77 research outputs found
Paradigms in fight: laws, science and activism on the open world
Este artículo examina la dinámica del conocimiento científico en el siglo XXI y su relación al sistema legislativo y político. Se analizan brevemente los nuevos agentes en el entramado tecnocientífico como las revistas de impacto, los análisis bibliométricos y se propone que el movimiento conocido como open, abierto, es una reacción contra un entorno cerrado que se vuelve cada vez más contraproducente. Si bien hay instituciones de gran prestigio y asentadas en la comunidad científica que defienden los formatos abiertos, es clara la confrontación que se está produciendo entre conocimiento cerrado y abierto. El futuro resulta difícil de anticipar pero es claro que la retroalimentación entre privado y público es necesaria para el avance de la ciencia. El capitalismo salvaje en la ciencia supone un déficit de democracia para el ciudadano.This paper examines how scientific knowledge is affected in the 21th century, specially in relation to law and politics. The paper considers therefore new agents in that techno-scientific realm such as indexed journals, bibliometric analysis and proposes that open science movement is a reaction against a closed environment because of its counterproductivity. There are well known scientific institutions among scientists going open but it is clear the fight between closed and open science. Future is difficult to say but it is clear that a feedback between private and public is essential for scientific advancement. Turbo capitalism in science implies a lack of democracy for citizens
Smart Grid Challenges Through the Lens of the European General Data Protection Regulation
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was conceived to remove the obstacles to the free movement of personal data while ensuring the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of such data. The Smart Grid has similar features as any privacy-critical system but, in comparison to the engineering of other architectures, has the peculiarity of being the source of energy consumption data. Electricity consumption constitutes an indirect means to infer personal information. This work looks at the Smart Grid from the perspective of the GDPR, which is especially relevant now given the current growth and diversification of the Smart Grid ecosystem. We provide a review of existing works highlighting the importance of energy consumption as valuable personal data as well as an analysis of the established Smart Grid Architecture Model and its main challenges from a legal viewpoint, in particular the challenge of sharing data with third parties.This work is funded by the PDP4E project, H2020 European Project Number: 787034. We would like to thank all PDP4E project partners for their valuable inputs and comments, and Marta Castro and Mikel Vergara for their discussions
Centro de capacitación, producción y ecoturismo, para potenciar el recurso natural agrícola; en el Centro Poblado Santa Clara, distrito Pítipo
El trabajo a presentar es resultado de una estricta línea de investigación cuantitativa en la
línea de arquitectura.
El distrito de Pítipo, lugar analizado para implantar nuestra edificación, presenta puntos en
contra y a favor, por un lado, es el distrito con más producción de maíz a nivel regional, no
obstante, carece de una infraestructura que contribuya en la potencialización de su recurso
natural agrícola (maíz amarillo duro).
Es por ello que el objeto de esta investigación busca contribuir en la potencialización de este
recurso natural agrícola (maíz amarillo duro), a través de un centro de capacitación,
producción y ecoturismo, en la zona de amortiguamiento del centro poblado de Santa Clara,
el cual facilitará la producción del maíz y la de sus derivados, ayudando a incrementar la
economía del poblador, para que este sea el más beneficiado.
Debido al potencial de su recurso natural agrícola (maíz amarillo duro), su ubicación
estratégica por su cercanía al Bosque de Pómac como entorno inmediato y participación con
la riqueza de su paisaje natural, el proyecto a través de su arquitectura, no solo busca
contribuir en la potencialización de su recurso natural agrícola, sino también en la
participación con su entorno inmediato, aportando al turismo del SHBP con la divulgación
de temas propios.
El resultado de este proyecto de investigación demuestra cuán importante es el
desarrollo de centros de producción y capacitación, ubicadas estratégicamente y la
participación que estos deben tener con su entorno generando un impacto positivo en el
Phytoplankton composition in a neritic area of the Balearic Sea (Western Mediterranean)
From September 2000 to September 2001 the concentration of chlorophyll a, and the abundance and composition of the phytoplanktonic community was studied in a neritic station of the Mallorca Channel (Western Mediterranean). Sampling was performed approximately every 12 days. Chlorophyll a concentration and phytoplankton abundance reached maxima of 1.79 mg L2l and 352 cells mL21, respectively. It was a relatively productive period, as a result of the high convective mixing in winter and the prevalence of northern waters during most of the cycle. Phytoplankton proliferations (chlorophyll-a concentration .1 mg L21) were detected in January, February, March and June. Those blooms mainly happened under the influence of northern waters, with the exception of the February proliferation, when mixing conditions were found. During bloom conditions it highlights the presence of coccolithophores as proliferation precursors. During no-bloom situations the phytoplankton community was mainly constituted by nanoplanktonic flagellated forms. The Winter Mixing period was dominated by different groups of nanoflagellates, including coccolithophores, undetermined flagellates and dinoflagellates. However, in the most oligotrophic conditions (from April until November) dinoflagellates were clearly dominant, except in the DCM in summer where diatoms prevailed.Versión del edito
Decline of rootstock-mediated physiological responses in Tempranillo grapevines by prolonged extreme conditions
