78 research outputs found
El tobogán como objeto didáctico. El modelo STEAM y la metodología por indagación en Educación Primaria
En este trabajo se aborda un proyecto de aprendizaje STEAM empleando la indagación como metodología de trabajo. Se propone un proyecto interdisciplinar para diseñar el tobogán del patio del colegio. La actividad se orienta a estudiantes de tercer ciclo de la etapa de Educación Primaria. La experiencia pretende un aprendizaje experiencial de conceptos complejos como pueden ser las fuerzas (de contacto y a distancia), la energía (conservación), trabajo, calor y rozamiento. Estos conceptos se incluyen en contenidos curriculares referidos a las áreas de Ciencias Naturales (características y tipos de energía, definición y propósito de las máquinas simples, funcionamiento del plano inclinado como forma de facilitar el trabajo), Matemáticas (procedimientos de medida, análisis de resultados y aplicación de escalas) y Educación Artística (generación de bocetos, maquetas y diseños a través de programas de edición 3D). La actividad se desarrolla con fases cooperativas con un objetivo colaborativo final, y donde se desarrollan actitudes y aptitudes sobre la ciencia a través de fomentar la observación, reflexión, predicción, generalización, argumentación y debate a nivel de grupos de trabajo y grupo clase. Los conceptos trabajados se desarrollan de forma experiencial para el desarrollo de modelos precursores de los fenómenos y dentro de un contexto motivador asociado al diseño de una de las atracciones del parque escolar.<br /
El debate, la búsqueda de información y la exposición oral como herramientas de aprendizaje significativo
Los alumnos de 1º de bachillerato, tanto los que estudian la rama de las ciencias y tecnología como los de letras, cursan la asignatura de cultura científica, dentro de esta nos centramos en el bloque . Este trabajo se basa en el aprendizaje significativo de estos alumnos mediante tres actividades didácticas, los cuales no habían adquirido anteriormente conocimientos sobre este tema en la educación, sino que lo que saben procede de conocimientos erróneos adquiridos en la vida cotidiana, por lo que mediante estas actividades didácticas, se quiere reconducir estos conocimientos y que los alumnos sean capaz de explicar lo que han aprendido, además se podrá llegar a hacer una reflexión sobre está asignatura científica en dos clases de diferentes ámbitos de estudio.<br /
Propuesta didáctica en la asignatura de biología y geología (3ºE.S.O). “Un acercamiento del aparato circulatorio y excretor a las aulas. Proyecto: ¿conoces tu cuerpo?”
Este trabajo de fin de máster pretende abordar una propuesta didáctica para el curso de 3º de la E.S.O, concretamente en la asignatura de biología y geología. Está redactado como memoria de las prácticas realizadas en marzo, abril y mayo del año 2021 en el IES Corona de Aragón, en Zaragoza. La práctica didáctica ha consistido en la impartición del proyecto "¿conoces tu cuerpo?" el cual pretende ser un acercamiento del sistema circulatorio y excretor a los alumnos y su entorno.<br /
Gamificando y otras metodologías activas con moneras, protoctistas, hongos y plantas
Las mitologías activas en el aula deben estar presentes, siendo el alumno el eje principal de las clases. Se propone una propuesta sobre 'los reinos de los seres vivos' para 1º ESO que aborda distintas metodologías para que el alumnado pueda aprender de manera significativa y a través del entretenimiento. <br /
Evaluation of pinnacle reef distribution at shallow subsurface using integrated geophysical methods: a case study from the Upper Kimmerdigian (Spain)
The well exposed outcrops of the upper Kimmeridgian shallow-marine carbonates at Jabaloyas (Iberian Chain, NE Spain) permit the evaluation of geophysical methods for the identification of sedimentary facies. Direct measurement of magnetic susceptibility in facies and detailed grids of magnetometry, electromagnetic multifrequency and ground-penetrating radar (50e500 MHz antennas) have been performed in two study areas where the upper Kimmeridgian rocks are nearly horizontal. Magnetometry indicates negative anomalies in residual magnetic field and vertical magnetic gradient related to reef pinnacles and faults. Electromagnetic data reveal that positive anomalies of apparent conductivity correlate with non-reefal facies. The areal distribution of magnetometry and EM data does not permit the unequivocal identification of pinnacles and faults at the studied area. By contrast, ground penetrating radar profiles and maps of relative reflectivity in two way travel time slices are useful for the identifi- cation of faults (hyperbolic anomalies) and reefal and non-reefal facies (radar facies A and B, respec- tively). The integration of geophysical data, mainly ground penetrating radar, has permitted the 3D reconstruction of reef pinnacles and its tectonic framework
Geophysical characterization of buried active faults: the Concud Fault (Iberian Chain, NE Spain)
