7 research outputs found

    An intercomparison of EarthCARE cloud, aerosol, and precipitation retrieval products

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    The objective of the Earth Cloud, Aerosol, and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) mission is to infer attributes of cloud, aerosol, precipitation, and radiation from observations made by four complementary instruments. This requires the development of single-instrument and multiple-instrument (i.e. synergistic) retrieval algorithms that employ measurements made by one, or more, of EarthCARE's cloud-profiling radar (CPR), atmospheric lidar (ATLID), and multi-spectral imager (MSI); its broadband radiometer (BBR) places the retrieved quantities in the context of the surface–atmosphere radiation budget. To facilitate the development and evaluation of ESA's EarthCARE production model prior to launch, sophisticated instrument simulators were developed to produce realistic synthetic EarthCARE measurements for simulated conditions provided by cloud-resolving models. While acknowledging that the physical and radiative representations of cloud, aerosol, and precipitation in the test scenes are based on numerical models, the opportunity to perform detailed evaluations wherein the “truth” is known provides insights into the performance of EarthCARE's instruments and retrieval algorithms. This level of omniscience will not be available for the evaluation of in-flight EarthCARE retrieval products, even during validation activities coordinated with ground-based and airborne measurements. In this study, we compare EarthCARE retrieval products both statistically across all simulated scenes and from a specific time series from a single scene. For ice clouds, it is shown that retrieved profiles of ice water content and effective particle size made by the ATLID-CPR-MSI cloud, aerosols, and precipitation (ACM-CAP) synergistic algorithm are consistently more accurate than those from its single-instrument counterparts. While liquid clouds are often difficult to detect from satellite-borne sensors, especially for multi-layered clouds, ACM-CAP benefits from combined constraints from lidar backscatter, solar radiances, and radar-path-integrated attenuation but still exhibits non-trivial random error. For precipitation retrievals, the CPR cloud and precipitation product (C-CLD) and ACM-CAP have a similar performance when well-constrained by CPR measurements. The greatest differences are in coverage, with ACM-CAP reporting retrievals in the melting layer, and in heavy precipitation, where CPR signals are dominated by multiple scattering and attenuation. Aerosol retrievals from ATLID compensate for a high degree of measurement noise in a number of ways, with the ATLID extinction, backscatter, and depolarisation (A-EBD) product and ACM-CAP demonstrating similar performance. The multi-spectral imager (MSI) cloud optical properties (M-COP) product performs very well for unambiguous cloud layers. Similarly, the MSI aerosol optical thickness (M-AOT) product performs well when radiances are unaffected by cloud, but both products provide little information about vertical profiles of properties. Finally, a summary of the performance of all retrieval products and their random errors is provided

    PROFILERS Programa de análisis y visualización de herramientas hidrológicas

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    The classification of atmospheric hydrometeors and aerosols from the EarthCARE radar and lidar: the A-TC, C-TC and AC-TC products

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    International audienceThe EarthCARE mission aims to probe the Earth's atmosphere by measuring cloud and aerosol profiles using its active instruments, the Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) and Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID). The correct identification of hydrometeors and aerosols from atmospheric profiles is an important step in retrieving the properties of clouds, aerosols and precipitation. Ambiguities in the nature of atmospheric targets can be removed using the synergy of collocated radar and lidar measurements, which is based on the complementary spectral response of radar and lidar relative to atmospheric targets present in the profiles. The instruments are sensitive to different parts of the particle size distribution, and provide independent but overlapping information in optical and microwave wavelengths. ATLID is sensitive to aerosols and small cloud particles and CPR to large ice particles, snowflakes and raindrops. It is therefore possible to better classify atmospheric targets when collocated radar and lidar measurements exist compared to a single instrument. The cloud phase, precipitation and aerosol type within the column sampled by the two instruments can then be identified. ATLID-CPR Target Classification (AC-TC) is the product created for this purpose by combining the ATLID Target Classification (A-TC) and CPR Target Classification (C-TC). AC-TC is crucial for the subsequent synergistic retrieval of cloud, aerosol and precipitation properties. AC-TC builds upon previous target classifications using CloudSat/CALIPSO synergy, while providing richer target classification using the enhanced capabilities of EarthCARE's instruments: CPR's Doppler velocity measurements to distinguish snow and rimed snow from ice clouds, and ATLID's lidar ratio measurements to objectively discrimination between different aerosol species and optically thin ice clouds. In this paper we first describe how the single-instrument A-TC and C-TC products are derived from ATLID and CPR measurements. Then the AC-TC product, which combines the A-TC and C-TC classifications using a synergistic decision matrix, is presented. Simulated EarthCARE observations are used to test the processors generating the target classifications, with results presented using the Halifax scene. Finally, the target classifications are evaluated by quantifying the fractions of ice and snow, liquid clouds, rain and aerosols in the atmosphere that can be successfully identified by each instrument and their synergy. We show that radar-lidar synergy helps better detect ice and snow, with ATLID detecting radiatively-important optically thin cirrus and cloud-tops while CPR penetrates most deep and highly concentrated ice clouds. The detection of rain and drizzle is entirel

    Science Applications of Phased Array Radars

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    Abstract Phased array radars (PARs) are a promising observing technology, at the cusp of being available to the broader meteorological community. PARs offer near-instantaneous sampling of the atmosphere with flexible beam forming, multifunctionality, and low operational and maintenance costs and without mechanical inertia limitations. These PAR features are transformative compared to those offered by our current reflector-based meteorological radars. The integration of PARs into meteorological research has the potential to revolutionize the way we observe the atmosphere. The rate of adoption of PARs in research will depend on many factors, including (i) the need to continue educating the scientific community on the full technical capabilities and trade-offs of PARs through an engaging dialogue with the science and engineering communities and (ii) the need to communicate the breadth of scientific bottlenecks that PARs can overcome in atmospheric measurements and the new research avenues that are now possible using PARs in concert with other measurement systems. The former is the subject of a companion article that focuses on PAR technology while the latter is the objective here.Department of Defense (DoD)Department of Energy (DOE)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)National Science Foundation (NSF