37 research outputs found

    From bystanders to upstanders: supporters and key informants for victims of gender violence

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    bstract Scientific literature has presented relevant evidence about the existence of gender violence in science and has evaluated some programs and actions against this problem. Although many researchers have identified the importance of those intervention programs to overcome this harassment, it is still a predominant reality in institutions, surrounded by the law of silence. Emerging lines of research are studying which of those programs are successful in this endeavor, and their transferability to other contexts. This research has analyzed one program: Programme of Women's Dialogic Action (ProWomenDialogue). To gather evidence for expressing whether or not ProWomenDialogue has an impact, and whether it constitutes a successful action against harassment, the SIOR (Social Impact Open Repository) criteria, emerging from the FP7 IMPACT-Project, have been used for the evaluation of this research's social impact. Drawing on SIOR, ProWomenDialogue shows unprecedented transformations in academia through six lines of action. The political impact led to legislation that made compulsory the creation of equality committees and protocols against sexual harassment. Social impact, aligned with SDG 5, inspires the reduction of GBV, while encouraging the career promotion of female researchers. ProWomenDialogue embodies a Successful Action platform against violence, presenting their features as recommendations to be implemented in other settings. Keywords: bystanders; upstanders; social impact; gender violence; isolating gender violenc

    The concept and the name of Isolating Gender Violence

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    In December 2020, the Catalan Parliament approved by unanimity the world’s first legislation of the concept of Isolating Gender Violence (IGV); in 2021, several parliaments are developing their own legislations. The elaboration of this concept and later this name has been a long and dialogic process among diverse scientists, policymakers, governments, parliaments, victims, survivors, social organizations and citizens. Since 2016, CREA (Community of Research on Excellence for All) has developed a process of elaborating the concept of IGV oriented to obtain the scientific, policy and social impact required to make a key contribution to overcoming gender violence. This process was simultaneous to the elaboration by the same researchers of the criteria of policy and societal impact of the EU’s scientific programme of research (Horizon Europe). This paper presents this dialogic research conducted to get the concept and the name IGV and the consequences of this concept along scientific, policy and social impact. The results show that the key for getting the name and the impacts of this scientific robust concept has been three of the main characteristics of the present EU research program Horizon Europe: the priority of social impact, the co-creation of knowledge between scientists and citizens and sustainability

    Second Order of Sexual Harassment - SOSH

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    Gender-based violence cannot be overcome without a wide social support for the victims, which is dramatically limited by the violence against those who take an active stand in favor of survivors. The struggle against sexual violence requires simultaneous actions to protect both the direct victims of sexual harassment and the victims of second order sexual harassment -SOSH-. Although the first definition of SOSH comes from 1990 (Dziech & Weiner, 1990) there has been a lack a research on the issue, despite its social and scientific importance. The objective of this article is two-fold: a) to provide a concept of SOSH useful to present developments for science and society, through identifying specific situations of persons and those with whom they work and have suffered SOSH; b) to disclose the main contributions to face these situations through several social aspects on legal, university, citizenship, media and political perspectives. Using a qualitative methodology we conclude by highlighting the need for developing joint actions of the whole society to identify and legislate the SOSH, while empowering survivors and the ones who support them, in an attempt of eradicating gender-based violence

    The Impact of One Book About Friendship in the Lives of Readers

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    Research shows the benefits quality friendships have throughout humans' lives. Recent scientific literature focuses on social impact. However, the social impact of reading and dialoguing about a book about friendship is not explored. This study aims to analyze the impact of "Creative Friendships" in the lives of participants and their surroundings. Using communicative methodology, based on dialogical co-creation from the start, it includes 30 participants from diverse backgrounds and ages through individual interviews, a focus group and the observation of two dialogic seminars. Results show how reading and discussing the book impacted participants' views of beauty, goodness, truth, and freedom

