18 research outputs found

    Enriqueta Rocher: art and agro-ecology in Trastellaor

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    [EN] The artistic work linked to agro-ecology of the artist and teacher Rocher, as well as the projects that are born from her non-profit association Mandarina Borda, are an engine of dissemination and artistic creation that promotes good agro-ecological practices. Through artistic calls, under the name of Trastellaor, she appeals to creators of any age and nationality who are interested in relating both worlds. In addition, it offers the possibility for those selected to stay in its residence for the creation of the works.[ES] El trabajo artístico vinculado con la agroecología de la artista y docente Rocher, así como los proyectos que nacen desde su asociación sin ánimo de lucro Mandarina Borda, son un motor de difusión y creación artística que fomentan las buenas prácticas agroecológicas. A través de convocatorias artísticas, bajo el nombre de Trastellaor, hace un llamamiento a creadores de cualquier edad y nacionalidad que tengan interés en relacionar ambos mundos. Además, ofrece la posibilidadad a los seleccionados de alojarse en su residencia para la creación de las obras.Puerto-Espinós, C. (2020). Enriqueta Rocher: arte y agroecología en Trastellaor. Revista CROMA. 8(16):28-35. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/176454S283581

    Kidins220 sets the threshold for survival of neural stem cells and progenitors to sustain adult neurogenesis

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    In the adult mammalian brain, neural stem cells (NSCs) located in highly restricted niches sustain the generation of new neurons that integrate into existing circuits. A reduction in adult neurogenesis is linked to ageing and neurodegeneration, whereas dysregulation of proliferation and survival of NSCs have been hypothesized to be at the origin of glioma. Thus, unravelling the molecular underpinnings of the regulated activation that NSCs must undergo to proliferate and generate new progeny is of considerable relevance. Current research has identified cues promoting or restraining NSCs activation. Yet, whether NSCs depend on external signals to survive or if intrinsic factors establish a threshold for sustaining their viability remains elusive, even if this knowledge could involve potential for devising novel therapeutic strategies. Kidins220 (Kinase D-interacting substrate of 220 kDa) is an essential effector of crucial pathways for neuronal survival and differentiation. It is dramatically altered in cancer and in neurological and neurodegenerative disorders, emerging as a regulatory molecule with important functions in human disease. Herein, we discover severe neurogenic deficits and hippocampal-based spatial memory defects accompanied by increased neuroblast death and high loss of newly formed neurons in Kidins220 deficient mice. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that Kidins220-dependent activation of AKT in response to EGF restraints GSK3 activity preventing NSCs apoptosis. We also show that NSCs with Kidins220 can survive with lower concentrations of EGF than the ones lacking this molecule. Hence, Kidins220 levels set a molecular threshold for survival in response to mitogens, allowing adult NSCs growth and expansion. Our study identifies Kidins220 as a key player for sensing the availability of growth factors to sustain adult neurogenesis, uncovering a molecular link that may help paving the way towards neurorepair

    estudos artísticos

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    A Revista Croma procura as intervenções que a arte proporciona, sejam as mais implicadas ou as que provocam posições que contrariam a indiferença e favorecem a cidadania. São propostas de artistas, sobre outros artistas, tendo como foco uma intervenção na comunidade. São propostas mediadoras que posicionam a audiência no interior do discurso, promovendo uma atualização das retóricas críticas contemporâneas. Para uma consciência ambiental, ou estética numa perspetiva educativa, ou de cidadania e responsabilidade social, a arte propõe-se em desafio ao público como um mergulho: o mergulho da arte. É campo para a Cultura Visual no plano da construção, e também campo para a intervenção. Os dezasseis artigos compreendidos nesta edição da Revista Croma são instância e exemplo da intervenção construtiva e assertiva junto das comunidades.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Arte y agricultura: estrategias artísticas para la transición a una agricultura sustentable