The Concud Fault is a ~14-km-long active fault that extends close to Teruel, a city with about 35,000 inhabitants in the Iberian Range (NE Spain). It shows evidence of recurrent activity during Late Pleistocene time, posing a significant seismic hazard in an area of moderate-to-low tectonic rates. A geophysical survey was carried out along the mapped trace of the southern branch of the Concud Fault to evaluate the geophysical signature from the fault and the location of paleoseismic trenches. The survey identified a lineation of inverse magnetic dipoles at residual and vertical magnetic gradient, a local increase in apparent conductivity, and interruptions of the underground sediment structure along GPR profiles. The origin of these anomalies
is due to lateral contrast between both fault blocks and the geophysical signature of Quaternary materials located above and directly south of the fault. The spatial distribution of anomalies was successfully used to locate suitable trench sites and to map non-exposed segments of the fault. The geophysical anomalies are related to the sedimentological characteristics and permeability differences of the deposits and to deformation related to fault activity. The results illustrate the usefulness of geophysics to detect and map non-exposed faults in areas of moderate-to-low tectonic activity where faults are often covered by recent pediments that obscure geological evidence of the most recent earthquakes. The results also highlight the importance of applying multiple geophysical techniques in defining the location of buried faults
Fábrica magnética (ASM) de “mud cracks” fósiles y recientes: ¿fábrica temprana adquirida durante la desecación de sedimentos inconsolidados?
In this work the question about the rock-fabric acquisition in mud rocks
is analyzed in unconsolidated sediments affected by mud cracks. In this work
we study the magnetic fabric (AMS) of three types of fossil and recent mud
cracks in order to determine the applicability of this technique to identify the
early process involved in the rock-fabric acquisition. The obtained results indicate
that the magnetic fabric agrees with a isotropyc process similar to a
radial contraction. It is emphasized the interest of the AMS technique to investigate
the earliest stages of the rock-fabric acquisitionEn este trabajo se analiza la adquisición de la petrofábrica en sedimentos
inconsolidados afectados por fracturación asociada a desecación (mudcracks).
El estudio se desarrolla a partir del análisis de la fábrica magnética
(ASM) de tres tipos de mudcracks fósiles y recientes, con el objetivo de determinar
la aplicabilidad de la técnica a la hora de identificar procesos físicos
tempranos de adquisición de la petrofábrica. Los resultados obtenidos indican
que la fábrica magnética es compatible con un proceso físico isótropo
similar a una contracción radial. Se pone de manifiesto el interés de la técnica
de la ASM en la investigación de los estadios más tempranos de adquisición
de la petrofábric
Ground penetrating radar evaluation of the internal structure of fluvial tufa deposits (Dévanos-Añavieja system, NE Spain): an approach to different scales of heterogeneity
The Quaternary Añavieja-Dévanos tufa system is located in the northern sector of the Iberian Chain. It has been previously tackled by means sedimentological studies focused on the available outcrops and some boreholes. They have permitted the proposal of a sedimentary scenario that fits with a pool-barrage fluvial tufa model. However a better knowledge of the characteristics and internal distribution of the usually non-outcropping pool deposits as well as of its relationship with barrage deposits has not been evaluated in detail yet. Palaeoenvironmental studies on tufas are usually biased because tufas are commonly delicate facies exposed to intense erosion during water level fall stages; for this reason outcrops are usually scarce and very often coincide with the most cemented barrage deposits. In order to analyse the internal characteristics of the tufa deposits under study, but also the lateral correlation among different facies, ground penetrating radar (GPR) has been employed both for the evaluation of its applicability in such kind of environments and to improve, if possible, the sedimentary model using geophysical data in sectors without outcrops. A GPR survey including different antennas ranging from 50 to 500 MHz along different sectors and its comparison with natural outcrops has been carried out. GPR results have permitted to deduce clear differences between pool and barrage deposits and to recognise its internal structure and geometrical relationships. The survey also permitted an approach to different scales of heterogeneities in the radarfacies evaluation by using distinct antennas and therefore, reaching different resolutions and penetrations. The resulting integration from different antennas allows three different attenuant and eight reflective radarfacies to be defined permitting a better approach to the real extension of the pool areas. These results have permitted to decipher the horizontal and vertical facies changes and the identification of a scarcer development of pool deposits than expected in the studied system
Geochemistry of major elements applied to forensic analysis on a clayey soil. Case study and scope analysis
En este trabajo se aborda el análisis de un grupo de muestras procedentes
de suelos arcillosos de una misma parcela de estudio a través del análisis
químico de elementos mayores. El estudio se dimensiona como si de un estudio
forense se tratara en la ubicación de un delito y se valoran las certidumbres