    I do it, but I decide with whom

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    Social interactions and communication shape the desires and preferences of men and women. While it is true that some men have modified their behavior due to feminist women, the same happened with some women, who changed attraction patterns thanks to new alternative masculinities (NAM). This study examines the latter, focusing on social interactions mediated by language, as a crucial element to impact and change the desires of people. For this purpose, six autobiographical interviews were conducted with women aged 19-39 years, from two different countries and continents, paying attention to the narratives of their sexual-affective relationships. Using the communicative methodology, interactions have been analyzed from verbal communication and nonverbal communication, based on the consequences of the actions rather than intentionality. The results of this study show how dialogic communicative acts with NAMs influenced some women who first defended or justified actions of male perpetrators to later prefer to support female survivors against their perpetrators. Analysis reveals that communicative acts grounded in such language that enacted the desire of NAM for women of solidarity have shaped some memories of women of relationships with dominant traditional masculinities (DTM) and, ultimately, contributed to change their attraction and election patterns

    Acoso Sexual de Segundo Orden - SOSH

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    Gender-based violence cannot be overcome without a wide social support for the victims, which is dramatically limited by the violence against those who take an active stand in favor of survivors. The struggle against sexual violence requires simultaneous actions to protect both the direct victims of sexual harassment and the victims of second order sexual harassment -SOSH-. Although the first definition of SOSH comes from 1990 (Dziech & Weiner, 1990) there has been a lack a research on the issue, despite its social and scientific importance. The objective of this article is two-fold: a) to provide a concept of SOSH useful to present developments for science and society, through identifying specific situations of persons and those with whom they work and have suffered SOSH; b) to disclose the main contributions to face these situations through several social aspects on legal, university, citizenship, media and political perspectives. Using a qualitative methodology we conclude by highlighting the need for developing joint actions of the whole society to identify and legislate the SOSH, while empowering survivors and the ones who support them, in an attempt of eradicating gender-based violence.La violencia de género no puede ser superada sin un amplio apoyo social a las víctimas, que está dramáticamente limitado por la violencia contra quienes toman una postura activa en favor de los sobrevivientes. La lucha contra la violencia de género requiere acciones para proteger tanto a las víctimas directas de acoso sexual como a las víctimas de acoso sexual de segundo orden -SOSH-. Aunque la primera definición de SOSH viene de 1990 (Dziech & Weiner, 1990), ha habido una falta de investigación sobre el tema, a pesar de su importancia social y científica. El objetivo de este artículo es doble: a) proporcionar un concepto de SOSH útil para presentar los avances de la ciencia y la sociedad, a través de la identificación de situaciones específicas de las personas y aquellos con quienes trabajan y han sufrido SOSH; B) revelar las principales aportaciones para hacer frente a estas situaciones a través de diversos aspectos en los ámbitos jurídico, universitario, ciudadano, mediático y político. Utilizando una metodología cualitativa concluimos destacando la necesidad de desarrollar acciones conjuntas de toda la sociedad para identificar y legislar el SOSH, al tiempo que empoderar a los supervivientes y a quienes los apoyan, en un intento de erradicar la violencia de género.

    The concept and the name of Isolating Gender Violence

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    In December 2020, the Catalan Parliament approved by unanimity the world’s first legislation of the concept of Isolating Gender Violence (IGV); in 2021, several parliaments are developing their own legislations. The elaboration of this concept and later this name has been a long and dialogic process among diverse scientists, policymakers, governments, parliaments, victims, survivors, social organizations and citizens. Since 2016, CREA (Community of Research on Excellence for All) has developed a process of elaborating the concept of IGV oriented to obtain the scientific, policy and social impact required to make a key contribution to overcoming gender violence. This process was simultaneous to the elaboration by the same researchers of the criteria of policy and societal impact of the EU’s scientific programme of research (Horizon Europe). This paper presents this dialogic research conducted to get the concept and the name IGV and the consequences of this concept along scientific, policy and social impact. The results show that the key for getting the name and the impacts of this scientific robust concept has been three of the main characteristics of the present EU research program Horizon Europe: the priority of social impact, the co-creation of knowledge between scientists and citizens and sustainability

