2,210 research outputs found

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    Emergence of Global Preferential Attachment From Local Interaction

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    Global degree/strength based preferential attachment is widely used as an evolution mechanism of networks. But it is hard to believe that any individual can get global information and shape the network architecture based on it. In this paper, it is found that the global preferential attachment emerges from the local interaction models, including distance-dependent preferential attachment (DDPA) evolving model of weighted networks(M. Li et al, New Journal of Physics 8 (2006) 72), acquaintance network model(J. Davidsen et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 128701) and connecting nearest-neighbor(CNN) model(A. Vazquez, Phys. Rev. E 67 (2003) 056104). For DDPA model and CNN model, the attachment rate depends linearly on the degree or strength, while for acquaintance network model, the dependence follows a sublinear power law. It implies that for the evolution of social networks, local contact could be more fundamental than the presumed global preferential attachment. This is onsistent with the result observed in the evolution of empirical email networks.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Critical Behavior of Coupled q-state Potts Models under Weak Disorder

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    We investigate the effect of weak disorder on different coupled qq-state Potts models with q4q\le 4 using two loops renormalisation group. This study presents new examples of first order transitions driven by randomness. We found that weak disorder makes the models decouple. Therefore, it appears that no relations emerge, at a perturbation level, between the disordered q1×q2q_1\times q_2-state Potts model and the two disordered q1q_1, q2q_2-state Potts models (q1q2q_1\ne q_2), despite their central charges are similar according to recent numerical investigations. Nevertheless, when two qq-state Potts models are considered (q>2q>2), the system remains always driven in a strong coupling regime, violating apparently the Imry-Wortis argument.Comment: 7 pages + 1 PS figure (Latex

    Job satisfaction in College teachers: measurement and study of influential variables

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    [EN] Teachers are the main strategic asset in Universities. Their knowledge and expertise constitute the core competence of this type of organization. Precisely, through the performance of academic activities (i.e. researching, lecturing, providing services to the local community) they make a substantial contribution to the effectiveness in the functioning of Universities, as well as to their visibility, reputation and prestige in the academic market. Due to the influence of job satisfaction on occupational health and other performance-related variables, systematical measurements of this phenomenon are essential in Universities. In this article, job satisfaction (global and by facets) is measured and low score job attributes are identified in a sample of teachers of an Argentinian Public University. By using statistical techniques (e.g. factor analysis, multiple regression analysis), the influence of socio-demographical and employment condition variables is studied. In this research, authors find that ‘mechanisms by which teachers get access to positions’, ‘perception of justice’ and ‘expectation of promotions’ register the lowest scores. The main variables that seem to significantly explain teacher’s job satisfaction are age and actual position in the hierarchy.[ES] Los docentes representan el principal activo estratégico de las Universidades. Sus conocimientos y expertise constituyen el core-competence de este fenotipo organizacional. Es precisamente a través del desempeño de las actividades académicas (i.e. investigación, enseñanza, extensión) que éstos contribuyen a la efectividad en el funcionamiento de las Universidades, así como a su visibilidad, reputación y prestigio en el mercado académico. Debido a la incidencia probada de la satisfacción laboral sobre la salud ocupacional y otras variables de performance de gran interés para la gestión, resulta relevante su medición y estudio sistemático en las Universidades. En este artículo, se efectúa un relevamiento del nivel de satisfacción (global y por atributos) de una muestra representativa de docentes de una Universidad pública argentina, indagándose en las facetas para las cuales se registran puntajes promedio menores. A su vez, y través del empleo de técnicas estadísticas de análisis multivariado (e.g. análisis factorial, análisis de regresión múltiple), se estudia la incidencia simultánea de un set de variables sociodemográficas y relativas a las condiciones de trabajo en la satisfacción laboral. De esta investigación se obtiene que niveles menores se registran en cuestiones atinentes a los mecanismos de acceso a cargos docentes, percepción de justicia dentro del sistema y perspectivas de movilidad ascendente. Las principales variables predictivas que parecieran explicar de manera significativa la satisfacción laboral de los docentes son su edad y la jerarquía de su cargo.Pujol Cols, LJ. (2016). Satisfacción Laboral en docentes universitarios: medición y estudio de variables influyentes. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 14(2):261-292. doi:10.4995/redu.2016.5974.SWORD26129214

    Datos imprecisos y mapas de distribución: el ejemplo de Phylan semicostatus Mulsant y Rey, 1854 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) en la Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca, Mediterráneo occidental)

