140 research outputs found

    Exploring protandry and pupal size selection for Aedes albopictus sex separation

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    Background: We explored the possibility to improve male/female separation (sexing) in Aedes albopictus by selection of two strains, one toward increasing sex dimorphism and another toward increasing protandry. In the laboratory we selected and crossed small males with large females to exploit dimorphism, and early pupating males with late pupating females to exploit protandry. Results: While selection for enhanced dimorphism was not a profitable character, the selection for enhanced protandry up to F10 produced significant improvement in the time interval between male and female pupation. By collecting the pupae at 24 h from the beginning of pupation, without any sieving operation, we obtained about 28.50% of pupae (calculated in relation to the estimated initial number of first instar larvae used), vs 26.49% we had in the control strain, and, more interestingly, when checking the sex ratio of these pupae we observed a presence of females of 0.92% vs 23.02% in the control strain. We also modified our egg hatching protocol from the previous standard procedure that required keeping the eggs in the glass hatching container overnight (for about 14-16 h) to a new protocol where eggs are kept in the hatching container for 4 h in order to obtain more synchronized larvae. This was possible without any reduction in the egg hatching rate. Conclusions: In Aedes albopictus it is possible to develop hyper-protandric strains useful to produce male pupae without applying other sexing systems. This represents a considerable achievement assisting the Sterile Insect Technique application, allowing improvement of the current sexing method based on mechanical separation. More investigations are under way in order to further enhance the male productivity capacity of the strain and to determine whether the selection has any impact on the male fitness parameters

    Cannibalism in temporary waters. Simulations and laboratory experiments revealed the role of spatial shape in the mosquito Aedes albopictus

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    Cannibalism is a commonly observed phenomenon in arthropod species having relevant consequences for population dynamics and individual fitness. It is a context-dependent behaviour and an understanding of the factors affecting cannibalism rate is crucial to highlight its ecological relevance. In mosquitoes, cannibalism between larval stages has been widely documented, and the role of density, food availability and length of contact between individuals also ascertained. However, although mosquitoes can develop in temporary water habitats with very heterogeneous topologies, the role of the site shape where cannibals and victims co-occur has been instead overlooked. In this paper, we investigated this issue by using a simulation approach and laboratory cannibalism experiments between old (third- and fourth-instars) and young (first-instar) larvae of the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus. Three virtual spaces with different shapes were simulated and the number of larval encounters was estimated in each one to assess whether the spatial shape affected the number of encounters between cannibal and victims. Then, experimental trials in containers with similar shapes to those used in the simulations were performed, and the cannibalism rate was estimated at 24 and 48h. Our results showed that the spatial shape plays a role on cannibalism interactions, affecting the number of encounters between individuals. Indeed, in the experimental trials performed, we observed the highest cannibalism rate in the container with the highest number of encounters predicted by the simulations. Interestingly, we found also that spatial shape can affect cannibalism not only by affecting the number of encounters, but also the number of encounters ªfavorableº for cannibalistic events. Temporary waters are inhabited by several species other than mosquitoes. Our results, showing an influence of the spatial shape on cannibalism in Ae. albopictus larvae, add a new critical factor to those affecting ecological interactions in these habitats

    Mass rearing of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT)