    Presenting Beauvoir as a feminist neglecting her defense and accusations of pedophilia

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    Recent scientific literature analyzes the increasing citizens’ claim against human references that committed in history racist or sexist aggressions. Although newspapers have clarified that Simone de Beauvoir publicly defended the decriminalization of pedophilia and was condemned and removed from teaching due to her own case, few scientific studies acknowledge it. The scientific literature almost entirely situates her as a reference in feminism, portraying four pillars: 1) she was an example of the struggle for sexual freedom against harassment and abuse; 2) she was an anti-Nazi democrat; 3) she was the creator of modern feminism; 4) current feminists learned feminism from The Second Sex. This paper analyzes to what extent these pillars and the concealment of what she did and defended have been presented to individuals currently working on gender-related issues. The methodology includes an in-depth literature review and 15 communicative interviews with feminists from the second half of the 20th century and from the 21st century trained in different social sciences. Results show that de Beauvoir was presented as one of the main feminist references during most participants’ degrees and that they learned about her anti-feminist actions and standpoints in other academic and non-academic dialogic spaces based on scientific evidence

    Assessing the environmental impacts of three different types of accommodations in Portugal and Spain by using an LCA approach

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    The tourism industry, affected by COVID-19, must reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This study evaluated the environmental impact of three hotels in coastal and mountainous regions of Spain and Portugal using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Data was gathered via surveys in the Greentour tool. Results indicate that the 2-star hotel (focused on cultural-urban tourism) has the highest impacts in most categories, except for CC, FRD, and POF indicators. The 3-star hotel (beach tourism) contributes the most to CC and FRD indicators, while the hostel (nature-religious tourism) has the highest value in the POF indicator. LCA findings reveal that diesel consumption in the hostel and electricity usage in both the 2-star and 3-star hotels are major contributors to environmental impacts across various categories. Overall, evidence suggests that fossil fuel and electricity usage significantly affect tourism activities environmentally. Interestingly, this study highlights that a 2-star hotel can have a higher carbon footprint (CC indicator) compared to a 3-star hotel, challenging the notion that higher star ratings imply lower environmental impact.This research was funded by the INTERREG SUDOE Programme, grant number GREENTOUR: Circular Economy and Sustainable Tourism in Destinations of the SUDOE space (SOE4/P5/E1089)

    Desactivant prejudicis: formació dels futurs i futures professionals per a l'atenció a la diversitat social i cultural.

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    La proposta presentada tenia com a objectiu afavorir que l'alumnat dels graus d'educació assoleixi competències transversals prioritzades per la Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Concretament, promoure el desenvolupament d'aptituds, coneixements i valors que contribuirien a l'adquisició d'un aprenentatge professionalitzador lliure de prejudicis i estereotips cap als grups vulnerables. Per tal de donar resposta a aquests objectius es posaren en pràctica estratègies, metodologies i actuacions docents innovadores en 8 assignatures de tres graus de la Facultat d'Educació de la UB (Mestre en Educació Infantil, Mestre en Educació Primària i Grau d'Educació Social). El disseny i implementació del projecte ha comptat amb la col∙laboració directa de persones que pertanyen a grups vulnerables. Les actuacions realitzades s'han inclòs activitats que han permès a l'alumnat realitzar processos de reflexió de la teoria a la pràctica i de la pràctica a la teoria. Entre les activitats planificades s'han inclòs: estudis de cas, xerrades impartides per persones de col∙lectius vulnerables i per professionals que han desenvolupat actuacions exitoses amb aquesta població i seminaris de lectura crítica d'articles científics relacionats amb la temàtica, entre d'altres. Les evidències sobre l'impacte del projecte, s'han obtingut mitjançant una avaluació orientada a identificar els canvis en les aptituds, coneixements i valors de l'alumnat participant en la iniciativa