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    Distribution maps are key tools for environmental management and biogeographic analyses. However, success in predicting spatial distribution is limited when using noisy presence/absence data sets. Both false absences and presences can be related with local departures from equilibrium (for example, temporary extinctions or unsuccessful colonisations). Moreover, false absences can arise from limited sampling effort. Here we explore an analytical strategy to get additional information on the presence/absence pattern of one target species from the presence/absence of all other species in the community. The logic is simple: the target species should display higher probability of presence at a site if a sample from this site is faunistically very close to the samples from other sites where the species occurs. Therefore, we first model presence/absence of the target species as a function of between-sample faunistic similarity. Second, the observed data for the target species are readjusted as a function of the expected probability of presence: current presences at sites with extreme low probability of presence are interpreted as unstable presences, and are recoded as absences. Seemingly, absences at sites with high probability of presence are interpreted as false absences, and are recoded as presences. In the experimental case presented herein, the recoding procedure is based on the presence/absence of 174 species, covering a broad taxonomic scope (snails, beetles, spiders and isopods). 1 km2 distribution maps of presence/absence of the endemic beetle Phylan semicostatus were modelled from these recoded data. Mapping is done using GARP based on four environmental explanatory variables. These maps seem to be more stable and less prone to fail in predicting presence than those derived directly from the observed data.Los mapas de distribución son herramientas clave para la gestión medioambiental y los análisis biogeográficos. Pero el éxito en las predicciones de distribución espacial es limitado cuando se dispone de datos imprecisos de la presencia/ausencia. Tanto falsas ausencias como falsas presencias pueden estar relacionadas con desviaciones locales del equilibrio (por ejemplo, extinciones temporales o colonizaciones no exitosas). Además, las falsas ausencias pueden surgir de un esfuerzo de muestreo limitado. Aquí se explora una estrategia analítica para obtener información adicional sobre el patron de presencia/ausencia de una especie diana a partir de la presencia/ausencia de otras especies en la comunidad. La logica es simple: la especie diana debería tener una mayor probabilidad de presencia en un punto si una muestra de este punto es faunísticamente muy similar a las muestras de otros puntos donde la especie ha sido detectada. Por tanto, primeros se modela la presencia/ausencia de la especie diana en función de la similaridad faunística entre puntos. En segundo lugar, los datos observados para la especie diana son reajustados en función de la probabilidad esperada de presencia: las presencias observadas en puntos con probabilidad de presencia muy baja son interpretadas como presencias inestables, y recodificadas como ausencias. De manera similar, las ausencias en puntos con probabilidad de presencia muy elevada son interpretadas como falsas ausencias, y recodificadas como presencias. En el caso experimental estudiado, el procedimiento de recodificación esta basado en los datos de presencia/ausencia de 174 especies, abarcando un abanico taxonómico muy amplio (caracoles terrestres, coleópteros, arañas e isópodos). El mapa de distribución de celdas de 1 km2 del coleóptero endémico Phylan semicostatus es modelado a partir de estos datos. El mapa de distribución es elaborado a partir de cuatro variables medioambientales, usando una estrategia analítica basada en algoritmos genéticos (GARP). Los mapas obtenidos con los datos recodificados parecen ser mas estables y menos susceptibles de fallar en sus predicciones que los mapas elaborados directamente con los datos originales

    Ice: a strongly correlated proton system

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    We discuss the problem of proton motion in Hydrogen bond materials with special focus on ice. We show that phenomenological models proposed in the past for the study of ice can be recast in terms of microscopic models in close relationship to the ones used to study the physics of Mott-Hubbard insulators. We discuss the physics of the paramagnetic phase of ice at 1/4 filling (neutral ice) and its mapping to a transverse field Ising model and also to a gauge theory in two and three dimensions. We show that H3O+ and HO- ions can be either in a confined or deconfined phase. We obtain the phase diagram of the problem as a function of temperature T and proton hopping energy t and find that there are two phases: an ordered insulating phase which results from an order-by-disorder mechanism induced by quantum fluctuations, and a disordered incoherent metallic phase (or plasma). We also discuss the problem of decoherence in the proton motion introduced by the lattice vibrations (phonons) and its effect on the phase diagram. Finally, we suggest that the transition from ice-Ih to ice-XI observed experimentally in doped ice is the confining-deconfining transition of our phase diagram.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Weak Randomness for large q-State Potts models in Two Dimensions

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    We have studied the effect of weak randomness on q-state Potts models for q > 4 by measuring the central charges of these models using transfer matrix methods. We obtain a set of new values for the central charges and then show that some of these values are related to one another by a factorization law.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, no figure

    Markov model and markers of small cell lung cancer: assessing the influence of reversible serum NSE, CYFRA 21-1 and TPS levels on prognosis

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    High serum NSE and advanced tumour stage are well-known negative prognostic determinants of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) when observed at presentation. However, such variables are reversible disease indicators as they can change during the course of therapy. The relationship between risk of death and marker level and disease state during treatment of SCLC chemotherapy is not known. A total of 52 patients with SCLC were followed during cisplatin-based chemotherapy (the median number of tumour status and marker level assessments was 4). The time-homogeneous Markov model was used in order to analyse separately the prognostic significance of change in the state of the serum marker level (NSE, CYFRA 21-1, TPS) or the change in tumour status. In this model, transition rate intensities were analysed according to three different states: alive with low marker level (state 0), alive with high marker level (state 1) and dead (absorbing state). The model analysing NSE levels showed that the mean time to move out of state ‘high marker level’ was short (123 days). There was a 44% probability of the opposite reversible state ‘low marker level’ being reached, which demonstrated the reversible property of the state ‘high marker level’. The relative risk of death from this state ‘high marker level’ was about 2.24 times greater in comparison with that of state 0 ‘low marker level’ (Wald's test; P < 0.01). For patients in state ‘high marker level’ at time of sampling, the probability of death increased dramatically, a transition explaining the rapid decrease in the probability of remaining stationary at this state. However, a non-nil probability to change from state 1 ‘high marker level’ to the opposite transient level, state 0 ‘low marker level’, was observed suggesting that, however infrequently, patients in state 1 ‘high marker level’ might still return to state 0 ‘low marker level’. Almost similar conclusions can be drawn regarding the three-state model constructed using the tumour response status. For the two cytokeratin markers, the Markov model suggests the lack of a true reversible property of these variables as there was only a very weak probability of a patient returning to state ‘low marker level’ once having entered state ‘high marker level’. In conclusion, The Markov model suggests that the observation of an increase in serum NSE level or a lack of response of the disease at any time during follow-up (according to the homogeneous assumption) was strongly associated with a worse prognosis but that the reversion to a low mortality risk state remains possible. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig