornene derivatives containing alkyne or biotin affinity tags are also reported to facilitate the use of these probes in chemical biology and proteomics

    First Community-Wide, Comparative Cross-Linking Mass Spectrometry Study

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    The number of publications in the field of chemical cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry (XL-MS) to derive constraints for protein three-dimensional structure modeling and to probe protein-protein interactions has increased during the last years. As the technique is now becoming routine for in vitro and in vivo applications in proteomics and structural biology there is a pressing need to define protocols as well as data analysis and reporting formats. Such consensus formats should become accepted in the field and be shown to lead to reproducible results. This first, community-based harmonization study on XL-MS is based on the results of 32 groups participating worldwide. The aim of this paper is to summarize the status quo of XL-MS and to compare and evaluate existing cross-linking strategies. Our study therefore builds the framework for establishing best practice guidelines to conduct cross-linking experiments, perform data analysis, and define reporting formats with the ultimate goal of assisting scientists to generate accurate and reproducible XL-MS results

    Conditions for Analysis of Native Protein Structures Using Uniform Field Drift Tube Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry and Characterization of Stable Calibrants for TWIM-MS

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    Determination of collisional cross sections (CCS) by travelling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry (TWIM-MS) requires calibration against standards for which the CCS has been measured previously by drift tube ion mobility mass spectrometry (DTIM-MS). The different extents of collisional activation in TWIM-MS and DTIM-MS can give rise to discrepancies in the CCS of calibrants across the two platforms. Furthermore, the conditions required to ionize and transmit large, folded proteins and assemblies may variably affect the structure of the calibrants and analytes. Stable hetero-oligomeric phospholipase A2 (PDx) and its subunits were characterized as calibrants for TWIM-MS. Conditions for acquisition of native-like TWIM (Synapt G1 HDMS) and DTIM (Agilent 6560 IM-Q-TOF) mass spectra were optimized to ensure the spectra exhibited similar charge state distributions. CCS measurements (DTIM-MS) for ubiquitin, cytochrome c, holo-myoglobin, serum albumin and glutamate dehydrogenase were in good agreement with other recent results determined using this and other DTIM-MS instruments. PDx and its β and γ subunits were stable across a wide range of cone and trap voltages in TWIM-MS and were stable in the presence of organic solvents. The CCS of PDx and its subunits were determined by DTIM-MS and were used as calibrants in determination of CCS of native-like cytochrome c, holo-myoglobin, carbonic anhydrase, serum albumin and haemoglobin in TWIM-MS. The CCS values were in good agreement with those measured by DTIM-MS where available. These experiments demonstrate conditions for analysis of native-like proteins using a commercially available DTIM-MS instrument, characterize robust calibrants for TWIM-MS, and present CCS values determined by DTIM-MS and TWIM-MS for native proteins to add to the current literature database

    Proteomic Investigation of Cape Cobra (<i>Naja nivea</i>) Venom Reveals First Evidence of Quaternary Protein Structures

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    Naja nivea (N. nivea) is classed as a category one snake by the World Health Organization since its envenomation causes high levels of mortality and disability annually. Despite this, there has been little research into the venom composition of N. nivea, with only one full venom proteome published to date. Our current study separated N. nivea venom using size exclusion chromatography before utilizing a traditional bottom-up proteomics approach to unravel the composition of the venom proteome. As expected by its clinical presentation, N. nivea venom was found to consist mainly of neurotoxins, with three-finger toxins (3FTx), making up 76.01% of the total venom proteome. Additionally, cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISPs), vespryns (VESPs), cobra venom factors (CVFs), 5′-nucleotidases (5′NUCs), nerve growth factors (NGFs), phospholipase A2s (PLA2), acetylcholinesterases (AChEs), Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor (KUN), phosphodiesterases (PDEs), L-amino acid oxidases (LAAOs), hydrolases (HYDs), snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs), and snake venom serine protease (SVSP) toxins were also identified in decreasing order of abundance. Interestingly, contrary to previous reports, we find PLA2 toxins in N. nivea venom. This highlights the importance of repeatedly profiling the venom of the same species to account for intra-species variation. Additionally, we report the first evidence of covalent protein complexes in N. nivea venom, which likely contribute to the potency of this venom