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    Dal 1999 presso il laboratorio del Centro Agricoltura Ambiente “G. Nicoli” a Crevalcore (BO) è in corso una sperimentazione finalizzata a verificare la possibilità di attuare la tecnica del maschio sterile (SIT) in Italia contro Aedes albopictus. Alcuni aspetti per migliorare l’efficienza di questa struttura pilota, oggetto della presente ricerca, sono stati: 1) studio degli effetti di determinati costituenti della dieta larvale a) sullo sviluppo larvale stesso, per individuare intervalli limite di densità larvale e di concentrazione di cibo in cui è possibile lo sviluppo di tale specie, e b) sulla qualità dei maschi adulti ottenuti; 2) la valutazione di attrezzatura per l’allevamento massale e 3) la possibilità di migliorare la dieta larvale mediante integrazione di carboidrati. Dalle prove di valutazione della dieta larvale si è potuto osservare che, per quanto riguarda i parametri larvali, le due diete denominate “IAEA” (1 e 2) sono risultate più efficaci rispetto alla dieta standard “CAA”. Tali diete sono perciò da preferirsi nel loro possibile impiego in biofabbriche per l’allevamento massale. Le prove condotte sugli adulti allevati con le diverse diete hanno suggerito la necessità di valutare una possibile integrazione di componenti per migliorarne la longevità. Risulta altresì opportuno continuare la ricerca per ottimizzare la dieta larvale così da ottenere maschi di elevata qualità. Grazie ai risultati ottenuti dalle prove per valutare l’impiego di attrezzatura massale (vassoi di grandi dimensioni e carrello) si è potuto definire un modello per l’allevamento di Ae. albopictus con parametri standardizzati di densità larvale, dose di dieta, temperatura dell’acqua di allevamento, percentuale di maschi passati al setacciamento e rendimento di allevamento. Prove future saranno necessarie per testare altri componenti della dieta ricchi in carboidrati, quali saccarosio, da aggiungere alla dieta larvale per migliorare le qualità degli adulti ottenuti senza provocare effetti negativi sui parametri dello sviluppo larvale.Since 1999 the Centro Agricoltura Ambiente “G. Nicoli” in Crevalcore (BO) has been conducting research to evaluate the application of the sterile insect technique (SIT) together with other existing control methods to suppress Ae. albopictus. Some aspects to improve the efficiency of this pilot facility, object of the present research, were: 1) study of the effects of certain constituents of the larval diet a) on larval development, in order to determine the boundary conditions of larval density and concentration of food in which the development of such species is possible, and b) on the quality of adult males obtained; 2) the evaluation of equipment for the mass rearing and 3) the possibility of improving the larval diet by integration of carbohydrates. From the experiments on the larval diet it has been observed that, as regards larval development, the two "IAEA" diets were more effective than the "CAA" standard diet. Such diets are therefore to be preferred in their possible use for the mass rearing of Ae. albopictus. The tests carried out on the adults reared on the different diets have suggested the need to evaluate a possible integration with components to improve longevity. It is also appropriate to continue the research for the optimization of larval diet as a key factor for obtaining high-quality males. From the results achieved by testing the use of mass rearing equipment (large trays and rack) it was possible to define a model for the breeding of Ae. albopictus with standardized parameters of larval density, amount of diet, water temperature, percentage of males passed to the sieving and productivity. Future trials will be necessary to test other components rich in carbohydrates, such as sucrose, to be added to the larval diet to improve the quality of the adults without causing negative effects on larval development

    Photoredox Allylation Reactions Mediated by Bismuth in Aqueous Conditions

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    Organometallic allylic reagents are widely used in the construction of C−C bonds by Barbier-type reactions. In this communication, we have described a photoredox Barbier allylation of aldehydes mediated by bismuth, in absence of other metals as co-reductants. Mild reaction conditions, tolerance of oxygen, and use of aqueous solvent make this photoredox methodology attractive for green and sustainable synthesis of homoallylic alcohols

    Aedes albopictus Sterile Male Production: Influence of Strains, Larval Diet and Mechanical Sexing Tools

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    The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a biologically based method of pest control, which relies on the mass production, sterilization, and release of sterile males of the target species. Since females can transmit viruses, it is important to develop a mass rearing system to produce a large number of males with a low presence of females. We evaluated the effects of different strains, larval diets and sexing tools on male productivity and residual female presence for the application of SIT against Aedes albopictus. Strains coming from Italy, Germany, Greece, and Montenegro, with different levels of colonization, were reared with three larval diets: IAEA-BY, BLP-B and SLP-BY. Developed pupae were sexed using two different mechanical methods: sieve or Fay-Morlan separator. The results proved that adoption of the Fay-Morlan separator increased the productivity and limited the female presence. The IAEA-BY diet showed the lowest female contamination. Strains with a high number of breeding generations showed a decreased productivity and an increased female presence. Increased female presence was found only in extensively reared strains and only when the sorting operation was conducted with sieves. We hypothesize that extensive colonization may determine a size reduction which limits the sexing tool efficiency itself

