5,614 research outputs found

    Complications and outcome of cats with congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts treated with thin film: Thirty-four cases (2008-2017)

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    Background: Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts (CEHPSS) are rare in cats. Outcome after attenuation of CEHPSS with thin film has been described in a small number of cases. Objectives: To describe the clinical presentation, postoperative complications, and outcome of cats treated with thin film to attenuate CEHPSS. Animals: Thirty‐four cats with CEHPSS were identified from the database of 3 institutions over 9 years. Methods: Retrospective study. Medical records were reviewed to identify cats with a diagnosis of a CEHPSS that underwent surgical attenuation. Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts were suspected from clinical signs, clinicopathologic findings, and diagnostic imaging, and confirmed at exploratory laparotomy. Cats treated with thin film band attenuation were included. Postoperative complications and follow‐up were recorded. Results: Complications were recorded in 11 of 34 cats. Deaths related to CEHPSS occurred in 6 of 34; 4 cats did not survive to discharge. Persistent seizures were the cause of death in 4 cats. Seizures were recorded in 8 of 34 cats after surgery; all these cats received preoperative antiepileptic drugs. Serum bile acid concentrations normalized in 25 of 28 of the cats for which data was available. Three cats had persistently increased serum bile acid concentrations and underwent a second exploratory laparotomy. One had a patent shunt, the other 2 had multiple acquired portosystemic shunts. Median follow‐up was 8 months (0.5‐84 months). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts attenuation using thin film in cats carries a good short‐ and mid‐term prognosis if they survive the postoperative period. Seizures were the most common cause of death

    Angiomatosis quística esquelética : a propósito de 1 caso

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    La angiomatosis quística esquelética es una enfermedad rara caracterizada por una afectación multifocal del esqueleto consistente en una proliferación anómala de vasos sanguíneos, linfáticos o ambos y en la que frecuentemente existe afectación de otros tejidos. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 4 años que sufrió una fractura patológica de húmero derecho. Un mapa óseo y una biopsia abierta condujeron al diagnóstico. No se evidenció afectación extraesquelética. Se ha realizado un seguimiento de 19 años en los que sus lesiones han sufrido un curso progresivo. Se revisa la literatura al respecto.Cystic angiomatosis of bone is a rare multicentric skeletal lesión caused by proliferation of blood vessels, lymphatics, or both and often accompanied by angiomatous lesions in other tissues. We report a case of a 4-year-old boy who suffered a pathologic fracture of the right humerus. A bone scan and an open biopsy lead to diagnosis. Visceral involvement was not found. The patient has been followed for 19 years and his lesions have showed progression

    miEAA 2023: updates, new functional microRNA sets and improved enrichment visualizations

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that play a critical role in regulating diverse biological processes. Extracting functional insights from a list of miRNAs is challenging, as each miRNA can potentially interact with hundreds of genes. To address this challenge, we developed miEAA, a flexible and comprehensive miRNA enrichment analysis tool based on direct and indirect miRNA annotation. The latest release of miEAA includes a data warehouse of 19 miRNA repositories, covering 10 different organisms and 139 399 functional categories. We have added information on the cellular context of miRNAs, isomiRs, and high-confidence miRNAs to improve the accuracy of the results. We have also improved the representation of aggregated results, including interactive Upset plots to aid users in understanding the interaction among enriched terms or categories. Finally, we demonstrate the functionality of miEAA in the context of ageing and highlight the importance of carefully considering the miRNA input list. MiEAA is free to use and publicly available at https://www.ccb.uni-saarland.de/mieaa/

    Role of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells as Therapeutic Agents: Potential Mechanisms of Action and Implications in Their Clinical Use

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    Due to the great therapeutic interest that involves the translation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) into clinical practice, they have been widely studied as innovative drugs, in order to treat multiple pathologies. MSC-based cell therapy involves the administration of MSCs either locally or systemically into the receptor body where they can traffic and migrate towards the affected tissue and participate in the process of healing. The therapeutic effects of MSCs compromise of different mechanisms such as the functional integration of differentiated MSCs into diseased host tissue after transplantation, their paracrine support, and their impact on the regulation of both the innate and the acquired immune system. Here, we establish and provide recent advances about the principal mechanisms of action through which MSCs can perform their activity and effect as a therapeutic tool. The purpose of this review is to examine and discuss the MSCs capacity of migration, their paracrine effect, as well as MSC-mediated modifications on immune cell responses.This work was supported by the Fundación Mutua Madrileña (project FMM-AP17196-2019) and by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (FEDER funds, project RTC-2016-5451-1)