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    [ES] La presente investigación se centra en buscar los vínculos entre la práctica artística y la agrícola. Tras el estudio de ambas, se demuestra cómo se apoyan y nutren entre sí. Se realiza una breve revisión histórica de los 10.000 años de agricultura evidenciando cómo ha sido un tema muy relevante en las primeras manifestaciones gráfico-plásticas y el papel que ha ocupado en los movimientos artísticos posteriores hasta centrarnos en el arte contemporáneo. El estudio pretende dar a conocer las posibilidades que ofrece el arte utilizando estrategias artísticas y estéticas para fomentar prácticas agrícolas sustentables. Para ello, se hace uso de una metodología cualitativa y de investigación a través del arte con la elección de un repertorio de proyectos artísticos y su análisis. Finalmente, se eligen cinco casos de estudio actuales donde se trabaja el arte y la agricultura desde diferentes vías de investigación para analizarlos con más profundidad.[CA] La present investigació se centra en buscar els vincles entre la pràctica artística i l'agrícola. Després de l'estudi d'ambdues, es demostra com se secunden i nodreixen entre si. Es realitza una breu revisió històrica dels 10.000 anys d'agricultura evidenciant com ha sigut un tema molt rellevant en les primeres manifestacions gràfic-plàstiques i el paper que ha ocupat en els moviments artístics posteriors fins a centrar-nos en l'art contemporani. L'estudi pretén donar a conéixer les possibilitats que ofereix l'art utilitzant estratègies artístiques i estètiques per a fomentar pràctiques agrícoles sustentables. Per tant, es fa ús d'una metodologia qualitativa i d'investigació a través de l'art amb l'elecció d'un repertori de projectes artístics i la seua anàlisi. Finalment, es trien cinc casos d'estudi actuals on es treballa l'art i l'agricultura des de diferents vies d'investigació per a analitzar-los amb més profunditat.[EN] This research focuses on the relationship between artistic and agricultural practice. After studying both, it shows how they support and nourish each other. A brief historical review of the 10,000 years of agriculture is carried out, showing how it has been a very relevant theme in the first graphic-plastic manifestations and the role it has played in later artistic movements and, more recently, in contemporary art. The study aims to highlight the possibilities offered by art using aesthetic strategies to promote sustainable agricultural practices. In order to do so, qualitative methodologies and art based research are used to analyse a series of art contemporany projects. Finally, five case studies where art and agriculture converge are chosen for an in-depth study.Puerto Espinós, C. (2021). Arte y agricultura: estrategias artísticas para la transición a una agricultura sustentable [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/175569TESI

    Nos vamos de excursión

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    Unidad didáctica del área de matemáticas. Su objetivo es desarrollar la capacidad de planificar una actividad siguiendo todas las fases de su proceso, centrándose en los objetivos del área de matemáticas. Se plantean actividades significativas, motivadoras, aplicables a situaciones de la vida real en las que los alumnos tengan que utilizar estrategias necesarias para su resolución. La unidad se estructura en dos bloques: uno, referente al material del profesor con orientaciones para el desarrollo; y el otro, al del alumno, con actividades.Gobierno de Aragón. Departamento de Educación, Cultura y DeporteAragónDirección General de Política Educativa; Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25, planta 2; 50009 Zaragoza; +34976715416; +34976715496;ES

    Biological Responses in the Blood and Organs of Rats to Intraperitoneal Inoculation of Graphene and Graphene Oxide

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    Background: The discrepancy among the in vivo results found in the literature regarding graphene’s side effects led us to conduct an in vivo study with graphene. Methods: In vivo tests involving intraperitoneal inoculation of graphene and graphene oxide nanosheets in rats were carried out to assess potential changes in the blood and organs after 15 and 30 days. Graphene and graphene oxide nanosheets at a concentration of 4 mg per kilogram were suspended in an aqueous solution of 0.9% NaCl at a 1:1 proportion (graphene or graphene oxide), i.e., 1 mg/mL. Results: Optical microscopy of liver, kidney, spleen, and lung tissues revealed no visible histological changes. However, particle traces were found in the peritoneal cavity. Thirty days after inoculation, blood samples were collected for hematological analysis. The blood analysis showed changes indicating a hepatic inflammatory process. Hematological changes after 30 days consisted of alterations to the red series, including microcytosis or higher mean hemoglobin concentrations. In addition, changes in prothrombin and thromboplastin caused longer coagulation times. Conclusion: This study contributes to further clarifying the possible toxicity of graphene and its potential biomedical applications

    Méthodes et compositions pour le traitement de troubles caractérisés par un dysfonctionnement de KIDINS220 chez un patient

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    [EN] The present invention relates to retromer complex activators and compositions for use in the treatment and/or prevention of neurological and psychiatric disorders characterized by Kidins220 dysfunction in a subject. These disorders may be further characterized by ventriculomegaly and/or excitotoxicity. It also relates to methods for screening a retromer complex activator for use in the treatment and/or prevention of said disorders in a subject.[FR] La présente invention concerne des activateurs de complexes rétromère et des compositions destinés à être utilisés dans le traitement et/ou la prévention de troubles neurologiques et psychiatriques caractérisés par un dysfonctionnement de Kidins220 chez un patient. Ces troubles peuvent en outre être caractérisés par la ventriculomégalie et/ou l'excitotoxicité. L'invention concerne également des procédés de criblage d'un activateur de complexe rétromère destiné à être utilisé dans le traitement et/ou la prévention de ces troubles chez un patient.NoConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica En RedA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Procédés et compositions pour le traitement de troubles caractérisés par un dysfonctionnement de KIDINS220 chez un sujet

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    The present invention relates to retromer complex activators and compositions for use in the treatment and/or prevention of neurological and psychiatric disorders characterized by Kidins220 dysfunction in a subject. These disorders may be further characterized by ventriculomegaly and/or excitotoxicity. It also relates to methods for screening a retromer complex activator for use in the treatment and/or prevention of said disorders in a subject.NoConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red del Área de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED)A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic