87 research outputs found

    Carlos Manuel Varela and the Role of Memory in Covert Resistance

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    This essay analyzes the use of memory as covert resistance to political repression in two dramas by the Uruguayan playwright Carlos Manuel Varela: Alfonso y Clotilde (1980) and Interrogatorio en Elsinore (1983). Written during Uruguay’s period of dictatorship, 1973-84, the dramas suggest several ways in which memory may be employed in the service of resistance: 1) as a covert weapon in a struggle to create an alternative reality 2) as a spur to action 3) as a guide to ethical behavior and 4) as a performance that encodes, repeats, and reinvigorates the alternative reality. The theoretical work of Pierre Nora, Michel de Certeau, and Joseph Roach help us understand theatre such as Varela’s as a site of memory, in which communal history is formed by the interplay between performers and spectators. (AEP

    Early Stages of Massive Star Formation at High Spatial Resolution

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    Massive star formation takes place under harsh observational conditions; as time passes, the already formed stars produce an ionised region and dissipate the surrounding molecular cloud, becoming accessible in the NIR. For this reason one of the earliest phases to observationally study massive stars is the UCHII-region phase. This thesis investigates the ionising stars and kinematics of UCHII regions at high spatial and spectral resolution. NIR-polarimetric maps of the reflection nebula that are generally found around these objects are used to rule out the presence of deeply embedded companions of a Young Stellar Object (S106) and to identify multiplicity in the main illuminating sources (also candidates to be the ionising sources) inside G77.96-0.01. This last result could also explain the relationship between some UCHIIs and their detected extended halos. An extensive analysis of a complex UCHII (G61.48+0.09) shows the problem of completeness of the detected stellar content in the NIR, and thanks to a K-band polarimetric map, the internal ionisation model for the smaller component is predicted and the corresponding stellar counterpart is detected at 3.5 (mu)m. The spectral energy distribution and the presence of Br(gamma) emission in the stellar spectra translates into the possible presence of a supergiant as part of the population inside this UCHII. The confirmation of the existence of evolved stars in these objects is an evidence of longer lifetimes than expected by the simple expansion of the Strömgren sphere. Finally the study of the kinematical structure of G5.89-0.39, the paradigm of shell-type UCHII and most massive outflow of the Galaxy, reveals that the confirmed shocked molecular hydrogen emission is compatible with a north-south orientation of the outflow, whereas the ionised material seems to trace a secondary outflow structure and therefore a possible secondary star inside G5.89-0.39. The short dynamical age derived for this object (<10^3 yr) confirms that the source/sources driving this outflow must also be in an early evolutionary stage

    The effect of the crisis on the economic federative situation and evolution of sports results in Spain

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    Sports federations are the great promoters of sport at the national level. Their public-private structure requires them to maintain a strong relationship with the public administration. That is why the economic situation of a country, as well as the sports support policy, significantly influence the structure, projects and sports results obtained. This work shows the evolution of public funding in the Spanish federative sport, as well as the evolution of the medals obtained in the Olympic Games held in the period 2008-2017

    The effect of the crisis on the economic federative situation and evolution of sports results in Spain

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    Sports federations are the great promoters of sport at the national level. Their public-private structure requires them to maintain a strong relationship with the public administration. That is why the economic situation of a country, as well as the sports support policy, significantly influence the structure, projects and sports results obtained. This work shows the evolution of public funding in the Spanish federative sport, as well as the evolution of the medals obtained in the Olympic Games held in the period 2008-201

    Salud bucal en ancianos del Hogar de provincial de Sancti Spíritus

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    Fundamento: Las personas de edad avanzada requieren atención estomatológica ajustada a su salud bucal. Objetivo: Describir la salud bucal de los ancianos pertenecientes al Hogar Provincial de Sancti Spíritus. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en el Hogar de ancianos provincial de Sancti Spíritus, entre diciembre de 2019 y agosto 2020. Se seleccionaron 72 ancianos, según criterios de inclusión. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico para estudiar las variables: Enfermedades bucales, factores de riesgo, higiene bucal, nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucal y autopercepción de salud bucal. Resultados: En los ancianos seleccionados predominó la enfermedad periodontal (29.4 %) y la disfunción masticatoria (28.6 %); los factores de riesgo que se observaron fueron la alimentación azucarada (12.8 %) y la diabetes mellitus (12.5 %), la higiene bucal deficiente (58.3 %), el nivel de conocimientos malo (51.4 %) y la autopercepción de salud bucal baja (54.2 %). Conclusiones: La salud bucal de los ancianos estudiados se caracterizó por presentar enfermedad periodontal y disfunción masticatoria en casi la tercera parte, con predominio de la alimentación azucarada y la diabetes mellitus como factores de riesgo y más de la mitad presentó higiene bucal deficiente, nivel de conocimientos malo y baja autopercepción de salud bucal

    Trastornos musculoesqueléticos en odontólogos

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue identificar trastornos musculoesqueléticos en odontólogos de una clínica dental en Hermosillo, Sonora. Material y método. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal y observacional, el muestreo fue no probabilístico y la muestra estuvo constituida por 30 sujetos. Se utilizaron los instrumentos Cuestionario Estandarizado Nórdico y el método Rapid Entire Body Assessment. Resultados. Se obtuvo un nivel de riesgo medio (70%) y con una necesidad de implementar acciones del 70%. Al evaluar la sintomatología de cada zona anatómica, durante la práctica odontológica, se observó un predomino de sintomatología en cuello (70%), región dorsal o lumbar (63,3 %), hombros (46,7%), el lado derecho presenta más alteraciones (36,7%), manos o muñecas (46,7 %) y mayor frecuencia en mano o muñeca derecha (33,3 %), en codos o antebrazos la mayoría señala no tener molestia (90%). Conclusiones. De los trastornos músculo-esqueléticos en odontólogos sobresalen molestias en cuello, región dorsal o lumbar, hombros, manos y muñecas, con mayor alteración en la parte derecha. Desde la enfermería laboral se deben proponer acciones para disminuir el riesg