    Effect of 2 sex-sorting time schedules on SIT facility management

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    Improvements are needed in mosquito mass-rearing to effectively implement the sterile insect technique (SIT). However, managing this technique is challenging and resource intensive. SIT relies on mass rearing, sterilization, and release of adult males to reduce field populations. Maintaining an acceptable level of female presence, who can transmit viruses through biting, is crucial. Females are also essential for facility sustainability. Sex sorting plays a vital role in the production process, and our current mechanical sorting approach aims to obtain a high number of adult males with minimal female contamination within 24 h of pupation. Utilizing protandry helps control female contamination. While the 24-h sorting period achieves desired contamination levels, it may not yield enough females to sustain breeding lines, leading to increased labor costs that impact project sustainability. By delaying the sorting procedure to 48 h, we obtained sufficient females to sustain breeding lines, achieving a balance between male production and female contamination using the automatic version of the Fay-Morlan device as the sorting tool

    Identification and Detection of a Novel Point Mutation in the Chitin Synthase Gene of Culex Pipiens Associated With Diflubenzuron Resistance

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    Diflubenzuron (DFB) is one of the most used insecticides in mosquito larval control including that of Culex pipiens, the proven vector of the recent West Nile Virus epidemics in Europe. Two mutations (I1043L and I1043M) in the chitin synthase (CHS) putative binding site of DFB have been previously reported in Cx. pipiens from Italy and associated with high levels of resistance against this larvicide

    Efficiency of Three Diets for Larval Development in Mass Rearing Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    A fundamental step in establishing a mass production system is the development of a larval diet that promotes high adult performance at a reasonable cost. To identify a suitable larval diet for Aedes albopictus (Skuse), three diets were compared: a standard laboratory diet used at the Centro Agricoltura Ambiente, Italy (CAA) and two diets developed specifically for mosquito mass rearing at the FAO/IAEA Laboratory, Austria. The two IAEA diets, without affecting survival to the pupal stage, resulted in a shorter time to pupation and to emergence when compared with the CAA diet. At 24 h from pupation onset, 50 and 90% of the male pupae produced on the CAA and IAEA diets, respectively, had formed and could be collected. The diet received during the larval stage affected the longevity of adult males with access to water only, with best results observed when using the CAA larval diet. However, similar longevity among diet treatments was observed when males were supplied with sucrose solution. No differences were observed in the effects of larval diet on adult male size or female fecundity and fertility. Considering these results, along with the relative costs of the three diets, the IAEA 2 diet is found to be the preferred choice for mass rearing of Aedes albopictus, particularly if a sugar meal can be given to adult males before release, to ensure their teneral reserves are sufficient for survival, dispersal, and mating in the field

    The Study Protocol for the LINC (LUCAS in Cardiac Arrest) Study: a study comparing conventional adult out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation with a concept with mechanical chest compressions and simultaneous defibrillation

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    BACKGROUND: The LUCAS™ device delivers mechanical chest compressions that have been shown in experimental studies to improve perfusion pressures to the brain and heart as well as augmenting cerebral blood flow and end tidal CO(2,) compared with results from standard manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Two randomised pilot studies in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients have not shown improved outcome when compared with manual CPR. There remains evidence from small case series that the device can be potentially beneficial compared with manual chest compressions in specific situations. This multicentre study is designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of mechanical chest compressions with the LUCAS™ device whilst allowing defibrillation during on-going CPR, and comparing the results with those of conventional resuscitation. METHODS/DESIGN: This article describes the design and protocol of the LINC-study which is a randomised controlled multicentre study of 2500 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients. The study has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00609778?term=LINC&rank=1). RESULTS: Primary endpoint is four-hour survival after successful restoration of spontaneous circulation. The safety aspect is being evaluated by post mortem examinations in 300 patients that may reflect injuries from CPR. CONCLUSION: This large multicentre study will contribute to the evaluation of mechanical chest compression in CPR and specifically to the efficacy and safety of the LUCAS™ device when used in association with defibrillation during on-going CPR