asociadas a este tipo de estudios, comparando con la interpretación habitual
en campos de la geología y su trasposición a estudios de índole legal, pericial
y judicial. Se valora la precisión alcanzada en condiciones óptimas de muestreo,
preparación y uso de técnicas analíticas, y se discute su variabilidad en función
del contexto geológico y edafológico. Estos resultados permiten identificar que,
aunque todas las muestras proceden de una misma zona geográfica y están
muy próximas entre sí, sus contenidos medidos en elementos mayores exhiben
variaciones entre el 2% y el 8%, rangos de precisión razonables en estudios
científicos descriptivos y para este contexto geológico, pero que deben ser
valorados y presentados de forma adecuada en el caso de tratarse de un estudio
forense. Estos datos son analizados posteriormente de forma inversa, para
establecer que la variabilidad de los resultados no permitiría afirmar
taxativamente un origen geográfico comúnIn this work, a group of samples from clayey soils of the same study
area has been analyzed in terms of major elements geochemistry. The study
is designed as a usual forensic analysis with the aim of locating a crime and
where to evaluate the certainties associated with this type of studies. Usual
geological methodologies are evaluated in order to its transposition to
judicial affairs. These results have been obtained at optimal conditions of
sampling and preparation, and where the use of analytical techniques can
be controlled in terms of its geological and edaphological meaning. Results,
even when they have been obtained in the same sampling environment,
show a wide variability in terms of major elements with variations between
2% and 8%. These ranges agree with the intrinsic variability of the analyzed
environment, and within the expected results in a scientific analysis, but they
are not at reasonable ranges of accuracy for a judicial subject. This suggests
that results presentation requires to be submitted in an appropriate manner
at the forensic studies. These data are subsequently analyzed in an inverse
manner, to determine that the variability of the results would not allow
asserting without doubt a common geographical origi
Late Pleistocene–Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Añamaza River valley (Iberian Range, NE Spain): Multidisciplinary approach on the study of carbonate fluvial systems
The uppermost Pleistocene and Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Añamaza river valley (Iberian Range, NE Spain) is deduced using multidisciplinary approach including stratigraphical, mineralogical, palynological, geochemical, geophysical methods and drilling. Main changes were registered in distinct subenvironments of a carbonate fluvial system, including the channelled zone and wetlands in the floodplain. Tufa barrages dominated although pools also existed. Geophysical survey and coring reveal tufa build-ups and pool facies also in the subsoil. Lower water temperature and scarce evaporation are deduced for the Pleistocene fluvial system that progressively changed through the Holocene, with more hydrologically closed areas and higher evaporation influence. A general aggrading evolution during warm stages related with increasing base level and damming due to fast carbonate precipitation, characterised the Holocene. Detrital tufa indicates erosive high-energy floods or colder stages when water level would decrease favouring erosion. 14C and 230Th/234U dating reveal high sedimentation rates and three main discontinuities related with cold episodes: Younger Dryas, middle part of the Holocene Climate Optimum and Iron Age Epoch. During the uppermost Pleistocene tufa growth would be enhanced during warmer episodes as the Bølling/Allerød. In the Younger Dryas scarce vegetation favoured erosion of both, slopes and tufa constructions. Subsequent warmer temperatures during the first part of the Holocene favoured vegetated slopes, enhanced tufa growing (although interrupted in the middle part of the Holocene Climate Optimum), and development of wetlands with riparian vegetation in the floodplain, where either siliciclastics or detrital tufa incoming alternated with low-energy waters stages and mud settling. Progressive decline in tufa is deduced for the upper Holocene but it is not possible to determine whether this, and other palaeoenvironmental changes were related either to climate or increasing human activities. During the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods more oxidizing conditions in the wetlands and increasing erosion prevailed, probably conditioned by human activities. The pollen record shows for the Early Holocene development of Pinus forest with Betula, and expansion of deciduous Quercus, xerophilous and heliophilous grassland. Subsequent increasing moisture supported open forests with deciduous (Quercus, Ulmus, Corylus) and evergreen (Quercus ilex, Pistacia) species. From ca.4000 yrBP, a dominant deciduous Quercus forest with groves of Corylus, Ulmus, Acer, Fagus and Taxus expanded and human activities (grazing) occurred. From 1200 yrBP dry grassland expanded due to intensive land use (agropastoral activities). Almost completely deforested plateaus surround the site today with slopes covered by patchy grass with junipers groves and screeds with little soil
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