    Epifisiólisis femoral proxima: revisión de 44 casos

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    Se revisan 44 niños con 47 epifisiólisis femorales proximales. Veintitrés desplazamientos fueron leves, 18 moderados y 6 severos. Todas las epifisiólisis excepto 1 se trataron quirúrgicamente. En 10 casos se fijó profilácticamente la cadera contralateral. Existió penetración articular por el implante en 17 (30%) de las 56 caderas fijadas. El seguimiento medio ha sido de 56 meses (rango: 3 a 148 meses). Los resultados, según criterios clínicos y radiográficos, han sido excelentes o buenos en el 91% de los deslizamientos leves, el 77% de los moderados y el 33% de los severos. Las complicaciones fueron 2 casos de condrólisis, ambos asociados a penetración articular. En 2 (6%) de los pacientes donde no se realización profiláctica se produjo deslizamiento contralateral. En nuestro estudio los resultados se correlacionan con la cuantía del deslizamiento. No recomendamos la fijación profiláctica contraletal.We review 44 children with 47 slipped capital femoral epiphysis. There were 23 mild slips, 18 moderate, and 6 severe. Operative treatment was performed in all but one of the slips. In 10 cases prophylactic pinning of the contralateral hip was performed. Penetration of the joint by the implant was present in 17 (30%) of the 56 fixed hips. The average follow-up was 56 months (range: 3 to 178 months). The results, according to clinical and rocntgenographic parameters were excellent or good in 91% of mild slips, 77% of moderate and 33% of severe. As complications there were two cases of chondrolysis, both associated with joint penetration. In 2 (6%) patients where prophylactic pinning was not performed, contralateral hip slipping developed. In our study, results correlate with slip severity. We do not recommend prophylactic contralateral pinning

    Luxación tibio astragalina posteromedial sin fractura de maleolos: a propósito de un caso

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    Se describe un caso de luxación tibioastragalina posteromedial abierta sin fractura asociada de maleolos, en un paciente de 28 años. A los dos años del desbridamiento quirúrgico, reducción manual y reparación capsuloligamentosa, el paciente estaba libre de dolor y presentaba una función semejante a la del tobillo contralateral. Se revisa la literatura sobre el tema y se discuten los factores etiopatológicos, complicaciones y principios de tratamiento

    Artritis séptica de rodilla por Streptococcus agalactiae: presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Se describe un caso de artritis séptica de rodilla en un paciente diabético de 69 años. En el momento de la presentación se hallaba sometido a curas locales de una úlcera crónica en el mismo miembro y a antibioterapia oral inespecífica por supuesta infección urinaria. En el cultivo del líquido sinovial se identificó un Streptococcus agalactiae (Estreptococo del grupo B). La infección no remitió con antibioterapia intravenosa electiva e irrigación-aspiración articular repetidas, requiriendo desbridamiento quirúrgico y sinovectomía. A pesar de instaurarse un programa de rehabilitación intensiva la rodilla evolucionó a la rigidez. Se revisa la literatura al respecto, destacando la asociación de artritis por estreptococos del grupo B con pacientes diabéticos portadores de úlceras cutáneas crónicas, así como la potencial gravedad de estas infecciones.This report describes a case of knee septic arthritis in a 69-year-old diabetic patient. At the time of admission he was receiving local treatment for a chronic skin ulcer in the same extremity and inespecific oral antibiotherapy because of an urinary tract infection. Synovial fluid cultures showed a Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus). The infection had no response to specific parenteral antibiotherapy and repeated joint irrigations-aspirations, and therefore surgical desbridement and synovectomy was required. Despite of an intensive rehabilitation program, the affected knee developed ankylosis. In a review of literature, it is remarkable the association between group B streptococcal arthritis and chronic skin ulcers in diabetic patients and the potential severity of these infections