278 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Radular Apparatus in Conoidea (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) as Inferred from a Molecular Phylogeny

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    International audienceThe radular anatomy and evolution of the radular apparatus in predatory marine gastropods, superfamily Conoidea, is reconstructed on the basis of a molecular phylogeny, based on three mitochondrial genes (COI, 12S and 16S) for 101 species. A unique feeding mechanism involving use of individual marginal radular teeth at the proboscis tip for stabbing and envenomation of prey at the proboscis tip appeared at the earliest stages of evolution of the group. The initial major evolutionary event in Conoidea was the divergence to two main branches. One is characterized by mostly hypodermic marginal teeth and absence of an odontophore, while the other possesses a radula with primarily duplex marginal teeth, a strong subradular membrane and retains a fully functional odontophore. The radular types that have previously been considered most ancestral, "prototypic" for the group (flat marginal teeth; multicuspid lateral teeth of Drilliidae; solid recurved teeth of Pseudomelatoma and Duplicaria), were found to be derived conditions. Solid recurved teeth appeared twice, independently, in Conoidea-in Pseudomelatomidae and Terebridae. The Terebridae, the sister group of Turridae, are characterized by very high radular variability, and the transformation of the marginal radular teeth within this single clade repeats the evolution of the radular apparatus across the entire Conoidea

    La « Révolution » ADN

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    La magnitude de la biodiversité. En jaune, ce qui est actuellement décrit, en regard des estimations basses (en orange) et des estimations hautes (en rouge), du nombre d’espèces vivantes sur la Terre (Cl. N. Puillandre). N. Puillandre Les années 1990 ont été marquées, pour les taxonomistes en charge d’inventorier l’ensemble des organismes vivants de la planète, par deux changements majeurs dans leur perception de la biodiversité. Tout d’abord, la découverte de nombreuses espèces nouvelles dan..

    A new lineage of Conoidea (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) revealed by morphological and molecular data

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    International audienceThe hyperdiverse group of venomous Conoidea has eluded attempts to construct a robust and stable classification owing to the absence of a robust and stable phylogenetic framework. New molecular data have greatly enhanced our understanding of conoidean evolution, allowing the construction of a new family-level classification. This expanding framework has also allowed the discovery of several independent lineages that merit recognition at family rank. One of these, based on seven specimens collected over more than 20 years from deep waters off New Caledonia, represents an unique, monotypic lineage closely related to Mitromorphidae, which we here name Bouchetaiidae, fam. nov. This new lineage bears a unique combination of teleoconch, protoconch and anatomical characters previously unknown within the Conoidea, including a translucent, fusiform shell with sculpture of strong axial ribs crossed by spiral cords, a multi-spiral protoconch of only 2.5 whorls with punctate sculpture, hypodermic marginal teeth, and a multi-layered venom bulb with two layers of muscle separated by connective tissue. This unique lineage may represent the sole survivor of a previously more diverse clade, or is simply one of many unique taxa that has arisen among the isolated sea mounts off New Caledonia

    A critical review of Antarctic Conoidea (Neogastropoda)

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    Beyond Conus: Phylogenetic relationships of Conidae based on complete mitochondrial genomes

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    Understanding how the extraordinary taxonomic and ecological diversity of cone snails (Caenogastropoda: Conidae) evolved requires a statistically robust phylogenetic framework, which thus far is not available. While recent molecular phylogenies have been able to distinguish several deep lineages within the family Conidae, including the genera Profundiconus, Californiconus, Conasprella, and Conus (and within this one, several subgenera), phylogenetic relationships among these genera remain elusive. Moreover, the possibility that additional deep lineages may exist within the family is open. Here, we reconstructed with probabilistic methods a molecular phylogeny of Conidae using the newly sequenced complete or nearly complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of the following nine species that represent all main Conidae lineages and potentially new ones: Profundiconus teramachii, Californiconus californicus, Conasprella wakayamaensis, Lilliconus sagei, Pseudolilliconus traillii, Conus (Kalloconus) venulatus, Conus (Lautoconus) ventricosus, Conus (Lautoconus) hybridus, and Conus (Eugeniconus) nobilis. To test the monophyly of the family, we also sequenced the nearly complete mt genomes of the following three species representing closely related conoidean families: Benthomangelia sp. (Mangeliidae), Tomopleura sp. (Borsoniidae), and Glyphostoma sp. (Clathurellidae). All newly sequenced conoidean mt genomes shared a relatively constant gene order with rearrangements limited to tRNA genes. The reconstructed phylogeny recovered with high statistical support the monophyly of Conidae and phylogenetic relationships within the family. The genus Profundiconus was placed as sister to the remaining genera. Within these, a clade including Californiconus and Lilliconus + Pseudolilliconus was the sister group of Conasprella to the exclusion of Conus. The phylogeny included a new lineage whose relative phylogenetic position was unknown (Lilliconus) and uncovered thus far hidden diversity within the family (Pseudolilliconus). Moreover, reconstructed phylogenetic relationships allowed inferring that the peculiar diet of Californiconus based on worms, mollusks, crustaceans and fish is derived, and reinforce the hypothesis that the ancestor of Conidae was a worm hunter. A chronogram was reconstructed under an uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock, which dated the origin of the family shortly after the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (about 59 million years ago) and the divergence among main lineages during the Paleocene and the Eocene (56–30 million years ago).This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation – Spain (CGL2010-18216 and CGL2013-45211-C2-2-P to RZ; BES-2011-051469 to JEU),Peer Reviewe

    The contrasted evolutionary fates of deep-sea chemosynthetic mussels (Bivalvia, Bathymodiolinae)

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    International audienceBathymodiolinae are giant mussels that were discovered at hydrothermal vents and harboring chemosynthetic symbionts. Due to their close phylogenetic relationship with seep species and tiny mussels from organic substrates, it was hypothesized that they gradually evolved from shallow to deeper environments, and specialized in decaying organic remains, then in seeps, and finally colonized deep-sea vents. Here, we present a multigene phylogeny that reveals that most of the genera are polyphyletic and/or paraphyletic. The robustness of the phylogeny allows us to revise the genus-level classification. Organic remains are robustly supported as the ancestral habitat for Bathymodiolinae. However, rather than a single step toward colonization of vents and seeps, recurrent habitat shifts from organic substrates to vents and seeps occurred during evolution, and never the reverse. This new phylogenetic framework challenges the gradualist scenarios from shallow to deep. Mussels from organic remains tolerate a large range of ecological conditions and display a spectacular species diversity contrary to vent mussels, although such habitats are yet underexplored compared to vents and seeps. Overall, our data suggest that for deep-sea mussels, the high specialization to vent habitats provides ecological success in this harsh habitat but also brings the lineage to a kind of evolutionary dead end

    Diversidad críptica en gasterópodos mediterráneos del género Aplus (Neogastropoda: Buccinidae)

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    Northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean gastropods previously ascribed to the buccinid genus Pollia Gray, 1837 are more correctly classified in the genus Aplus de Gregorio, 1885. Using an integrative taxonomy approach combining molecular, morphological and geographic data, we revisit the limits of the extant species in the area, and propose a molecular phylogenetic hypothesis based on 66 specimens from various localities in the Mediterranean Sea, including type localities of some nominal taxa. We used a preliminary morphological inspection, followed by a DNA-barcoding approach to propose species hypotheses, subsequently consolidated using additional data (phylogenetic, geographic and refined morphological data). Seven species hypotheses were eventually retained within our molecularly assayed samples, versus three classical morphologically recognized species. Among these, three correspond to Aplus dorbignyi (Payreaudeau, 1826) with its hitherto unrecognized geographical cognates A. gaillardoti (Puton, 1856) (eastern Mediterranean) and Aplus nodulosus (Bivona Ant., 1832) (Sicily); two closely related, yet considerably divergent, lineages are treated as a single species under Aplus scaber (Locard, 1892); the classically admitted Aplus scacchianus (Philippi, 1844) is confirmed by molecular evidence; Mediterranean populations attributable to Aplus assimilis (Reeve, 1846) may represent either cryptic native populations or an ongoing invasion of the Mediterranean by what was hitherto considered to be a West African species; finally, specimens from the Strait of Gibraltar may represent an undescribed species, but we conservatively refrain from formally introducing it pending the analysis of more material, and it is compared with the similar Aplus campisii (Ardovini, 2014), recently described from Sicily and not assayed molecularly, and Aplus scaber.Los gasterópodos mediterráneos y del Atlántico nordeste previamente asignados al género Pollia Gray, 1837 deben ser más correctamente incluidos en el género Aplus de Gregorio, 1885. Se revisan aquí los límites de las especies recientes de este género en el área estudiada por medio de un enfoque de taxonomía integrativa. En base a ello se propone una hipótesis filogenética basada en 66 ejemplares procedentes de varias localidades del Mediterráneo, incluyendo las localidades tipo de algunos taxones nominales. Primero se realizó una diferenciación morfológica, seguida de la aplicación del marcador molecular COI para proponer las especies a modo de hipótesis, que finalmente fueron validadas con datos adicionales (filogenéticos, geográficos y detalles morfológicos). Como resultado se reconocieron siete especies válidas entre los ejemplares analizados molecularmente, en contraste con las tres especies previamente reconocidas morfológicamente. Tres de ellas corresponden a Aplus dorbignyi (Payreaudeau, 1826) y a sus afines geográficos no reconocidas hasta ahora A. gaillardoti (Puton, 1856) [del Mediterráneo oriental] y Aplus nodulosus (Bivona Ant., 1832) [de Sicilia]; dos linajes estrechamente relacionados, aunque divergentes, son considerados como una misma especie con el nombre de Aplus scaber (Locard, 1892); la especie tradicionalmente admitida Aplus scacchianus (Philippi, 1844) se confirma en base a evidencias moleculares; las poblaciones mediterráneas atribuibles a Aplusas similis (Reeve, 1846) pueden ser crípticas nativas o corresponder a una invasión en curso por parte de esta especie del noroeste africano; finalmente los ejemplares del Estrecho de Gibraltar pueden representar una especie no descrita, pero se ha preferido optar por una posición conservadora y no introducir un nuevo nombre a la espera del estudio de material adicional y compararla con Aplus campisii (Ardovini, 2014), especie descrita recientemente de Sicilia y pendiente de su análisis molecular, y con Aplus scaber

    Correlating Molecular Phylogeny with Venom Apparatus Occurrence in Panamic Auger Snails (Terebridae)

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    Central to the discovery of neuroactive compounds produced by predatory marine snails of the superfamily Conoidea (cone snails, terebrids, and turrids) is identifying those species with a venom apparatus. Previous analyses of western Pacific terebrid specimens has shown that some Terebridae groups have secondarily lost their venom apparatus. In order to efficiently characterize terebrid toxins, it is essential to devise a key for identifying which species have a venom apparatus. The findings presented here integrate molecular phylogeny and the evolution of character traits to infer the presence or absence of the venom apparatus in the Terebridae. Using a combined dataset of 156 western and 33 eastern Pacific terebrid samples, a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on analyses of 16S, COI and 12S mitochondrial genes. The 33 eastern Pacific specimens analyzed represent four different species: Acus strigatus, Terebra argyosia, T. ornata, and T. cf. formosa. Anatomical analysis was congruent with molecular characters, confirming that species included in the clade Acus do not have a venom apparatus, while those in the clade Terebra do. Discovery of the association between terebrid molecular phylogeny and the occurrence of a venom apparatus provides a useful tool for effectively identifying the terebrid lineages that may be investigated for novel pharmacological active neurotoxins, enhancing conservation of this important resource, while providing supplementary information towards understanding terebrid evolutionary diversification

    Venom Diversity and Evolution in the Most Divergent Cone Snail Genus Profundiconus

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    Profundiconus is the most divergent cone snail genus and its unique phylogenetic position, sister to the rest of the family Conidae, makes it a key taxon for examining venom evolution and diversity. Venom gland and foot transcriptomes of Profundiconus cf. vaubani and Profundiconus neocaledonicus were de novo assembled, annotated, and analyzed for differential expression. One hundred and thirty-seven venom components were identified from P. cf. vaubani and 82 from P. neocaledonicus, with only four shared by both species. The majority of the transcript diversity was composed of putative peptides, including conotoxins, profunditoxins, turripeptides, insulin, and prohormone-4. However, there were also a significant percentage of other putative venom components such as chymotrypsin and L-rhamnose-binding lectin. The large majority of conotoxins appeared to be from new gene superfamilies, three of which are highly different from previously reported venom peptide toxins. Their low conotoxin diversity and the type of insulin found suggested that these species, for which no ecological information are available, have a worm or molluscan diet associated with a narrow dietary breadth. Our results indicate that Profundiconus venom is highly distinct from that of other cone snails, and therefore important for examining venom evolution in the Conidae family