Agriculture faces many global warming challenges especially in the Mediterranean region. Many strategies have been proposed in viticulture to manage global warming. Rootstocks are among them since they may affect water uptake and the scions performance.The study conducted in La Rioja, Spain, aimed to investigate the impact of different rootstocks (1103P and 161-49C) on the performance of the Tempranillo grapevine scion over a three-day cycles under drought and extreme conditions, specifically during a heatwave in July 2022, with maximum air temperatures up to 40ºC and average daily temperatures of 29.1ºC. The physiological parameters measured included stomatal conductance (gs), photosynthesis (AN), transpiration (E), mid-day (MD), intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) and abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations.The results indicated that water stress treatment significantly affected all physiological parameters throughout the three-day cycle. Interestingly, the rootstocks did not show a significant impact on AN or gs, except for water potential. The rootstock effect on AN and gs was observed during the initial hours of the day on specific days, particularly coinciding with the lowest daytime temperature.Notably, ABA levels were affected by water stress only on the first day of measurement, at the beginning of the heatwave. However, this effect disappeared on subsequent days (195 and 200) when ABA concentrations reached their highest levels. Surprisingly, the rootstocks did not influence ABA levels.Our data suggest that, the physiological effects triggered by the rootstocks in grapevine tend to diminish under prolonged extreme events such as heat waves, high temperatures and water scarcity
Annual variations of major oceanographic and planktonic variables at a neritic station in the Balearic Sea (1993-1994)
Seasonal variations between April 1993 and April 1994 of the major oceanographic parameters, as well as planktonic communities, of a neritic station (at 76 m) in the Balearic Sea are described. Hydrographic sampling shows a typical Western Mediterranean thermic regime, with temperatures ranging from 13.5 to 26.7 °C, and salinity values from 36.7 to 38.1 psu. During six months, a seasonal thermocline at a depth of 20-50 m conditioned all biological distribution. The winter homothermia, with typical Mediterranean waters, triggered a short but in tense fitoplanktonic bloom in the water column (1.11 µg Chl a/l) where the diatoms were most abundant, providing a zooplanktonic peak in March (5 940 indiv/m³). However, a fertilisation process appeared below the thermocline in late spring, when the phytoplankton maximum was found (1.75 µg Chl a/l), producing the highest zooplankton peak in summer (6 192 indiv/m³). Copepods were the most abundant zooplankton (62 %), although during summer other seasonal groups were also very abundant, such as cladocerans and Mollusca larvae. The estimated annual zooplankton average was 1 842 indiv/m³ and 7.34 ± 3.79 mg dry weight/m³. These oceanographic variables' variations over time highlight the short-lived, rapidly developing processes ocurring in the area, whose hydrography has a strong impact on the distribution of planktonic communities. A complex planktonic structure can be seen in this hydrological transition area between the northern and southern waters of the Western Mediterranean.Se describe el patrón de variación temporal de las principales variables oceanográficas entre abril de 1993 y abril de 1994, así como el de las comunidades de fito y zooplancton, en una estación nerítica (a 76 m) al suroeste de la isla de Mallorca. El muestreo hidrográfico permitió observar una distribución del régimen térmico típica del Mediterráneo occidental, siendo un año relativamente cálido con temperaturas que oscilaron entre 13,5 y 26,7 °C, y una salinidad entre 36,7 y 38,2 ups. Una termoclina estacional, entre 20 y 50 m de profundidad, condicionó la producción biológica durante seis meses del año, restringiendo los máximos a las capas más profundas. Durante el invierno, las aguas salinas del norte del Mediterráneo que se registraron en la zona originaron un corto pero importante florecimiento fitoplanctónico (1,11 µg de Cl a/l), lo que condicionó un pico de zooplancton (5 450 indiv/m³) a comienzos de marzo. El máximo valor de fitoplancton, sin embargo, se detectó a finales de la primavera debajo de la termoclina (1,75 µg de Cl a/l), dando lugar al máximo zooplanctónico anual en el periodo estival (6 192 indiv/m³). El grupo de los copépodos fue predominante (62 %) siendo máximo en invierno (98 %) y mínimo en verano (40 %) cuando otros grupos, como cladóceros y larvas de moluscos, aumentaron en número considerablemente. El valor medio se estimó en 1 842 indiv/m³, con una biomasa de 7,34 ± 3,79 mg peso seco/m³. Se pone de manifiesto la importancia de procesos cortos y rápidos en el desarrollo de los picos de abundancia planctónica, resaltando la enorme complejidad estructural de sus comunidades fuertemente influidas por la zona de transición hidrológica en que nos encontramos, entre aguas del norte y sur del Mediterráneo occidental.Instituto Español de Oceanografí
The RADMED monitoring program as a tool for MSFD implementation: toward an ecosystem based approach
In the western Mediterranean Sea, the RADMED
monitoring programme is already conducting several of the
evaluations required under the Marine Strategy Framework
Directive (MFSD) along the Spanish Mediterranean coast.
The different aspects of the ecosystem that are regularly sampled
under this monitoring programme are the physical environment
and the chemical and biological variables of the
water column, together with the planktonic communities,
biomass and structure. Moreover, determinations of some
anthropogenic stressors on the marine environment, such as
contaminants and microplastics, are under development.
Data are managed and stored at the Instituto Español de
Oceanografía (IEO) Data Centre that works under the Sea-
DataNet infrastructure, and are also stored in the IBAMar
database. In combination with remote sensing data, they are
used to address open questions on the ecosystems in the western
Mediterranean Sea.Postprint2,293
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