    Structural and mechanistic insights into amyloid‐β and α‐synuclein fibril formation and polyphenol inhibitor efficacy in phospholipid bilayers

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    Under certain cellular conditions, functional proteins undergo misfolding, leading to a transition into oligomers which precede the formation of amyloid fibrils. Misfolding proteins are associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. While the importance of lipid membranes in misfolding and disease aetiology is broadly accepted, the influence of lipid membranes during therapeutic design has been largely overlooked. This study utilized a biophysical approach to provide mechanistic insights into the effects of two lipid membrane systems (anionic and zwitterionic) on the inhibition of amyloid-β 40 and α-synuclein amyloid formation at the monomer, oligomer and fibril level. Large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) were shown to increase fibrillization and largely decrease the effectiveness of two well-known polyphenol fibril inhibitors, (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and resveratrol; however, use of immunoblotting and ion mobility mass spectrometry revealed this occurs through varying mechanisms. Oligomeric populations in particular were differentially affected by LUVs in the presence of resveratrol, an elongation phase inhibitor, compared to EGCG, a nucleation targeted inhibitor. Ion mobility mass spectrometry showed EGCG interacts with or induces more compact forms of monomeric protein typical of off-pathway structures; however, binding is reduced in the presence of LUVs, likely due to partitioning in the membrane environment. Competing effects of the lipids and inhibitor, along with reduced inhibitor binding in the presence of LUVs, provide a mechanistic understanding of decreased inhibitor efficacy in a lipid environment. Together, this study highlights that amyloid inhibitor design may be misguided if effects of lipid membrane composition and architecture are not considered during development.Australian Research Council12 month embargo; first published: 16 July 2021This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Image_2_Exploring the Structural Diversity in Inhibitors of α-Synuclein Amyloidogenic Folding, Aggregation, and Neurotoxicity.TIF

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    <p>Aggregation of α-Synuclein (αS) protein to amyloid fibrils is a neuropathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD). Growing evidence suggests that extracellular αS aggregation plays a pivotal role in neurodegeneration found in PD in addition to the intracellular αS aggregates in Lewy bodies (LB). Here, we identified and compared a diverse set of molecules capable of mitigating protein aggregation and exogenous toxicity of αSA53T, a more aggregation-prone αS mutant found in familial PD. For the first time, we investigated the αS anti-amyloid activity of semi-synthetic flavonoid 2′, 3′, 4′ trihydroxyflavone or 2-D08, which was compared with natural flavones myricetin and transilitin, as well as such structurally diverse polyphenols as honokiol and punicalagin. Additionally, two novel synthetic compounds with a dibenzyl imidazolidine scaffold, Compound 1 and Compound 2, were also investigated as they exhibited favorable binding with αSA53T. All seven compounds inhibited αSA53T aggregation as demonstrated by Thioflavin T fluorescence assays, with modified fibril morphology observed by transmission electron microscopy. Ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) was used to monitor the structural conversion of native αSA53T into amyloidogenic conformations and all seven compounds preserved the native unfolded conformations of αSA53T following 48 h incubation. The presence of each test compound in a 1:2 molar ratio was also shown to inhibit the neurotoxicity of preincubated αSA53T using phaeochromocytoma (PC12) cell viability assays. Among the seven tested compounds 2-D08, honokiol, and the synthetic Compound 2 demonstrated the highest inhibition of aggregation, coupled with neuroprotection from preincubated αSA53T in vitro. Molecular docking predicted that all compounds bound near the lysine-rich region of the N-terminus of αSA53T, where the flavonoids and honokiol predominantly interacted with Lys 23. Overall, these findings highlight that (i) restricted vicinal trihydroxylation in the flavone B-ring is more effective in stabilizing the native αS conformations, thus blocking amyloidogenic aggregation, than dihydroxylation aggregation in both A and B-ring, and (ii) honokiol, punicalagin, and the synthetic imidazolidine Compound 2 also inhibit αS amyloidogenic aggregation by stabilizing its native conformations. This diverse set of molecules acting on a singular pathological target with predicted binding to αSA53T in the folding-prone N-terminal region may contribute toward novel drug-design for PD.</p